Street Smart Wealth Profit In Your Pjs | Social Media | Solopreneur | Real Estate | Network Marketing | Direct Sales

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 197:45:41
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Jackie Ulmer is a Social Media Strategist to Solopreneurs, Real Estate, Network Marketing and Direct Sales professionals. Monetize Your Message Online.


  • Emotional Resilience in Life and Business

    04/03/2020 Duração: 21min

    Emotional and Business resilience is important to your overall success and peace of mind.   Life gives us lemons 50% of the time. Let’s make lemonade from them.   We count on that superstar in Network Marketing, and then they don’t join or quit. Someone laughs at our decision.   Real Estate can be the same - EVERYONE seems to have their Real Estate license.   We must learn to stand out, get noticed, get the sale.   First, we must learn to navigate life’s challenges.   This week has been a whirlwind.   My son and his wife welcomed their first child and our first grandchild into the world. So excite to meet this new little bundle.   Less than 24 hours later, a devastating tornado blew through Nashville, Tennessee, literally right next door to my daughter’s apartment.   She is fine, but the aftermath and going through something like that alone, in the darkness is rattling. And, the power is out all over the city.   Not to mention that she is not feeling well, and about to have her tonsils removed.   She took me

  • From Commitment to HOW to get the goal

    17/02/2020 Duração: 11min

    Everything is figure-outable - Marie Forleo   We can spend way too much time getting stuck in thinking we need more knowledge; more answers; more time….   Let’s start with what you know NOW…   What do you know already about your business?   We’ve covered clarity on:   How   Why   What you truly sell   Next, we move to commitment.   We get stuck thinking we “need” to know more in order to even get started, much less to be successful.   But really, we don’t.   We are stuck in fear, procrastination and other emotions and thoughts that are coming up for us.   Right now; what are the fears that hold you back in your business?   Are you afraid someone will ask a question you don’t have the answer to?   How is this holding you back now? Are you in the ditch of your business?   Is it true that you must have the answer to everything?   Do you know how and where to find the answer?   IF, and when you need it?   Are you committed to finding that answer?   We just have thoughts. All day, every day.   Our thoughts derail

  • Key Components of Business Commitment

    13/02/2020 Duração: 18min

    What does commitment mean?   What is your #1 Goal this year?   Is your goal possible?   Do you believe it is probable for you?   If yes or no, your thought must be -   I will figure this out.   THIS is commitment.   I’m willing…I am committed to do whatever it takes to achieve my goal.   How does that thought feel?   What action has to happen for you to get those results? To get that goal?   Look around you. This is what you are currently committed to in your life; business; income; fitness; health; relationships.   Social Proof surrounds you.   Roger Bannister and the 4 minute mile.   Decide what you want.   Decide to commit.   Decide your values.   My 5 F words   Faith Family/Friends Fun Fitness Finance   Yoda and Luke Skywalker - There is no try; there is either do or do not.   Can you be “kinda” committed to faith; or your family….       Get Clear. Find Clarity on each of these.   Get out your calendar and get your values on there; get the actions on there that take you to your goals.   Track your actions

  • Systems, Consistency and Accountability

    12/02/2020 Duração: 25min

    Have you taken the time to identify, get clear and define the systems that make you successful in your business?   How are you doing with being consistent?   And, what do you do to stay accountable?   Systems are what create a breakthrough around a lot of ways for you in your business.   A system gives you a roadmap to follow, so you know every step of the way where you are; and where each person is; and what the next step is.   McDonald’s is a great example of a company that strives on systems.   In the video and the audio, I share my story of using what I learned about systems to create my own success as a high school student working at McDonald’s in the 80s, and how I won the Saturday lunch sales contest almost every week.   What are your business systems?   Get clarity on this so you have a more simple system.   What are you selling?   Then, define those systems and for me, 3 primary things are part of my systems:   Meeting People - this is ALWAYS step one. Who and how many people am I adding to my databa

  • Are You Clear on What You Actually SELL

    11/02/2020 Duração: 20min

    Often, we don’t understand what it is we truly sell.   On the last episode, we talked about clarity behind your values and priorities. That’s at show   What you sell is NOT your company, or your product name; or even type of product.   We sell solutions, experiences a result.   It’s ultimately the “Transformation” that you client is going to experience through your product, service or offer.   So, we start with what the challenge is that they have. What do they need a solution for?   You’ve probably heard, no one goes to the hardware store to buy a drill; They go to buy a hole in wall.   Who is your ideal client? Have you written out the avatar for up to 3 unique profiles? Some of the traits may be the same, but hav ing 3 allows you to speak to a broader audience.   What are their main challenges, obstacles, problems?   Make a list.   Then, what is the solution of transformation that you provide.   What other potential solutions have they tried?   It’s important to know this going in,

  • Clarity on Your Values and Priorities

    10/01/2020 Duração: 21min

    I run my life and my decisions around a few key concept. One of those is the 3 Cs for Success, which are Clarity, Commitment and Consistency. Today, let’s cover Clarity on Your Values and Priorities.   My focus word for 2020 is accomplished, and I’ll cover how these all fit together.   The definition of clarity is the quality of the “state” of being clear. Having a clear understanding of what and why.   And, ideally, so others are clear as well.   Do you have clarity around your life goals and priorities?   When these are clear for you, it creates more joy and simplicity in your life.   I base my values and proprieties around my 5 Favorite F Words. My value and marketing “buckets” come from this.   I started with my WHY in each area, and also incorporated my focus word into each one.   My key phrase ion journaling and doing my Thought Download on this is -   Focus on what matters most.   What is my focus point on -   Faith   Family and Friends   Fun   Fitness   Finances   What do I need to do each day,  week,

  • Closing Out Year 2019 and the Decade to Prepare for 2020

    02/01/2020 Duração: 28min

    Welcome to one of the most powerful shows of the year, where we close out the year, and in this case, the decade as well, and prepare to really rock the new year and decade coming. Show note are at  On the last show, we discussed choosing your focus word -  I've learned how to bring each year together to make them build on each other. Focus word from prior years -   2018 - Systemize - this was all about getting systems in place so my business flows smoothly and I know what step to be taking with each person I meet; who enters my marketing funnel; and who I am building a relationship with. 2019 - Mastering Practice - what are the key few things that must be practiced consistently to move me forward in all areas of my life? 2020 - Accomplished - my plan is to start each day planning what is required daily for me to check the accomplished box on where my focus us for that day at the end of the day.   I spent the year 2018 getting the right systems i

  • Choosing Your Focus Word for 2020

    28/12/2019 Duração: 20min

    Focus Word 2020 - How to Choose it and Use It for its highest effectiveness in achieving your goals. - Focus Word 2020 How to Choose it and Use It for its highest effectiveness in achieving your goals. Here are some ideas:   Choose intentionally. Don't just pick a word because you heard someone else using it; or because it's trendy. Reflect on your past year; what worked and didn't work; and your intentions and goals for the next year, 2020.   What is a word or phrase that will support you in those goals?   Once you've chosen your word, reflect on it first thing each morning and last thing at night and measure your plans and "to do" list for the day and then do a check in on whether your actions for the day were in alignment before you end the day.   Set your marketing plans and calendar up to use this word as much as possible.   I have my 5 Favorite F Words -   Faith Family/Friends Fun Fitness Finance   These are the 5 areas of my life that are my priorities and focus.   My wor

  • Routines, Systems and Planning for Success

    23/12/2019 Duração: 28min

    Success leaves clues. Show notes -  My Routines and Systems -   First, I do a  thought download every day.   Set a timer for 5 minutes and just free flow write.   The power in writing it down in your handwriting vs an app or typing. The imprint in your mind and psyche is powerful.   Choose a small notebook that fits in your purse or briefcase.   Gets stuff out of your head, onto paper and releases it from you; and gives you the ability to look back; find patterns and identify what’s critical and what matters and needs your immediate attention.   From there, I create a prioritized “To Do” list and then I always know next steps.   2019 has been about change for me.   My products, programs and coaching, and cleaning up my 3 different websites.   My site will become more of a resume and resource page, which will guide people where they need to be. - still my favorite name and site

  • Fear and Failure

    16/12/2019 Duração: 29min

    Fear and Failure We all have thoughts around fear and failure that keep us stuck. All fear is rooted in a past experience… Other than the startling reflex, we are born largely fearless. Failure is not in our vocabulary and we are confident we can become and achieve whatever we want - Astronaut    Wonder Woman  What happens to detail us from these positive beliefs? Here is a definition of fear - "Fear is an unpleasant emotion based on the belief that there is danger, pain or a threat that is imminent... " Emotion won't kill you, even the most negative ones... How will you overcome the WORST emotion you might feel?   Emotions aren’t real. The feeling feels real, but most fear is not actually happening in the present moment.   Close your eyes and imagine your life without fear. What action steps would you take? What would you do differently?   Real fears - fire, physical threat. True danger or threat and happening now.   What are your fears? Be honest, take an inventory and write them down. Get out a piece of pa

  • Changes and Growth in Life and Business

    14/12/2019 Duração: 22min

    On today’s show, I’m going to share what I’ve learned over the last 14 years of coaching others to transformation and success with confidence, business and Social Media; and where I am today. My hope is that you will find some tools  to assist you in your growth. You’ll find the show notes at - I’m Jackie Ulmer, a business and confidence transformation coach. Entrepreneurs and Leaders coach with me to help them shift their negative thoughts around body image, comparanoia, imposter syndrome and feelings of not being good enough. We reprogram their minds and beliefs, allowing them to thrive in life and business. Social Media has done a head trip on a lot of people when it comes to comparison and measuring up. Here are the key points we’ll cover: Confidence and the struggles so many have Body Image Confidence and the disruption this plays in our lives Social Media and the toll it has taken Mindset and Beliefs My business focus today Grab your favorite beverage and let’s get busy!

  • Habits of a 7 Figure Income Earner

    04/12/2019 Duração: 50min

    We Don’t get our Goals - We Get our HABITS! There is one major reason for setting a goal - what you must DO to accomplish the goal, and who you will become along the way.   Jim Rohn’s quote! What are your Dreams and visions?   What would you do if you knew it were absolutely possible? Knew you couldn’t fail? Let’s explore a “goal setting, goal getting” paradigm shift! Our current way of approaching goals gives us one of two scenarios: Reach our intended result or FAIL. Either feel GREAT or like feel like a FAILURE.. How motivating is that for setting big goals? Questions to ask yourself for reaching your top goal: Ask is it possible to achieve this goal? Is it Probable that I will? Who will I become in the journey to the goal? What are the qualities, habits and characteristics of a 7 Figure Income earner? I would need to be a Person of: Integrity  Clarity Commitment Consistency Overdeliver Value Willing to learn To be bad, and then good and then great Have a Written Marketing Plan Be unstoppable Act in s

  • How THANKSGIVING Applies to Life and Business

    28/11/2019 Duração: 18min

    I’m Jackie Ulmer and Welcome to the Street Smart Wealth Experience, show # 346, and Happy Thanksgiving!   You’ll find the show notes at -     It’s thanksgiving here in the US, and I wanted to be in your ears today! and while that may not apply where you are, every day is a day for thanksgiving, and gratitude and let me start by saying how grateful I am that you are here, and listening in now! I appreciate you.     Thanksgiving, as an acronym and how it applies to our lives and business. Thoughts, feelings and emotions that are important to our personal and professional success.     So, first we have -   T - Time - Time is our most precious commodity. WE can’t get more. We all have the same 24 hours. How will you spend it? Prioritize it? Cherish it? Who will you give it to? And, how to stop stressing over not enough time and realize that you have all of the time you need, when you master productivity and prioritizing.     H - Heart - and Happiness. Lead with your heart, always, in life

  • Goal Setting In a Whole New Way

    25/11/2019 Duração: 19min

    You’re listening to the Street Smart Wealth Experience, show #345 and today, we are going to change the way you look at and DO Goal Setting.. Show notes Welcome to today’s show and I am thrilled you are joining me. If you are new, I hope you’ll stick around, listen to some back shows, especially 334 If you’ve been with me awhile - THANK YOU!! I’ve been on a bit of a recording hiatus as I have been working on several new projects; I’ve been speaking locally and building a large client base here in the Phoenix/Scottsdale area. It’s a dream come true, marketing both online and offline, and watching the two overlap. I’ve created a new video series available to you with worksheets to walk through some of the primary challenges more and more people are experiencing these days - Comparanoia Imposter Syndrome Other People’s Opinions Not Feeling Good enough or like we measure up Access those at I would love to hear your thoughts. These are the worksheets and processes th

  • 5 Key Ways to Find Leads for Your Network Marketing Business

    24/09/2019 Duração: 26min

    5 Key Ways to Find Leads for Your Network Marketing Business Do you struggle with finding people to talk to about your business and your products? Where have all the good people gone and why is it so much easier for the top people in the company?   You’ll find the show notes at -   In those notes, I have included a guide to walk you through the entire process I’ll be sharing here today.   I’m Jackie Ulmer and I coach Network Marketers and entrepreneurs on how to be the success they want to be; make more money and not annoy their family and friends.   Learn more at   Also, are you in my facebook group?     What You’ll Learn from this Episode:   Where to Find People Your Mindset Around Talking to People Discomfort Finding Clarity Creating Change       Where to Find People   Now, you are going to think that this is the hard part. But it’s really not, because think about it -   People are everywhere. (Except in your home, where you migh

  • How to Almost Guarantee a Close or Sale in Network Marketing

    16/09/2019 Duração: 25min

    Sales is NOT a Dirty Word. Why Start w/ Sales? Social Media Oriented - Skill you MUST Nail!   Sales is the MOST amazing skill and THING when done right. With your ideal client in mind. When I learned this skill, everything changed.   Mindset - YOURS is the biggest key. Take away. Growth AREA   Our Resistance and Why - Don't Want to Sell to friends; Ick Factor; Don't Want to Be Pushy; Don't Want to look stupid!     What You’ll Learn from this Episode:   5 Step Closing Process Where they ARE and where they want to GO Bridge the Gap Paint the Vision - Don’t Skip This Listening to Objections Handle the Objections   I’m Jackie Ulmer and I coach Network Marketers and entrepreneurs on how to be the success they want to be; make more money and not annoy their family and friends.   Learn more at   Also, are you in my facebook group?    

  • The Importance of Customer in Your Network Marketing Business

    10/09/2019 Duração: 20min

    I’m Jackie Ulmer and I coach Network Marketers and entrepreneurs on how to be the success they want to be; make more money and not annoy their family and friends.   Learn more at   Also, are you in my facebook group?   There are some very distinct differences (and similarities) to Party Plan and Network Marketing.   I use the term network marketing most broadly, but I coach and train as many party plan people as pure network marketers.   Both could learn a LOT from the business model of the other. Especially when it comes to customers.   So, let’s talk about Your Product Customers in Network Marketing, and how very important they are to the lifeblood and longevity of your business.   What You’ll Learn from this Episode:   Why Customers Matter Sharing the Product Story Customer Success Language Handling Questions Servicing Your Customers Staying Top of Mind     Why Customers Matter   Every business needs customers. Party Plan gets this and it is their #1 goal

  • The Drama Behind Hearing No in Network Marketing

    02/09/2019 Duração: 19min

    The Drama Behind Hearing No in Network Marketing You’ll find the show notes at -  I’m Jackie Ulmer and I coach Network Marketers and entrepreneurs on how to be the success they want to be; make more money and not annoy their family and friends. Learn more at Also, are you in my facebook group?  Few things upset a new Network Marketer than hearing the word no about their business. Whether it’s about the products, which you are SO excited about; or the opportunity itself, which you can’t BELIEVE not everyone would say yes to. So, let’s talk about The Drama Behind Hearing No in Network Marketing What You’ll Learn from this Episode: Mind Drama Stories We Make Up Handling Shutdowns and Nos Other People’s Opinions  Timeline of Success Your Posture and Follow Up The Power of Vision = Beckwith Mind Drama I don’t know when or where it happens in our lives that so many of us get caught up in drama. Mostly Mind Drama. In

  • Take Control of Your Calendar and Get Productive In Your Network Marketing Business

    26/08/2019 Duração: 24min

    000002D4 000002D4 00006895 00006895 001474D6 001474D6 0000B08D 0000B08D 000990Welcome to the Street Smart Wealth Experience, show # 340, and we are covering - Take Control of Your Calendar and Get Productive You’ll find the show notes at - 340  Guitar Blurb I’m Jackie Ulmer and I coach Network Marketers and entrepreneurs on how to be the success they want to be; make more money and not annoy their family and friends. Learn more at Also, are you in my facebook group?  School has started for many and fall, which is a busy, productive time in Network Marketing if you’ll MAKE it that way, is headed straight at us. NOW, is the time to prepare your calendar and your productivity plan to make the most of it. So, let’s talk about how to Take Control of Your Calendar and Get Productive What You’ll Learn from this Episode: Your Clear Vision For Your Life and Business Your Calendar Getting Intentional With Your Calendar Social Media Cons

  • Asking the Right Questions in Network Marketing

    19/08/2019 Duração: 21min

    x Let’s talk about Asking the Right Questions in Network Marketing (and any business)   What You’ll Learn:   Questions of Yourself Questions About Action Steps Questions of Your Prospects Questions for Your Team   Let’s deep dive in, shall we?     Questions of Yourself   Why? It really does always start with the why…   Why did you look for a business? What interested you even if you weren’t looking?   Why did your business appeal to you?   What were your initial goals?   Have you achieved them?   Why or why not?   Are you where you thought you would be?   Why or why not?   If you were to rate yourself on a scale of 1-10, where do you call in terms of success?   Commitment?   Consistency?   And, again, WHY, for each of these?   When we can get really clear on ourselves, and understand and accept that WE and we alone are responsible for where we are in our lives and business.   What’s your belief level about your ability to be successful?   Asking, answering and being aware of this area of your business is your

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