Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 392:09:29
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Learning to see life from a spiritual perspective can change the way we think, which changes everything. As we let go of fear, worry, regret, blame, anger, guilt, resentment, jealousy and shame, we can create the loving, joyful, prosperous, healthy life that we want and deserve.brbr The best or worst place to live is in our own mind. You will learn how to weed out the negativity and to be grateful and positive in word, thought and deed, resulting in your ever-increasing happiness. Uplift Your Life: Nourishment of the Spirit is broadcast live every Thursday at 8 AM Pacific Time on the VoiceAmerica Empowerment Channel.


  • Hawaiian Shamanistic Healing: Cultivate the Divine Spirit of Love

    16/08/2018 Duração: 50min

    “Aloha refers to the divine spirit of love that flows through all things.” When I read those words, I was reminded of a truth I learned years ago—the most important spiritual concepts are common across all religions and belief systems around the world. Our practices are different and many of the ways that we implement the concepts are different, but the core beliefs are the same. The excitement is in the differences because each culture brings their unique awareness, expression, and gifts. What a wonderful time we live in where we can honor and respect what we share and then benefit from the different healing approaches that have evolved in cultures around the world. My guests have combined Hawaiian philosophy with medicine ways and many healing techniques including bodywork, breathwork, prayer, ho’oponopono and more. All of this is designed to cultivate the Aloha Spirit. Please join us Thursday to learn about and experience Hawaiian Shamanistic Healing.

  • Living With and Moving Beyond Chronic Pain

    09/08/2018 Duração: 54min

    As too many of us know, pain is physically debilitating and emotionally challenging. It often leads to depression and/or opioid addiction, which impacts the individual and their loved ones. Chronic or intermittent pain creates feelings of helplessness, loss, grief, shame and terror. Advice on how to deal with the emotional side of pain and how to live without pain being your dominant experience is rare. As my guest says: “I do understand the experience of being in significant and relentless pain for long periods of time, and I understand the fear, sadness and frustration associated with long-term physical debilitation. So I can say that this book has been written from inside of pain, a perspective on the experience and the healing of pain that we are seldom offered.” Please join us Thursday to learn how to get physical relief and release from pain, ease the psychological and emotional consequences of pain, and use the pain for insights on how to live with more ease, grace and wisdom.

  • Knowing Your True Essence is Love

    02/08/2018 Duração: 54min

    What if we truly knew that our essence is love and light and that everything else is false limiting beliefs which block our inner knowing, healing and peace? This awareness would transform our consciousness, which would transform our lives and the world. We would see each other through the eyes of love, compassion and empathy. We would see our similarities instead of emphasizing our differences. The point of change is the individual. You have the power to learn to see yourself as pure love. When you commit to this path, you embark on a process of slowly waking up to the truth of your soul and the truth of your existence here on earth. You learn to hear and act upon the still small voice within. It’s the whisper of your soul, the messages that are all too easy to ignore because they require trust and the willingness to connect with the authentic you. Please join us Thursday for inspiration, practical tools, encouragement, and radical, liberating shifts in perception.

  • Being an Agent of Lasting Change: Personal, Societal, and Global

    26/07/2018 Duração: 56min

    What we intend and what we do matters more than we know. Each of us can help transform the world by simply setting an intention to make compassionate life-affirming choices for the well-being of all and then acting on that intention by always making the best choice available to us in the moment. This is the simple conclusion to 16 years of research. We do not need to be wealthy, have an important job title or influential friends. All we need to do is act consistently for the well-being of all. When 10% of the population chooses to do this, the world will change. In our current times, many of us are feeling frustrated and helpless. It’s as if we’re all living with PTSD and in a constant state of flight, fight or freeze. Knowing that we can influence the greater good eases our minds and hearts and gives us peace and hope. You can even invite your friends to join you in setting an intention for the well-being of all. Please join us Thursday to hear Stephan’s life-changing message.

  • One Soul's Journey Through Time: Remembered Past Lives

    19/07/2018 Duração: 54min

    My guest writes: “When you can see your experiences over many lives, you realize that at different times you have experienced it all. Each life offers a different teaching, and the sooner you accept your current situation and see what the hidden lessons are for this particular life, the quicker you will advance. Who receives everything in one life--wealth, a happy family, health, peace, and spiritual attainment? These gifts are normally spread out over the course of time, so each life brings the fulfillment of a different desire. How can we then be jealous of another person's gifts, when we realize that we have experienced the same?” The spiritual concept that we are all connected is hard to wrap our heads around. Understanding our life as our soul’s journey through time shows us that we have been everything. Ridiculing someone for their race, gender or religion is the same as ridiculing ourselves because we were that, too. Please join us Thursday to hear Dena’s journey through time.

  • More Love, More Intimacy and Less Conflict for Couples

    12/07/2018 Duração: 55min

    The fast pace of life in an ever-changing world is challenging enough for any couple. Add to that the distractions of technology, addictions to smart phones and increasing violence in the form of natural disasters, chaos-causing tweets from the president of the United States, and the trauma of watching screaming babies being torn from their parents, and the result is more conflict between couples. The divorce rate is already around 50% and growing with couples being torn apart by differing opinions regarding President Trump and his policies. There couldn’t be a better time for Jonathan Robinson’s new book, More Love, Less Conflict, to provide much needed help for couples with stress-filled relationships.The solution is to bring care, understanding and empathy into the relationship as replacements for denigration, denial, dismissal and distraction. Please join us Thursday to learn practical and powerful exercises to strengthen and deepen communication, connection and love.

  • The Recipe: A Culinary Story of Hope, Wisdom and Redemption

    05/07/2018 Duração: 54min

    Life is full of opportunities to learn that often go unnoticed. The right circumstances, however, can open minds and hearts to all that life has to offer. Such was the case with the young Owen in this beautifully crafted novel and upcoming movie, The Recipe. Tragic loss and the inability to deal with grief led him to destroy property, which ultimately gave him the silver lining of a mentor, who helped Owen learn how to create kitchen delights and a meaningful life. “Always be hungry, Owen,” the Chef said softly.“Don’t ever let life just wash over you. Savor it—every smell, every taste, every sound. That’s Rule One, Owen: Taste everything.” The reader shares in these life lessons while learning the cooking techniques of a master chef and recipes that delight the palate. In a world with so much violence, fear and negativity, it’s uplifting to find inspiration and hope. The greatest gifts can come out of the greatest tragedies. Join us Thursday for a story of hope, wisdom and redemption.

  • Alan Watts: The Man, His Wisdom and Legacy

    28/06/2018 Duração: 53min

    Alan Watts is best known as an interpreter of Zen Buddhism and of Indian and Chinese philosophy. Through his writing and speaking, he became known as one of the most original philosophers of the 20th century. He was the author of more than 25 books and numerous articles which applied the teachings of Eastern and Western religion and philosophy to our everyday lives. He wrote the first best-seller on Buddhism, The Way of Zen. The critic Erik Davis said: his writings and recorded talks still shimmer with a profound and galvanizing lucidity. Now, we have more insight into the man and his teachings through his personal correspondence with such luminaries as Joseph Campbell, Henry Miller, Carl Jung and Aldous Huxley. Pulitzer Prize-winning poet Gary Snyder said: “he was always a grand and instructive friend to me. Yet it took some years after his death before I could see and appreciate the whole.” Please join us Thursday to learn more about the man and his wisdom from his daughters.

  • Greek Mythology Provides Insight, Wisdom and Guidance

    21/06/2018 Duração: 54min

    The Greek Mythology Reading Cards are a true gift of knowledge, wisdom and beauty. They are also a powerful way to connect with the Collective Consciousness, thereby giving insight into your own life so as to make better decisions. I’ve been using my cards for two months now and have fallen in love with them. The pictures stir memories hidden in my unconscious, the gods and goddesses inspire me through their determination, courage and ability to overcome challenges and fulfill their potential, and they guide me to see more clearly the hidden lessons in my life. I like to pick one a day for general insight or sometimes I’ll ask a specific question for guidance. It continues to amaze me how accurate the cards are, especially when I’m stuck in what I think the truth is. Every time this happens, the cards give me information that helps me realize what I need to do differently to have a better outcome. Please join us Thursday to learn why Greek mythology is still relevant and needed today.

  • Using Our 'Third Eye' To Navigate The Highs And Lows Of Life

    14/06/2018 Duração: 55min

    THE INFINITE VIEW is the ultimate guidebook for those seeking tangible tools to help better navigate the inevitable highs and lows life brings. It seems that there are two kinds of people on this planet: those governed by their analytical mind and those driven by their gut. Immense life decisions often hinge entirely on emotion or intellect, hunches or carefully detailed plans. And yet, as those from both camps can attest, these seemingly reliable informants can lead us completely astray. Instead of relying on intellect or instinct, they should learn to perceive their circumstances through an objective lens — what Ellen Tadd refers to as our “third eye.” Drawing on the counsel from her spiritual guides, Tadd provides practical advice for those seeking to approach life in a more balanced, spiritually informed manner. Join us Thursday to learn more about Ellen’s journey and how we can incorporate these tools into our lives.

  • Using Adversity to Strengthen Relationships

    07/06/2018 Duração: 54min

    Adversity can destroy a person and a marriage or make them stronger. Most couples don’t have the knowledge and skills it takes to find the silver linings, to rise above blame, shame, anger and frustration, and to see opportunities for learning, growth, and self-empowerment. Charlie and Linda Bloom didn’t either, initially, that is. Fortunately, the Blooms chose to learn how to use the challenges in life and in a long term marriage to grow stronger as individuals and as a couple. In a time when our world is being bombarded by verbal, physical and natural violence, many marriages are unable to manage the stress. Some need to end, but others can be saved and even strengthened with the right information and commitment to positive change. The Blooms are guides and coaches showing the way to strengthen and renew any relationship that has fallen on hard times. Please join us Thursday and learn the strategies that will strengthen each individual and the relationship.

  • Listen to Your Body to Heal Physically, Mentally and Emotionally

    31/05/2018 Duração: 52min

    Most of us are so focused on how we look that we forget to pay attention to how we feel. If we do notice a feeling in our body, it’s usually because it’s gotten so loud that we can’t ignore it. We tell ourselves things like: everyone has aches and pains; it’s all downhill after 40; I’ll just take more painkillers. In fact, our body knows a lot and as we learn to listen to it, we can work with it to heal our thoughts, emotions and physical disease, pain and conditions. Clarissa Pinkola Estes wisely said: “The body remembers, the bones remember, the joints remember, even the little finger remembers. Memory is lodged in pictures and feelings in the cells themselves.” These are memories that we didn’t know how to process and release. When we tap into these memories, we can let go of the problem they caused and heal our mind, body and emotions. Please join us Thursday to learn how to listen to your body, reduce anxiety and stress, heal yourself, and improve your quality of life.

  • Sick to Death! Doctors and Prescription Drugs Don't Always Help

    24/05/2018 Duração: 54min

    Although this show is specifically about thyroid disease, it unmasks much broader problems for all of us seeking help for physical problems. We put our faith in the medical doctors who have spent a lot of time and money being trained to treat and cure our diseases and medical conditions. And the doctors in turn trust their training and the drugs that are supposed to help their patients. Too often people are misdiagnosed and drugs are prescribed that do not deliver on their promise. Maggie Hadleigh-West shows us the depth of this problem as she reveals her 30 year search for relief from an array of symptoms that pointed to thyroid disease. When she finally found the right doctor, he knew the cause of her symptoms just by looking at her, which he then confirmed with the appropriate tests. Please join us Thursday for Maggie’s story of systemic medical corruption, pharmaceutical greed and physician negligence, leaving more than 750 million people suffering world-wide with thyroid disease.

  • Essential Oils for Personal Transformation

    17/05/2018 Duração: 53min

    Pills and medical procedures are only some of the tools necessary for true healing. Our emotions, thoughts, lifestyle and energy field must also be addressed for optimal health, personal transformation and to become all that we can be. Essential oils have been used for thousands of years to raise our vibrations and purify our energy body. My guest, Candice Covington, combines her expertise with essential oils, chakras, animal and deity archetypes, sacred geometry symbols, sacred syllables, colors, and tattvas which are the five elements of earth, air, fire and space that create and sustain the universe and us. With this knowledge, she shows you how to transform unhealthy life patterns, identify your own vibrational signature, purify your energy body and develop an individualized ritual practice with essential oils. Please join us Thursday to discover how to use essential oils to become all your soul intended you to be.

  • Marianne Williamson: Spirituality and Politics

    10/05/2018 Duração: 56min

    Marianne Williamson says: Nothing could be more important right now than that we find a way to be enlightened in the area of politics. Consequently, she has dedicated her 2018 travel schedule to The Love America Tour. This is about bipartisanship. It's about the leader within each of us bringing our spiritual principles of compassion, integrity, kindness, and generosity to the forefront of our politics. It's about principles of justice, brotherhood, unity, equality, and a government of the people, by the people and for the people--meaning all the people. It's about the moral principles of inclusiveness and taking care of each other. Marianne will be in Dallas on May 17. Learn more about this event and purchase tickets at http://csldallas.org/marianne-williamson/. If you don't live in the Dallas area, her tour schedule is at http://sistergiant.com/tour-dates/. Please join us Thursday when Marianne Williamson will discuss the important topic of spirituality and politics.

  • Fear Less: Living Beyond Fear, Anxiety, Anger and Addiction

    03/05/2018 Duração: 54min

    Between news stories filled with physical and verbal violence, fears about natural disasters, terrorism and wars on top of everyday fears related to work, family, money and health, it seems that fear and anxiety are only getting worse. People try to numb themselves with anti-depressants, anti-anxiety medications and addictions to everything from work to drugs to alcohol. Still people continue to experience panic attacks in increasing numbers and the new addiction to smart phones reduces real human interaction. It is possible to regain control and find peace by getting in touch with what Dean Sluyter calls our Infinite OKness. Through easy and natural meditation methods, people are learning how to stop, pay attention and with something as simple as a deep breath, feel and let their fears pass through. Add subtle tweaks of body, mind and voice and it is possible to feel more, fear less and find peace. Please join us Thursday to learn how to work better, love more and live happier.

  • Real Life Solutions for Over-Scheduled Women

    26/04/2018 Duração: 55min

    The women's movement of the 1960's initiated a new wave of change for women. In many ways it was liberating, which was the intent. The downside was the belief and expectation that we could do everything all at once. We added career to an already too busy agenda of being a wife, mother, housekeeper, volunteer, and care-giver for extended family members and pets. Any time we may have been able to squeeze in for ourselves was now gone. The word no seemed impossible to pronounce. I remember noticing a pattern of getting sick at the end of any week with 3 nights of meetings after full days at work while raising a young family. Someone told me I wasn't taking time for myself and I naively said that my volunteer work was for me. I didn't even know what it meant to take time for myself and to discover what I enjoyed doing just for me. Please join us Thursday to learn how you can change habits, transform thinking, and reconnect with your unique, personal sense of play and pleasure.

  • SpiritPoint: Create Balance, Purpose and Happiness

    19/04/2018 Duração: 54min

    Most of us focus on life’s negatives with all its challenges and stresses. What if we chose to focus on living instead? Red Goldstein’s book, SpiritPoint℠: Balancing the Six Aspects of Life, shows us that our ability to truly LIVE stems from purpose and balance. When we achieve true balance, we can enjoy life and reach our potential with success, satisfaction and happiness. Written after years of observations made while teaching, consulting and studying people across various ages, faiths and nationalities, Goldstein created the SpiritPoint℠ system focused on the connections between the six key aspects of life: Spiritual, Mental, Physical, World, Family and Career. As someone with dyslexia and ADHD, Red created SpiritPoint℠ as a drug-free way to help himself and now others organize their thoughts, find strengths and challenges, and reveal hidden opportunities. Please join us Thursday to learn how you can gain control of your life and achieve happiness.

  • Survival, Sanity and Blessings of the California Blaze

    12/04/2018 Duração: 54min

    We are constantly bombarded with natural disasters and man-made disasters, including mass shootings, on-going international violence and distressing news about illegal behavior within the administration of the United States government. Through all of this, each of us must meet the challenges of staying compassionate and of finding hope. Kac Young did that when she lost most of her house in the California fires last year. When I asked her to come on the show to talk about her experience, she wrote: We are so desensitized in this society to acts of war, violence, disaster and mayhem that we soon forget the headline. We move on and yet the people who are the victims of the disaster suffer through the effects for years. Often times they are abandoned and unacknowledged emotionally. This results in more isolation and depression. If we can be more understanding and compassionate to people dealing with adversity, we will be a better society. Please join us Thursday for hope and compassion.

  • Healing Childhood Sexual Abuse: A 7 Step Journey

    05/04/2018 Duração: 55min

    The #MeToo movement has helped draw attention to sexual abuse, but it is only scratching the surface. Research shows that 1 in 4 women will be sexually abused or assaulted in their lifetime. As a result, they will be up to 4 times more likely to develop depression, suicidal thoughts, PTSD, drug and alcohol abuse, eating disorders, relationship difficulties and physical and/or mental health problems. Until they heal, they will be unable to live free, purposeful and joyful lives. Talking about it is only the beginning. My guest has healed from her own history of sexual abuse starting at the age of 3 and a subsequent eating disorder. Knowing the challenges from a personal and professional perspective, she has created a powerful 7 week healing journey. Please join us Thursday to learn how Blossom will help you: connect with yourself and find peace, come into your authentic power, free yourself from the past and create the loving relationship you want for a fulfilling life.

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