Are You Being Real? | The One & Only Podcast

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 244:28:25
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We interrupt the noisy & superficial status quo to bring you refreshingly honest conversation, inspiring stories, and deep discussion about life's most important questions. Tune-in weekly for new episodes that will make you think, help you remain clear & connected to what's most important (to you), and keep you motivated to do and be your best. Hosted by former Showtime Exec turned Tedx Speaker & Winning Weeks founder, Mark Shapiro.With over 150 episodes, incredible guests such as Lewis Howes, Ricki Lake, the Real Jerry Maguire - Leigh Steinberg, and with over 200,000 people having tuned in globally, come join the conversation and help us co-create a new norm where honest dialogue about what really matters, courageous authentic living, & working together to make a positive impact, becomes the new standard.


  • 228 Mark Shapiro - Stepping Into Your Light

    25/06/2019 Duração: 28min

    Listen & Subscribe on iTunes   In Episode 64 of People Being Real, Mark answered some questions submitted by close friends and family and gave the most vulnerable interview he's ever done up to that point.  Fast forward to a few years later, and Mark has dropped vulnerable episode after vulnerable episode on us.   Today, he's revisiting that format from Episode 64 and answering some listener-submitted questions, all of which seem to tie into 'stepping into your light.' The topics he covers include how he loves, his fears, his fulfillment, his current vision, and his relationship with death.   To hear Mark's answers to these questions, sit down and tune in to Episode 228 of People Being Real!   PS: As you listen to his answer, take note of how you would answer the question for yourself. There's a good chance you'll uncover something you can address and look at in your own life as well!   Enjoy!!     Connect with Mark: Instagram | Facebook | Twitter     Show Notes: -Why Mark chose to answer some listener qu

  • 227 Mark Shapiro - Seeing And Addressing Your Blindspots

    18/06/2019 Duração: 23min

    Listen & Subscribe on iTunes   If your life was a movie, what would you see?   What would be some of the key defining moments? What would be some of the central themes? What would be the biggest struggle you face your entire life? What’s going to be that transformational moment where it’s all going to make sense?   More often than not, the most satisfying endings to stories don’t come from the plot twist or the action sequence, but from the lesson the character learns and how they overcome once they’ve understood the change that needed to occur within them.  These lessons sometimes have been there in front of the character the entire time, but they weren’t able to or didn’t want to see them.  These are what we call ‘blindspots.’   By identifying and addressing these blindspots, we clear a path to be able to reach where we ultimately want to go. Which is why Mark decided to dedicate an entire solo episode to the subject and share his insights and tools for tackling the blindspots that commonly show up.   I

  • 226 Lee Harris - How To Hone Your Energy

    11/06/2019 Duração: 45min

    Listen & Subscribe on iTunes   For the average person, growing up is hard enough as it is. But it's even harder when you know at a young age that you don't quite fit into the generally accepted heteronormative standards and are more in tune with energy and emotions than most other people.   That's the life Lee Harris led growing up.   While many people grow up to be angry and bitter for having faced similar kinds of challenges, Lee has taken his experience and has honed his energy into understanding energy, grounding creative spirituality into these challenging times. and helping other people experience impactful and abundant lives while supporting each other through community.  It's a big vision that's resonating with hundreds of thousands of people.   Mark and Lee recently had the chance to sit down and talk about how Lee grew up, how energy affects all of us, and why he believes authenticity has played such a big role in love, connection, and life.   To hear Lee's story and get more familiar with energ

  • 225 Myles Scott - Confessions of a F*ckboy: Overcoming Trauma & Shame

    03/06/2019 Duração: 37min

    Listen & Subscribe on iTunes   “What’s a f*ckboy?”   If you don’t what one is, you’re not alone.  A quick Google search will bring up a plethora of unique definitions, but it all boils down to basically the same thing: it’s a weak or contemptible man that only acts and says whatever it takes to serve himself without regard for anyone else’s feelings or wellbeing.   It’s not a label you want to earn or have to shake off down the road.   But if you find yourself being one -or know someone who is- all hope is not lost.  Today’s guest, Myles Scott, is a perfect example of how there is still a chance for you to mend your ways, turn your life around, and evolve into a more conscious person.   As a former f*ckboy, Myles chose to make changes to how he treats others (especially women) and now works with both men and women to evolve together and change the toxic culture he used to be a part of. His movement is gaining critical mass and shows no signs of stopping and we’re happy to have him join Mark today.   If yo

  • 224 Rory Kramer - Dare To Be Real!

    28/05/2019 Duração: 45min

    When Rory Kramer was last on the show three years ago, he was already a professional 'life-liver' expressing himself creatively and doing what he loved.  And with so many different projects and opportunities coming his way since then, time has flown by for him and has allowed him to grow exponentially in all areas of his life.   Perhaps one of the most important things he's been reminded of time and time again, and something we would all do well to do, is to dare to live the life we want. As Rory will tell you, just because you reach a certain level of fame doesn't mean you won't be faced with challenges, insecurities, and down-moments. In fact, they may even become more pronounced when you compare them to all the highlight you experience.   But regardless of what life throws at you, if you show up, put in time, live what you do passionately, and 'run it' every day, great things will happen and incredible experiences will present themselves in your life.   To hear what Rory's been up to for the past three yea

  • 223 Taylor Conroy - Knowing When To Start Over

    21/05/2019 Duração: 47min

    Listen & Subscribe on iTunes   We've all heard the myth of the Phoenix: the legendary bird that consumes itself in its own fire and then is reborn from its own ashes.  But what if the myth is actually just symbolic of the change we're meant to go through ourselves?   Ask Taylor Conroy, and he'll tell you that's exactly what the phoenix symbolizes.   Taylor is a surfer, chocolate aficionado, and entrepreneur that has been focusing on social enterprises that make real change in the world (such as building schools, funding water projects, and helping influencers and thought leaders get their ideas on the TEDx stage).   He's also gone through his own Phoenix cycle by making millions, losing it all except $2.00, and rebuilding his life into a more satisfying and successful career than before.   In Episode 223, Taylor discusses his the thought processes he had to go through in order to rebuild his life, when it's important to do so, and the most important mindset elements we need to sustain that rebirth. As a c

  • 221 Mark Shapiro - Getting Out Of My (Your) Comfort Zone

    07/05/2019 Duração: 27min

    Listen & Subscribe on iTunes   There's nothing like sinking into a nice warm bed without a care in the world, just vegging out, and just being. It's comforting. And we need time to recover and reset.  But let's be real: some of us are actually spending WAY too much time in comfort and not enough time pushing ourselves to where we want to and know we need to go.   This week's episode is all about getting off our asses, pushing up against our edge, and breaking free of our comfort zone. It's self-tough love at it's finest and Mark brings it with some realness about how he's been letting himself mellow in the comfort and how he's planning on stepping forward into growth. He also shares everything he's come to learn about comfort zones, including ways that you can take action TODAY to break through your own, and he packs it all into this short solo episode.   If you're feeling comfortable with life and need to a boost to get to the next level, bust out your notebook and tune into Episode 221!   Enjoy!!   Conn

  • 220 JJ Virgin - Getting Real About Our Physical & Emotional Health

    30/04/2019 Duração: 46min

    Listen & Subscribe on iTunes   Depending on the day or season of life, some of us treat our bodies and minds like a temple and some of us like an amusement park on the last day of Spring Break. However you choose to live, there's no denying that we only get one life to live. How we treat our bodies, our minds, and other people will greatly influence what we can accomplish in this life.   For prominent tv personality, JJ Virgin, it's not enough to just simply take care of your physical body. To get to where she is, it requires some authenticity and vulnerability in sharing the real you with the public. Once she opened up and shared her experiences, fears, and challenges as the mother of a son in a life-threatening situation, she discovered that it brought her closer to her audience than ever before and helped her feel free.   When we share who we are, we give everyone else permission to connect and share their own truths as well.   If you're ready to get real about your physical and emotional health, check

  • 219 Chris Sams - Running, Breathing, & Living Your Fullest Expression

    23/04/2019 Duração: 43min

    Listen & Subscribe on iTunes   According to a 2018 report by the CDC, only 23% of Americans are getting the bare minimum recommended amount of exercise. But thanks to individuals willing to go the distance, teach others, and set the example for the rest of us, more people are seeing that it's possible to actually lead a healthy lifestyle and achieve the goals you thought were impossible.   Meet Chris Sams, one of the few people to run ALL the way across America. Starting in Baltimore, MD, he ran all the way to Coronado Beach in San Diego, CA in just under five months. And he stopped along the way to teach families and individuals about the importance of movement, nutrition, and living a healthy life.   And in Episode 219, Mark sits down with Chris to talk about the deep lessons he took away from running and helping these families along the way, the importance of incorporating breathwork into your routines, how to approach your big goals, and why he's focus today revolves around optimizing "LYFE" (Living Y

  • 218 Jen Gottlieb - Connecting The Dots To Find Your Purpose

    16/04/2019 Duração: 36min

    Listen & Subscribe on iTunes   Sometimes the goal or the dream we're meant to chase ends up being different than the one we started with.   Just ask Jen Gottlieb. She felt the desire to pursue acting and performing and experienced many wonderful opportunities to exercise that desire. But after each experience, there was something inside her that made her feel like this wasn't quite where she needed to be.  As she continued to jump from opportunity to opportunity, she got to know herself better until she ended up where she is today: running Unfair Advantage LIVE alongside the love of her life (and previous guest of the show), Chris Winfield.   Are you being real about letting your goals change as you change?   If you've been pursuing a goal or a dream that you don't feel 100% aligned with and don't know what to do, tune in to Episode 218 of Are You Being Real! Jen gets real about what it took for her to have the courage to make the changes and ultimately look back and connect the dots to understand how eve

  • 217 Biet Simkin Glass - Loss, Love, & Enlightenment

    09/04/2019 Duração: 46min

    Listen & Subscribe on iTunes   Biet Simkin Glass wasn't always a spiritual thought leader and meditation teacher. After being signed by Sony and living the rock and roll lifestyle, she (in her own words) 'fell apart' as a heroin addict. But after a series of life-altering and eye-opening events (such as the death of her first child and her first), she started on the path of sobriety and discovering her best self.   Today, she uses lessons she's learned from loss and love to helping others find their best selves through meditation and coaching, including Mark, who she helped get through a downer-day by sharing a breathing exercise and sharing her infectious positive spirit.   To hear how Biet continues to develop and pursue an enlightened life despite all the challenges she's faced, check out Episode 217 of Are You Being Real!     Connect with Mark: Instagram | Facebook | Twitter Connect with Biet: Instagram | Facebook | Twitter   Show Notes: -How the loss of her first child helped her the

  • 216 Sanyika The Firestarter - Fanning Your Inner Fire

    02/04/2019 Duração: 37min

    Listen & Subscribe on iTunes   "You don't need to be personally affected by a specific trauma or tragedy to be the voice of a movement. You just need to care."   That belief is behind Sanyika The Firestarter's drive and success.   Having experienced being 'broke as a joke' and hitting rock bottom in every area of his life, he's a shining example of the power of finding your fire within, turning your life around, and using your voice to create real impact in the world. Today, he uses his passion for speaking and entertainment to create uplifting content for causes he believes in like The Teddy Bear Campaign, a project aimed to help fan the flames for gun reform and bring awareness to the number of children affected by gun violence.   To learn how Sanyika turned his life around 'in an instant,' how he's evolved as an artist, how you can get involved in his inspiring projects, and how he continues to fan the fire within, check out Episode 216 of Are You Being Real?.   Enjoy!!     Connect with Mark: Instagram

  • 215 Susie Carder - Establishing Self-Worth & Net Worth

    26/03/2019 Duração: 44min

    Listen & Subscribe on iTunes   “Your net worth will only go as high as your self-worth.”   Too many people are settling for the hand that life has dealt them. They're either content with the meager results or aren't aware that they can get much more out of life than they currently are.   This was clear to Susie Carder from a young age. She grew up in a household of poverty where there were nine children and hand-me-down underwear was the norm. Seeing herself in a place where she didn't want to be for the rest of her life, she began her journey as a life-long learner to learn the ins and out of business and what it takes to become financially successful.   Flash forward to the present day and Susie is at the top of her game. She's made her clients and herself more money that they call her 'The Profit Coach.' But more importantly, she's developed incredible self-worth that continues to propel her forward and achieve breakthrough after breakthrough.   Want to learn more about how Susie created a massive net

  • 214 Michael Trainer - Letting Your Peak Mind Shine

    19/03/2019 Duração: 44min

    To make the greatest impact during our short stay on this planet, it's important to always be pursuing our 'peak mind.' Some of the most crucial elements for a peak mind include a growth mindset, positive habits, authentically sharing our gifts, and not putting off tomorrow what you can let shine today. And that's exactly what   Michael is the co-founder of Global Citizen and the host of the newly launched podcast called "Peak Mind with Michael Trainer." He's also one of Mark's best friends. And although they're both cut from the same cloth and have interviewed some of the best minds of our time, Michael hasn't wanted to publish his interviews or his podcast until now.   To get the inside scoop to why now was the right time to share his podcast and why a 'peak mind' is so important, check out Mark and Michael's interview on Episode 214 of the Are You Being Real? show! They also go into how authenticity plays into achieving a peak mind, lessons he learned from Tom Petty's death, and some practical tips to buil

  • 213 Suzy Batiz - Alive As Shit: How To Live Turned On

    12/03/2019 Duração: 50min

    Listen & Subscribe on iTunes   By the time Suzy Batiz had reached 38, she had already experienced multiple failures in business and in life and had just gone through her second bankruptcy and was suffering from depression. Shit got real for her. It got so real that when she had the inspiration to develop what we know today as 'Poo-Pourri', she got right to work and went from broke to creating a $400M+ empire and brand.   And she credits it all to 'doing what turns you on.'   Are you being real about how you do with your ideas, inspiration, and life when shit gets real?   Tune into Episode 213 to hear Suzy and Mark discuss the origins of Poo~Pourri, what Suzy did to overcome her depression and get through her financial struggles, why you should treat your ideas, inspiration, and businesses like a baby, and why it's important to do what turns you on instead of what others expect.   Enjoy!!     Connect with Mark: Instagram | Facebook | Twitter Connect with Suzy: Instagram | Facebook | Twitter     Show Notes:

  • 212 Ora Nadrich - Living True Through Mindfulness & Authenticity

    05/03/2019 Duração: 48min

    Listen & Subscribe on iTunes   Do you dwell on your past? Are you anxious about the future? You're not alone. Many people relive past experiences over and over in the head, wondering what might have been, or fret about tomorrow thinking "What if."  But what we fail to realize in those moments, is that we're passing up a once-in-a-lifetime moment that we could be learning from in the here and now.   Are you being real living true and living in the present?   In Episode 212, Mark sits down with mindfulness coach and author, Ora Nadrich. She's an expert at helping others live authentically in the present. After the passing of her sister, Ora has doubled-down on living in the moment and treating each moment like it's only one worth living. And in this episode, she shares why the past is a great teacher, how authenticity plays into mindfulness, how to create better relationships with our desires and attachments, and she shares some of her favorite techniques to savor the present.   Enjoy!!     Connect with Mar

  • 211 Mark Shapiro - Be & Be Seen For Who You Truly Are

    26/02/2019 Duração: 23min

    Listen & Subscribe on iTunes   Putting yourself out there and showing the world your real self can be intimidating. As human beings, we crave acceptance from our peers and always want to be seen in the best light. And in a world of where superficiality and always 'looking cool' is the norm, it takes a brave person to share who they truly are with others.   And for Mark, it's not just a good idea; it's fundamental to our happiness and peace in the long run.   If you truly want to be appreciated and be at peace with yourself for who we truly are, and not for who others want or think us to be, you need to give others a chance at seeing the real you. And with a little practice, being the real you at all times can become the new status quo.   In Episode 211, Mark records a solo episode where he presents a compelling case for why we should remove our masks and let others see more of who we truly are, when it’s a good time to be vulnerable, and why social media doesn’t always (if rarely) reflect what’s actually

  • 210 Scott Norton - How To Build An Authentic Brand & Company

    19/02/2019 Duração: 48min

    Listen & Subscribe on iTunes   What does it take to build a successful brand and business? What does it take to change a company culture? What does it take to build authentic brand loyalty? What does it take to disrupt Big Ketchup?   Masterful Authentic Storytelling.   This is what Scott Norton used to take Sir Kensington’s, a popular condiment brand built on integrity and charm, from a small startup to ultimately being bought out by Unilever. From the backstory of the titular character “Sir Kensington” to the story weaving of how the company sources its ingredients and labor, the art of authentically telling a story has been a crucial ingredient every step of the way. And it’s not something that’s just unique to him. Anyone can tap into their own experiences and creativity to build a brand like his.   In this episode, Mark and Scott talk about the origin of Sir Kensington’s, how Scott redefined his role at the company so he could play to his strengths, why company culture and finding balance as a manager

  • 209 Chris Winfield - How To Be A 'Super Connector'

    12/02/2019 Duração: 47min

    Listen & Subscribe on iTunes   "When you do things right, your network is your net worth."   No matter who we are or what we want to accomplish, we could all use a little more help from our friends. And if you want to attract more help and connections into your life, you've got to get into the habit of going 'the extra mile.' It's one of his keys for becoming a 'super connector,' someone with a solid network that's deeper and wider than 99% of the people you'll meet. And Chris Winfield is one of the best out there.   Chris has been featured in many reputable publications such as  USA Today, TIME, and The Wall Street Journal and is the founder of Unfair Advantage Live, the premier publicity event for coaches, entrepreneurs and authors. He's one of the foremost experts in network and relationship building today. And with his tips and strategies, anyone can grow and become the 'super connector' of their network.   If you're ready to learn how to go 'the extra mile' and become a 'super connector' yourself, th

  • 208 Mark Shapiro - How To Powerfully Say No

    05/02/2019 Duração: 24min

    Listen & Subscribe on iTunes   No one wants to come across as disagreeable, 'too good', or an overall a-hole. Which is why, for many, saying "NO" is one of the hardest and most uncomfortable words they can say to someone.   But for Mark, it's become one of the most empowering words in his vocabulary. Using it has helped him find some of the biggest 'YES'es in his life, both professionally and personally.   Do you define and vocalize your boundaries? Do you use your time and energy for what matters most to you? Are you being real about your relationship with the word "No"?   On Episode 208 of Are You Being Real, Mark goes deep into the word No. He discusses why it's so hard to say, why it's important to use it, when it's an appropriate time to say it, and how to say it so that you set your boundaries all the while acknowledging others and keeping the relationship on good terms. He also shares some special strategies for when the person you need to say No to is your significant other or your boss.   Like th

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