Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 392:09:29
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Learning to see life from a spiritual perspective can change the way we think, which changes everything. As we let go of fear, worry, regret, blame, anger, guilt, resentment, jealousy and shame, we can create the loving, joyful, prosperous, healthy life that we want and deserve.brbr The best or worst place to live is in our own mind. You will learn how to weed out the negativity and to be grateful and positive in word, thought and deed, resulting in your ever-increasing happiness. Uplift Your Life: Nourishment of the Spirit is broadcast live every Thursday at 8 AM Pacific Time on the VoiceAmerica Empowerment Channel.


  • Mystical Experiences of Ordinary People

    26/03/2020 Duração: 55min

    Emily’s faith in God helped her survive childhood abuse without holding onto anger, bitterness or blame. At eighteen she had a near-death-experience, which opened the door to subsequent spiritual events. Although she considered herself ordinary, her mystical experiences made her feel different. She kept those experiences to herself out of fear that people would think her strange. Eventually, Emily realized the many meaningful ways those experiences impacted her life. By sharing them with others in her first book, she gave them the courage to tell her their mystical experiences. Those included vivid descriptions of near-death and out-of-body experiences, past-life memories, anecdotes about receiving signs and answers from the spiritual realm, and stories of the intertwined destinies of lovers and parents and children. Please join us Thursday to be inspired and uplifted. You may even recall a mystical interlude of your own and find the courage to acknowledge it.

  • Becoming Stronger and Happier Through Adversity

    19/03/2020 Duração: 57min

    Is it a problem, a challenge or an opportunity? Experience is neutral. How we view our experience determines if it’s good or bad. Whether we’re going through a life-threatening illness, divorce, death, addiction, job loss, abuse, self-sabotage, financial uncertainty, stress, anxiety, depression, or worry about the coronavirus, elections or climate change, we can move from fear to acceptance and embrace transformational change. Many of us believe that life is supposed to be smooth, easy and free of problems. If that isn’t our life, we think we’re doing something wrong. In actuality, we are here on earth to learn and grow. Overcoming fear, moving through pain and finding the silver linings, love and beauty in all of life is how we find meaning and personal growth. Change is inevitable. How we choose to view change is the key. Please join us Thursday for my six year show anniversary and be inspired by the stories of real people who used adversity to become stronger and happier.

  • Angels in the OR: What Dying Teaches Us About Healing, Survival and Transformation

    12/03/2020 Duração: 57min

    My guest was a depressed, agnostic student at The University of Texas in Austin until a head-on car accident and a near-death experience (NDE) during surgery changed her life. While learning to walk again, Tricia let go of painful wounds from childhood and integrated what she had gained from her spiritual experience on the other side into her daily life. She returned to college with a passion to become an English teacher. After a year of teaching, Tricia traveled to South Korea, where she experienced another trauma. This time it was a sexual assault. She could have gotten lost in being a victim. Instead, she chose to use the wisdom she gained on the other side during her NDE to heal herself and others. Tricia turned her traumas into blessings by bringing the “light” she experienced during her NDE to others who are seeking comfort, inspiration, and overall well-being. Please join us to discover the spiritual wisdom she gained that helped her overcome trauma and find peace.

  • Awakening Your Crystals

    05/03/2020 Duração: 51min

    In the eloquent words from my guest’s book: “Crystals work because they are a gift from the divine, from the universe, from the Earth energy, from Light, as are all natural gifts, given to us to enhance and promote our positivity…Crystals are a cosmic gift to us to boost our healing potential, to promote our connection to spirit, and to assist us...so that we may...transmute our negative energy.” We get the most benefit from our crystals when we program them for healing or attraction of positive energy, including love and prosperity. When we treat them with respect, communicate with them and feel the connection we have to them, they become even more powerful. Here are just a few uses: relieving physical or emotional pain, cleansing your aura, hearing, seeing or feeling with your intuition, stopping nail biting, believing in yourself, relieving sinus congestion, and healing the pain of loss. Please join us Thursday to learn how to benefit the most from your crystals.

  • Death is About Living, Not Dying

    27/02/2020 Duração: 52min

    As I sat down to write this show description, I opened my guest’s book for some inspiration. The passage my eyes fell on was so beautiful that I was drawn to share it with you. “At death, our consciousness travels outside our body until it’s ready to take up residence in its new home. These travels, or journeys, seem to be common at end of life. They’re not visible to most of us on earth, but lucid patients sometimes reference them in extremely real and vivid terms.” As a midwife to people who are at the end of their life here on earth, Dr. Debra Diamond helps us understand their spiritual and emotional experiences. She also provides wisdom for those who are supporting them. Here are some of the lessons she has learned: Death is not about dying, it’s about living; Death is a process involving body and soul; Our chakras transform at the end of life; and We feel loved, peaceful and safe as we journey to higher realms. Please join us Thursday to learn about the process of transitioning.

  • Cleansing and Protecting Yourself from Negative Energy with Dr. Paula

    20/02/2020 Duração: 40min

    We live in a time of increasing fear due to the coronavirus, climate change, stock market volatility, natural disasters, violence, and USA presidential elections. For our health and well-being, we must regularly cleanse ourselves of all negative energies, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual, and then put energetic protection around ourselves. Consequently, in this show, I include a guided meditation for cleansing and protection. I do this one every morning upon waking and every evening before sleep. I even use it if I wake up during the middle of the night. By clearing the negative energy, I am usually able to fall back asleep with ease. Just like we cleanse our body every day, we need to cleanse our energy field, too. You can use the on-demand show to replay this guided meditation until you have it memorized or you may enjoy listening to my voice and just continue to let me guide you through it. Please join us Thursday to learn about ETs and clearing fear and negative energy.

  • Essential Oils for Beginners

    13/02/2020 Duração: 56min

    Did you know that essential oils can be used effectively for cleaning products, massage oils, aromatics, aphrodisiacs, magical formulas, and healing everything from high blood pressure and headaches to cuts and bruises? I always carry a little bottle of lavender oil with me because it attracts good luck, relieves stress, and has antiviral and antibiotic qualities. If I get a cut while I’m away from my home, I can always put some lavender oil on it to clean it and protect myself from infection. Products from nature have always been used for beauty, happiness, spirituality, healing, and more. It’s only relatively recently in our history that we have chosen to focus on pharmaceutical products. Everything has its purpose. We need to educate ourselves so that we can make our own decisions as to when to choose natural products and when to use pharmaceuticals. Please join us Thursday to learn how to use essential oils for vibrant health and wellness.

  • Empaths Essential Role in Humanity's Evolution

    06/02/2020 Duração: 53min

    Being an empath is very different from being empathetic. An empath is at risk emotionally if they do not fully know how to protect themselves from the negative energy of others and the general environment. Once they understand who they are and how to manage their gifts, they can truly be of service to others and help create a world of peace, love and compassion. My guest will share with us the five characteristics of an empath, how they can protect themselves, and fully manifest their gifts to create a better world. Two of the five qualities that empaths possess are: the ability to merge with the energy of other beings, including people, animals, and anything with life force; and big, open hearts with a desire to serve others. The number of empaths is growing because they are greatly needed right now. Please join us Thursday to learn more about empaths and their essential role in the next step of humanity’s evolution and ascension into the frequency of heart-centered consciousness.

  • Heaven, Hell and Universal Salvation

    30/01/2020 Duração: 52min

    Yale University Press Book News said of Dr. David Bentley Hart’s new book: “A stunning reexamination of one of the essential tenets of Christian belief from one of the most provocative and admired writers on religion today.” Hart asserts that for almost 2000 years, the Christian tradition has been misleading on the topic of universal salvation. He makes his case based on the earliest Christian writings, theological tradition, scripture, and logic. Part of the misunderstanding stems from inaccurate translations of the original text. That there is no eternal damnation may be surprising to some. To others who understand God as good, Universal Salvation seems logical and in keeping with a loving God. Please join us Thursday to hear from this renowned theologian the original Christian beliefs about heaven and hell.

  • What to Expect and How to Navigate 2020: Focus on Cooperation

    23/01/2020 Duração: 55min

    Everything has energy, including numbers. That’s why I’ve had Alice on for several visits now. At the beginning of each year, she gives us valuable information on how to use the dominant energies of the year to our advantage. When we are in sync with the Universal energies, our lives flow with more ease, joy and grace. This year, keeping our words and actions constructive and encouraging rather than critical is especially important in determining the quality of our year. The more we are positive and truthful in loving ways, the better our lives will be. This year we can build something big to help society through hard work, cooperation, negotiation, partnership and creating consensus. Practical solutions to problems like climate change are possible if we choose cooperation. Speaking up and taking action in positive ways is essential to our well-being and the well-being of the world and could even lead to peace. Please join us Thursday to learn how to successfully navigate this year.

  • Oracle Cards for Guidance, Hope, Happiness and Well-Being

    16/01/2020 Duração: 56min

    In a world highly focused on the logical mind, it is often hard to hear the still small voice within. Using oracle cards is one way to develop our intuition and pay attention to our limitless higher self. Life can be very confusing with different voices in our heads or in our lives telling us what to do. It can cause us to doubt our intuition or what we feel is right. The oracle cards tap into unseen energies that give us perspective our logical mind is not capable of accessing, thereby providing the information we need. My guest, Margaret Ann Lembo has created a unique deck of oracle cards that pairs 44 gemstones with matching animal allies to give us guidance and messages of hope, happiness, and well-being. Each of the cards has a question for contemplation, a positive affirmation, and Divine Guidance. Please join us Thursday to learn how oracle cards can reveal self-knowledge and provide clarity on life’s challenges.

  • Proof of Life After Death

    09/01/2020 Duração: 57min

    We live in a world that wants concrete evidence. Intuition, psychic abilities, and the invisible realm are often discounted. If you’re a skeptic, James Van Praagh will convince you of the truth of what some cannot see, but he can. The last time he was on my show, he told me that my grandmother wanted me to know that she used to sing lullabies to me as a baby to help me sleep and she still sings to me every night. Then when I was at the evening event where James gave people messages from spirit, my father came forth dressed in a suit and hat, which was his favorite attire. There was no way for James to know these things about my family. His accuracy was clear to everyone with whom he shared information. During 30 years as a medium, James has learned a lot about the other side. Please join us Thursday to get a glimpse of what life after death is really like. You can learn more about his Dallas events at www.CSLDallas.org.

  • Predictions for 2020 and Beyond: What You Choose Matters

    02/01/2020 Duração: 55min

    This is the sixth time that Dawon is doing his predictions on my show. Many of his predictions have come true, but not necessarily in the exact year that he made the prediction. Because time is different in the spiritual realm than it is on earth, it is very difficult to make predictions within a tight time frame. That’s why I’ve renamed his show to include the very real possibility that his predictions will come true in the near future. Some of his predictions that have come true this year include: more women will be moving into positions of prominence; young female scientists will be making important discoveries; new cures for cancer and other diseases will be found; and very young children, who are protégés, will be discovered. I have been sharing this information all year on Facebook as it comes to my attention. Please join us Thursday to hear what is in store for us this year and moving forward into the decade.

  • Managing the Pain and Details of Divorce and Rebuilding Your Life

    26/12/2019 Duração: 54min

    More and more women are facing the reality of divorce without the tools to do it successfully. Loss, grief, and rage are common feelings during divorce. Paralyzing impotence, however, is the most debilitating feeling for women, even for the strongest amongst us. While a woman may act forcefully to protect her children during the divorce, she is less likely to be as vigilant about her own well-being. My guest, Ann Grant, understands divorce as a lawyer and as a woman who went through a messy divorce. She empowers women by showing them how to get what they need, let go of what is not working, avoid common pitfalls, and create a new and better life. She helps women navigate the personal challenges of divorce as well as a legal system which is often stacked against them. Join us Thursday for our conversation with Ann Grant on how you can take back your power during the divorce and re-establish your own life firmly and successfully with a positive, fresh and new foundation.

  • Awakening our Feminine Gifts to Heal Ourselves and the Planet

    19/12/2019 Duração: 54min

    Women’s way of being in the world was respected and even revered for a long time. When the power balance shifted, it was no longer safe for women to be smart, confident, creative, strong, healers, and, most especially, to be in their own power. The power balance is shifting again and women are beginning to come into their own. After so many years of being silenced, however, it is not so easy to just step into our authentic selves. We need support and guidance in rediscovering our feminine gifts and places to feel safe to express them. This is important for women as individuals but also for the planet. Peace and healing come from the Divine Feminine. If our planet is to heal and we are to experience peace on earth, we must bring the Divine Feminine back into proper balance with the Divine Masculine. To do so, women must be free to be their authentic selves. Please join us Thursday to learn how women can rediscover who they truly are and bring forth their gifts to help uplift the world.

  • Evolving Your Soul and Healing Emotionally With Your Pets

    12/12/2019 Duração: 55min

    Our animal companions are much more than pets. We are deeply connected to them at the soul level. Like us, they are here to develop their soul through their relationships and experiences. We have attracted them into our lives for a specific reason, and they have spiritual messages for us along with the intention to help us grow. My guest understands this profound relationship and how we can evolve with our animal companions, experience unconditional love, and even heal with them. Tammy will help us connect with our pets on a profound level, understand their needs more clearly, and learn what they have to teach us. Energy work, holistic healing, and spiritual practices can help our animals heal the emotional wounds and traumas that create their anxiety, stress behaviors, aggression, and fears. Please join us Thursday to learn how our pets can help us understand ourselves, and how together we can heal and reach our highest potential in conscious evolution.

  • Your Dreams Can Save and Heal Your Life

    05/12/2019 Duração: 56min

    Dreams have been used since Ancient Egypt and Greece to diagnose illness and help people solve personal problems. Although our scientific community disregarded this valuable tool for a long time, medical doctors and researchers are now studying dreams as a way to detect and heal illness. Most of the research is being done with breast cancer, but there is some evidence of dreams helping with other diseases as well. In some instances, the dreams were even more accurate than the medical tests. Dr. Burk will share his own research and that of others documenting the effectiveness of dreams as a diagnostic and healing tool. Kathleen will share her personal experiences with dreams warning her of her breast cancer. You will learn how you can develop the ability to remember your dreams and interpret them to receive guidance regarding disease as well as personal problems or concerns in your life. Please join us Thursday to learn how dreams can help you access your inner wisdom.

  • Communicating with Angels to Heal Your Life

    21/11/2019 Duração: 54min

    While most people believe in angels, very few understand how to communicate with them. We all come into this world with angels who are assigned to guide us and help us in all areas of our lives. To benefit the most from this gift, we need to learn how to see, hear and feel when they are communicating with us and also how to talk to them. Communication is a two-way street and it is possible to have profound relationships with the angelic realm and life-enhancing, even life-saving help from them. Since the angels respect our free will, there is only so much assistance they can give us without our requesting it. Learning how to ask for help, recognizing how that help can show up, and expressing gratitude are some of the tools needed to develop meaningful communication. Wonderment, awe and healing are available to those willing to explore the realm of angels. Please join us Thursday to learn how angels can change your life in miraculous ways.

  • Living a Life of Harmony, Peace and Kindness

    14/11/2019 Duração: 56min

    Creating a life of harmony, peace and kindness seems increasingly challenging in our world of gun violence, verbal, physical and sexual abuse by people in power, destruction of our environment and wildlife, and natural disasters, like fires and tornadoes. Yet, that is exactly what we must do if we are to thrive in this amazing life that we have been given. My guest has developed a process with 7 guidelines that will help you: honor your body; bring awareness and acceptance into every moment; act with kindness; understand the truth and communicate it skillfully; do only what needs to be done; harmoniously get and keep only what you need; and apply the guidelines to the way you use your digital devices. Please join us Thursday to learn how and why each of these guidelines are important, how they are interconnected, and how to implement them practically in your daily life or your personal and spiritual development.

  • Healing Mind and Heart: Relieve PTSD, Depression, Anxiety

    31/10/2019 Duração: 54min

    Trauma is part of our daily lives with heavy doses on the nightly news, and whether we realize it or not, we have all experienced trauma in our own lives. Protecting ourselves and healing from trauma has become a necessity for all of us. In addition, our communities are only as safe and secure as the health of our first responders. Like veterans, first responders are constantly exposed to trauma which leads to high rates of suicide, PTSD, depression, anxiety, substance abuse, spousal abuse and other stress related problems. My guest says that after seven years as a police officer: “I remember being at my step-daughter’s eighth birthday party. As I sat alone watching others, I suddenly realized that I felt nothing. I did not feel connected to anyone; I did not feel any happiness--just indifference and an eerie emptiness inside.” He chose to create ways for first responders, and all of us, to develop a bulletproof spirit. Please join us Thursday to learn how to heal your mind and heart.

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