Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 392:09:29
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Learning to see life from a spiritual perspective can change the way we think, which changes everything. As we let go of fear, worry, regret, blame, anger, guilt, resentment, jealousy and shame, we can create the loving, joyful, prosperous, healthy life that we want and deserve.brbr The best or worst place to live is in our own mind. You will learn how to weed out the negativity and to be grateful and positive in word, thought and deed, resulting in your ever-increasing happiness. Uplift Your Life: Nourishment of the Spirit is broadcast live every Thursday at 8 AM Pacific Time on the VoiceAmerica Empowerment Channel.


  • The Forever Letter, with Elana Zaiman

    02/11/2017 Duração: 55min

    Our values and hard-earned wisdom may be the most important legacy we give our children. We can leave it to chance and hope they heard us when we were alive or we can choose to make sure that our message is clearly stated. When my mother passed away, she didn't intentionally leave anything for me in the way of wisdom. My only window into the parts of herself that she kept private were some scraps of paper that she had saved. On one of those pieces of paper she had written: The gift is the present. My mother was not someone who saved many things. That she kept this piece of paper was significant. It helped me see my mother in a new light. She was always worried about something and lived with a lot of anxiety. It felt like this was her ethical will, telling me that there was a better, easier way to live and that even though she hadn't been able to achieve it for herself, she hoped that I would. Please join us Thursday to learn the value of writing a forever letter and how to do it.

  • Big Love with Scott Stabile

    26/10/2017 Duração: 56min

    There's a popular post on Facebook declaring that hate spreads faster than love. In fact, the exact opposite is true. Love always has been and always will be stronger than hate. The forces of fear and hate may appear to be louder and appear to dominate, but that is an illusion. My guest is a living example of how love strengthens us and helps us overcome the most difficult circumstances. At fourteen, Scott's parents were murdered and at twenty-three his brother died of a drug overdose. Soon after Scott joined a cult, which he left after thirteen years. Through it all, he used love to forgive and to heal. Scott writes: There are gifts in even our greatest sorrows. If we're willing to acknowledge them. If we're willing to work at seeing them. This is why I tell a silver lining story in each of my shows. We can choose to see the positive, to be resilient, to grow and be happy. It's like turning a kaleidoscope. We have the power to do it. Please join us Thursday to see how Scott did it.

  • Glamour Magic Helps You Get What You Want with Deborah Castellano

    19/10/2017 Duração: 55min

    There are so many have to's and should's in our lives that most of us don't pay attention to what we want. Some of us don't even ask ourselves: What do I really want in life? Am I fulfilling my heart's desire? Do I like my job, my significant other, my friends? Do I pop out of bed looking forward to my day or do I need a cup of coffee to get myself motivated? Many of us are stuck in some version of Groundhog Day, mindlessly repeating a version of the previous day, with no excitement or positive energy to fuel us. Do you remember your childhood dreams, the visions of your life before someone destroyed your hopes? It's time to pull out those dreams, decide that you're worth it, and discover the tools to make it all happen. Please join us Thursday to learn how to use what makes you exciting and interesting in order to discover what you want and to succeed in getting it.

  • Tablets of Light, with Danielle Rama Hoffman

    12/10/2017 Duração: 55min

    The end of the Mayan calendar was really about a shift from third dimension consciousness of fear and separation to fourth dimension consciousness of love and unity. There was too much fear for the shift to occur and it was delayed. We are moving into that change now. Each tablet transmission in Danielle's book includes embedded light codes of high vibrational energy and consciousness, which activate hidden keys to conscious evolution within your soul. Offering the opportunity to leave behind and evolve outdated ways of being, such as acting from fear, being restrained by self-consciousness, and hiding your brilliance, the teachings of the Tablets of Light enable you to awaken oracular vision, re-establish quantum consciousness, become vibrationally autonomous, and activate your Divine Light Body. We truly can live without fear. Please join us Thursday to open your mind and heart to living without fear and choosing instead to live in the consciousness of unity and love.

  • Breakup Rehab, with Rebekah Freedom McClaskey

    05/10/2017 Duração: 54min

    As the song says, Breaking Up Is Hard To Do, but it doesn’t end there. All too often we think that the breakup or divorce will solve the problem, and we jump into a new relationship only to discover that we are in a similar situation again. To create a healthy relationship, we must first grieve the old one and recognize our own part in causing the last one to fail. It takes two people to have a relationship and we must look at our own beliefs and behaviors in order to make some adjustments and get what we really want in love and in life. Rebekah helps us through the process using her personal experience with a difficult breakup and her professional expertise as a counselor. She gently guides us through grief or resignation to forgiveness and self-responsibility, self-compassion and self-awareness, power and purpose. Please join us Thursday to learn how to embark on a self-realization journey to the life and love you want.

  • Limitless Possibility with Tracie Stafford

    28/09/2017 Duração: 51min

    To meet Tracie today, a successful businesswoman, philanthropist and mayoral candidate, you would not guess that she was a third-generation domestic violence victim. Inspired by the need to heal herself and others, she used her dedication to public service to share her journey from poverty, domestic violence, child abuse and sexual assault to a life of love, joy and limitless possibility. She began speaking for organizations such as the U.S. Department of Justice, Office on Violence Against Women, The National Institute on the Prosecution of Domestic Violence and City Departments, Correctional Facilities and Social Change Groups. She was crowned Mrs. California Globe, state spokesperson for the Women in Need Foundation where she placed first runner up at Mrs. US of A. After a decade of this work, Tracie realized that trying to persuade legislators was no longer enough. She decided to enter politics and is running for mayor. Please join us Thursday to hear Tracie's inspiring story.

  • Increasing Bone Density with Deb McFarland

    21/09/2017 Duração: 53min

    Osteoporosis is a major health concern for women and men over the age of 50. Worldwide, as a result of osteoporosis, 1 in 3 women over age 50 will experience fractures, as will 1 in 5 men over age 50. Approximately 20% of those who have a hip fracture die within the first year, 40% never walk independently and 33% need a nursing home. Until recently there have been no good solutions for building bone density. Now we have OsteoStrong. In less than 10 minutes per week, you can rebuild bone density with their special exercises that strengthen your skeletal system. Additional benefits are improved posture, balance and athletic performance and decreased joint and back pain. Tony Robbins said: OsteoStrong will be a global brand. I want to help make that happen. The results are research based and each 10 minute session is with a trained specialist who assists you. You can find a location near you at www.OsteoStrong.me. Please join us Thursday to learn how easy it is to have strong bones.

  • Enlightenment for Busy People with Dr. Marcie Anderson

    14/09/2017 Duração: 55min

    Everyone has their own story of loss and sadness. Sometimes there's even trauma and despair. What we do in the most difficult moments of our life defines us and determines our future. We can stay stuck in anger, blame and fear, seek a way to rebuild our life, or be willing to accept a life raft when it's thrown to us. Marcie chose to heal. She takes us along on her journey from a Catholic girl in Portland, Oregon to Kaleshwar's ashram in southern India with a life changing stop in Los Angeles. She's an engaging storyteller who teaches us her healing tools as she moves through her personal story. Using meditation and journaling with the five elements of earth, fire, sky, water and air, she released doubt, fear, sadness, pain, anger, judgment and confusion. What was left was peace, trusting her inner wisdom and intuition, forgiveness and limitless amounts of energy, unconditional love and laughter. Please join us Thursday to learn how you, too, can find enlightenment.

  • Dating on Your Own Terms with Dr. Susan Edelman

    07/09/2017 Duração: 53min

    The first rule about dating is that there are no rules, except maybe, be true to yourself, which should be your number one rule wherever you are and whatever you are doing. Then you cannot go wrong. Because each person is different, each relationship is different. The dating relationship is the beginning and if the seeds aren't watered and nurtured with the unique needs of both individuals, the relationship will always be lopsided. If you're afraid to speak up when you're dating, it will only get worse when you're married. It is important to ask yourself, What do I Want? Sometimes we forget to keep asking: is he respectful; is he kind; is he grateful; does he listen to what I'm saying; do we share the same values? What our mothers told us about dating may not be helpful in today's world. Please join us Thursday to learn how to find your ideal partner, date to get what you want, and be happy alone and with a partner.

  • Hum Your Way to Harmony, Health and Happiness

    31/08/2017 Duração: 54min

    Humming is an easy and profound way to create healing, harmony and happiness. Research has proven the positive effects of humming, which include: reducing stress, creating calmness, improving sleep, lowering heart rate and blood pressure and increasing oxytocin, known as the love hormone. It takes no special musical skills, just the ability to use your voice. The vibrations created by humming effect the mind, body and spirit. The sounds actually rearrange molecular structure within the body. The result is physical healing which increases lymphatic circulation and melatonin production, releases endorphin's and even creates new neural pathways in the brain. The potential to help Alzheimer's patients is indicative of the power of simply humming. In addition, sound can be used to assist in manifestation and in spiritual well-being. Please join us Thursday to learn how to consciously use humming to heal your body, mind and spirit.

  • Getting UNSTUCK with Shira Taylor Gura

    24/08/2017 Duração: 55min

    I had just finished doing my radio show and pulled out a stack of books that I had received from potential guests. I went outside for a break and a young owl caught my attention. He was wounded and sitting on the ground starring directly at me. I called the animal rescue number and pulled up a chair to keep him safe. I wondered why this owl showed up now and what message he had for me. I went inside to get the books and discovered that my cat was frantic. He had been showing signs for a while that he didn't like sharing me with others. The owl was the last straw for him, but I still didn't want to admit that he needed a new home. We had been together for several years and were emotionally bonded. In my turmoil, I picked up Shira's book and randomly opened it. As I read, I knew the owl was there to help me see what I had been denying. I had to rehome Benji for his happiness and mine. I also knew I wanted Shira on my show to help you too learn how to get unStuck. Please join us Thursday

  • Knowing You Are Good Enough with Barbara Jaffe

    17/08/2017 Duração: 55min

    Ninety percent of our self-talk is negative. Whether or not you think you have problems with not feeling good enough, this statistic tells us that all of us are constantly judging ourselves and rarely do we meet the impossibly high standards that we set for ourselves. Many of us learn to survive by being people pleasers or masking our low self-esteem or self-confidence with workaholism or a long list of accomplishments. The problem is that our public image doesn't match our self-image. Whether our difficulties stem from an alcoholic or abusive parent, our gender or birth order or body size, a school bully, being a replacement child or not measuring up to some parental ideal, in the end, we must take responsibility for our own mental and emotional health. We all have the capability of learning to love, respect and nurture ourselves. When we do this, everything changes and the doors to an amazing life open wide. Please join us Thursday to learn how you can choose to be good enough.

  • Learning How to Face the Unknown

    10/08/2017 Duração: 55min

    The feelings of fear and excitement are the same. Furthermore, heroes and villains have the same feelings in the split second before they each make very different choices. The journey of our life prepares us for that split second decision. It is rarely a magical leap, rather a steady path of living life one choice at a time, building our courage, strength and resilience as we go. Marianne Williamson wisely said: “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.” The process of allowing ourselves to become the shining light of our true self, rather than the dim light of the roles we play in order to be accepted, is the process of moving through fear one step at a time. As we replace the fear of the unknown with the joy of discovering our own beauty, life becomes what it is meant to be. Please join us Thursday to learn how to step joyfully into the unknown.

  • Healing Through New Music with Ted Winslow

    03/08/2017 Duração: 54min

    The word music generally brings up thoughts of favorite composers, singers, genres or specific pieces. Research has proven the powerful impact that certain kinds of music have on our mood and intelligence. Now there is a new kind of music that actually helps people heal. Sound Sync Technologies™ is a scientifically proven healing technology developed by Ted Winslow. Ted invented this specialized sound healing music after 25 years of research and development of healing Solfeggio Frequencies, Binaural Beats, Theta Brainwave Technology, layering of frequencies, Sacred Geometry, Numerology, and spherical sound waves which are composed and mastered to create a positive affect on the human energy field. Show listeners will be able to experience this amazing new sound technology with a free download of Ted's Amazon Bestseller, Angelic Sound Healing. Please join us Thursday to learn how true healing occurs through the vibrations of sound.

  • Becoming a Peaceful Warrior with Dan Millman

    27/07/2017 Duração: 54min

    Kids enjoy sitting around the campfire listening to their parents or counselors tell stories designed to teach or scare them. This ancient tradition of storytelling grew out of a time when books did not exist and the tribal elders told stories to pass on the culture, wisdom, history, values and practices of their people. The skill of storytelling, although originally oral and improvised, has expanded to include writing stories of fiction. Dan Millman's Peaceful Warrior saga is in the tradition of oral storytelling with the purpose of passing on sacred wisdom, knowledge and values, most specifically--how to live a life. As every good teacher knows, people learn best through stories that help connect hearts and minds. Dan is a masterful teacher taking us on a journey toward awakening. The path of the Peaceful Warrior is one of learning to live with a peaceful heart and a warrior's spirit. Please join us Thursday to learn how to become a peaceful warrior.

  • Healing from Trauma by Reclaiming Your Body with Suzanne Scurlock -Durana

    20/07/2017 Duração: 56min

    At least half of us have experienced trauma, more commonly known as abuse, bullying or PTSD. We often avoid using the word trauma by labeling abusers as controlling, manipulative, angry or cold. Somehow these terms make the abusers actions acceptable. They are not. Whether abuse is emotional, psychological, physical, sexual or financial, it causes deep wounds. The most harmful wounds are emotional. When the trauma is occurring, most people are not able to process what's happening. They're just trying to survive. The emotions have to go somewhere so they go deep into the body where they may hide for years causing physical, mental and emotional problems. The person disconnects from their body in order to not feel the pain. We all do this to some extent, like when someone says something cruel to us. To heal, we must reconnect with our bodies, which takes time and patience. Please join us Thursday to learn how you can reclaim your body, access its wisdom and heal from trauma.

  • Learn How to Manage Yourself, Not Your Time with Nan Russell

    13/07/2017 Duração: 54min

    Conventional wisdom says: to succeed, you must work long hours. In fact, our brain needs regular breaks to function at its best. Recently a friend asked me, “What’s the one thing you’ve done this year to create more energy?” My answer surprised me: “I allow myself to stop working when I hit an energy wall.” I recognize my thoughts now, like, “I’m tired, but I want to cross this off my list.” Yes, I could push through my low energy and get a second wind. In the morning, I could ignore the fact that I'm tired, down my coffee and convince myself I'm fine. There is a price to pay, however, and it’s a high one. We can do this every now and then but eventually we deplete our energy. A much more effective strategy is to remind ourselves that almost everything can wait. These days I ask myself: “What will happen if this doesn’t get done today?” The answer is almost always “nothing.” Please join us Thursday to Learn How to Manage Yourself, Not Your Time.

  • Consciousness Is What We Are, with Dr. Jude Currivan

    06/07/2017 Duração: 55min

    Current ideas about existence and the Universe itself are shifting. Either/or is no longer the dominant mode of thinking. Researchers are beginning to understand our consciousness in broader, holistic ways, integrating the scientific and the spiritual. Dr. Jude Currivan shows how to reconcile quantum mechanics and Einstein's theory of relativity; explains how we are consciousness as opposed to consciousness being something we have; and proves experiences that we refer to as paranormal or supernormal are actually normal. Jude says: By liberating ourselves from a limiting perspective, we can begin to not only understand but also consciously utilize the expanded insights offered by our inherent supernormal capacities, not merely to empower and benefit ourselves and enhance our own well-being and wholeness, but to appreciate and serve the ultimate oneness of all life. Please join us Thursday to learn how these ideas will help us create a more just, sustainable and peaceful world.

  • Healing Through Ancient Wisdom and Modern Science Combined with Jennifer Gehl

    29/06/2017 Duração: 55min

    Fake news is not only in politics. It also limits our understanding of illness and how to cure it. Just like with fake news, some believe they're telling the truth and others know they're misleading people. Here are some examples of fake medical news coming from sources we were taught to trust. Public television promoted a program on the definitive causes of depression without mentioning trauma, which many believe is the main source of depression. In a recent PBS special on bone density, the authority told us there is no way to build bone density despite the fact that a 10 minute a week exercise program, OsteoStrong, approved by the American Bone Association, does build bone. Psychiatrists spend about 15 minutes with patients; just long enough to decide which prescription to write. Congress just approved billions of dollars for doctors to drug children if they think the child may get a future mental disorder. Please join us Thursday to learn real facts on profound health and healing.

  • Overcoming Your Difficult Family with Dr. Eric Maisel

    22/06/2017 Duração: 54min

    Whose family is free of drama and challenging relationships? Even small difficulties get magnified in troubling times, like ours. The amount of discord that emerged over the family dinner table last Christmas has not been healed. What had been under the surface, grew to unmanageable proportions and erupted in arguments that still hang in the air. Family therapy is not always an option or even the best option. Sometimes we just have to learn how to take care of ourselves. In doing so, we might even be surprised by the healing that emerges for others. There are strategies that we can learn to help us develop strength, calm and resilience even within families that are abusive, anxiety-ridden, critical, intrusive, addicted, chaotic, hopeless, loveless, divisive and/or materialistic. Some people try to escape by moving away, but the pain is still there. It is possible to truly overcome your difficult family. Please join us Thursday to learn how.

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