Streetwise Hebrew

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 68:06:53
  • Mais informações



A bite-size podcast showcasing modern Hebrew and its slang. Host Guy Sharett explains what we can learn about Israeli psyche, society, and culture through the Hebrew language.


  • #351 Pull Over!

    30/11/2021 Duração: 07min

    In Hebrew, עצור means stop!, imperative. When driving in Israel, if you suddenly hear עצור בצד (atsor ba-tsad) blaring from a loudspeaker, you better know what to do. Guy explains. Listen to the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: Tamrur atsor – Stop sign – תמרור עצור Tamrur – Road sign – תמרור Ktov – Write! (Imp. m.) – כתוב “Atsor ba-tsad” – Pull over to the side – עצור בצד “Volkswagen atsor ba-tsad – Volkswagen, stop on the side – פולקסווגן עצור בצד Atsor li po vaksha’ – Please stop so that I can get off here – עצור לי פה (ב)בקשה Lo tsarich laatsor lefanav – No need to stop in front of it – לא צריך לעצור לפניו Laatsor – To stop – לעצור Otsrim – Stopping – עוצרים Atsor, atsor, atsor, rega, lo hevanti – Stop stop stop, I didn’t get it – עצור, עצור, עצור, רגע, לא הבנתי Taatsru et ha-olam, ani rotse laredet – Stop the world, I want to get off – תעצרו את העולם, אני רוצה לרדת Atsru, taatsru – Stop (Imp., pl.) – עצרו, תעצרו Atsri, taatsri – Stop (Imp., f.) – עצרי, תעצרי Laatsor – To arrest,

  • #350 Combating the Evil Eye

    16/11/2021 Duração: 14min

    In Hebrew, עין הרע means the Evil Eye. There are folks here in Israel who perform ceremonies to get rid of עין הרע. On this episode, Guy explains the word רע (ra), and also discusses nasty gossip and the campaign to rid our society of it. As part of our podcast’s 8th birthday celebrations, we are giving all Streetwise Hebrew podcast listeners $50 USD towards Ruben Adery’s full Hebrew pronunciation course. The course consists of 4 modules, 31 high-definition videos, and a bonus vowel audio course with 400+ common daily practice words. Check out the course material and have the $50 discount applied automatically at to Listen to the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: Ro’ah – Evil – רוע Kama ro’ah – So much evil – כמה רוע “Kama ro’ah efshar livlo’a” – How much evil can you swallow – כמה רוע אפשר לבלוע Ro’ah lev – Wickedness – רוע לב Ra, ra-ah – Bad, mean – רע, רעה Yeled ra – Bad boy – ילד רע Ha-yeled ha-ra shel ha-sport ha-israeli – L’enfant terrible, the bad boy of the Isra

  • #349 Who’s A Good Girl?

    02/11/2021 Duração: 11min

    The Hebrew word טוב means good. How would we use טוב when speaking to a well-behaving female dog? How about a male dog? The difference, as it turns out, is more than just changing the feminine/masculine form. And how about the saying, ‘for your own good,’ in Hebrew? There’s a lot of goodness in this episode and Guy explains it all. Listen to the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   As part of our podcast’s 8th birthday celebrations, we are giving all Streetwise Hebrew podcast listeners $50 USD towards Ruben Adery’s full Hebrew pronunciation course. The course consists of 4 modules, 31 high-definition videos, and a bonus vowel audio course with 400+ common daily practice words. Check out the course material and have the $50 discount applied automatically at to   New Words and Expressions: Tov – Good – טוב Tov, ma yihye? – What’s the deal? – טוב, מה נהיה Tovvvvvv – Okaaaaay – טווווווב Ba li eize pizza tova, eize miklachat tova, eize bira tova – I feel like a pizza, shower, beer – בא לי איזה פיצה טובה,

  • #348 Approve My Friend Request

    26/10/2021 Duração: 09min

    The Hebrew word אישור can mean to “green light” a new project. So what does a friend request on social media have to do with it? Guy explains. As part of our podcast’s 8th birthday celebrations, we are giving all Streetwise Hebrew podcast listeners $50 USD towards Ruben Adery’s full Hebrew pronunciation course. The course consists of 4 modules, 31 high-definition videos, and a bonus vowel audio course with 400+ common daily practice words. Check out the course material and have the $50 discount applied automatically at to Listen to the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: Ha-boss noten ishur le-proyekt – The boss gives the green light to start a new project – הבוס נותן אישור לפרוייקט Ishur – Certificate of approval, confirmation – אישור Ishur nihul heshbon – Account management certificate – אישור ניהול חשבון Ishur avoda – Work permit – אישור עבודה Ishur bniya – Construction permit – אישור בנייה Ishurei hagaah – RSVPs for events – אישורי הגעה Pi’el formula: Ledaber-dibbur,

  • #347 “I Didn’t Do Nothing!”

    12/10/2021 Duração: 11min

    Does it make sense to dedicate an entire podcast episode to… nothing? Yes, yes it does! The word כלום, which means “nothing,” often comes in the form of a double negative. Guy explains. As part of our podcast’s 8th birthday celebrations, we are giving all Streetwise Hebrew podcast listeners $50 USD towards Ruben Adery’s full Hebrew pronunciation course. The course consists of 4 modules, 31 high-definition videos, and a bonus vowel audio course with 400+ common daily practice words. Check out the course material and have the $50 discount applied automatically at to Listen to the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: Kloom lo noge’a bi – Nothing touches me – כלום לא נוגע בי Kloom lo kore li – Nothing happens to me – כלום לא קורה לי Kloom lo over oti – Nothing goes through me – כלום לא עובר אותי Kloom lo ta’im me-az she-hu azav – Nothing tastes good since he left – כלום לא טעים מאז שהוא עזב Ein li chuts mimech kloom – I have nothing but you – אין לי חוץ ממך כלום Yesh ochel b

  • #346 Going After Tax Evaders

    05/10/2021 Duração: 10min

    Every so often, Israeli tax authorities launch a public campaign targeting tax evaders. So how do we say in Hebrew evaders, evade, evasion, and other goodies from root עלמ in the hif’il verb format? Guy explains. As part of our podcast’s 8th birthday celebrations, we are giving all Streetwise Hebrew podcast listeners $50 USD towards Ruben Adery’s full Hebrew pronunciation course. The course consists of 4 modules, 31 high-definition videos, and a bonus vowel audio course with 400+ common daily practice words. Check out the course material and have the $50 discount applied automatically at to Listen to the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: Ma’alim – Hiding something, evading – מעלים Ma’alimei mas – Tax evaders – מעלימי מס “Kshe-ata ma’alim mas, ata pog’ea ba-hinuch, ba-bri’ut, ve-ba-bitachon shelanu” – When you evade tax, you harm our education system, our health system and our national security – כשאתה מעלים מס, אתה פוגע בחינוך, בבריאות, ובביטחון שלנו Ma’alim – 1. Evadin

  • #345 Just Ignore It

    28/09/2021 Duração: 10min

    The word נעלם means ‘disappeared’ or ‘is missing.’ In hitpael, the meaning becomes ‘to ignore,’ useful when you need to ignore someone, some thing, or more specifically in our case, dogs. We’ll also cover what to do when you accidentally send someone a text message meant for someone else entirely. As part of our podcast’s 8th birthday celebrations, we are giving all Streetwise Hebrew podcast listeners $50 USD towards Ruben Adery’s full Hebrew pronunciation course. The course consists of 4 modules, 31 high-definition videos, and a bonus vowel audio course with 400+ common daily practice words. Check out the course material and have the $50 discount applied automatically at to Listen to the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: “Gidi ata mit’alem mimeni” – Gidi, you’re ignoring me – גידי, אתה מתעלם ממני Lehit’alem mi-mishehu o mi-mashehu – To ignore someone or something – להתעלם ממישהו או ממשהו Hit’almut mi-klavim – Ignoring dogs – התעלמות מכלבים Hitchadshoot – Regeneration –

  • #344 Anyone Seen My Keys? They’ve Disappeared!

    21/09/2021 Duração: 11min

    The Hebrew word נעלם means ‘disappeared’ or ‘is missing,’ and in order to use it in different contexts, you’ll need to know how to conjugate it. Also, what can science tell us about creating a real cloak of invisibility? Please don’t disappear on us! As part of our podcast’s 8th birthday celebrations, we are giving all Streetwise Hebrew podcast listeners $50 USD towards Ruben Adery’s full Hebrew pronunciation course. The course consists of 4 modules, 31 high-definition videos, and a bonus vowel audio course with 400+ common daily practice words. Check out the course material and have the $50 discount applied automatically at to Listen to the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: Ne’elam li ha-nayad – My phone has disappeared – נעלם לי הנייד Mishu ra’a oto – Has anyone seen it? – מישהו ראה אותו Ne’elma li ha-mitriya – My umbrella disappeared – נעלמה לי המטרייה Ne’elmu li ha-maftechot – I can’t find my keys – נעלמו לי המפתחות Koev li ha-rosh – I have a headache – כואב לי הראש

  • #343 Did I Tell You Where I’m Traveling to This Summer?

    14/09/2021 Duração: 09min

    The Hebrew word נסיעה, which means a ride, drive, or trip, comes in handy in a country like Israel, where it often seems like everyone’s away on a trip or they can’t stop talking about planning their next one. As part of our podcast’s 8th birthday celebrations, we are giving all Streetwise Hebrew podcast listeners $50 USD towards Ruben Adery's full Hebrew pronunciation course. The course consists of 4 modules, 31 high-definition videos, and a bonus vowel audio course with 400+ common daily practice words. Check out the course material and have the $50 discount applied automatically at to Listen to the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: Masa (m.), masa’ot – Journey, journeys – מסע, מסעות Mas’ot ha-tslav – The Crusades – מסעות הצלב Linso’a – To travel – לנסוע Nesi’ah tova – Have a good trip – נסיעה טובה Yesh li nesi’ah me-ha-avoda – I have a work-related trip – יש לי נסיעה מהעבודה Nesi’at asakim – Business trip – נסיעת עסקים Masa asakim – Business trip (archaic) – מסע

  • #342 The Spiritually Enlightened

    24/08/2021 Duração: 09min

    Have you been to an inner-child workshop? If not, I think the universe is trying to tell you something. How does the new age lingo of spiritual enlightenment sound in Hebrew? Listen to the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: Ze lo kara stam’- It didn’t happen just because – זה לא קרה סתם Ruach – Wind, spirit, ghost – רוח Ruchani – Spiritual – רוחני Ruchniki – New agey – רוחניקי Dibur ruchniki – New agey talk – דיבור רוחניקי Ruchnikiyoot – New age-ism – רוחניקיות Ruchnik – New age-ist – רוחניק “Mu’arim be-am” – Enlightened Ltd. – מוארים בע”מ “Ani isha, ani ela” – I am a woman, I am a goddess – אני אישה, אני אלה “Ani kosemet, ani machashefa, ani feia” – I am a magician, I am a witch, I am a fairy – אני קוסמת, אני מכשפה, אני פיה “Ani bidiyuk mesayemet nikuy shel 21 yom” – I am just finishing a 21 day long cleansing – אני בדיוק מסיימת ניקוי של 21 יום Shake-im – Shakes – שייקים “Bli she-tichnanti ze yatsa bul al yom kippur” – Without any foresight, it fell smack on yom kippur – בלי שתכננתי ז

  • #341 Stairway to Heaven

    17/08/2021 Duração: 09min

    These days, it seems as if everything is measured by ratings and rankings. Businesses ask us to rate them even before we’ve left their doors. It’s all a bit too much sometimes. So how do we rank something in Hebrew? Guy explains the root דרג which includes within it the Hebrew words for army rank, escalators and the highest echelons. Listen to the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: Az erkod al madregot ha-rabanut – I’ll dance on the rabbinate stairs – אז ארקוד על מדרגות הרבנות Madrega, madregot – Steps, stairs – מדרגה, מדרגות Hadar madregot – Staircase – חדר מדרגות Madregot naot  – Escalator – מדרגות נעות, דרגנוע Darga, dargot – Rank, ranks – דרגה, דרגות Derug – Rating, ranking – דירוג Derug FIFA – FIFA rankings – דירוג פיפ”א Derug ashrai – Credit rating – דירוג אשראי Ledareg – To rank – לדרג Atem muzmanim ledareg otanu – You’re invited to rate us – אתם מוזמנים לדרג אותנו Israel medorget ba-makom ha-shmini be-hityakrut dirot ba-shana ha-achrona – Israel is ranked eighth in the world fo

  • #340 Who Touched My Stuff!?

    10/08/2021 Duração: 08min

    The Hebrew word נוגע means touching and, just like in English, it has both a physical and emotional meaning. The root starts with the letter נ (nun), but in certain words based on this root, the נ disappears! Guy explains. Listen to the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: “Nag’ah ba-shamayim” – She touched the sky – נגעה בשמיים Hu naga – He touched – הוא נגע Hi nag’ah – She touched – היא נגעה “Kashe biladecha” – It’s hard without you – קשה בלעדיך  Ki nagata bi – Because I was moved by you – כי נגעת בי “Bach lo nogea” – It doesn’t touch you – בך לא נוגע Ze lo noge’a lecha/lach – It doesn’t concern you – זה לא נוגע לך Be-noge’a le-mashehu – Concerning something – בנוגע למשהו “Shalom, ze be-noeg’ea la-dira” – Hi, it’s about the apartment – שלום, זה בנוגע לדירה “Shalom, ze be-nog’ea la-oto” – Hi, it’s about the car – שלום, זה בנוגע לאוטו Noge’a la-lev – Touching, moving – נוגע ללב Mi naga li ba-dvarim? – Who touched my stuff? – מי נגע לי בדברים Al tiga, al tig’ee, al tig’u – Don’t touch – א

  • #339 That Date Was Somewhat Successful

    27/07/2021 Duração: 07min

    The Hebrew dictionary says that מוצלח means “successful, accomplished.” But as Guy explains, מוצלח has some interesting nuanced uses that you really should discover. Listen to the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: “Yossi, yeled sheli mutslach” – Yossi, my perfect boy – יוסי, ילד שלי מוצלח Lehatsliach (Hif’il) – To succeed – להצליח Mutslach – Good, excellent, perfect, successful – מוצלח “Eich legadel yeladim mutslachim yoter” – How to raise outstanding children – איך לגדל ילדים מוצלחים יותר “Ha-achayot ha-mutslachot sheli” – My perfect sisters – האחיות המוצלחות שלי Hinne shuv achalti yoter midai – Here again, I ate too much – הנה שוב אכלתי יותר מדיי Im lo hayiti kacha, ulai hayiti mutslachat – If I wasn’t like that, I might have been a better person – אם לא הייתי ככה, אולי הייתי מוצלחת Ha-date haya mamash mutslach – The date was really great – הדייט היה ממש מוצלח Ha-date lo haya mutslach – The date was not great – הדייט לא היה מוצלח Ha-yeshiva hayta mutslachat – The meeting was great –

  • #338 I Am Sure You’ll Succeed

    20/07/2021 Duração: 08min

    The Hebrew word להצליח means to succeed, but there’s much more to it than just that. In past tense, we use הצליח to compliment a baker on their delicious cake, the owner of a well-behaved dog and even a parent whose child is an absolute sweetheart. Listen to the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: Lehatsliach – To succeed in doing something – להצליח “Ya binti tatslichi” – My daughter (Ar.), you’ll make it – יא בנתי תצליחי Tatslichi! Tatsliach! – Good luck – תצליחי, תצליח Ani me’achel lach she-tatslichi / lecha she-tatsliach – I wish you to be successful – אני מאחל לך שתצליחי, שתצליח Behatslacha – Good luck – בהצלחה Ani batuach she-tatsliach – I am sure you’ll succeed – אני בטוח שתצליח “She-tatsliach amen”, “She-tatslichi amen” – May you succeed – שתצליח אמן, שתצליחי אמן Halevai she-tatsliach – May you succeed – הלוואי שתצליח Lehatsliach be-gadol – To make it bigtime – להצליח בגדול Elef kabaim lo yatslichu lechabot oti – One thousand firefighters won’t succeed in putting out my fire – אל

  • #337 Would You Turn On the Air Con?

    13/07/2021 Duração: 09min

    Nothing pairs better with a hot and humid Israeli summer than מזגן, air conditioning. So what should we say to the taxi driver who's got all the windows rolled down? And why did the air temperature in our trains make such big national headlines? Listen to the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: Mazgan – Air conditioning – מזגן “Erkondishen” – “air condition” – אייר קונדישן “Efshar mazgan?” – Could you put on the aircon? – אפשר מזגן Ata yachol lasim mazgan ‘vaksha? – Could you put the mazgan please? – אתה יכול לשים מזגן ‘בקשה Yesh mazgan? – Is there aircon? – יש מזגן Efshar lehadlik mazgan? – Could you turn the air conditioner on? – אפשר להדליק מזגן Efshar lechabot et ha-mazgan? – Could you turn off the air conditioner? – אפשר לכבות את המזגן Ha-mazgan hachi chadshani – The most innovative air conditioner – המזגן הכי חדשני Mazgenei tornado, Mazganim shel chevrat tornado – Tornado air conditioning units – מזגני טורנדו, מזגנים של חברת טורנדו Kar li ba-mazgan tamid – I am always cold in the

  • #336 Let It Simmer

    29/06/2021 Duração: 09min

    What does the phrase תן לו להתבשל (‘ten lo lehitbashel’) mean? As Guy will explain, we can use the verb להתבשל, which means to let something cook, not only when speaking about vegetables, but also about… people! Listen to the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: “Ke-chol she-tachtechu yoter katan, ze yitbashel yoter maher” – The smaller you cut it, the faster it will cook – ככל שתחתכו יותר קטן, זה יתבשל יותר מהר Marak katom – Orange soup – מרק כתום Ha-yerakot sheli mamash hitbashlu – My vegetables cooked really well – הירקות שלי ממש התבשלו Tnu le-ze lehitbashel al esh ktana – Let it cook on a low flame – תנו לזה להתבשל על אש קטנה “Ten lo lehitbashel” – Let him marinate in his own juices, let him simmer down – תן לו להתבשל “Ani mitbashelt le’at” – I simmer slowly – אני מתבשלת לאט “Eize erev mitbashel po” – What an evening is being cooked up here – איזה ערב מתבשל פה Ha-pri hivshil – The fruit ripened – הפרי הבשיל He’edim – He became red – האדים Hilbin – He became white, turned white – הלבי

  • #335 Home Cooking And Assisted Goals

    22/06/2021 Duração: 09min

    The Hebrew word בישול means cooking, but it is also used on the football field and in police investigations. Interesting, right? Bonus: A special Israeli-Berliner way to ask for the bill. Listen to the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: Levashel – To cook – לבשל Ha-yom kulanu nidrashim levashel harbe yoter ba-bayit – Today we all have to cook much more at home – היום כולנו נדרשים לבשל הרבה יותר בבית Ve-be-yichud bishvilchem yatsarnu et mitcham “zman bishulim” be-atar “bishulim” – And just for you we created a page called Zman Bishulim, on the Bishulim website – ובייחוד בשבילכם יצרנו את מתחם “זמן בישולים” באתר בישולים  Atar ha-matsi’a ra’ayonot yichudiyim le-bishul im yeladim – A website which offers unique ideas for cooking with children – אתר המציע רעיונות יחודיים לבישול עם ילדים Bishul – Cooking – בישול Bishulim beitiyim – Home cooking – בישולים ביתיים Ani be-emtsa ha-bishulim – I am in the middle of cooking – אני באמצע הבישולים Sadnat bishul –

  • #334 Transfer Me The Money

    15/06/2021 Duração: 07min

    The Hebrew word העברה (ha’avara) means a transfer of something or someone, usually from one place to another. The transfer could involve money, digital files, and even… football players! Listen to the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: Ha’avara – Transfer, transferring, removing – העברה Ha’avarat ksafim be-touch – Money transfer with one click – העברת כספים בטאץ’ Haavarot ksafim – Money transfers – העברות כספים Taase / taasi li haavara, Taavir / taaviri li – “Make me a money transfer” – תעשה/תעשי לי העברה, תעביר/תעבירי לי  Haavarot sachkanei kaduregel – Transfers of football players from one football club to another – העברות שחקני כדורגל Lo kolel haavarot – Not including transit to the hotel – לא כולל העברות Haavarat sichot – Transferring calls, call-forwarding – העברת שיחות Haavarat tmunot me-hanayad ha-yashan la-hadash – Transferring photos from the old smartphone to the new one – העברת תמונות מהנייד הישן לחדש Lehaavir data / Laasot haavarat d

  • #333 Please Pass the Salad

    01/06/2021 Duração: 11min

    The Hebrew word להעביר is a verb we use a lot. It helps us pass our מונית שירות fare to the driver, forward emails to colleagues, transfer money to friends or family, and even nudge our significant other to change the TV channel. Guy explains. Listen to the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: Monit sherut – Shared taxi – מונית שירות Ata yachol lehaavir vakasha? – Could you please pass it on? – ?את יכול להעביר בבקשה At yechola lehaavir vaksha? – Could you please pass it on? – ?את יכולה להעביר בבקשה Efshar lehaavir? – Could you pass it forward? – ?אפשר להעביר Lehaavir kesef – To transfer money – להעביר כסף Ata yachol lehaavir et ha-salat? – Could you pass the salad please? – אתה יכול להעביר את הסלט At yechola lehaavir et ha-melach – Could you pass the salt? – את יכולה להעביר את המלח “lehaavir vish al ha-shulchan” – Wipe the table down – להעביר ויש על השולחן Ata yachol lehaavir li po vish katan? – A quick wipe here would be nice – אתה יכול להעביר לי פה ויש קטן Lehaavir et kita yud-bet ba-z

  • #332 Your Time Is Up!

    25/05/2021 Duração: 10min

    We pick up from where we last left off with the Hebrew root ע.ב.ר. And in this episode, we focus on verbs from binyan paal. Plus, Guy reveals a special mantra to recite when driving through an intersection, just as your traffic light is about to turn red. Listen to the All-Hebrew Version on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: “Hi lo yodaat ma over alai” – She doesn’t know what I am going through – היא לא יודעת מה עובר עליי Ma over aleicha/alayich, ha-kol beseder? – What’s going on with you, is everything ok? – מה עובר עלייך/עליך “Mi yode’a ma avar alay, ma avar alayich” – Nobody knows what I’ve been going through, what you’ve been going through – מי יודע מה עבר עליי, מה עבר עליך “Nira li over alav mashu” – I think he’s going through hard times – נראה לי עובר עליו משהו Ha-zman over le’at – Time is passing slowly – הזמן עובר לאט Ha-zman over – The time is passing by – הזמן עובר Zmancha avar – Your time has passed – זמנך עבר Ha-zman avar – Time is up – הזמן עבר “Laavor me-android le-iphone” – Move from Android

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