Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 392:09:29
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Learning to see life from a spiritual perspective can change the way we think, which changes everything. As we let go of fear, worry, regret, blame, anger, guilt, resentment, jealousy and shame, we can create the loving, joyful, prosperous, healthy life that we want and deserve.brbr The best or worst place to live is in our own mind. You will learn how to weed out the negativity and to be grateful and positive in word, thought and deed, resulting in your ever-increasing happiness. Uplift Your Life: Nourishment of the Spirit is broadcast live every Thursday at 8 AM Pacific Time on the VoiceAmerica Empowerment Channel.


  • Self Empowerment is the Path to Healing

    28/08/2014 Duração: 52min

    Self-empowerment is a challenge for almost all of us. We have so many voices telling us what we can and can't do and should and shouldn't be that it's hard to hear our own voice and to trust that it's truly ours. And that creates its own set of fears: will I be safe if I express my true self; will I be liked; will I make enough money; will I lose important relationships; will I be judged and criticized? Living a false life, putting on a happy face and pretending, often to ourselves, that all is well can lead to significant problems, including addictions, eating disorders, abuse, depression, anxiety and/or co-dependency. Actually, allowing ourselves to dance to the drummer we hear is the only safe and fulfilling way to live a life. It is also the pathway to healing from all of these conditions. We do not have to be ruled by our past. Join us this Thursday to learn how to truly heal from all of these societal plagues as we find and listen to our own voice.

  • Argentine Tango Heals You from the Inside Out

    21/08/2014 Duração: 57min

    Last week we explored Living From Your Own Truth. Argentine Tango helped me do just that. Christy Cote was one of my teachers on this path. She asked me to share a quote with you from Sally Potter, Creator of the film, The Tango Lesson: I think that at the heart of the tango is the music. It’s like an undiscovered continent. It’s rich and devouring because it’s so passionate. But at the same time, it’s meditative and contemplative. It can be calm or rhythmically driving. And it has a lyrical intensity. Tango is unique in world music because, although it is popular, it has the depth and profundity usually associated with classical music. When you dance tango, you are constantly in the embrace both of an extraordinary musical culture and of another human being. Because of the physical closeness of the dance, it is possible to explore intimacy in a metaphorical way while pushing your own inventiveness and creativity to their limits. Join us Thursday to discover Argentine Tango as healer.

  • Living from your own truth

    14/08/2014 Duração: 58min

    When we live with abuse, we waste a lot of time and energy asking: Why does he keep hurting me? How can I help her be happy? How can I get him to stop hurting me? Asking these questions keeps the spotlight on taking care of the abuser. The person who gets ignored is the one being abused. Because it’s all so painful, we ignore our own sadness and pain. We avoid feeling and thus avoid healing. It seems easier than facing the truth of our lives and taking responsibility for our own happiness. We want them to save us or do the things that would make us happy. The fact is, we have to start asking different questions: Why do I keep letting him or her abuse me? What can I do to help myself? When we take responsibility for our own situation and our own choices, then everything can change. It sounds harder but it’s actually easier. We can become our own best friend. We can learn to treat ourselves with loving kindness. Join us Thursday to discover how to live from your own truth.

  • Health Care Redefined: Chinese Medicine Plus Chiropractic

    07/08/2014 Duração: 58min

    Chiropractic care is more than you think. Although the focus is on the spine, the profession has grown over the years. Most practitioners add certifications to form their unique style of diagnosis and treatment to provide optimal health care. Such diversity makes it impossible to lump all chiropractors into the same bag--and what one's training is helps to determine how one views the patient, the symptoms and the health concern. One practitioner told me that he doesn't look for a disease; he looks at what is wrong and determines what tools will be most effective to correct it. As Bernie Siegel said last week, those tools can include kindness, support and love. When you combine the wisdom of Chinese Medicine with chiropractic care, you get a unique perspective that allows you to diagnose and treat health problems in a substantially different way. Add all of Aldo's other certifications to that and you know, you are in good hands. Join us Thursday to see health care in a new light.

  • Life After Death

    31/07/2014 Duração: 56min

    Dr. Bernie Siegel's bestselling book, Peace, Love and Healing, was my introduction to healing through the spiritual realm. He touched something new in me, which has continued to change my life in the most wonderful ways. What he said made sense and the fact that he was a Yale trained oncologist led more credence to his ideas. Here was a man of science who was able to use his training to see beyond what he had been taught, and in so doing, he became my teacher. Bernie’s coming on this show as my third guest touched me deeply, and I'm excited that he wanted to come on again. This time we're going to talk about how his patients ease their end of life transition by preparing to communicate with their loved ones after death. Bernie is willing to talk about things that few physicians are. It isn't surprising that he was named one of the top 20 Spiritually Influential Living People. Treat yourself this Thursday to Life After Death with Bernie, a wise, humorous and insightful teacher.

  • Ramp Up the Power with Spiritual Tools

    24/07/2014 Duração: 57min

    Pray for corn--and plant the seeds. This says it all. The quality of our lives is the result of a partnership between the spiritual realm and the physical realm. All of us need to do our part for our wishes to manifest in our physical lives. We need to be grateful for what we have, pray for help in receiving what we still want and do our work in the physical realm to make it happen. That partnership is powerful and can create everyday miracles in our lives, including emotional, mental and physical healing. There are numerous tools that we can use that add positive energy to help connect our prayers and the outcomes we desire. This includes, but is not limited to: candles, incense, gem stones, essential oils, pendulums, angel cards, crystal bowls, bach flower remedies and herbs. These are not new age ideas. Even Moses used Frankincense and Mother Mary used Myrrh. Join us Thursday to learn more about the power of these spiritual tools from someone who practices what she sells.

  • No prescription drugs and only 1 pill a day!

    17/07/2014 Duração: 57min

    I found Lewis Cone by overhearing someone say: a virus that causes acid reflux can be undetectable with traditional medical testing. Since I don't like taking medication, especially on an on-going basis, I was treating my acid reflux with acupuncture and by paying attention to which foods I was eating and my stress levels. This worked for a number of years, but then nothing seemed to help. Since I believe in synchronicity and in kinesiology, I decided to try Dr. Cone. I was so impressed that I continued to see him with other on-going problems. After less than 2 years of tackling problems, one at a time, I am in the best health I have ever been. I can't remember when I was sick last, and I used to be sick a few times a year. Furthermore, I used to take several herbs every day, costing me about $200 per month and much inconvenience. I now take 1 pill a day, and it isn't a multivitamin. Join us Thursday to learn about this amazing process from the man I recommend to friends and clients.

  • True Leadership: We All Matter

    10/07/2014 Duração: 56min

    In 1993 Sergeant Keni Thomas was deployed to Mogadishu, Somalia with the 3rd Ranger Battalion as part of an elite special operations. The mission was to find and capture a criminal warlord named Mohammed Farrah Aideed. Keni and his fellow rangers distinguished themselves in an 18-hour fire-fight that was recounted in the highly successful book and movie, “Blackhawk Down”. 19 Americans gave their lives and 78 were wounded in the worst urban combat seen by US troops since WWII. Drawing from his experiences on the battlefield, Keni inspires people to achieve greatness by stressing the importance of outstanding leadership at every level, even if the only person you are leading is yourself. His message of Train as you fight - Fight as you train and Lead By Example epitomizes the Ranger motto “Rangers Lead the Way!” He believes Leadership has never been about the rank or the position you hold. It’s about the example you set. Please join us Thursday to hear a courageous and wise leader.

  • Treating the Whole Person: Mind, Body and Spirit

    03/07/2014 Duração: 57min

    When was the last time your doctor asked you questions about your emotions, thoughts, beliefs, energy and joy? And I'm not talking about your psychiatrist. Because of my work in the field of healing from abuse, I have become knowledgeable about the influence that emotional well-being has on physical health. Yet, counselors and doctors do not talk with each other about the patients they share. I actually asked a number of medical doctors about whether they have ever thought about consulting with their clients' counselors. Even those who understood the importance of doing this, said that it was impossible because the time involved would cut into their income. Wow! Don't doctors take some kind of oath about healing their patients?! When did protecting your income become more important than saving lives? Join us Thursday when we talk with a medical doctor who values their patients' health enough to treat them as whole beings and not just body parts.

  • Addiction No More: Hope and Wise Choices

    26/06/2014 Duração: 56min

    Addictions are a world-wide problem. How we treat a problem is influenced by how we think about it. Rarely do we talk about addiction as a form of abuse and yet, it is. This time it's self-abuse. We've talked in past shows about the fact that 90% of our self-talk is negative. I'd say that's self-abuse. Can we change it? Absolutely! And, that's the difference between an addiction and a habit--consciously making a choice. Every moment of every day we make choices about what we think, what we say, how we act, what we put in our bodies--whether we treat ourselves and others with love, disinterest or cruelty. We are in charge of our lives. What are you choosing? One of my pet peeves is the automatic response that television characters have to a stressful day. Invariably, it's: I need a drink. No one needs a drink. How about replacing it with: I need to meditate or breathe deeply or exercise or laugh? It's time to choose wisely! Join us Thursday to learn about hope and choosing wisely.

  • Stress Be Gone

    19/06/2014 Duração: 57min

    According to Deepak Chopra, recent research shows that an unhealthy lifestyle (which includes lack of exercise, stress, and a poor diet) is responsible for 90% of chronic illnesses. Furthermore, only 5% of disease is unavoidable due to a gene present from birth. Of all of the lifestyle indicators, stress is the one that turns up consistently as causing from 75-90% of diseases. That we live in stressful times is no great surprise, but what do we do about it? We do have control of our health. We can choose to allow the stress to wreak havoc in our bodies and our lives or we can do something about it. Last week, Dawon Washington emphasized that the soul is composed of color, tone and vibration. By moving energy through the body, we can heal and transform. Through our Limitless Self, we can prevent illness and even reverse it. Reflexology is one way to move energy through our bodies, releasing stress and creating balance. Join us Thursday to learn how to take charge of your health.

  • Energy Heals: Using Color and Sound

    12/06/2014 Duração: 58min

    Energy is the great healer or destroyer. How we choose to use it is up to each and every one of us. And, I'm not talking about gas and electricity. I'm talking about free energy that comes in the form of words, thoughts, touch, looks, smell, sound and color. Everything and everyone sends out vibrations that can hurt or heal. 7% of any verbal message is conveyed through words, 38% through voice (tone, loudness, emotion) and 55% through nonverbal elements (facial expressions, gestures, posture). If all we did was consciously change our tone of voice or smile instead of glare, our spoken communication would change. The colors we wear or think and breathe into our body or surround ourselves with and the tones we chant and listen to have amazing power. Someone knowledgeable in the use of these tools can create positive change and healing in the mind, body and spirit. The miraculous becomes normal. Join me Thursday to learn from a master how to use energy for protection and healing.

  • Creating Positive Change

    05/06/2014 Duração: 56min

    Remember Random Acts of Kindness? What happened to the craze that swept the world? It captured our hearts and minds and then vanished as quickly as it came. How do we create a society that supports and practices kindness? Currently our media seem to focus on the very opposite--murder and war. Even our politics is overrun with who said or did what terrible thing. A while ago I wrote a letter to our local newspaper's editor asking why there wasn't balanced reporting. The letter wasn't printed and the reply said I was incorrect. My thought was, well maybe if you count the want ads. How can we create positive attitudes and thinking within ourselves and our children if we are bombarded by negativity? I don't mean we should deny the injustices in the world. We need to know about the horror of a young girl being bullied to the point of suicide so it never happens again. And that's the key. Let's use tragedy to make the world a better place. Join us Thursday for Creating Positive Change.

  • Yoga Can Help Me What? You Can Actually Change Your Thinking through Yoga

    29/05/2014 Duração: 56min

    It's time to widen the definition of abuse. Recently there have been some glaring examples of abuse in the news: Donald Sterling's cruel words to his girlfriend, the unconscionable kidnapping of 200 young girls and 40 deaths of veterans due to corruption at the Phoenix VA.These deserve our outrage as does veterans suffering from PTSD. What doesn't get media attention is how we hurt ourselves on a daily basis. In the interview with Barbara Walters marking the end of her career, she talked about having the woulda, coulda, shoulda syndrome. When someone of her stature and worldwide acclaim comments on constantly being bombarded by thoughts of doing it wrong, it's a sign that we must address and heal what goes on in our minds and put an end to continually abusing ourselves. It's bad enough that other people do it to us. We have to stop doing it to ourselves. Research confirms that 90% of our self-talk is negative. Join us Thursday to discover how yoga can help you change your thinking

  • Making the Conversation Real: Looking through the eyes of Courage, Beauty and Wisdom with David Whyte

    22/05/2014 Duração: 54min

    I've heard many speakers over the years and read many books. David Whyte stands out as having had the greatest influence on me. 20 years later, I can still remember direct quotes and the profound experience of hearing him read poetry. I had been an English teacher, and yet, it wasn't until I felt the poetry entering my being through David's deep connection and haunting way of reading each poem that I finally felt, loved and then understood poetry. The way he interwove wisdom and the power of poetry to touch the soul, changed me. In a gentle way, the philosophical messages emphasized by the poetry, led to a self-examination and an infusion of courage, which continues to influence my life choices. His books are equally inspiring. He is self-revelatory and leads by example; not telling us how to live, but showing us how to live a life that is unique to us and the one we were meant to live. We discover what truly matters and find the unknown less frightening than unfulfilling familiarity.

  • Yes, You Can Be Free: Overcoming Abuse Through Self-Empowerment

    15/05/2014 Duração: 55min

    At least 1/3 of the population has been in an abusive relationship at some point. Emotional and psychological abuse often go undetected and under-reported, which means that 1/3 is probably a low estimate. These relationships can destroy the mind, body and spirit. Most suffer in silence, not knowing what is happening or what to do. Emotional abuse accompanies all forms of abuse and surprisingly is the most devastating. Physical wounds can be seen and treated in a way that emotional wounds cannot. Childhood sexual abuse, especially in young boys is probably the most invisible. Oprah was instrumental in bringing a lot of this information out of the shadows and into people's awareness. We need to keep the conversation going until we completely eradicate abuse. The emotional scars can run deep, yet healing and a life well-lived is possible. The path is through self-empowerment. Join us Thursday for information that we all need and an inspirational personal story of healing.

  • Let's Call a Spade a Spade

    08/05/2014 Duração: 57min

    Bullying, Betrayal, Manipulative, Controlling, Anger Problem, Walking on Egg Shells. These are safe words we use to make unacceptable behavior appear normal. In fact, they are all ways to hide the truth from ourselves and from society at large. We think that the term abuse is only appropriate when talking about physical abuse, sexual abuse or incest. What is less well known is that all of these words express the experience of emotional or psychological abuse. Since awareness is 99% of change, we must stop hiding the truth from ourselves by using words that normalize abusive behavior. Otherwise we will continue to be abused and wonder why the people who supposedly love us keep hurting us. We all exhibit these traits on occasion, but is it a pattern? Flowers and I'm sorry, mean nothing if the person repeats the abusive behavior. If he or she is sincere, they will show you by acting differently. Join us Thursday for a truth-telling program, Let's Call a Spade a Spade.

  • Your Boss Is Not Your Mother: Successful Relationships at Work and In Life

    01/05/2014 Duração: 56min

    Here's a statistic for you: 74% of workers are dissatisfied with their job. Of those, 85% blame their dissatisfaction on their supervisor. We tend to think that our relationships at work are separate from our personal relationships, however, we bring our relationship history to work with us. Often in our adult life, an event can trigger an unconscious memory or emotion from childhood, and suddenly without being aware of it, we react as if we were that little child again. Because it's happening on an unconscious level, we are less likely to deal with it in a healthy fashion. We stay stuck, often blaming the other person while secretly wondering why these things keep happening over and over again to us. Dr. Debra Mandel, in her book, Your Boss is Not Your Mother, helps us identify the root of the problem and demonstrates how to change our knee-jerk reaction in order to get the results we want. Join us Thursday to discover how to have healthier and happier relationships, wherever you go.

  • A Journey Into The Vast and Beautiful World of Creativity

    24/04/2014 Duração: 56min

    Yes, you are creative. Creativity happens in the right brain. Since all of us have a right brain, we are all creative. Creativity is not gifted to a special few. That door is open to all of us. The problem is that fear, self-criticism and the judgment of others shuts us down and makes us believe that we don't have what it takes. The fact is that we only use about 10% of our brain. Even more amazing is that the right brain holds vast amounts of information. Brain researchers estimate that there is 10 million times more information in the right, creative brain than in the left, logical brain. We all have access to this hidden potential within us, but we don't know how to tap into it. Past guests, Dr. Bernie Siegel, Dr. Larry Dossey and Imara emphasized the importance of the right brain for information and healing. Whether you want to discover or expand your creativity or learn how to truly think creatively, join us Thursday for a journey into the vast and beautiful world of creativity.

  • The Amazing Power of Sound

    17/04/2014 Duração: 57min

    Divine planning is always better than anything I could have devised on my own. Imara's appearance on our show in April is part of that perfection. To my surprise, it turns out that this month is a particularly powerful time for using sound to heal our mind, emotions, body and spirit. And Imara is a master at using crystal bowls and sound for doing just that. I also love the synchronicity of her following two guests who talked about healing from devastating illnesses and transitioning from this life. Music is a very important tool for facilitating these processes. We've all heard about the studies proving that listening to Mozart before taking college exams significantly improves students' scores. What we aren't as familiar with is how music can help us relax, sleep, overcome depression, energize us, heal us physically and so much more. Join us Thursday and learn from an expert how to take advantage of the extra energy in the Universe this month to harness the amazing power of sound.

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