
  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 258:23:12
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#GetMerry is all about giving you the action steps you need to create healthier, happier, merrier days, weeks, months, years... lives. Each week we'll bring you fun stories (our stories!) and 'lessons' plus we'll invite the occasional EPIC guest to share the mic with us! Let's Get Merry with it!


  • 346: 5 Ways to Quit Dieting

    11/10/2022 Duração: 30min

    If you throw out your scales after listening to this episode. Let us know!Can you believe we started it in 2015! If you've been listening for a while now, you'd know that we have a long history of dieting. Quitting dieting was one of the best decisions we've ever made. In this episode, we share 5 ways to quit dieting.This is what we spoke about during the episodeDiet culture keeps us small and solely focused on how we look. There's so much more to life than this.Throw the scales away. You don't need to weigh yourself every day. Your weight fluctuates in the seasons of life.Unfollow people who make you feel like you need to transform your body in some kind of way. Stop body checking, you know that habit of checking the mirror to see if you're thinner or bigger.Allow yourself to feel. It's not about ignoring the feelings that come up around your weight, food and dieting. It's more about being aware and knowing that these thoughts are not forever. And acknowledging that your weight does not define you. 

  • 345: 5 ways to let go of self-doubt

    05/10/2022 Duração: 20min

    Do you often doubt yourself and feel like you're not good enough? We chat about 5 ways to let go of self-doubt, they're all simple.This is what we spoke about during the episodeStop comparing yourself to other people or to the perfect version of yourself or to your past self. Letting go of this habit will change your life in the most amazing ways.Zoom out! Take a bird's eye view, don't zoom in on that little thing that you're having self-doubt about.Tell yourself positive affirmations they don't need to be wanky, what about "I've got this!"Do something every day that makes you feel accomplished. It could be as simple as making your bed every day or practising your meditation.When in doubt, phone a friend, get a high-five from your bestie. Use friendship and support from others else to help you see past self-doubt.Pop this toolbox of ways to overcome self-doubt in your back pocket. We would love to hear from you, send us an email to carla@themerrymakersisters.com or emma@themerrymakersisters.com or message us

  • 344: How to get out of a rut

    29/09/2022 Duração: 20min

    Are you stuck in a rut? How do you get out? Similar to last week's podcast episode... just reminding you all that you can change. So if you are feeling blah, flat and in a rut... tune in, it's time to get you out of that rut!This is what we spoke about during the episodeAccording to Oxford Languages, a rut is a habit or pattern of behaviour that has become dull and unproductive but is hard to change.Ruts aren't necessarily a long-time thing. Sometimes, ruts come in moments in your day.We think the best way to get out of that funky rut feeling is to move and shake up your body. Literally, jump and dance around to your fave song. If you're stuck in a job that you hate, check in with what you can add or subtract to make it better.Change is hard and scary but it's the ultimate shake-up of ruts and can make a 180-degree life turn.Adding a new goal or something else to focus on helps alleviate your original rut situation. Like a 50 day Yoga Challenge.Talk to a friend about your rut, do something fun and creati

  • 343: Try something new to expand and learn

    22/09/2022 Duração: 21min

    In this episode, we chat about the magic of newness. This was inspired by the progress we've been making on our teacher training manual for our very first MerryBody Teacher Training next year. If you're feeling a little stuck and bored with everything, tune in.This is what we spoke about during the episodeWhen the day-to-day becomes monotonous, it's easy to feel bored and lose that zest for life.Have you started anything new lately? Have you been curious about something and then dived in deeper?We reference the amazing book series (again!), My Brilliant Friend by Elena Ferrante.The attachment tto the ROI (return on investment). But what if the return on the investment was simply the newness of the experience?When you're young, you can develop these strong opinions of yourself. But you're not stuck there. You can make changes.Check out Irene Messias's amazing sculptures and art over here. Check out Damiano's work over here.Check in with yourself when was the last thing you did or brought into your life. Is it

  • 342: The 2 personality traits you need. Do you have them?

    29/08/2022 Duração: 19min

    We just got back from a Gold Coast Business Week event where we heard an amazing speaker, Michael McQueen. One thing really stuck with us, it was along the lines of staying humble and hungry. He was talking in reference to business and trends but it also applies to life in general.This is what we spoke about during the episodeHow being humble and hungry is the perfect combination of personality traits.Humility is the ability to view yourself accurately as an individual with talents, as well as flaws while being void of arrogance and low self-esteem. It's getting rid of your ego and welcoming self-acceptance.What it means to be hungry, is to be a driver of change. It's not the hustle culture.Hone in on your hunger. Do one thing at once and do it well, and then move on to the next thing.Don't do the same things over and over again. Remember that we're all the same. No one is better than or below you. Don't be afraid to suck, be a beginner and ask for help.We hope that these two words "humble and hungry" in

  • 341: Wasting time thinking about your weight?

    25/08/2022 Duração: 50min

    Where are you spending your time and how are you living your life? How many times have you wished to be thinner, smarter, funnier, prettier, richer?In this episode, we chat about the practice of self-acceptance and how important it is in our everyday lives.This is what we spoke about during the episodeThinking you are not good enough, not smart enough, not pretty enough, not tall enough, not thin enough or whatever not enough is a waste of your time.It's fine to compare and have these goals you see on social media, but you need to step towards them. Don't just stay where you are and be depressed about not having something.If you want to tick off a goal, do it but also check in with your reasons why you want to get to that goal.Check in why do you want to take the steps towards losing weight. Is it because of societal pressures or for health reasons?When you're less uptight and not robotic with the way you diet, you enjoy it more. Dieting sucks!Self-acceptance is a celebration of who we are, what we look like

  • 340: Is your phone distracting you from real life?

    16/08/2022 Duração: 44min

    We had a week off from podcasting, Mum and Dad were up from Canberra. We were busy wedding dress shopping, real estate shopping (well, driving around Gold Coast showing them different areas) , eating lots of great food and all the beach walks.Time is our most precious resource, especially time with the people we love, right?But have you ever stopped to realise that your phone is often getting in the way of real life? It really is the biggest distraction.This is what we spoke about during the episodeWe're missing potential connections and conversations because of these devices. We're disconnecting from ourselves and people.People are consuming content and ideas but we're not allowing ourselves to contemplate and think our own thoughts.  Check in with yourself and bring awareness to every time you pick your phone up.Create boundaries with your devices. If you're a parent (good luck hehe), we have no idea, but we've heard it's more about being an example for the kids. It's a good time to self-refl

  • 339: The dread of swimwear shopping

    02/08/2022 Duração: 37min

    A good pair of swimmers that you love will create more joy in your life because they are a tool to help you enjoy the beach (or pool, or other water activity). In this episode we chat about the dread of going swimwear shopping. This episode will inspire you to move through the situation of hating swimwear shopping, so you can have more fun!This is what we spoke about during the episodeClothing can be an extension of who you are and it can make you feel different. So, what makes you feel good?Who are you dressing for? Just because it's in fashion and on trend, doesn't mean you have to buy them. If you don't like them, there's plenty of other options.Bring along a supportive friend or companion who knows your history of anxiety and negative relationship with your self-image.You don't need to change our body to fit a certain trend or to fit a certain time. Your body isn't designed to fit jeans; jeans are designed to fit you.Do not look at the size of the clothes because every brand is completely different.S

  • 338: How to stop competing with your friendship group

    28/07/2022 Duração: 45min

    If you find yourself forever competing with your friendship group, this episode is for you.The chat was inspired by the book, My Brilliant Friend by Elena Ferrante, a story revolved around the friendship and rivalry between 2 girls growing up in post WWII Naples. The themes in the book are relatable, even though I grew up in Australia in the 1990s and 2000s. I remember feeling rejected with sense of competition between friends. Feeling lonely, like an outcast. The jealousy and the worry of what others think. Not only a fantastic, can’t put it down kinda read, it inspires reflection of your own life.No wonder this book series (yes there are 3 more books to read) is so popular.This is what we spoke about during the episodeYou can be competitive with each other but still, want each other to succeed.Competition can create suffering. Having an ally over a competitor is just a more joyful way to live. When you help each other, it’s a productive relationship.Reflect and check in, what’s your sense of compe

  • 337: How to Stop the Constant Self Criticism

    20/07/2022 Duração: 51min

    Do you suffer from low self-esteem and have a habit of running a constant self-hating monologue in your mind, this episode is for you. This chat was inspired by our previous episodes about how to stop talking about dieting and the epidemic of body image anxiety.In this episode, we talk about HOW to overcome negative body image and self-criticism. How do we stop our constant self-criticism and this negative view of ourselves?This is what we spoke about during the episodeAwareness is the first step. You need to acknowledge that you have a negative self-image. Having the intention that you want to make a change is step two. Then, you take action.How do we become self-aware? Be honest with yourself and acknowledge that sometimes you do need to make changes.Many people think that dieting is the answer to the problem of self-hate. It's like, you hate yourself then you have this bright idea that if you go on a diet and lose weight and then you'll love yourself. It's all conditional love!The philosophy of Yoga t

  • 336: What to do when your friends won’t stop talking about diets

    15/07/2022 Duração: 48min

    Your best friend is on a new diet and they’re telling you about it, maybe they’re even trying to convince you to try it. But you’ve recently set the intention to STOP dieting.You realise the massive impact Diet Culture has had on your life. Maybe it led to constant self-criticism or disorderly eating?How do we deal with this better? What do you do when your friends won’t stop talking about diets?This is what we spoke about during the episodeDiet culture allows and inspires people to put themselves in harm so they can look a certain way and it’s time to say, NO, no more!Step away, walk away and leave the conversation the quickest, easiest way.Change the subject. Have a story ready for you to interject when you’re stuck in this conversation of diet culture.Be open and honest to them that you’re not talking about diet anymore because of XYZ. Make them aware that you’re not into diet culture but do it with kindness and not anger. Maybe send them an article about body acceptance and make them feel like they h

  • 335: Carla's getting married! Does she really need a big fancy wedding?

    08/07/2022 Duração: 48min

    We took a break last week because there has been so much going on! The most exciting news is that Carla got engaged two weeks ago. Yay! In this episode, we chat all things weddings and marriage.Weddings are beautiful celebrations of love, but are they really necessary? Are wedding's just about the big, fat diamond? Enjoy this sister chat, there was no plan, no research. We know many podcasts a beautifully produced, this one is not. Apologies for mispronunciations, faulty statistics and terrible googling.This is what we spoke about during the episodeWeddings are great economic drivers. If you want to and have the ability to spend that much money on one day, go for it.Originally, the purpose of marriage was to bind men and women to produce legitimate offspring. Romantic huh!  What does marriage and a wedding mean to you? Is it actually something you want?Carla (the younger sister) got engaged before Emma (the older sister) and we do not give a damn.The concept of Epicureanism is finding pleasure in si

  • 334: Persistence is the best substitute for talent

    22/06/2022 Duração: 37min

    The quote from Steve Martin, “Thankfully, persistence is a great substitute for talent.”, reminded us of the conversations we've been having as we get towards our 10th year of business. We never really felt especially talented in any particular field. We were never number one at anything. But we did well in everything that we did because we were persistent, we showed up, we were enthusiastic, and we did the work.This is what we spoke about during the episodeWhen you're trying to do something and it doesn't happen in the time that you expected it to happen, you can either quit or keep going.When should you give up or when you should pivot?It's hard work getting to the point of where you want to be, as well as maintaining it and going to the next level. You gotta have that resilient mindset to go through the hard times.A lesson from Yoga, detachment, teaches us to keep striving and reaching for our goals but know that wherever we end up going, that's where we're meant to be going and that the real treasure is i

  • 333: Get motivated to exercise pep talk

    17/06/2022 Duração: 20min

    In this short and sweet episode, our goal is to get you feeling motivated to exercise. Right now, we are in Canberra (Australia), in the middle of winter. It's freezing and a whole lot more difficult to exercise in Canberra compared to the Gold Coast! We feel the excuses creeping in, but we know if we don't move, we will feel terrible. So, we share simple tactics on how to get motivated to exercise. If you are struggling to get into a rhythm of consistent exercise, tune in!This is what we spoke about during the episodeAfter you wake up and put your coffee on, just move. You don't have to change into your leggings and crop tops. Whatever you're wearing, whether it's 50 layers, pajamas or bed socks, this is why online home workouts are great!We need to change the narrative that's going on in the mind. If you're really struggling to exercise, come up with your own mantra that resonates with you.Make doable micro goals. Even if all you have is five minutes to exercise, that's better than nothing. Leave

  • 332: The epidemic of body image anxiety

    09/06/2022 Duração: 35min

    We read an article this week from the ABC Radio National about the epidemic of body image anxiety. Philosopher and author Heather Widdows says that "we've gone from beauty being one thing we care about to being almost defining of who we are. Societal pressure leads to image obsession."Body image anxiety has been a big part of our lives. With Carla starting her first diet at age 11, Emma developed bulimia from ages 17-23. We always had this belief that our bodies were not good enough. We felt that social pressure for years. We're so grateful for the work we've done to be here, at a place of self-acceptance. We discuss the above article and talk about how we moved through our body image anxiety. This is what we spoke about during the episodeBody image issues are more apparent because we love in a connected and more visual culture. The influence of social media leads to unhealthy comparisons. Ageism and the obsession with youth. Let's embrace our changing faces and acknowledge the utter privilege

  • 331: How to create new habits

    25/05/2022 Duração: 42min

    To welcome something new into your life you need to take regular consistent action toward it. But how do you create new habits that stick? You can't just do something once and then expect to receive all the benefits. Change happens over time. Change happens with new habits. This is what we spoke about during the episodeFind joy in the new habit.If-when-then plan. Work out a time, a place and an anchor for the new habit. As Carla says "sandwich your habit into your current life".  Get an understanding of how you learn best. Audio, visual or doing?Think of a habit you already stick to. Now realise you can transfer this to another habit.Monitor your habits in a non-obsessive way such as marking your calendar, having an accountability group, or ticking off your to-do list.Don't be too hard on yourself. Remember you're human, you might fail, skip a session or feel like you go backwards even! Don't dwell on the past, focus on the next step.Know that you can create change and welcome new habits.I

  • 330: Will you ever stop people pleasing?

    16/05/2022 Duração: 46min

    We’re going back to a topic from one of our most popular episodes. People pleasing. A people pleaser works very hard to make other people happy. Often putting other people’s needs above their own.Are you a people pleaser?Also, listen to Episode 216: how to stop being a people pleaser.This is what we spoke aboutA people pleaser often says yes to something and suddenly feels resentment and anger, thoughts might pop up like ‘why did I say yes? I don’t even want to do this!’The first step of unlearning any habit is awareness. So, it’s acknowledging that you are a people pleaser and that you want to let go of some aspects of this behaviourSay yes when you mean yes and no when you mean no. When someone asks you to do something, check in with yourself first.Setting your boundaries is really empowering. Although it can feel awkward to say no, you’ll be proud of yourself for doing it.As a people pleaser, you might have old grudges that you’ve kept. Go inwards and welcome awareness, what you can learn from ot

  • 329: The 8 limbs of Yoga explained

    12/05/2022 Duração: 39min

    In this episode, we chat about the 8 limbs of Yoga by Patanjali as defined in his yoga sutras. Yoga is not all about the tree pose or downward-facing dog, it's about life.In relation to this, listen to Episode 256: The 5 levels of the mind – The Yoga Philosophy Series and also Episode 255: How to surrender, let go and trust or Ishvara Pranidhana – The Yoga Philosophy Series.This is what we spoke aboutYamas are kind of like moral lines and how you show up in life. Ahimsa is non-violence or kindness. Satya is truthfulness and honesty. Asteya is non-stealing. Brahmacharya is celibacy and loyalty. Aparigraha is detachment.Niyama is more of a way you are inside. Shaucha is more like cleanliness or detoxification of our thoughts. Santosha is contentment and self-acceptance. Tapas is devotion, dedication and discipline. Svadhyaya is self-study and self-awareness. Ishvarapranidhana is the practice of surrendering and letting go.Asana is the postures and the poses. Traditionally, there was one Asana and that was sitti

  • 328: A rant about dresses that don't fit

    05/05/2022 Duração: 22min

    This episode (hehe, ok it’s a rant) was influenced by a recent Facebook post that got quite a lot of attention with a number of very different opinions. We shared a post from Alex Light about Kim Kardashian dropping 16 pounds to fit into her Met Gala dress just by eating tomatoes. Wait, what?This is what we spoke aboutYou can do what you want with your body, but know that what you say (especially if you’re Kim Kardashian) has power behind it. It’s not something to throw out lightly, even if the tomato comment was taken out of context.We talked more about the issues with before and afters during this episode, 319: Psychologist perspective of before and after photos with Miriam Emad.Going on a crazy starvation diet a week before a special event is common BUT there’s nothing normal or healthy about it. What we look like, especially our weight, is the least important factor about us.  We agree that Marilyn’s dress should not be altered. It’s an amazing piece of history. Don

  • 327: Are you sick of getting caught up in other people's drama?

    27/04/2022 Duração: 35min

    It's so easy to get 100% consumed and caught up in other people's drama. Some people choose to step out of it while others choose to be amongst it and feed off it. In this episode, we chat about this and how to step out of it. This is what we spoke aboutSometimes we can be emotional, but this is not really the drama we are chatting about. It's necessary to live our truth and feel our feelings. And have friends we can be open with and depend on.It's important that we check in, is the drama taking over our lives. Also, we go on a crazy tangent onto the obsession with TV and reality TV. Realise what's truly important. Get your feet on the ground.Decide whether or not you want to be part of the drama. Does the drama serve you or not?Create your own boundaries and have the awareness of whether you're the person bringing the drama or not.Be mindful of the people you hang out with and what you allow. Try to change the pattern of the catch-up or the communication.Really, the way to step out of the drama is

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