Streetwise Hebrew

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 68:06:53
  • Mais informações



A bite-size podcast showcasing modern Hebrew and its slang. Host Guy Sharett explains what we can learn about Israeli psyche, society, and culture through the Hebrew language.


  • #272 Take a Look Around You

    08/10/2019 Duração: 11min

    The Hebrew words סביב (saviv), סביבה (sviva), מסביב (misaviv), סבב (sevev), all come from the ס.ב.ב root. They also come in very handy in spoken Hebrew. So today, Guy explains the many words and phrases that stem from this interesting root. New Words and Expressions: Saviv – Around – סביב Tistakel kama lirdim mi-saviv – See how many hot guys there are around – תסתכל כמה לירדים מסביב Tavo mi-saviv – Come from the other side – תבוא מסביב Habet saviv – Look around you – הבט סביב Sviv ha-habayit yesh gina – Around the house there’s a yard – סביב הבית יש גינה Mi-saviv la-bayit yesh gina – Around the house there’s a yard – מסביב לבית יש גינה Ani omedet ba-ma’agal u-mabita svivi – I stand in the circle and look around me – אני עומדת במעגל ומביטה סביבי Tistakel (‘stakel) misvivcha – Look around you (m.) – תסתכל מסביבך, ‘סתכל מסביבך Tistakli (‘stakli) misvivech – Look around you (f.) – תסתכלי מסביבך, ‘סתכלי מסביבך Tistaklu (‘staklu) misvivchem – Look around you (pl.) – תסתכלו מסביבכם, ‘סתכלו מסביבכם ‘Stakel rega, ‘sta

  • #270 It's Time to Decide

    24/09/2019 Duração: 09min
  • #269 You're So Wrong!

    10/09/2019 Duração: 08min

    What Hebrew words and phrases can we use to disagree with someone? Which can be written in a reply online but not said to someone face to face? And which can be said but not written, and what intonation will give that extra oomph? On this episode, Guy goes over how to disagree with someone in written and spoken Hebrew. Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode   New Words and Expressions: Mamash lo - Totally not - ממש לא Ata pashut to’eh/At pashut to’ah - You’re simply wrong - אתה פשוט טועה / את פשוט טועה Ata to’eh, u-vegadol - You’re wrong, bigtime (m.) - אתה טועה, ובגדול At to’ah, u-vegadol - You’re wrong, bigtime (f.) - את טועה, ובגדול Ata to’eh u-mat’eh - You’re wrong and you’re misleading (m.) - אתה טועה ומטעה At to’ah u-mat’ah - You’re wrong and you’re misleading (f.) - את טועה ומטעה Lehat’ot - To mislead - להטעות Hefech - Opposite - הפך Lehefech - On the contrary - להפך Be’emet - Really? - באמת Nu be’emet (nubemet) - Come on, give me a break - נו, באמת Dai kvar - Enough already! - !די כבר Ein mi

  • #268 No Thanks!

    03/09/2019 Duração: 09min

    Sometimes people offer us things that we simply don’t want. Telemarketing? No thanks. A leaflet about a new yoga studio around the corner? No thank you. What about an offering of a slice of cheesecake baked by your friend when you're on a diet? How do we decline an offer (politely or impolitely) in Hebrew? On this episode, Guy supplies you with a toolkit for those moments when you need to decline an offer. Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode   New Words and Expressions: Alonim - Leaflets - עלונים Lo, toda - No, thanks - לא, תודה Toda, lo me’unyan/me’unyenet - Thanks, I am not interested - תודה, לא מעוניין/מעוניינת Sori, lo karega - Sorry, not right now - סורי, לא כרגע Slicha, lo! - Sorry, no! - !סליחה, לא Lo mat’im - Not ‘fitting’, not interested - לא מתאים Amarti she-ze lo mat’im - I said that I wasn’t interested - אמרתי שזה לא מתאים Lo rotse, lo rotsa - I don’t want - לא רוצה Slicha, ani be-pgisha - Sorry, I am in a meeting - סליחה, אני בפגישה Lo toda, shalom! - No thanks, shalom! - !לא תודה, ש

  • #267 Six Is a Beautiful Number

    20/08/2019 Duração: 09min

    This week we celebrate our podcast’s sixth anniversary. Can you believe it? Six years, שש שנים. It's a good excuse to talk about שש, six, and its family of Hebrew words. Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode   New Words and Expressions: Kvish shesh - Highway six - כביש שש Kvish hotse Israel - Cross Israel highway - כביש חוצה ישראל Kav shesh - Bus no. 6 - קו שש Hayinu shisha - We were six (pl. m.) - היינו שישה Shisha chaverim - Six friends (m.) - שישה חברים Shisha yeladim - Six kids (m.) - שישה ילדים Shisha banim - Six boys - שישה בנים Hayinu shesh - We were six (pl. f.) - היינו שש Shesh chaverot - Six friends (pl. f.) - שש חברות Shesh nashim - Six women - שש נשים Six girls - Shesh banot - שש בנות Adom, aduma, adumim - Red (m., f., pl.) - אדום, אדומה, אדומים Ez/Izim - Goat/goats - עז, עיזים The six friends - Sheshet ha-chaverim - ששת החברים Milchemet sheshet hayamim - The 6 Day War - מלחמת ששת הימים Shesh ha-chaverot - The six friends (f.) - שש החברות Shesh ha-nashim - The six women - שש הנשים Shesh

  • #266 Don't Scare Me Like That!

    13/08/2019 Duração: 07min

    How would we say, “you really scared me,” in Hebrew? How about a horror film? A coward? This week, Guy doesn't share his deepest fears but rather explains the Hebrew root פחד and its many words and phrases. Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode   New Words and Expressions: Mafchid - Scary - מפחיד Ze ma-ze mafchid - It’s really scary - זה מה-זה מפחיד Ze haya ma-ze mafchid - It was really scary - זה היה מה-זה מפחיד Seret mafchid - Scary movie - סרט מפחיד Seret eima - Horror film - סרט אימה Ha-eima - The horror - האימה Ta’am mafchid - The taste is “scary” - טעם מפחיד Hifchadta/hifchadet oti - Oh, you scared me! - הפחדת אותי Ma-ze hifchadta/hifchadet oti, at/a lo normali/t - You really scared me, you’re insane - מה זה הפחדת אותי, את/ה לא נורמלי/ת Mi-ma at mefachedet? - What are you scared of? - ?ממה את מפחדת Lefached mi-mashehu - To be afraid of something - לפחד ממשהו Mi-ma atem mefachdim? - What are you guys afraid of? - ?ממה אתם מפחדים Pachad - Fear - פחד Eize pachad - How scary - איזה פחד Nahagti Be

  • #265 Wait, I Need to Exchange Currency

    06/08/2019 Duração: 10min

    So you're on summer holiday. Do you stay at a hotel or go for a house swap? Will you exchange currency? Who is filling in for you at work while you're gone? The Hebrew root חלפ is the focus of this week's episode. Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode   New Words and Expressions: Lehachlif - To exchange, to replace, to swap - להחליף Atsa, atsot - Seaweed - אצה, אצות Ha-atsa yechola lehachlif basar - The seaweed can replace meat - האצה יכולה להחליף בשר Hi yechola lehachlif helbon min ha-hai - It can replace protein from animals - היא יכולה להחליף חלבון מן החי Kaniti et ze po, ani rotse lehachlif et ze - I bought it here, I’d like to exchange it - קניתי את זה פה, אני רוצה להחליף את זה Efshar lehachlif li et ze vaksha? - Could you please exchange it for me? - ?אפשר להחליף לי את זה (ב)בקשה Samti petek hachlafa - I put an exchange note - שמתי פתק החלפה “Hachlafot” - Trading (kids) - החלפות Dira lehachlafa - House swap - דירה להחלפה Hachlafat kesef - Currency exchange - החלפת כסף Ani tsarich lehachlif ke

  • #264 What a Disappointment

    30/07/2019 Duração: 09min

    There are times in life when we are left disappointed (me’uchzavim) and it would be helpful to know how to express this disappointment in Hebrew. On this episode, Guy covers this special four letter root אכזב and checks Twitter to see what disappoints Israelis the most. Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode   New Words and Expressions: Achzava - Disappointment - אכזבה Le’achzev mishehu - To disappoint someone - לאכזב מישהו Nachon, ze me’achzev - It’s true, it’s disappointing - נכון, זה מאכזב Lakum me-achzavot - To rise after the disappointment - לקום מאכזבות Mehuzakim yoter - more reinforced - מחוזקים יותר Nechushim yoter - more determined - נחושים יותר Meuchadim yoter - more united - מאוחדים יותר Ve-re’evim yoter - And hungrier - ורעבים יותר Ze ma-ze me’achzev she-hamiflaga lo nitscha ba-bchirot - It’s so disappointing that this party didn’t win the election - זה מה-זה מאכזב שהמפלגה לא ניצחה בבחירות Mis’ada me’achzevet - Disappointing restaurant - מסעדה מאכזבת Seret me’achzev - Disappointing movie

  • #263 Does It Come with a Side Dish?

    23/07/2019 Duração: 07min

    Ok, so you know how to order schnitzel in an Israeli restaurant. But what about asking for an extra plate? For a non-spicy dish? Extra parsley? Or maybe you need to notify the kitchen of a food allergy. This is serious stuff. Guy delivers the #Hebrew language goods on this week's episode. Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode   New Words and Expressions: Efshar od petrozilia vaksha? - Could I please have more parsley? - ?אפשר עוד פטרוזיליה (ב)בקשה Efshar od tsalahat vaksha? - Could we have an extra plate please? - ?אפשר עוד צלחת (ב)בקשה Bishvili ha-salat, efshar bli batsal? - For me, the salad, without the onions please? - ?בשבילי הסלט, אפשר בלי בצל Alergi/t le-egozei melech - Allergic to walnuts - אלרגי/ת לאגוזי מלך Yesh li alergia le-egozim - I have a nut allergy - יש לי אלרגיה לאגוזים Midat asiya - Level of doneness - מידת עשייה Medyum, Well done (Asui tov), Rer (na, hai) - מדיום, וול-דאן (עשוי טוב), רר (נא, חי) Eich ze ba? - What sides come with the dish? - ?איך זה בא Ze ba im - It comes with…

  • #262 Making a Profit

    16/07/2019 Duração: 10min

    The word revach רווח means profit, gain, benefit, and a few other things. You'll benefit greatly from learning the root רוח, we promise. Learn phrases like “chill on the sofa,” “beware of the gap,” and “make sure to leave a margin of safety.” Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode   New Words and Expressions: Revah - Profit, gain, space - רווח La’asot revahim - To make a profit - לעשות רווחים Revach bein ha-milim - Space between words - רווח בין המילים Makash ha-revach - Space key - מקש הרווח Ha-revach bein ha-rakevet la-ratsif - Gap between the train and the platform - הרווח בין הרכבת לרציף Revach ve-hefsed - Gain and loss - רווח והפסד Revach naki - Net profit - רווח נקי Revachim - Profits - רווחים Rivchei ha-bank - The bank’s profits - רווחי הבנק Profitable - Rivchi - רווחי Revacha - Welfare, wellbeing, comfort - רווחה Medinat revacha - Welfare state - מדינת רווחה Halonot ptuchim lirvacha - Wide open windows - חלונות פתוחים לרווחה Lifto’ach et ha-delet lirvacha - Open the door wide open - לפתוח את

  • #261 Mm Hm, That's Exactly Right

    09/07/2019 Duração: 07min

    How do we agree with someone in Hebrew? How do we say, I hear you, totally, yeah, right, spot on, exactly? Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode   New Words and Expressions: Bool ma she-amart/amarta - Exactly what you’ve said - בול מה שאמרת Bool - Spot on, absolutely - בול Bool ba-zman - Right on time - בול בזמן Maskim - I agree - מסכים Maskim itcha lahalutin - I totally agree with you - מסכים איתך לחלוטין Legamray, maskim itcha la-halutin - Totally, I totally agree with you - לגמרי, מסכים איתך לחלוטין Diyuk - Precision - דיוק Bidiyuk, bidyuk, maskim itcha, bidiyuk - Exactly, I agree with you, right - בדיוק, בדיוק, מסכים איתך, בדיוק Bidiyuk/mamash kacha - Exactly like this - בדיוק/ממש ככה Tachles - Cut to the chase/I hear you - תכל’ס Nachon - Right, correct - נכון Ze nachon ma she-amart - It’s true what you said - זה נכון מה שאמרת Baroor - Clearly/It’s clear - ברור Betach - Sure - בטח Todarling - Toda+darling - תודרלינג   Playlist and Clips: Ariel Zilber – Milliard Sinim (lyrics) Efraim Shamir – Na

  • #260 This Cake Is “End of the Road”

    02/07/2019 Duração: 09min

    In Hebrew, סוף סוף (sof-sof) means at last. Sof-sof can also mean finally, but not in all situations. Confusing, right? And how would we say final and infinite in Hebrew, which are derived from the word סוף, end? On this episode, Guy is going to clarify the appropriate usage of סוף סוף – finally. Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode   New Words and Expressions: Sof-sof - At last - סוף סוף Sof la-sipur - An end to the story - סוף לסיפור Sof onat ha-tapuzim - The end of the orange season - סוף עונת התפוזים Mechirei sof ha-ona - Prices of end of the season - מחירי סוף העונה Mivtsa’im - Sales - מבצעים Ata holech la-sof ona? - Are you going to the sales? - אתה הולך לסוף עונה? Yesh sof ona - There’s a sale - יש סוף עונה Sof sof (at) ona - At last you answer the phone - סוף סוף (את) עונה Sof ona - End of season (sale) - סוף עונה Oh, sof sof higata - At last you are here - או, סוף סוף הגעת! Ba-sof/be-sofo shel davar hem higi’u le-NY - At the end - בסוף/בסופו של דבר הם הגיעו לניו יורק Le-siyum/lifney siyum

  • #259 Shalom Stranger

    25/06/2019 Duração: 09min

    How do we greet a stranger in the elevator, in Hebrew? How about a neighbor from our building? Could we perhaps just look down and not say anything at all? Guy presents a concise guide to Israeli elevator etiquette 101. Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode New Words and Expressions: Ze yachol lehechashev lo menumas - It might be considered impolite - זה יכול להיחשב לא מנומס Hagana atsmit - Self defence - הגנה עצמית Shalom - Hi, hello - שלום Shalom, shalom, hopa! Ma itcha, ma ata ose po? - Hey, hey! What’s going on, what are you doing here? - שלום, שלום, הופה! מה איתך, מה אתה עושה פה? Hi - Hi - היי Ahlan - Hi - אהלן Ma kore? - What’s happening? - מה קורה? Ahlan, ma kore? - Hi, how are you? - אהלן, מה קורה Hi, ma kore? - Hi, how are you? - היי, מה קורה Boker tov - Good morning - בוקר טוב ...Kertov - Kertov - קרטוב “Boker!” - Morning! - בוקר! Tsohorayim tovim - Greeting used around 1pm - צהריים טובים Aahar tsohorayim tovim - Good afternoon - אחר צוהוריים טובים Erev tov - Good evening - ערב טוב Laila

  • #258 Hold on Tight and Don't Let Go

    18/06/2019 Duração: 10min

    Letting go of someone or something can be a difficult thing to do. How do we let it all go, in Hebrew? Guy explains. Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode   New Words and Expressions: Lo ozev et ha-ir - I am not leaving town - לא עוזב את העיר Hu ozev - He is leaving, letting go - הוא עוזב Azva et ha-ima ve-ha-mishpachca - She left her mom and the family - עזבה את האמא והמשפחה Azva et ha-bayit ve-ha-meltacha - She left the home and the wardrobe - עזבה את הבית והמלתחה Azva et Sonia ve-et ha-dira - She left Sonia and the apartment - עזבה את סוניה ואת הדירה Azva mish’enet ve-havera - She left her support, her friend - עזבה משענת וחברה La’azov mishehu - To let go of someone - לעזוב מישהו Azov/azvi/azvu oto - Leave him alone - עזוב/עזבי/עזבו אותו Ta’azov/ta’azvi/ta’azvu oto - Leave him alone - תעזוב/תעזבי/תעזבו אותו Azov/azvi et ze - Leave it alone - עזוב את זה Azov, alai - Let it go, it’s on me - עזוב, עליי Azov/azvi, hishtagat? - Forget it, are you out of your mind? - עזוב/עזבי, השתגעת? Azov/azvi shtuy

  • #257 The City That Never Stops

    11/06/2019 Duração: 07min

    Guy noticed that even his most advanced students have problems with the Hebrew words for city, town, and municipality, so he decided to dedicate this episode to these words, once and for all. Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode   New Words and Expressions: Ir gdola - Big city - עיר גדולה Ir hachama - Smart city - עיר חכמה Arim gdolot - Big cities - ערים גדולות Arim yafot - Beautiful cities - ערים יפות Arim hachamot - Smart cities - ערים חכמות Arim te’omot - Twin cities - ערים תאומות Ayara, ayarot - Town, towns - עיירה, עיירות Ayarot pitu’ach - “Development towns” - עיירות פיתוח Iriya - Municipality - עירייה Iriyat Tel Aviv - Municipality of Tel Aviv - עיריית תל אביב Rosh ha-ir/ha-iriya - Mayor (m.) - ראש העיר/העירייה Roshat ha-ir/ha-iriya - Mayor (f.) - ראשת העיר/העירייה Ironi - Of the city, urban - עירוני, אורבני Sifriya ironit - Municipal library - ספרייה עירונית Moked ironi, ha-moked ha-ironi, moked 106 - City hotline - מוקד עירוני, המוקד העירוני, מוקד 106 Hitchadshut ironit - Urban renewal -

  • #256 Zero Is the New Hero

    04/06/2019 Duração: 08min

    Reflecting on the recent decision in Israel to go to elections again only months after the last, US President Trump said that Israeli politics are messed up and that the country needs to “get its act together.” One Hebrew translation of Trump’s quote read: “hem tsrichim lehit’apes al atsmam” (הם צריכים להתאפס על עצמם), which is extremely slangy and highly appropriate for the moment. So on today's episode Guy talks about the verb להתאפס. Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode   New Words and Expressions: She-yit’apsu sham - They should get their act together, there - שיתאפסו שם Hem tsrichim lehit’apes al atsmam - They need to get their act together - הם צריכים להתאפס על עצמם Lehit’apes - To get one’s act together - להתאפס Efes - Zero - אפס Ani efes - I am a nobody - אני אפס Le’apes - To calibrate, to reset - לאפס Le’apes stopper - To reset a stopwatch - לאפס סטופר Le’apes et ha-neshek - To adjust or calibrate a rifle - לאפס את הנשק Ipus neshek - weapon recalibration - איפוס נשק Hu me’apes et ha-hayal

  • #255 You Can't Fire Me! I Quit!

    28/05/2019 Duração: 09min

    There is a small yet significant difference between the Hebrew words פוטרתי and התפטרתי which share the common root פ.ט.ר. The former means “I was fired” and the latter means “I quit.” On this episode, Guy covers all things פ.ט.ר, including the words for exemption, resignation, and dismissal. Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode   New Words and Expressions: “Ani putarti, lo hitpatarti” - “I was fired, I didn’t quit” - “אני פוטרתי, לא התפטרתי” Yesh hevdel bein ‘putarti’ le-ven ‘hitpatarti’ - There is a difference between ‘I was fired’ and ‘I quit’ - יש הבדל בין ‘פוטרתי’ לבין ‘התפטרתי’ Putarti - I was fired - פוטרתי Hitpatarti - I resigned - התפטרתי “Hitputar” - Someone that was made to quit - “התפוטר” Lefater - To fire - לפטר Ata mefutar/At mefuteret - You’re fired - אתה מפוטר / את מפוטרת Hu putar - He was fired - הוא פוטר Ata putarta - You were fired - אתה פוטרת Ani putarti - I was fired - אני פוטרתי Piturim - Dismissal - פיטורים Michtav piturin - A letter of dismissal - מכתב פיטורין Michtavei pit

  • #254 Come On, Don't Be Irritating

    21/05/2019 Duração: 10min

    In order to say “that's irritating” or “I'm irritated” in Hebrew, we first need to learn the root ע.צ.ב, which gives us the word עצבים (nerves). Now imagine this scenario... you're at the office, hard at work. You ask a colleague to grab you coffee from the kitchen. But walking over to the other side of the office is the last thing they want to do. So they give you that look. You know the look. What do you say now? Hebrew slang to the rescue! Guy explains the proper usage of נו, אל תעצבן (nu, al te’asben). Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode   New Words and Expressions: Atsabim - Nerves - עצבים Eize atsabim - How irritating; What a bummer - איזה עצבים Eize atsabim itcha - You’re irritating - איזה עצבים איתך Eize basa - What a bummer - איזה באסה Hu hataf atsabim - He got angry - הוא חטף עצבים Hu hataf alai atsabim - He got angry at me - הוא חטף עליי עצבים Ole li al ha-atsabim - It gets on my nerves - עולה לי על העצבים ha-muzika ha-zo ola li al ha-atsabim - This music is getting on my nerves - המוז

  • #253 Hung Out to Dry

    14/05/2019 Duração: 09min

    The Hebrew root ת.ל.ה gives us the words לתלות (to hang), תלה (hung), and תלוי (hangs). So why does זה תלוי mean “it depends”? On this episode, Guy won't leave you hanging as he explains all things ת.ל.ה. Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode   New Words and Expressions: Taluy - It depends - תלוי Hu tala - He hung - הוא תלה Litlot - To hang - לתלות Litlot kvisa - To hang the laundry - לתלות כביסה Taliti kvisa al ha-hevel - I hung the laundry on the clothesline - תליתי כביסה על החבל Baniti - I built - בניתי Ratsiti - I wanted - רציתי Likhtov - to write, katuv - written; Litlot - to hang, talui, hung - לכתוב, כתוב; לתלות, תלוי Ha-poster talui al ha-kir - The poster hangs on the wall - הפוסטר תלוי על הקיר Talui be- - Depends on - -תלוי ב Ze talui rak banu - It only depends on us - זה תלוי רק בנו Tire/Tir’i, ze talui - Look, it depends - תראה/תראי, זה תלוי Be-ma ze talui? - What does it depend on? - ?במה זה תלוי Ha-kol taluy be… - It all depends on… - -הכל תלוי ב Ze lo taluy bi - It’s not up to me - זה

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