
  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 258:23:12
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#GetMerry is all about giving you the action steps you need to create healthier, happier, merrier days, weeks, months, years... lives. Each week we'll bring you fun stories (our stories!) and 'lessons' plus we'll invite the occasional EPIC guest to share the mic with us! Let's Get Merry with it!


  • 326: 10 ways to feel less shit

    21/04/2022 Duração: 38min

    In this episode, we chat about ways how you can feel less shit. Something you can do that will change your situation, shift your mood and change how you feel. This episode was inspired by this popular blog post. This is what we spoke aboutJournaling. Getting the stuff out of your head and on paper. Surround yourself with people you love and who unconditionally love you back. Practising gratitude makes a difference. What you focus on grows.Bring creativity into life. You don't need to create something that is beautiful. You can paint for the sake of painting and doodle just for fun.Move your body! This is the ultimate tool to get you out of your head and feel instantly better. Try out our FREE Feel Amazing Pilates Class.Get your sexy butt in nature. Walk outside, sit on the beach, lay on the grass, go barefoot, get grounded. Human touch, hugs and cuddles release oxytocin and serotonin. Go hug someone for 20 seconds and release those love hormones. Put on your favourite tune and have a

  • 325: Does Pilates make your bum smaller?

    14/04/2022 Duração: 38min

    We should call this podcast episode, does Pilates make your bum smaller and other stupid stuff we should all stop Googling. Let’s get this straight, right here and now, your bum is amazing. Just as it is.Small butts, bigger bums, round booty, flat booty. All great bums!No matter what your butt actually looks like, your butt muscles help you do many things!They help you walk, sit, push, and pick stuff up. Strong gluteus medius and gluteus maximus, or what we like to refer as your booty, also help you stand with better posture. Meaning, less back pain and potential back injuries.Ahh, yes there are so many amazing reasons to work your booty, whether it be strength training in the gym with a personal trainer, or Pilates at home with our MerryBody Yoga and Pilates App.We chatted about this topic on our podcast, this is what we spoke about. Beauty ideals are forever changing! Right now, it’s all about that big round booty on a shelf, but let’s throwback to the 1990s when the beauty ideal was flat bum and

  • 324: Does your mindset suck?

    06/04/2022 Duração: 40min

    In this episode, we chat about this month’s theme inside the MerryBody Studio which is MINDSET. And really, this is the theme of each and every one of our podcast episodes in some way or another.In this episode, we’ll take you through some of our major mindset shifts and how we go about them.Stuff we talked about…Our journey from having government jobs that we hated to shifting our mindsets and creating the life that we have right now.Mindset is how we choose to see things. How we perceive our lives.Everything starts from a thought. Our actions, which come from our thoughts, create our future.It’s okay to not be okay. You don’t have to be positive about your situation if there’s really no silver lining and you’re going through hardship. First step is awareness.Self-acceptance and gratitude, for us, have been the most life-changing mindset changes.What you read, what you consume, what you listen to and what you put in front of you make an impact on your life.Surrender is the ultimate mindset too

  • 323: What if the journey is the prize?

    30/03/2022 Duração: 30min

    Sometimes, we focus on the end result without realizing that the journey was actually the magic. It was actually the prize.Stuff we talked about...We live in a goal-orientated world, and anything less than 'the best' is not good enough."Follow your bliss." — Joseph Campbell. In today's age, the obsession with that end goal can be the destroyer of the journey.It's very easy to let your desires take over, stress you out and make you feel that you're not doing enough.It all comes back to acceptance and presence.Find gratitude in the harder moments of your journey.When your goals are creating unhappiness, distress and suffering, then it's time to check in with yourself and remember the important things. Listen to 302: This one mindset shift will help you work towards your goalsThe journey is full of ebbs and flows, dark and light, and your job is to navigate it to the best of your ability. We would love to hear from you. If you have any A-HA moments, questions, comments or feedback about this episode, s

  • 322: How to stop languishing and create more drive

    23/03/2022 Duração: 40min

    We’re excited to dive into the topic of languishing. It was a topic inspired by one of our community members, Steph.Stuff we talked about…The difference between a flourishing mindset and a languishing mindset from a psychologist’s perspective. Listen to Episode 231: Create a flourishing mindset with psychologist Ellen JacksonAt the beginning of COVID lockdown when we were forced to slow down, it was kind of a good thing because we were given permission to do nothing and simply take a rest. Many of us got into this routine of inactivity and used the time to refill up our energy.Overcoming the feeling of languishing involves refinding a purpose to remotivate yourself and then move forward. If you’re feeling stuck, take any step to get you out of the situation you’re in right now. Self-awareness is the key to quickly move out of your languishing feeling. If you can recognize this feeling, you have taken your first step.Get the right kind of help and talk about your struggles with someone you can t

  • 321: Are Facebook photo memories making you feel sad and disappointed?

    16/03/2022 Duração: 41min

    We received a message from someone talking about how triggering Facebook photo memories are. Can you relate? Maybe you see the picture and you see how young and ‘good’ you looked, you think ‘WOW, I looked so good, and I actually thought I was fat’ or something like that. Then you feel sad and disappointed. Then regret. And down you go into that self-criticism loophole.This is because we live in a world of Diet Culture that also (generally) celebrates youth and shuns age. Yay… urghhh not.The good thing is that we are aware of it!For us personally, because we’ve spent the last 5 years working on self-acceptance, we’re no longer triggered by these photos.In this episode, we chat about why we may feel triggered and how we can move through the feelings.Stuff we talked about…Self-acceptance is the most important thing. Accepting ourselves as we are right here right now is easier said than done.Your weight does not equal health. There’s so much more to health than losing weight.How did we overcome the compariso

  • 320: How to have more courage

    09/03/2022 Duração: 30min

    Welcome to Episode 320 of the Get Merry podcast and our first official episode for 2022! It took us a little while to get back into it but here we are!Every month inside MerryBody, we have a collective theme, and it’s something that we’ve been doing since the beginning.Sometimes, because life happens, we can find ourselves going through the motions without adding anything new or learning something different. Having this theme allows us to reflect, to discover something new about ourselves and other people.So, on our 36th month (Happy Birthday, MerryBody!), our theme is COURAGE.So, what is courage and how we can cultivate more of it into our lives?Stuff we talked about…Courage is not a lack of fear and anxiety nor a super mega confidence. It’s, instead, stepping forward regardless of how you’re feeling. It’s taking a step forward, even in the face of adversity, in the face of fear and uncertainty.When we’re going through hard times, knowing that getting through it will build that resilience muscle. You know it

  • 319: Psychologist perspective of before and after photos with Miriam Emad

    11/02/2022 Duração: 34min

    We are back for 2022! YAY! We recorded this late in 2021 and we're so excited for this episode because the amazing Miriam Emad, clinical psychologist, is back on the show! During the episode, she offers insight on the before and after photo trend and how it can be unhealthy for all of us.We've spoken on the podcast and across our social media about how we don't market MerryBody (our Yoga and Pilates App and membership) with before and after photos. And recently, we shared a post about it that got quite a lot of attention. So we asked for Miriam's opinions about this.Stuff we talked about...Comparison is a part of the human being. Jealousy and envy are a very primal part of how we exist in the world. Jealousy is the emotion that tells us there is something to protect which involves noticing our surroundings, sometimes comparing. Envy is the emotion that tells us to strive to attain something.In a way, it's healthy to have some form of comparison, especially if it's objective. For example, hitting a target of f

  • 318: 2021 wrap up

    15/12/2021 Duração: 35min

    This is our last episode for the year 2021. And oh my! We feel like this had been the quickest year we've ever had. It really does feel like the older you get, the quicker time goes.We've had a great year, but there's lots of heaviness, sadness and troubles around the world. And, as we wrap this year up, we reflect on business, our milestones and the biggest takeaways we've had for the year.Stuff we talked about...Hug your friends and family a lot and make the most of the time together. The new MerryBody app was launched in January and our mum started working for us in July this year. The hire Mum goal has been on our goal-list since we started. It took us longer than we wanted, but hey, we did it!November has been our biggest month in the business to date (9 years). We've experienced the importance of planting seeds, watering them and the persistence of showing up. Put the hard work in and you will definitely reap the results in due time.How we allowed joy to be our compass in our business growth. We di

  • 317: Lessons to live intentionally with Kevin Basham

    10/12/2021 Duração: 56min

    In this episode, we have an amazing guest, Kevin Basham, all the way from UK and we’re so excited that he’s back on the show. If you’ve been with us since the beginning, you would have heard from him on Episode 45: How to Succeed When No One Else Believes in You with Kevin Basham. We love him and lately, we’ve been loving his Instagram content on living intentionally while building success.Stuff we talked about…You can live intentionally and put your best foot forward. But ultimately, things happen in the world. So, the belief that when we have these goals and if we don’t achieve them, then we’re a failure. Is so stupid.What success means to Kevin. Success is about the endeavour and the adventure of moving forward and doing something meaningful, whether it’s in business, whether it’s in relationships, whether it’s in finances, health, wealth, etc. It’s in the doing more than the arrival point.What Kevin’s weekly structure looks like and how structure equals freedom. You have to really understand you

  • 316: How to make changes and still accept yourself here and now

    25/11/2021 Duração: 27min

    We've had a big journey with this whole mindset around change, especially change to self, whether it's a body, mindset or a life change. When we first began, it came from a place of "I don't like who I am now so I'm gonna change and then I'll love myself." Then we realized, the only way to love yourself in the future is to love yourself now.In this episode, we're talking about the full circle where, "ok, now I love myself but I also want to change" without going back to the old mindset of not feeling good enough.Stuff we talked about...With the practice of self-acceptance, some people misunderstand it as you're not allowed to change. But really, change is inevitable in life and you are allowed to want to make a change.It's all about the reason why and how you're going to go about the change.We are allowed to desire things and make a change. But, how do we make sure that the journey from A to B is an enjoyable process?When you practice self-acceptance right here right now, the journey toward change is full of

  • 315: What to do when opportunity is not knocking

    18/11/2021 Duração: 31min

    Are you trying to grow your business or get that job promotion and you feel like it's going nowhere? Does it feel like opportunity is going to all those around you? Everyone, except you?We understand, we have been there and we've also been in situations where opportunities are flying left, right and centre. Hear us chat more about opportunities and what to do when it feels like you have none.Stuff we talked about...Sometimes, it can feel like opportunity is not coming your way. But it could be there right in front of you. You might just need to take a step toward it.When you feel like no opportunity is knocking at your door, do a bit more research, approach someone and ask for help. Keep taking those little action steps and trying new things.We don't have to wait for an opportunity. We are the creators of it. Action creates opportunity.If you go and take action out of this episode, tell us about it. We would love to hear from you. If you have any A-HA moments, questions, comments or feedback about this episod

  • 314: How to be more excited about life

    11/11/2021 Duração: 40min

    In this episode, we chat excitement for life... and the lack of it. Recently we've had several people reach out for advice on how to find that zest for life again, how to rediscover that feeling of excitement for the small things and also the big things in life.Stuff we talked about...Feeling excited is a practice. Comparison can be what stops the excitement. Comparing our lives to someone else's life makes you feel crap about your life. Gratitude makes you feel excited for your life.Our three big exciting times within our business journey. Shake it up when you're feeling a lack of joy and excitement. When you're feeling lacklustre. What to do?Replace fear with curiosity. We don't have to dive in headfirst, we just have to dip our toes.If you are looking for excitement, tell us about it. We would love to hear from you. If you have any A-HA moments, questions, comments or feedback about this episode, send us an email at carla@themerrymakersisters.com or emma@themerrymakersisters.com or message u

  • 313: A non-experts guide to the chakras

    04/11/2021 Duração: 01h07min

    We published a new eBook about Yoga and Chakras. You can get your copy over here!We want to first mention that the Chakra System is an ancient philosophy, we are not experts at all. We first heard of the Chakra system through our Yoga practice. Working with the Chakras has helped us feel more self-connection and created more self-awareness. It's also helped us through hard times, mainly through breakups and business troubles. This was a really fun chat, let us know what you think. Stuff we talked about...Yogis mapped out the Nadi or energy lines within the body. The Ancient Chinese called these Chi or the meridian lines.There are about 72,000 Nadi lines and Chakras lie where these Nadi lines cross and intersect the most. Muladhara is at the base of the spine and it's our connection to the Earth. It is grounding and building strong foundations, whether in relationships, job or financial aspects.Svadhisthana is directly linked to sexual health, sexual pleasure, but also pleasure just in life in genera

  • 312: I Am Strong Guided Meditation [from MerryBody Online Studio]

    28/10/2021 Duração: 05min

    This guided meditation: I Am Strong will guide you to create inner strength. Use the mantra, I Am Strong, along with your breath to cultivate this strength from within. Breathe in: I am. Breathe out: Strong.This is just one of the many guided meditations we create every month for our MerryBody Members. Currently, there are over 60 guided meditations and 300 Yoga and Pilates classes to stream and download.If you'd like to check it out, start a free 7 Day Trial over at https://themerrymakersisters.com/merrybody/ See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

  • 311: The more patient you are the faster it will come

    27/10/2021 Duração: 33min

    Over the last week, we've been telling each other to be more patient, right now we are in the process of selling our investment house, we also started investing in NFTs (non-fungible tokens) and also there is that whole running a business thing! All areas where patience is required. We've been reminding each other that all is coming. So of course, our real-life experiences make the best topic for a Get Merry episode!That feeling of being impatient relates to the whole idea of not being content with where you're, thinking that the grass looks greener on the other side. It's a feeling of excitement with what you're anticipating to happen.But if it is creating anxiety and stress in your present moment, this is where we need to make some mindset shifts.  Stuff we talked about...Allow yourself to actually be in the journey instead of trying to be over there and speed it up. This is all part of the process.When you're focused on the future, you create a feeling of 'stuck' within the present moment.“Impati

  • 310: How to get a bikini body

    20/10/2021 Duração: 22min

    For us in Australia, Summer is coming and it's very exciting! But we also understand if the idea of cooling off at the beach brings you more anxiety than joy. And yes let's all prepare for the marketing like 'Summer Shred' and 'get bikini body ready'. Urgh, insert *eye roll* can we please stop?!We used to feel the anxiety, nowadays we feel differently, from a whole lot of work in the unlearning of the BS (that thinness = beauty) and re-learning of self-acceptance and that beauty comes in every size, also that it's actually the least important aspect of ourselves! We say this bikini body thing is pretty simple.You have your body, put your bikini on it. Tada, you have your bikini body!This podcast episode was inspired by Nikki from Styling You and her recent Swimsuit Guide (it's amazing).Stuff we talked about...How to change the belief that you're not good/thin/smooth enough to wear a bikini.Move past the stories you tell yourself about your body.Enjoy being present, feeling the sun and the sand.Put a bikini on

  • 309: Stop living in your to-do list

    10/10/2021 Duração: 23min

    We’ve had a busy week, lot’s of to-do items to tick off. More than normal! And this leads us perfectly into this week’s topic of living in your to-do list… and why you should try NOT to!Stuff we talked about…Multitasking is a complete lie! Everybody told us that multitasking is a skill we should acquire and that we should have. But really it doesn’t bring any form of productivity to our lives. You can’t possibly put all your attention here and then all your attention there.Check in with your values and the tasks you’re doing. How are you doing the to-dos? Are you present? Are you really stressed out? Are you running around like a headless chicken?We can get so caught up in our to-do list that we forget to actually experience the life that is happening right here right now.In every little thing we do, we can choose how we do it. With joy, presence and gratitude? Or with stress and anxiety?Life is a one-time thing and it’s a choice to experience it rather than rush through it and get to the next thing and then

  • 308: It's time for you to blossom

    29/09/2021 Duração: 32min

    ‘Blossom’ is this month’s theme inside our MerryBody Studio. It feels good to set an intention for the month, it allows self-reflection on a topic where you can dive a little deeper and become self-aware of yourself and what you want from life.Reflect, take a moment to define what it is you want to see blossom in your life. Sometimes we can get so distracted in the doing of life. How about we strip away the task-based life and look more at our to-be list? Who do you want to be? How do you want to live? How we live each day is in turn how we live our lives.Not sure what you want to see blossom? Well, tune in and you might just find it.Stuff we talked about…It’s easy to retract and dull your shine out of fear or what others will think of you. Remember, “you are built not to shrink down to less but to blossom into more.” ~ Oprah Winfrey. We might be going through a hardship, an obstacle or a struggle yet we persist and keep taking action. Then we realize that all these struggles were actually helping u

  • 307: Listen and learn to deal with your stress better

    23/09/2021 Duração: 37min

    In this episode, we give you actionable practices to help you through stressful situations. Speaking of stressful situations, yesterday, Carla got swooped by a full-grown crow that was about 70cm tall (actually more like 45 cm, she exaggerates) while she was walking Chino. Not once, but four times! When she got back to the apartment, it took her about five minutes to finally calm herself down.Stuff we talked about…Sometimes in a stressful situation, it is your mind taking you for a ride. It doesn’t know the difference between what you’re thinking and what is actually happening. We chat about Emma’s nerve-wracking Barre teaching experience.When you think of all the situations that might happen, the mind believes that they’re happening right here right now, and the response is stress… sweaty palms, sweaty everywhere, overwhelm, shortness of breath and raised heart rate. This is a reminder that our thoughts are very powerful when it comes to stress.Bring awareness to the breath. Breathe in and out through t

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