Streetwise Hebrew

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 68:06:53
  • Mais informações



A bite-size podcast showcasing modern Hebrew and its slang. Host Guy Sharett explains what we can learn about Israeli psyche, society, and culture through the Hebrew language.


  • #291 Market Forces and Super Powers

    14/04/2020 Duração: 13min

    The Hebrew word כוח means power, strength, or energy. Other than the frequently used saying, אין לי כוח, there are other words and expressions that we must cover, like “super powers,” “evil forces” and “gravity.” Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode New Words and Expressions: Ten li koach – Give me strength – תן לי כוח Yesh bi od koach – I still have strength – יש בי עוד כוח Ein li koach – I don’t have the energy – אין לי כוח Ein li koach elav/eleha – I don’t have energy for him/her – אין לי כוח אליו/אליה Yesh lecha/lach koach liftoach et ze? – Are you strong enough to open this? – יש לך כוח לפתוח את זה? Ein li koach le-mischakim – I don’t have the energy for games – אין לי כוח למשחקים Mis’chakim shel koach / mis’chakei koach – Power games – משחקים של כוח, משחקי כוח Hetsi ko’ach – “Half power”, disappointing – חצי כוח Koach elyon – Force majeure – כוח עליון Yishar koach – Good job, well done – יישר כוח Yishar koach > shokoyach (Yiddish) – Good job – יישכוייח, יישר כוח Koach ha-meshicha – Gravity –

  • #290 An Infectious Laugh and Sticky Rice

    07/04/2020 Duração: 11min

    How do we say the words contagious and infect in Hebrew, and how are they related to the Hebrew word for glue? Bonus: We’ll learn how to say sticky rice! Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode New Words and Expressions: Devek - Glue - דבק Hu nidbak be-Corona - He was infected with Corona - הוא נדבק בקורונה Yesh sham nidbakim - There are infected people there - יש שם נדבקים Ha-im nitan lehidabek me-havilot she-magi’ot mi-sin? - Could we get infected from packages that arrive from China? - ?האם ניתן להידבק מחבילות שמגיעות מסין Lehidabek be-Corona me-havilot - To get Corona from packages - להידבק בקורונה מחבילות Lehidabek be-X mi-Y - To get X from Y - להידבק במשהו ממישהו Tizaher/tizahari lo lehidabek - Be careful as to not get infected - תיזהר/תיזהרי לא להידבק Ani lo rotse/rotsa lehidabek - I don’t want to be infected - אני לא רוצה להידבק Lehibadek - To be tested - להיבדק Hadbaka - Contagion - הדבקה Hayu mikrim shel hadbakot - There were cases of contagion - היו מקרים של הדבקות Otsrim et sharsheret ha-

  • #289 Check Your Temperature!

    31/03/2020 Duração: 11min

    The מדחום (thermometer) could be our best friend or worst nightmare. For some, it determines whether they can go out or must stay quarantined. So on this episode Guy covers the Hebrew words and phrases you need to know about למדוד חום, to take one's temperature, and other useful idioms during these crazy days of Corona. Stay safe! Listen to The Promised Podcast Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode New Words and Expressions: Madchom - Thermometer - מדחום “Anachnu omrim le-kol ha-anashim she-yesh lahem chom…” - We tell all the people who have a fever... - אנחנו אומרים לכל האנשים שיש להם חום Yesh/Ein li chom - I have a fever/I have no fever - יש / אין לי חום “Kshe-at modedet kama ani noten” - When you measure how much I give - כשאת מודדת כמה אני נותן Limdod chom - To check the temperature - למדוד חום Medidat chom - Temperature check - מדידת חום Ta medida - Fitting room - תא מדידה Medidat chom / Bdikat chom - Checking the temperature - מדידת חום / בדיקת חום Bo ani emdod lecha chom, Boi ani emdod lach

  • #288 If We're Quarantined, Then Let's Do It in Style

    24/03/2020 Duração: 12min

    The Hebrew word בידוד, quarantine, will likely be the word of the year. So it's appropriate that Guy discusses its root, ב.ד.ד, and covers some of the Hebrew words derived from it, like isolation, insulation and solitude. Ruben's Pronunciation Course: Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode New Words and Expressions: Ani be-bidud ba-bayit - I am in quarantine at home in Shanghai - אני בבידוד בבית Hesger - Quarantine - הסגר “Ne’elatsim lehikanes le-bidud” - We have to get into quarantine - נאלצים להיכנס לבידוד “Ve-im kvar bidud, az she-yihye be-style” - If it’s already quarantine, it should be with style - ואם כבר בידוד, אז שיהיה בסטייל “Anachnu mevudadim me-ha-olam” - We’re isolated from the world - אנחנו מבודדים מהעולם “Aval yesh lanu et ha-teva shelanu” - But we have our piece of nature - אבל יש לנו את הטבע שלנו “Mevudadim” - People who are in quarantine - מבודדים Bayit mevudad - Isolated house - בית מבודד Levoded - To isolate - לבודד Bidud - Isolation, quarantine, insulation

  • #287 Come On, “Flow” With Me Here

    10/03/2020 Duração: 11min

    What does it mean when an Israeli says, זרום איתי (zrom iti), flow with me? And what is זרם הגולף? Guy goes with the flow and explains it all. Ruben's Pronunciation Course: Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode   New Words and Expressions: Lizrom - To flow - לזרום “Hashmal Zorem Be-chapot yadeicha” - Electricity flows in your hands - חשמל זורם בכפות ידיך “Taamin she-hayim zormim” - Just believe that life goes on - תאמין שהחיים זורמים Mayim zormim - Running water - מים זורמים Mayim omdim -Stagnant water - מים עומדים Lenahel sicha zoremet - To have a flowing conversation - לנהל שיחה זורמת Ani rotsa she-toridu et ha-filterim, ve-kacha ha-sichot shelachem yihyu harbe yoter zormot ve-me’anyenot - I’d like you to take off the filters, and in this way your conversations will be more flowing and interesting - אני רוצה שתורידו את הפילטרים וככה השיחות שלכם יהיו הרבה יותר זורמות ומעניינות Ani zorem - I am flexible, I “flow” - אני זורם Nu, zrom iti - Come on, work with me here - נו, זרום

  • #286 Hamburgers & Configuration: Foreign Words in Hebrew

    03/03/2020 Duração: 11min

    What’s לקנפג (lecanfeg) in Hebrew? What’s לסמס (lesames)? And what do we Israelis mean when we ask you to give us your ‘mail’? Guy explains what happens to foreign words when they start feeling comfortable in their new Israeli home. Ruben's Pronunciation Course:   Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode   New Words and Expressions: Homo’im - Gays - הומואים Ha-homo’im ve-ha-lesbiot tsa’adu ha-yom be-tel aviv’ - The gays and lesbians marched today in Tel Aviv - ההומואים והלסביות צעדו היום בתל אביב Hamburger, Hamburgerim - Hamburger, hamburgers - המבורגר, המבורגרים Radiatorim - Radiators - רדיאטורים Snob, Snobit, Snobim, Snobiyot - Snob - סנוב, סנובית, סנובים, סנוביות Mail, mailim - E-mail, e-mails (also: E-mail address) - מייל, מיילים “Im mishehu mishtalet lanu al ha-mail” - “If someone takes over our email” - אם מישהו משתלט לנו על המייל “Hu yachol lehishtalet lanu al ha-hayim dei be-kalut” - “He can take control of our life quite easily” - הוא יכול להשתלט לנו על החיים די בקלות K

  • #285 Dead Tired or Just a Bit Crazy?

    25/02/2020 Duração: 13min

    Slang usage of the word קרוע (ka’rua), literally meaning ‘torn’, is fascinating because when someone says it about themselves, it means one thing, and when the same is said about them behind their back, it means something completely different. Guy explains. Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode New Words and Expressions: Kara - He tore - קרע Kara - He read - קרא “Bachur ehad kara et sharvuli” - One guy tore my sleeve - בחור אחד קרע את שרוולי U-me-az ha-sharvul sheli karu’a - And since then, my sleeve is torn - ומאז השרוול שלי קרוע Meitar karu’a - A torn string - מיתר קרוע Hu ma-ze karu’a - He’s a bit crazy - הוא מה-זה קרוע Ani karu’a me-ayefut - I am dead tired - אני קרוע מעייפות Ha-lev sheli nikra le-shnayim - My heart is/was torn in two - הלב שלי נקרע לשניים Lehikara - To be torn - להיקרע Rak she-lo yikara - I just hope it won’t tear - רק שלא ייקרע Ze yikara ba-sof - It will tear at the end - זה ייקרע בסוף Mashehu kore’a - Something funny - משהו קורע Kore’a mi-ts’hok - Hilarious - קורע מצחוק Eize

  • #284 Improve Your Hebrew With These 4 Tools

    18/02/2020 Duração: 09min

    Guy demonstrates how to use 4 valuable online tools he thinks every Hebrew learner should know. Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode   Tools & Examples: Morfix Example: Yishte, he will drink Reverso Example: Sirton, film/footage Somebody posted some old footage of me from the '80s on YouTube - מישהו העלה ליוטיוב סרטון ישן שלי משנות השמונים Sirton avtacha - Security footage - סרטון אבטחה Sirton interneti - Internet footage - סרטון אינטרנטי Sirton ta’amula - Propaganda footage - סרטון תעמולה Sirtonei hadracha - Training videos - סרטוני הדרכה Wikipedia in Hebrew Example: שנת צהריים שנת צהריים היא נמנום קצר, לרוב לאחר ארוחת צהריים. בחלק מהתרבויות היא חלק בלתי נפרד מסדר היום הקבוע. שנ״צ “Ha-comeback shel ha-shnats” - The comeback of the siesta - הקאמבק של השנ״צ Google in Hebrew Search “davka tlv1” Search “intonation tlv1” Search “accent tlv1” Playlist and Clips: Arik Einstein - Don Quixote (lyrics)

  • #283 Falafel 101: Your Guide to Ordering Falafel in Hebrew

    21/01/2020 Duração: 09min

    Ordering falafel in Israel may seem simple. But when learning Hebrew, the many different options and the barrage of short and direct questions from the seller could make the whole experience a bit stressful. On this episode, Guy explains how to keep calm through the mayhem of an Israeli falafel stand at lunch time. Ruben's Pronunciation Course: Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode   New Words and Expressions: Mana falafel - A portion of falafel (in a pita) - מנה פלאפל Hatsi mana - Half a portion - חצי מנה Ten li mana falafel vaksha - Please give me a portion of falafel please - תן לי מנה פלאפל (ב)בקשה Falafel be-tsalahat - Falafel on a plate - פלאפל בצלחת Ten li mana falafel lakachat vaksha - Please give me a portion of falafel to go - תן לי מנה פלאפל לקחת (ב)בקשה Ta’aroz/ta’arzi li vaksha - Please pack it for me - תארוז/תארזי לי (ב)בקשה La’aroz lecha? - Shall I pack it for you? - ?לארוז לך Lasim - To put - לשים Ma lasim lecha/lach? - What shall I put in the pita, for you? -

  • #282 7 Tips That Will Improve Your Spoken Hebrew

    14/01/2020 Duração: 14min

    Many podcast listeners have written to ask, “How can I improve my Hebrew?” Some live in Israel. Others, abroad. But each has their individual linguistic needs on which they need to focus. So on this episode, Guy provides 7 tips that will help anyone, from those highly proficient to those just getting started, improve their spoken Hebrew. Ruben's Pronunciation Course: Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode   Tip #1: Watch KAN TV on youtube Clip 1 Clip 2 Kan News Bo’u le’echol Iti (Kan TV) Tip #2: Listen to songs in Hebrew Ruchama Raz - Halomot Shmurim (lyrics) Tip #3: Listen to the international news in your language, then switch to the news in Hebrew Prince Harry & Meghan Markle (KAN TV) .היום חגגו שערי הצהובונים, את האש חטפה בעיקר מייגן, מי שנתפסת כמי שהפרידה בין הנסיך למשפחתו Tip #4: Find Hebrew content and material about something you absolutely love Met-al-metal Metal Music Podcast Compost & permaculture Training dogs Tip #5: Listen to the Hebrew version of our pod

  • #281 Surely You Know What I'm Referring To

    07/01/2020 Duração: 09min

    The Hebrew word הרי (harei) is a tiny elusive word used to emphasize the words that follow it. Listen to the examples Guy prepared to help explain this somewhat fancy word. Ruben's Pronunciation Course:   Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode   New Words and Expressions: Ata harei yode’a - You surely know - אתה הרי יודע Harei lama hem asu et ze - Well, you know why they did it, right? - ?הרי למה הם עשו את זה Hu harei lo holech limkor et ha-bait - Surely he’s not going to sell the house - הוא הרי לא הולך למכור את הבית Az zehu she-ken - Actually, he would - אז זהו, שכן Hu harei rak yeled - He is, after all, only a child - הוא, הרי, רק ילד Hu harei lo yachol lifgo’a be-zvuv - He wouldn’t hurt a fly - הוא הרי לא יכול לפגוע בזבוב Hi harei lo yechola lifgo’a be-zvuv - She wouldn’t hurt a fly - היא הרי לא יכולה לפגוע בזבוב The most famous harei is probably this one: Harei at mekudeshet li be-taba’at zo - With this ring be thou consecrated unto me as my wife - הרי את מקודשת לי בטבעת

  • #280 It's Chilly Outside

    31/12/2019 Duração: 10min

    It’s winter time for us in the northern hemisphere. It is also the time we start over-using the Hebrew word קר (cold) because, for us Israelis, 14-17 degrees celsius (57-63 degrees fahrenheit) is considered cold. To get us ready for cooler temperatures, Guy prepared warm-up exercises consisting of words and phrases from the root ק.ר.ר that cover all things chill, cooling and our beloved refrigerators. Ruben's Pronunciation Course:   Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode   New Words and Expressions: Perek horpi - Wintery episode - פרק חורפי Kar ba-leilot - It’s cold at night - קר בלילות Mamshich lihyot kar - It continues to be cold - ממשיך להיות קר Eize kor ba-huts - How cold it is outside - איזה קור בחוץ Kach sveder, kar ba-huts - Take a sweater, it’s cold outside - קח סוודר, קר בחוץ Kor klavim - It’s freezing - קור כלבים Ha-ru’ach ha-krira - The chilly wind or breeze - הרוח הקרירה Karir - Chilly - קריר “Kshe-beineinu karir” - When it’s cold between us - כשבינינו קריר Krirut

  • #279 Boys and Girls! It's Story Time

    17/12/2019 Duração: 11min

    The Hebrew word סיפור (sipur) means a story. Though in certain situations סיפור could also mean a matter, a thing, or a mess. The root ס.פ.ר acts a bit funny in some of its verb formats. No need to worry because on this episode Guy explains it all. Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode New Words and Expressions: Ze haya sipur shel horef - It was a winter (love) story - זה היה סיפור של חורף Sipur ahava - Love story - סיפור אהבה Haya li sipur ito/ita - I had a (love) story with him/her - היה לי סיפור איתו/איתה Eize sipur achshav - What a mess - איזה סיפור עכשיו Festival mesaprei sipurim - Storytelling festival - פסטיבל מספרי סיפורים Lesaper sipur - To tell a story - לספר סיפור Saper ma nishma, saper eich haya - Tell me how you’re doing, tell me how it went - ספר מה נשמע, ספר איך היה Saper, sapri, sapru - Tell (Imp., m., f., pl.) - ספר, ספרי, ספרו Al tesaper la - Don’t (m.) tell her - אל תספר לה Al tesapri lo - Don’t (f.) tell him - אל תספרי לו Al tesapru lahem - Don’t tell them

  • #278 Sick? Get Well Soon!

    10/12/2019 Duração: 10min

    Hebrew provides plenty of ways to wish someone well, and they all depend on the severity of the illness. So what should we say to someone with a cold? How about the flu? Pneumonia? This winter, Guy provides a linguistic toolkit for all you well-wishers to use in almost any circumstance. Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode Bassa ep. 108 Tihye Bari ep. 3 Polish Mother ep. 4 New Words and Expressions: Hachlaka al ha-kerach - Ice skating - החלקה על הקרח Paam rishona ba-chayim - For the first time in my life - פעם ראשונה בחיים Tihye bari / tihyi bri’a - May you be healthy - תהיה בריא / תהיי בריאה “Refu’a shlema” -Full recovery - רפואה שלמה Hachlama mehira - Speedy recovery - החלמה מהירה Lehachlim - To recover - להחלים Nu, hichlamta? Hivreta? - So, did you recover? (m.) - נו, החלמת? הבראת? Hichlamt, hivret - Did you recover? (f.) - החלמת? הבראת? Ani machlim karega - I recover these days - אני מחלים כרגע Hu machlim mi-shapa’at - He’s recovering from the flu - הוא מחלים משפעת Zo ha

  • A Special Offer (Part of Our 6th Podcastiversary Celebrations)

    05/12/2019 Duração: 03min

    Get the special course and at a special price by visiting The podcast recently celebrated its 6th birthday. And as part of our celebrations, Guy asked Ruben Adery to put together a special introductory online course for Streetwise Hebrew listeners. The course goes through the most mispronounced sounds in Hebrew. It combines explanatory videos with longer practice videos and provides downloadable word-lists that guide your pronunciation practice. The online course would have been regularly priced at $147US but listeners can access it for $66 as part of our podcast’s 6th birthday celebrations. Get it at The course helps your spoken Hebrew sound more like Israeli Hebrew. And we truly hope that the special offer will provide the course at a price that will allow more people to access it.

  • #277 This Corner Store is Da Bomb

    03/12/2019 Duração: 08min

    The Hebrew word פיצוץ (pitsuts) means explosion but is also used in the same fashion as the English phrase, “a blast,” meaning incredible or highly entertaining. And did you know that our neighborhood corner store is called a פיצוצייה (pitsutsiya)? Today, Guy covers the root פ.צ.צ, which is the foundation for many slang words and phrases to say things like, “I'm loaded with money” or “this cafe is packed.” Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode New Words and Expressions: Latet la-rosh lanu’ach me-ha-pitutsim - To let the head rest from the explosions - לתת לראש לנוח מהפיצוצים Ptsatsa - Bomb - פצצה Ptsatsa metakteket - A ticking time bomb - פצצה מתקתקת Yerushalayim, ir shava pitsuts - Jerusalem, a city worth an explosion - ירושלים, עיר שווה פיצוץ Eich haya ha-seret? Pitsuts - How was the movie? A blast - איך היה הסרט? פיצוץ Mehir pitsuts - A helluva price - מחיר פיצוץ Haya beneihem pitsuts - They had a fall out - היה ביניהם פיצוץ Pitsutsiya - Corner shop - פיצוצייה Lefotsets - To blow something up -

  • #276 Put out the Fire

    05/11/2019 Duração: 11min

    What does an Israeli judo champion mean when she says, האש כבתה לגמרי (“ha-esh kavta legamrei”)? And how do you tell a technician that your laptop keeps dying on you? In Hebrew, לכבות (“lechabot”) means to extinguish and to turn off. So please turn off all cell phones and listen as Guy explains all things כ.ב.ה. Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode   New Words and Expressions: Lechabot et ha-esh - To extinguish the fire, to put out the flames - לכבות את האש “Panas ha-rchov kiba atsmo lada’at” - “The street light turned itself off” - “פנס הרחוב כיבה עצמו לדעת” Ibed atmo lad’aat - Committed suicide - איבד עצמו לדעת Ani mevakesh lechabot telefonim - I ask you to turn off your cellphones - אני מבקש לכבות טלפונים Leha’avir telefonim le-shaket - Switch to silent - להעביר טלפונים לשקט Kibit ta’telefon? Kibita ta-telefon? - Did you turn off your cellphone? - ?כיבית ת’טלפון Techabe ta-telefon - Turn off your cellphone - תכבה ת’טלפון Mi kiba et ha-mazgan? - Who turned off the air conditioning? - ?מי כיבה את

  • #275 Shoo! Get out of Here!

    29/10/2019 Duração: 08min

    How do you say “buzz off” or “beat it” in Hebrew? And how might it relate to paying off your mortgage? Guy explains. Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode   New Words and Expressions: Lesalek - To remove, get rid of, expel - לסלק Lesalek et kol ha-regashot ha-meyutarim - To remove all unnecessary feelings - לסלק את כל הרגשות המיותרים Lesalek metachim - To get rid of tension - לסלק מתחים Lesalek chatulim - To kick cats out - לסלק חתולים Siluk - Removing, clearing - סילוק Siluk re’alim me-ha-guf - Clearing toxins from the body - סילוק רעלים מהגוף Siluk ayin ha-ra - Removing the evil eye - סילוק עין הרע Siluk yonim - Removing pigeons - סילוק יונים Siluk ptsatsot - Removing bombs - סילוק פצצות Siluk mashkanta - Mortgage clearing - סילוק משכנתא Hadas mesuleket ad le-hoda’a hadasha - Hadas is dismissed from school until further notice - הדס מסולקת עד להודעה חדשה Mi she-silku oto - The one who was kicked out - מי שסילקו אותו Mesulak - Expelled - מסולק Hem mesalkim oto, hu mesulak - They kick him out, he i

  • #274 Can You Hurry It Up? Quick!

    22/10/2019 Duração: 11min

    Israelis need everything here and now, immediately. Preferably yesterday. That's why the Hebrew word זריז (zariz), quick or quickly, is constantly in use. This episode is a crash course (קורס מזורז) on the root ז.ר.ז. Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode   New Words and Expressions: Zariz - Speedy, quick - זריז Kaduri zariz mahir - My ball is quick and fast - כדורי זריז מהיר Kinu’ach shokolad zariz - A quick chocolate dessert - קינוח שוקולד זריז Li dubon zariz va-kat - I have a small and agile teddy bear - לי דובון זריז וקט Ze haya zariz” - That was quick - זה היה זריז Hipus zariz ba-internet - A quick internet search - חיפוש זריז באינטרנט Miklachat zriza (adj.) ve-magia - Quick shower and I am there - מקלחת זריזה ומגיע Miklachat ba-zariz (adv.) ve-magia - Quick shower and I am there - מקלחת בזריז ומגיע Aval zariz/yalla, zariz - Ok, quick - אבל זריז/יאללה, זריז Bi-zrizut - Quickly - בזריזות Eize zariz ata/eize zriza at - You’re so quick - איזה זריז אתה/איזה זריזה את Wow, eize zrizut - Wow, so quic

  • #273 You Shouldn't Steal

    15/10/2019 Duração: 09min

    In Hebrew, גנב (ganav) is a thief. Perhaps you already know its Yiddish pronunciation, ganef (גאַנעוו). But there are other, more exciting words that belong to the Hebrew root גנב, including several slang uses. Guy explains. Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode  New Words and Expressions: Ganav - Thief - גנב Ganef - Thief (Yiddish) - גאַנעוו Lignov - To steal - לגנוב Ganav sidrati - Serial thief - גנב סדרתי Al rosh ha-ganav bo’er ha-kova - On the head of the thief the hat is in flames - על ראש הגנב בוער הכובע Gneva - Theft - גניבה Gnevot ha-sisma’ot - The password thefts - גניבות הססמאות “Ve-al tezalzelu bi-fritsa la-mail ha-prati shelachem” - And don’t underestimate a break in to your personal email - ואל תזלזלו בפריצה למייל הפרטי שלכם Pritsa - Burglary - פריצה Lifrots - To break in - לפרוץ Ani megala she-ganvu li et ha-zehut - I realise that someone stole my identity - אני מגלה שגנבו לי את הזהות Gnevat zehoot - Identity theft - גניבת זהות Medabrim al ze harbe la-achrona - They talk a lot about i

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