Streetwise Hebrew

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 68:06:53
  • Mais informações



A bite-size podcast showcasing modern Hebrew and its slang. Host Guy Sharett explains what we can learn about Israeli psyche, society, and culture through the Hebrew language.


  • #311 Sorry If I Hurt You

    27/10/2020 Duração: 10min

    How do we say, “I don’t want to offend you” in Hebrew? How about “bullseye”? Or perhaps “fragile”? On this episode, Guy covers the verb לפגוע (lifgo’a), meaning to hurt, and its usage in everyday Hebrew. Check Out the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: “Pachot ve-adayin, adayin poge’a” – It’s hurting less, but it’s still hurting – פחות ועדיין, עדיין פוגע Pagata be-emun ha-tsibur – You hurt, you undermined, the public’s  trust – פגעת באמון הציבור Pagata be-khol ma she-efshar – You hurt, you hit every possible thing – פגעת בכל מה שאפשר Lifgoa be-mishehu – To hurt someone – לפגוע במישהו Pagata bi – You hurt me – פגעת בי Ani lo rotse lifgoa becha/bach – I don’t want to hurt you – אנ’לא רוצה לפגוע בך An’lo rotse/rotsa lifgo’a o mashu – I don’t want to offend or something – אנ’לא רוצה לפגוע או משהו Slicha im pagati – Sorry if I hurt you – סליחה אם פגעתי Te’unot paga u-varach – Hit and run accidents – תאונות פגע וברח Te’unat paga u-varach – Hit and run accident – תאונת פגע וברח Pgi’ah – Harm,

  • Strengthened Coffee and Upgraded Pizza?

    13/10/2020 Duração: 15min

    What do we mean when we say קפה מחוזק (roughly translated as strengthened coffee), and is it legitimate to drink it at 1:30 PM? Or when we say הוא מתחזק (he’s getting stronger) about someone? It’s not what you might think. Check Out the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: Eich lechazek et kol ha-rosh – How to strengthen the head voice – איך לחזק את קול הראש Lehazek – Strengthen – לחזק Tsarich lechazek et ha-shimshiya lifnei ha-sufa – We need to tie the parasol down before the storm – צריך לחזק את השמשייה לפני הסופה Lehazek haver be-sha’ah kasha – To support a friend during hard times – לחזק חבר בשעה קשה Hizuk hiyuvi (het-het) – Positive reinforcement – חיזוק חיובי Idud talmidim – Encouraging students – עידוד תלמידים Matan hizukim – Giving validations – מתן חיזוקים “Yafe yonatan, tsarich lehatchil mi-ze” – Good job, Yonatan, this is where you need to start – יפה, יונתן, צריך להתחיל מזה “Nachon, metsuyan, toda raba” – Correct, excellent, thanks – נכון, מצויין, תודה רבה Mechuzak – Strength

  • #309 Hold This for a Second, Will You?

    06/10/2020 Duração: 12min

    It’s asked as a question but it’s actually a statement: ?תחזיק רגע That’s how we ask a friend to hold our bags while we run into another store to buy something. And how would we say, “I think highly of him” (or not so highly)? Guy explains. Check Out the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: Tachzik/tachziki/tachziku rega – Hold this for a sec. – תחזיק/תחזיקי/תחזיקו רגע ‘Tachzik rega neshama’ – Hold it for a sec., darling – תחזיק רגע, נשמה Tachzik shniya – Hold it for a sec. – תחזיק שנייה Tachziku oti! – hold me, guys! – תחזיקו אותי Tachziki/tachzik ma’amad – Hang in there – תחזיקי/תחזיק מעמד Lehachzik yadaim – To hold hands – להחזיק ידיים Lehachzik hazak – To hold tight – להחזיק חזק Tachzik/tachziki/tachziku hazak – Hold tight – תחזיק/תחזיקי/תחזיקו חזק Lehachzik mi-mishehu – To think highly of someone – להחזיק ממישהו Ani machzik mimcha ish hagun – I respect you as a sincere person – אני מחזיק ממך איש הגון Ani machzik mimech isha inteligentit – I see you as an intelligent woman – אני מחזי

  • #308 What Are Some of Your Strengths?

    29/09/2020 Duração: 10min

    Israelis sometimes use a single word to review a movie or tv series: “!חזק” In Hebrew, חזק (pronounced hazak) means strong. So what are they trying to convey and how else can we use the word חזק? Guy explains. Check Out the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: Hazak – Strong – חזק Klaf hazak – High card – קלף חזק Hazak! – Deep, intense, powerful, moving – !חזק Hazak be- mashehu – Expert on something, has a special ability in a specific field – חזק במשהו “Hazak be-ke’evim hazakim” – Has a special ability to deal with strong pain – חזק בכאבים חזקים “Hu hazak be-matematika” – He is strong in math – הוא חזק “Ze hazak mimeni” – It’s stronger than me, I can’t help it – זה חזק ממני Timshoch hazak – Pull it strongly – תמשוך חזק  Nafalta hazak – You fell hard – נפלת חזק Yashanti hazak, lo shamati klum – I slept deeply, I didn’t hear a thing – ישנתי חזק, לא שמעתי כלום Tihye hazak lemala – Be strong above – תהיה חזק למעלה Tihye hazak, tihyi hazaka, tihyu hazakim – Be strong – תהיה חזק, תהיי חזקה, ת

  • #307 Searching for Deeper Meaning

    15/09/2020 Duração: 09min

    The Hebrew word לחפש means “to search for.” So what does “המורה סתם מחפש אותי” or “לכי חפשי ת’חברים שלך” mean? Both are slang and they don’t mean what you might think they mean! On this episode, Guy covers the root ח.פ.ש and explains several ways to say, “take a hike!” Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of This Episode   New Words and Expressions: Lechapes – To search for, to look for – לחפש Chipus ba-reshet – Internet search – חיפוש ברשת Mano’a chipus – Search engine – מנוע חיפוש Chapsu et arizot Tnuva – Look for the Tnuva milk containers – חפשו את אריזות תנובה Lechi chapsi et elohim kol sof shavu’a – Go search for god every weekend – לכי חפשי את אלוהים כל סוף שבוע Lech chapes mi yena’ane’a otcha – Go find someone who would ‘shake’ you – לך חפש מי ינענע אותך Te’alat biyuv – Sewage canal – תעלת ביוב Pa’atei ha-ir tel aviv – In the outskirts of Tel Aviv – בפאתי העיר תל אביב Lech chapes ta-haverim sh’cha – Go look for your friends – לך חפש ת’חברים ש’ך Lechi chapsi ta-haverim sh’lach – Go look for your friends – ל

  • # 306 Here, Try This!

    08/09/2020 Duração: 10min

    The Hebrew word לנסות, to try, is very handy in everyday conversation. People always say, “try this,” “don’t try that,” “try these pants on,” “try this dish.” On this episode, Guy tries to explain it all. Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of This Episode   New Words and Expressions: Nasui – Married – נשוי Linso’a – To travel – לנסוע “Nisiti meod lehilachem ba-ruchot” – I really tried to fight the winds – ניסיתי מאוד להילחם ברוחות Nisiti (Piel, נסה) – I tried – ניסיתי Giliti – I found out – גיליתי Nikiti – I cleaned – ניקיתי Kiviti – I hoped – קיוויתי Shiniti – I changed – שיניתי Nisiti + Inf./noun  Nisita pa’am X? – Have you ever tried X? – ניסית פעם X “Menasim limtso miklat ha-laila” – Trying to find shelter for the night – מנסים למצוא מקלט הלילה Ma ata menase lehagid? – What are you trying to say? – מה אתה מנסה להגיד? Sha’a she-ani menase lehasig otcha – I have been trying to reach you for an hour – שעה שאני מנסה להשיג אותך Ach sheli, al mi ata menase la’avod? – Bro, who are you trying to fool? – אח שלי, על

  • #305 “Ve,” “Va” or “Oo”

    25/08/2020 Duração: 11min

    Vé- (and in Hebrew) is sometimes pronounced Va- or Oo-, depending on the usage. So when is the letter ו at the beginning of a word pronounced Vé, Va or Oo? And should Hebrew learners invest their time to learn these elaborate rules? Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of This Episode   New Words and Expressions: Ve – And – ו (letter vav) “Al safsal ba-gan yoshevet, u-frachim bi-se’ara” – “She’s sitting on a bench, with flowers in her hair” – על ספסל בגן יושבת, ופרחים בשערה Vav + בומ”פ letters = U U-fra-chim – And flowers (archaic) – ופרחים “U-shku’a ba-halomot” – “And submerged in her dreams” – ושקועה בחלומות “Va-ani tsipor” – “And I am a bird” – ואני ציפור Masa-u-matan – Negotiations – משא ומתן Basar va-dam – Flesh and blood – בשר ודם “Mita va-hetsi” – “A bed and a half” – מיטה וחצי Hamesh va-hetsi – Half past five – חמש וחצי Shesh va-reva – Quarter past six o’clock – שש ורבע Yomam va-laila – Day and night – יומם ולילה “Esrim ve-arba sheva” – 24-7 – עשרים וארבע שבע Ze mamash yom va-laila eich she’hu hishtana –

  • #304 Yea or Nay?

    18/08/2020 Duração: 10min

    The word נגד means against, and its root gives us the Hebrew words for contrast, contradiction and conflict. We’ll also head over to the Knesset in Jerusalem to hear an up or down vote take place. Hear the All-Hebrew Version of This Episode   New Words and Expressions: Neged – Against, nay – נגד  Be’ad – For, yea – בעד Hatsba’ah ba-knesset – A vote in the knesset – הצבעה בכנסת Haver knesset – Member of Knesset – חבר כנסת Lihyot be’ad/neged – To be for or against – להיות בעד/נגד Ani be’ad/neged – I am for/against – אני בעד/נגד Hayiti be’ad/neged – I was for/against – הייתי בעד/נגד Trufot savta neged hitkarerut – Grandma’s remedies against the cold – תרופות סבתא נגד התקררות Kampeyn neged shtiya – A campaign against drinking – קמפיין נגד שתייה Holech neged ha-ru’ach – Going against the wind – הולך נגד הרוח Neged declined with pronouns:  Negdi – Against me -נגדי Negdecha, negdech, negdo, negda, negdenu, negdechem, negdam – נגדך, נגדך, נגדו, נגדה, נגדנו, נגדכם, נגדם Lama kulam negdi – Why is everybody against me –

  • #303 Last Boarding Call for Flight #303 to Hebrewville

    04/08/2020 Duração: 12min

    In this episode, Guy covers the different words and meanings derived from the root ק.ר.א, like how to say, “Call an ambulance”, “Let’s call a spade a spade,” and perhaps most useful sentence of all, “Let me read to you the text he sent me.” He’ll also introduce you to the girl who currently holds the record for the youngest, most prolific reader of the city of Tel Aviv-Jaffa. Listen to the All-Hebrew Episode New Words and Expressions: Colloquial names of Hebrew letters – Daled, Hey, Yud, Pei, Tsadik, Kuf, Taf – ד, ה, י, פ, צ, ק, ת Si’anit ha-kri’a ha-tseira shel tel aviv-yafo – The youngest record holder reader of the city of Tel Aviv-Jaffa – שיאנית הקריאה הצעירה של תל אביב יפו Kef li likro sifrei fantazia, aval ani ohevet gam sifrei mada bidyoni – Reading fantasy books is fun, but I also like science fiction – כיף לי לקרוא ספרי פנטזיה, אבל אני אוהבת גם ספרי מדע בדיוני Structure: Kef le + mishehu + Inf.  Hi koret be-chelek gadol me-ha-zman she-hi era – She reads during a big part of the time in which she’s aw

  • #302 My Condolences To You And Your Family

    28/07/2020 Duração: 12min

    In Hebrew, נחמה (nechama) means consolation, comfort. It’s also a woman’s first name. The difference comes down to pronunciation. Today Guy explains how to give your condolences and how to jokingly comfort a friend who was delivered a cold pizza. Bonus: How do we say “Misery loves company”? How about comfort food? LISTEN TO THE ALL-HEBREW VERSION OF THIS EPISODE   New Words and Expressions: Ko zkukim le-nechama – We really need consolation – כה זקוקים לנחמה Nechama – Comfort, consolation – נחמה NeCHAma – Female first name – נחמה MenaCHEM – He comforts – מנחם MeNAchem – First name – מנחם Ochel menachem – Comfort food – אוכל מנחם Ha-ochel mesapek chavaya chushit neima, menachemet – This food provides a pleasant sensual experience, comforting – האוכל מספק חוויה חושית נעימה, מנחמת Aruchat boker menachemet – Comforting breakfast – ארוחת בוקר מנחמת Aval ani menachemet et atsmi be-kafe – But I comfort myself with coffee – אבל אני מנחמת את עצמי בקפה Bamba haita menachemet oti achshav – Bamba would have comforted me

  • #301 Did You Just Cancel on Me?

    14/07/2020 Duração: 10min

    For the first time in its history, the Eurovision Song Contest was cancelled. But hopefully only this year. Many other events, both global and local, were also cancelled, all because the Coronavirus. How do we say “to cancel” in Hebrew, in the present? How about in the past? And what army radio comm talk breached the divide and made its way to civilian slang? Guy explains the root ב.ט.ל. Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of This Episode   New Words and Expressions: Bitul ha-hofesh ha-gadol – Cancellation of the summer school holiday – ביטול החופש הגדול Va’ada – Committee – ועדה “Kabel/kabli bitul” – Scratch that, abort – קבל/קבלי ביטול Kabel bitul al ha-kafe, tsats mashehu – Abort the coffee, something came up – קבל ביטול על הקפה, צץ משהו Kaftor bitul – Cancel button – כפתור ביטול Mediniut bitulim – Cancellation policy – מדיניות ביטולים Dmei bitul – A cancellation fee – דמי ביטול Bitulim – Cancellations – ביטולים Levatel et ha-hafsakot – To cancel school breaks – לבטל את ההפסקות Slicha, ani tsarich/tsricha lev

  • 300th Episode Special! Hebrew Bloopers From Around the World

    07/07/2020 Duração: 24min

    Join us in celebrating our 300th episode with the best פספוסים (fisfusim), bloopers, by Hebrew learners from around the world. Learning Hebrew can be difficult. And we Israelis, who often swallow certain letters when we speak or don’t pronounce our words clearly, sure don’t make it any easier. So as a student trying to understand and speak the language, you’re bound to make mistakes. And that’s okay. The most important part is not letting your fear stop you from trying. Speaking Hebrew is and forever will be fun and exciting.   Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode   New Words and Expressions: Yare’ach – Moon – ירח Re’ach – Smell – ריח Ke’ev garon – Throat ache – כאב גרון Ga’on – Genius – גאון Ani shmena – I am fat – אני שמנה Shament – Cream – שמנת Shament chamutsa – Sour cream – שמנת חמוצה Ani mechoeret – I am ugly – אני מכוערת Ani me’acheret – I am late – אני מאחרת Le’acher – To be late – לאחר Rachatsti – I washed – רחצתי Ratsachti – I murdered – רצחתי Lachfof se’ar – To wash the hair – לחפוף שיע

  • #299 Workers Needed!

    23/06/2020 Duração: 14min

    When job hunting, the Hebrew word דרושים, wanted, is what you’ll find written on job ads. Guy also talks about a slang term that, well, doesn’t hold anything back. A real hitter, one could say.   Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of This Episode   New Words and Expressions: Ha’am doresh tsedek hevrati – The people (sg.) demands social justice – העם דורש צדק חברתי Lidrosh mashehu mi-mishehu – Demand something from someone – לדרוש משהו ממישהו Anashim dorshim ha’alaat sachar – People demand a pay raise – אנשים דורשים העלאת שכר Hi doreshet leshalem la – She demands to be paid – היא דורשת לשלם לה Hi doreshet she-yeshalmu la – She demands to be paid – היא דורשת שישלמו לה Doresh/doreshet stira – “Begs to be smacked” – דורש/דורשת סטירה Partsuf doresh stira – A face in need of a slap (Backpfeifengesicht) – פרצוף דורש סטירה Drisha, drishot – Request, demand – דרישה, דרישות Drishat tashlum – Payment request – דרישת תשלום Lavo le-mishehu be-drishot – To come to someone with demands – לבוא למישהו בדרישות Drishot ha-tafkid

  • #298 We’ve All Got Our Limits

    09/06/2020 Duração: 10min

    The Hebrew word גבול means border, boundary, and limit. Its root provides us words like restrictions, limitations, and disabilities. So how would we say, “this offer is available for a limited time only”? Guy explains. Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of This Episode   New Words and Expressions: Gvul (m.) (pl. gvulot) – Border, boundary, frontier, limit – גבול, גבולות Gvulot be-beit ha-sefer – Boundaries at school – גבולות בבית הספר Az ani bati ve-amarti “rabotai, yesh gvulot” – And I came and said, “gentlemen, there are boundaries” – אז אני באתי ואמרתי, “רבותי, יש גבולות” “Kshe-samim lo gvulot, ein shum siba ba-olam, she-hu yamshich lehitnaheg be-ofen lo na’im ve-lo yafe” – When you set boundaries for him, there is no reason in the world that he will continue to misbehave – כששמים לו גבולות, אין שום סיבה בעולם שהוא ימשיך להתנהג באופן לא נעים או לא יפה Lehatsiv/lasim gvulot le-mishehu – To set boundaries for someone – להציב/לשים גבולות למישהו “Ein shum ra’ash she-ya’atsor o yagbil oti” – There is no noise tha

  • #297 Pronouns in Hebrew

    02/06/2020 Duração: 10min

    Using pronouns in conversation is easy when speaking our mother tongue. But in Hebrew, it might be more difficult. In this episode, Guy explains the mechanism of Hebrew pronouns which, in turn, will help you sound more natural and casual. Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of This Episode   New Words and Expressions: Lama ze magi’a lanu? – Why do we deserve it? – למה זה מגיע לנו? Ze magi’a le-mishehu/lo – Serves him right – זה מגיע למישהו/לו Magi’a le-eli – Eli deserves it – מגיע לאלי Lo yafe, lama ata omer she-magi’a lo – It’s not nice to say these things, why do you say he deserves it – לא יפה, למה אתה אומר שמגיע לו Lama ze magi’a li – Why do I deserve it – למה זה מגיע לי Lo higi’a la – She didn’t deserve it – לא הגיע לה Shanim she-lo shamati shum davar mimena – For years I haven’t heard a thing from her – שנים לא שמעתי שום דבר ממנה Lo shamati me-Racheli klum – I haven’t heard anything from Racheli – לא שמעתי מרחלי כלום Gam ani lo shamati klum mimena – I, too, haven’t heard anything from her – גם אני לא שמעתי

  • #296 Practice Those Exercises

    26/05/2020 Duração: 11min

    In Hebrew, תרגיל means an exercise. This episode includes many תרגילים, of all kinds. Guy also explains the difference between לְ and לַ. And as a bonus: a song in Ladino, the language of the Spanish Jews.   Send Guy your audio message   Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode   New Words and Expressions: Targil – Exercise – תרגיל Targilei neshima – Breathing exercises – תרגילי נשימה  Targilei kol – Voice exercises – תרגילי קול Hayom anachnu na’ase kama targilim bi-myuchad la-davar ha-ze – Today we’ll do a few exercises, especially for this thing – היום אנחנו נעשה כמה תרגילים, במיוחד לדבר הזה Ze targil tov le-chizuk ha-beten – This is a good exercise to strengthen the stomach – זה תרגיל טוב לחיזוק הבטן “Tsarich laasot gam kama targilei squatim ve-mishkolot” – You also need to do a few squat and weight lifting exercises – צריך לעשות גם כמה תרגילי סקוואטים ומשקולות Lo chayavim la-targil ha-ze mishkolot bichlal – One doesn’t need weights for this exercise at all – לא חייבים לתרגיל הזה משקולו

  • #295 Getting Personal with Hebrew’s Impersonal

    19/05/2020 Duração: 10min

    ‘Eich omrim be-ivrit?’ means ‘how do you say in Hebrew?’. Today Guy explains the impersonal in Hebrew. What linguistic tools do we have to say generic things about everybody and anyone?   Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of This Episode   New Words and Expressions: Guf stami – The Impersonal (gramm.) – גוף סתמי Matchilim me-chadash – Starting anew – מתחילים מחדש Lo ichpat li – I don’t care – לא אכפת לי Ma omrim alai – What they say about me – מה אומרים עליי Eich omrim “wi-fi” be-ivrit? – How do you say ‘wi-fi’ in Hebrew? – ?איך אומרים ויי-פיי בעברית Yesh Dvarim she-lo osim – There are things you shouldn’t do – יש דברים שלא עושים Lo ochlim lifnei she-shotfim yadayim – You don’t eat before washing your hands – לא אוכלים לפני ששוטפים ידיים Lo no’alim sandalim al ha-garbayim – You don’t wear sandals on your socks – לא נועלים סנדלים על הגרביים Nish’arim ba-bayit, nish’arim ba-chayim – Staying at home, staying alive – נשארים בבית, נשארים בחיים Lo me’archim, lo mit’archim – You are not to host others, you are not to

  • #294 A Gazillion Stuffed Eggplants

    12/05/2020 Duração: 11min

    This is the second episode on the Hebrew word מלא (malé), meaning full. Derived from מלא is the slang word מלאנתלפים (malantalafim). What does it mean and how do we say “a stuffed eggplant”? Guy gives a full explanation.   Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of This Episode   New Words and Expressions: “Shesh-esré mal’u la-na’ar” – The boy has reached the age of 16 – שש עשרה מלאו לנער Mal’u + le-mishehu + age  Mal’u lo shloshim – He turned 30 – מלאו לו 30 Mal’u li arba’im – I turned 40 – מלאו לי 40 Mal’u la shesh – She turned six – מלאו לה שש Hu ben 40 – He is 40 – הוא בן 40 Hu chogeg 40 – He is celebrating 40 – הוא חוגג 40 Hu higi’a le-gil 40 – He reached the age of 40 – הוא הגיע לגיל 40 20 shana mal’u la-hatima al heskem ha-shalom im yarden – 20 years since the signing of the peace treaty between Israel and Jordan – 20 שנה מלאו לחתימה על הסכם השלום עם ירדן Memalé makom – Substitute, stand-in – ממלא מקום Lemalé – To fill – למלא Makom – place – מקום Lemalé tofes – To fill out a form – למלא טופס Temalé et ha-tofe

  • #293 Sorry, We’re Fully Booked

    05/05/2020 Duração: 10min

    In Hebrew, מלא (malé) means full, just like how we feel after eating too many french fries. So what does the phrase מודה בפה מלא, literally, I admit with a full mouth, mean?   On this episode, Guy explains the root מ.ל.א   Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode   New Words and Expressions:   Malé, mele’ah – Full – מלא, מלאה   “Ani zocher be-leilot shel yare’ach malé” – I remember, on full moon nights – אני זוכר בלילות של ירח מלא   “Ani makpida lehagid she-ani shmena, ani lo mele’a, o mele’a ba-mekomot ha-nechonim” – I insist on saying that I am fat, I am not chubby, or full in the right places.” – אני מקפידה להגיד שאני שמנה, אני לא מלאה במקומות הנכונים   Bachur malé – Chubby guy – בחור מלא   Bachura mele’ah – Chubby girl – בחורה מלאה   “Banot pashut hayu yoter mele’ot” – Girls simply used to be curvier – בנות פשוט היו יותר מלאות   “Ve-ze nechshav la-yofi ha-ultimativi” – And it was considered the ultimate beauty – וזה נחשב ליופי האולטימטיבי   Mele’im ad efes makom – Filled to capacity – מלאים עד אפס

  • #292 Have Any Plans for the Weekend?

    21/04/2020 Duração: 12min

    What are your plans for the weekend? What are your plans for next year? Planning anything? Was this planned? Hey, any plans? On this episode, Guy explains the Hebrew root ת.כ.נ and how to say that something was unplanned.   Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode   New Words and Expressions: Ten li koach – Give me strength – תן לי כוח Tochnit – Program, plan – תוכנית “Ha-sha’a shmone, ein li tochniyot” – It’s eight o’clock, I don’t have plans – השעה שמונה, אין לי תוכניות Ma ha-tochniyot? – What are the plans? – מה התוכניות “Tiyul, avoda, limudim” – Trip, work, studies – טיול, עבודה, לימודים Tochnit radio – Radio show – תוכנית רדיו Tochnit televizya – TV program – תכנית טלוויזיה Tochniyot metsi’ut – Reality show – תוכנית מציאות “Lama at mit’akeshet letachnen li ta-chayim” – Why do you insist on planning my life – למה את מתעקשת לתכנן לי ת’חיים Letachnen – To plan – לתכנן Tichnun – Planning, designing – תכנון Ma ha-tichnunim le-shabbat – What are the plans for Saturday – מה התכנונים לשבת Ma ha-tichnunim

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