
  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 258:23:12
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#GetMerry is all about giving you the action steps you need to create healthier, happier, merrier days, weeks, months, years... lives. Each week we'll bring you fun stories (our stories!) and 'lessons' plus we'll invite the occasional EPIC guest to share the mic with us! Let's Get Merry with it!


  • 306: Maybe your mediocre life is amazing after all

    15/09/2021 Duração: 22min

    Maybe your mediocre life is amazing after all? We read the following words from Mark Manson’s Facebook post the other day. These words inspired this conversation.This right here is in defence of being average: Today, I want to take a detour from our “make more, buy more” culture and argue for the merits of mediocrity, of being blasé, boring and average. Not the merits of pursuing mediocrity, mind you—because we all should try to do the best we possibly can—but rather, the merits of accepting mediocrity when we end up there despite our best efforts. We’re all pretty average at most things. What do you think? Stuff we talked about…Every day of our lives, we’re sold the message to be better, richer, more beautiful and be someone other than you, it can be really overwhelming to think that the version of you right now is not good enough. To one person, a mediocre life is another person’s extraordinary life. You decide what is mediocre and what is extraordinary. It’s a mindset thing.Li

  • 305: Are you forever feeling not good enough? Here’s what to do

    07/09/2021 Duração: 38min

    Are you continually feeling not good enough? Do you have a deep fear of rejection and that you are not likeable or loveable? It’s an extremely common feeling that most humans experience in all different aspects of life, whether it be at work, career, relationships, or simply when you are starting something new.Stuff we talked about…When you’re feeling not good enough you’re stuck with fear and anxiety. How can we stop this feeling from being a roadblock?It all begins with our mindset, self-belief and our sense of self-worth. Yoga is one of the most amazing ways to help change your state of mind, fast. It is a great tool to help you let go of self-doubt. You don’t have to be good at it. You just need to do it.A rejection is a redirection. Every no is preparing you for a bigger and brighter YES.Comparison is your worst enemy. As Marie Forleo said, “Don’t compare and let it get you down. Compare and let it inspire you.”Sometimes, you self-sabotage because you already think that you’re not good enough. Liste

  • 304: How to NOT suck at meditation

    02/09/2021 Duração: 41min

    This episode was inspired by the many questions we’ve been receiving about meditation from our 1 on 1 conversations with MerryBody members. We keep hearing things like “I want to be good at meditating, but my mind just goes on and on” or “I just can’t meditate, I want to, but it feels impossible”. Can you relate? Stuff we talked about…The spinning thoughts are actually normal. This doesn’t mean you suck at meditating or that you can’t meditate. This is just your mind doing what it’s designed to do, think!There are distractions everywhere so it takes more effort to slow the mind down.Create an anchor for your practice. Meditation is a tool to ease the suffering of life.Meditation and Yoga give your body a chance to rest and recover.  What’s the best way to sit when you meditate?We hope that this has inspired you to either continue your meditation practice or perhaps begin a meditation practice. Take a listen to 296: Embody Guided Meditation (seriously go to bliss town in 9 minutes

  • 303: How to spend your money

    23/08/2021 Duração: 49min

    If you’ve been listening to the Get Merry Podcast for the last two hundred episodes, you know we enjoy talking about money. It’s a very important subject as this impacts every part of our lives. Today, we’re talking about how to spend your money.This subject was inspired from a podcast with Tim Ferris and Ramit Sethi, it got us thinking about our ‘rich lives’. That is, figuring out where to spend your money in order to create the most joy.Stuff we talked about…Removing the taboo around money especially for women. We should have great knowledge of money even if we’re not technically earning it.Don’t feel bad about spending money on things that bring you joy. Allow yourself to feel joy.Sometimes it’s just nice to go out of your way to be generous. Our friend Dr. Lea Freeman paid for our dinner the other night just because… and we’re like that’s Lea living her rich life. (Listen to our podcast episode with her 217: Let’s Talk About Boobs with Dr Lea Freeman)Have your own money rules because then it mak

  • 302: This one mindset shift will help you work towards your goals

    17/08/2021 Duração: 30min

    During this episode, we chat about the current theme inside the MerryBody Studio. The theme is ‘One Step at a Time’. It’s great to have the end goal in mind, a big vision, but this message and this mindset shift is a reminder that all massive goals can be broken down into increments, into small steps. This action alleviates unnecessary suffering and stress.This one mindset shift has got us through some very difficult times. Stuff we talked about…We have all these plans for our lives, but the situation we’re actually in is not supporting that vision. How can we welcome the peace, contentment and acceptance of what’s happening right here right now?Goals help us get connected to our true desires. Enjoy your journey from point A to point B.No one is good at multitasking. Multitasking does not allow us to be our best in our job.Your first step inspires your second step, which inspires your third step and so on. The first step is the hardest step. Focus on your first step.Take one tiny step. It doesn’t have to

  • 301: how do you know it’s time to give up?

    05/08/2021 Duração: 25min

    In this episode, we chat about giving up. That is knowing when you should actually give up on your goals or whatever it is you’re working towards. Oftentimes we’re told to never give up and keep going. But, is there a right time to actually stop and let go of a dream? Stuff we talked about…Attachment to a goal, is this the real problem?Find out what it is you actually want from life.It’s ok to give up on things that are working but don’t feel good anymore.Giving up is not failure. Maybe the idea failed, but you’re not a failure. The only real failure would be if you stop doing anything at all.Giving up is not the easy way. Maybe the easy way is not beginning. If you haven’t even started to work toward your goals or desires listen to Episode 300.If you have any A-HA moments, questions, comments or feedback about this episode, send us an email at carla@themerrymakersisters.com or emma@themerrymakersisters.com or message us on our Facebook and Instagram accounts @themerrymakersister

  • 300: Everyone is afraid of being a beginner, are you?

    28/07/2021 Duração: 40min

    As we celebrate our 300th episode, we go back to where it all began and reflect on why beginning something new is so hard (or maybe it really is all very simple!).When we decided to record our very first podcast episode, there was a thought that we were too late and that there were too many, should we even bother? We had the same thought process when we started our blog.It can be really overwhelming to begin something new. We had to push these thoughts aside and not be afraid to be a beginner.Stuff we talked about…People are afraid of being a beginner because they don’t want to look foolish. They fear failure. They compare themselves to experts.If you’re pretending to be an expert, the inauthenticity screams through. Start with your truth.Addiction to be perfect and the feeling of not being good enough make you not begin.If you figure out what you want to do, if you follow your bliss, if you do what lights you up, and create a goal.. Boom! Maybe you just will have the ride of your life.The hero and the coward

  • 299: how to react less and respond better

    13/07/2021 Duração: 30min

    How do you react less and respond better? We chat about this and more during this episode.Can you relate? You’re having a simple chat with your partner, sibling or best friend and they say something that frustrates you. You then blow up with a reply that almost shocks you?! We both can definitely relate to this!And this is why learning to respond rather than react reduces a whole lot of suffering, creates more happiness and stronger relationships.Stuff we talked about…Be more empathetic and considerate of others. Shock horror, the world does not revolve around you, sorry.Don’t take things personally. Practice stepping out of your story and stop relating what they’re doing to you.Add space where possible, whether it’s a breath or time to go inwards to process and reflect on the situation. It could also be a meditation, going for a walk, doing a yoga or Pilates class. It’s shifting your environment creating space between what happened and your response.Create a practice that helps you become better at resp

  • 298: this is why I regret my nose job

    05/07/2021 Duração: 36min

    In this episode, we chat about my nose job. Emma has been asking me to write a blog post about my nose job experience and finally, I did. Here’s the full story: No, you shouldn’t get a nose job (advice from someone who has had two).  It got so many comments I wanted to chat about it further on the podcast.Stuff we talked about… I thought I had a ‘bad and ugly nose’.I thought the ideal nose was a small button nose. I thought fixing my big nose would make me the best version of myself. Your uniqueness and your magic is the beautiful thing about you. Your differences are what make you amazing.If you’re struggling with a body part of yours, remember that there’s nothing to be ‘fixed’ with your body.The only thing that needs to be fixed is your sense of beauty, your thoughts around the word beautiful and what it means to be beautiful.If I can use my story of pain and regret to help someone not to go through with it, I feel like there’s a purpose to my journey then. Maybe I can help someone

  • 297: Feeling guilty because you skipped your workout?

    22/06/2021 Duração: 39min

    This episode is inspired by a real life conversation with a great friend of ours. She told us that she hadn’t done Pilates in five days straight and felt guilty and really bad about it. And yep, we sure have felt this in the past too!Also, if you missed the last episode, number 296, we published one of our favourite guided meditations from MerryBody Online Studio. Embody Meditation is a technique that guides you to really focus on every single part of the body. Check it out after you listen to this episode!Stuff we talked about…Maybe you had a great meditation routine and you were eating healthy, exercising every day and now… you are not. You were doing something “good” but then life happens. Your focus went elsewhere. This is life, right? The ebbs and flows of everything.Sometimes, you need to change your routine and it’s okay! The most important thing is to tune in to what you really need right now. How do we stop from punishing ourselves for missing that session, or having a week off? Accept

  • 296: Embody Guided Meditation (seriously go to bliss town in 9 minutes)

    18/06/2021 Duração: 08min

    Embody Meditation will guide you inward to feel every inch of your body and become completely present. A few moments to fully embody this amazing vessel that is your home. This guided meditation is from our MerryBody Online Studio... learn more at themerrymakersisters.com/merrybodyFind a comfy seat, close the eyes and let’s welcome in a MerryMind.   See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

  • self-care, it’s important but what is it?

    11/06/2021 Duração: 45min

    We skipped a podcast episode last week as we were in Canberra, once upon a time we would have been like “we’re failures” because we let everyone and ourselves down. But now, we’re way kinder to ourselves. We go with the flow, we’re more flexible. We forgive ourselves. And this is the perfect introduction to today’s episode as self-forgiveness is a form of self-care.In this episode, we chat about the importance of self-care and what it really is.Stuff we talked about…Self-care is different for everyone and it’s different every single day. Your self-care might be to relax. Or to push yourself and take action.Self-care is tuning into what you truly need and desire in life. It’s living your truth.If there’s one thing you can start doing as part of your self-care practice, it’s taking a moment to tune in and connect with yourself, whether it’s sitting, having a cup of tea, walking in the sunshine, reading a book or doing yoga. Doing these things help us better understand ourselves.Setting your boundaries is the ul

  • 294: Why you're not achieving your goals

    27/05/2021 Duração: 34min

    In this episode, we chat about goals and (possibly) the reason why you’re not achieving your goals.We’ve been reading the book, The One Thing by Gary W. Keller and Jay Papasan. And we’re loving it, it’s kinda blowing our minds.Stuff we talked about…The Pareto Principle states that 20% of your work scientifically equates to 80% of your results.Ask yourself before you get started on anything: “what’s the one thing I can do such that by doing it, everything else will be easier or unnecessary?”What was the biggest lie that you were told? “It’s not that simple.” – Vinny Pazienza. From the movie, Bleed for this.You might not reach the result that you want but it takes you an alternate way that might be even better.The reason why you’re not achieving your goals is that you’re not working toward your goals. You’re not working on the ‘right one thing’.If you don’t know what to focus on, your one thing is to find your one thing.Multi-tasking sucks!Domino effect means starting with one small thing and knocking over the

  • 293: 6 daily habits to boost self-esteem

    21/05/2021 Duração: 38min

    In this episode, we chat about the habits that lead to stronger self-esteem. The actions that build more confidence and help you to let go of self-doubt.Low self-esteem stops you from pursuing your dreams. It makes your ambitions smaller. It keeps you in fear and stops you from experiencing your full potential.Stuff we talked about…Doing yoga helps you get out of your head and back into your body and heart. Any kind of joyful movement, whether it’s a dance, exercise or a walk in nature.Let go of your ego by doing acts of kindness. Stop thinking about me, me, me. When you’re doing something good for someone else, you really can’t feel crappy about yourself.Meditation is a time to be present with yourself, slow down your thoughts and bring more awareness to them. Doing guided meditations helps you welcome in a certain feeling.Roll the shoulders forward up, back and down. When we are aligned in our posture and our heart is open, we suddenly feel confident. Try this 15 Minute Better Posture Yoga Class o

  • 292: It's never too late

    11/05/2021 Duração: 35min

    If you’re thinking that it’s too late for you to start the thing you really want to start, this episode is for you!Maybe your thoughts of “it’s too late to start” are actually self-doubt or lack of self-belief. Because really, it’s never too late!Stuff we talked about…Are we actually more afraid of the work that is involved? Is that why we say ‘It’s too late?’.Why should we ever stop learning? We think too far in advance. What if we take one step at a time?Now is the perfect time to begin because we can’t change the past.We chat a little on things where it really is too late, for example starting a family naturally. It’s a bit of a tangent but as we head into our early/mid-30s it’s something we are beginning to consider. If you have anything that you’re struggling with or If you feel like it’s too late to pursue whatever it is that you want to pursue, tell us about it. Sometimes, you just need to tell someone so someone can tell you “no you’re wrong” or “hey, maybe you could do this”. We love hearin

  • 291: How to be a good decision maker

    04/05/2021 Duração: 30min

    In this episode, we chat about decision making and how to be a good decision maker! In our opinions, this is an extremely useful habit to create. Less of the “I dunno” and “whatever you want” and way less of the “yes” when you really mean “no!”.On the weekend, we made a firm decision and reflected how our past versions of ourselves were not so good with making firm decisions. But now we are so much better! Hear us chat more about what made us become better decision makers.Stuff we talked about…Our lives are filled with yeses and no’s. Make decisions according to the values connected to your heart.Learn to create your boundaries when making decisions.Stop people-pleasing as it affects your decision-making. When you didn’t want to do something, you might end up saying yes because you’re more worried about displeasing other people than yourself. (Listen to 216: how to stop being a people pleaser)Life is filled with making small decisions. We can decide to make quick decisions or take a very long time making

  • 290: How to overcome self-doubt

    21/04/2021 Duração: 42min

    Every human has felt some form of self-doubt wherein every aspect of your life, you have that voice in your mind telling you how much you suck or that you can’t do this or that. In this episode, we chat about self-doubt and how to overcome it.Stuff we talked about…Fear of rejection, fear of not being loved and fear of not reaching someone else’s expectation are some of the reasons why we have self-doubt.We all have self-doubt. Some people are just better at taking that first step to overcome it.Self-doubt holds us back from doing the things we really want to do.When you have this self-doubting thought, ask yourself “is this true?”Realize how connected our thoughts are to our feelings. (Listen to 210: what are emotions, interview with clinical psychologist Miriam Emad)The perfect version of ourselves doesn’t exist. Don’t get stuck on that perfection.We hope that this episode brought awareness to your own self-doubts (if you have any) and that you’ve now got action steps to overcome your them.If you have q

  • 289: give up your all or nothing mindset (life will get better)

    14/04/2021 Duração: 25min

    In this episode, we chat about the all or nothing mindset? Is it time to let it go? We vote… YES!Stuff we talked about…In some circumstances, the all or nothing mindset works. But if you’re trying to welcome something new in, for example, daily exercise, this mindset does not serve you well.Some is better than none. For example, shorter and more effective daily movement is better than once in a blue moon massive workout.Oftentimes, when learning new things we get so focused on the end result. It doesn’t matter how long it takes, if you want it, you just go and get it! Even if you just have 5 minutes a day to dedicate to the goal.Being obsessed with our external bodies is a complete waste of time. It doesn’t achieve anything. You don’t contribute anything to the world when you’re so focused on yourself.If you have questions, comments or feedback about this episode, send us an email at carla@themerrymakersisters.com or emma@themerrymakersisters.com or message us on our Facebook and Instagram

  • 288: You are allowed to take up space

    08/04/2021 Duração: 31min

    We’re so excited to be back in your ears. We had a break, took some space and time to reflect, to get the creative juices flooowwwing. The funny thing is that in the episode we chat space, which is also this month’s theme inside the MerryBody Studio (which we planned a few months ago! MAGIC).Stuff we talked about…You can look at ‘space’ in so many different ways. For Carla, space means stillness, silence, creating space inward. For Emma, it means being louder, more opinionated and speaking and living your truth.When your mind is full of BS (eg. self hating thoughts), there is no space for the great ideas, creation and magic.FOMO (fear of missing out) and fear of inaction prevent us from taking space.Space will also help you realise that it’s not all about “me…me…me” but “we…we…we”.Take a moment to reflect on what kind of space you might need. Whether it’s slowing down, silence and taking a break OR taking up more space to show the true YOU.If you have questions, comments or feedback about this episode, s

  • 287: The magic of completely sucking

    15/03/2021 Duração: 31min

    As adults, we kind of stick to the things we’re good at and get out the habit of trying new things. It could be that we’re scared, or we lack time and energy. In this episode, we chat about the magic of sucking at stuff, being terrible at something and WHY it brings so much good to life. Stuff we talked about…Practicing self-acceptance allows you to go and try new things.Ego is what’s stopping us from experiencing new things. We’re afraid of self-judgment and external judgement. Do something just for pure fun even if you suck! Shake that booty. Dance. Surf. Paint. Rock climb. Meditate.Real-life doesn’t come with triple filters. Mic-drop. How can you bring more joy into your life by doing things that might be hard and that you might suck at?If you have questions, comments or feedback about this episode, send us an email at carla@themerrymakersisters.com or emma@themerrymakersisters.com or message us on our Facebook and Instagram accounts @themerrymakersisters.Join our 3-day C

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