Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 392:09:29
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Learning to see life from a spiritual perspective can change the way we think, which changes everything. As we let go of fear, worry, regret, blame, anger, guilt, resentment, jealousy and shame, we can create the loving, joyful, prosperous, healthy life that we want and deserve.brbr The best or worst place to live is in our own mind. You will learn how to weed out the negativity and to be grateful and positive in word, thought and deed, resulting in your ever-increasing happiness. Uplift Your Life: Nourishment of the Spirit is broadcast live every Thursday at 8 AM Pacific Time on the VoiceAmerica Empowerment Channel.


  • Spiritual Awakening with Steve Taylor, PhD

    15/06/2017 Duração: 53min

    We think enlightenment takes years of meditation and study, is confined to Eastern religions and only possible for a handful of highly dedicated spiritual people. Enlightenment is actually much simpler and available to all of us. In fact, many have already attained this state spontaneously or naturally without trying. Enlightenment, or wakefulness, is simply a shift in consciousness, a different way of being in the world, a lighter, easier way of living life. A couple days ago, I went to an appointment only to discover that the other person had forgotten. I was non-judgmental and open to rescheduling. Her response was: thank you for being so Zen-like. I suddenly realized how different my reaction used to be to this kind of situation. I have no more desire or need for drama and chaos, and I've let go of the people who used to bring that into my life. Even Westerners can live with peace of mind and in harmony. Please join us Thursday to learn how ordinary people are lightening up.

  • The Power of Writing Our Personal Stories to Heal, Grow and Transform Our Lives with Sandra Marinella

    08/06/2017 Duração: 55min

    Writing to heal has been an important part of my personal journey for about 25 years now. As I've become more honest with myself about my own life and learned to see the silver linings (the gifts of learning, knowledge, wisdom and growth in every experience and every choice), I have healed emotionally and physically in ways that still astonish me. I have come to see the world through eyes of love, and that's a very long way from the poor me, ain't it awful perspective I had most of my life. Writing pieces like this and my silver lining stories for my radio show have helped me tell the story of my own abuse, illness and loss. Although my intention was always to help my readers and listeners to develop new ways of thinking, somewhere along the way I discovered that the stories were also the ones I needed to tell for my own healing. Truly a win-win. Please join us Thursday to learn how you can consciously use writing your story to heal your life.

  • Asking the Right Questions with Dr. Velvete H. Womack, PhD

    01/06/2017 Duração: 55min

    Science shows how very important our thoughts and words are. They have the power to create health or illness, happiness or sadness, gratitude or hate. In other words, they create the quality of our lives and even the specifics of our lives. Dr. Emoto had Buddhist Monks direct thoughts into water. The positive thoughts created colorful complex snowflake-like crystal shapes and the negative ones caused incomplete asymmetrical shapes of dull colors to form. Since our bodies are about 70% water, our thoughts (conscious and unconscious) have a similar impact on our bodies. For instance, one of my clients released chronic neck pain the instant she connected the physical pain in her neck to the emotional pain she felt when she wrote about the man she was divorcing. Even her training as a counselor did not help her see the connection between her thoughts, emotions and body. Please join us Thursday to learn how these new understandings make it possible to use quantum biofeedback to heal.

  • Embracing Our Divine Feminine with Danielle Dulsky

    25/05/2017 Duração: 55min

    Witches were burned because they were healers adept at using herbs and other gifts of Mother Earth. When freed slaves got the vote, it was just the men because no women could vote. We still don't have an Equal Rights Amendment. Women make less money than men for the same job. Only 4% of Fortune 500 Company CEOs are women. We have destroyed our natural resources, polluted the environment and mistreated our animals. The U.S. President, who should be a role model, speaks disrespectfully to and about women, was accused of rape and said that Hillary was not presidential while waving his hand in front of his pants' zipper. Yes, we have made progress. Still we devalue the Divine Feminine, which is in all of us. We must bring that part of our nature to the forefront to balance the energy in the world. The cycles of nature, intuition, community and social justice must be honored if we are to thrive. Please join us Thursday to learn why liberating the witch within is a spiritual necessity.

  • Blissful Pregnancy, Childbirth and Motherhood with Bailey Gaddis

    18/05/2017 Duração: 55min

    We know a pregnant mother needs to provide healthy nourishment for the life growing inside of her. Just as important, however, is nourishing the fetus' nervous system with positive thoughts and words and the energy of love. An ultrasound video on YouTube shows a 14 week old fetus clapping in rhythm as the parents sing If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands. We are influencing our children's development long before we had previously thought possible. We must start asking ourselves what messages we are conveying with our words and thoughts. We know that it's important to play Mozart to help the fetal brain develop. Emotional development is just as important. Dr. Brian Weiss showed that under hypnosis, a woman remembered word for word things said by a total stranger shortly after she was born. Our unconscious mind knows more than we think. Please join us Thursday to learn how to provide the best environment for your child from the beginning.

  • Help Children Cope With Fear, Stress and Chaos with Dr. Arthur Ciarimicoli

    11/05/2017 Duração: 54min

    Our children are at risk. In 2010, 44% said they had trouble sleeping and 20% said they worried a lot. We know too many after school activities and pressure to perform academically at young ages causes undue stress. In recent months, however, children's fears are increasing with political chaos affecting them in ways that are new. The night of the presidential election, preschoolers were waking up in the middle of the night worrying about who won the election. Children whose parents weren't born in the United States are worried that their parents will be deported and they may never see them again. Girls don't feel safe at school with more boys freely groping them in hallways. News reports are filled with increased violence in our streets, mass murders and terrorism. Muslim and Mexican children fear for their safety and coordinated bomb threats at Jewish schools have instilled fear. Please join us Thursday to learn how to help children cope with the fear, stress and chaos of our time.

  • Stop The Negative Voices and Find Inner Peace with Atherton Drenth

    04/05/2017 Duração: 55min

    Learning to hear and trust your intuition is harder than it sounds. It is our birthright, yet most of us are taught to deny the whispers of our soul. We are taught from early on, who we can and can't be, what we should and shouldn't do, even what we must be and do regardless of our inner yearnings. Being liked and accepted often demands that we sacrifice the authentic parts of ourselves. This chips away at our self-esteem and self-confidence until we lose ourselves. The loud voices of our family, friends and society pulls us away from ourselves. The critical voice in our head keeps us in line and separated from our intuition. We can and must regain our connection to our inner wisdom, the wise part of ourselves that knows who we truly are and what is best for us. This can mean upending our lives. Leading a false life, however, is the path to self-destruction. It's time for us to regain our inner guidance and find peace. Please join us Thursday to learn how to hear your truth.

  • Making Parenting Joyful with Erin Leyba, PhD

    27/04/2017 Duração: 52min

    When my children were young, I remember reading a book about the dark side of parenting. I was so relieved to hear someone tell the truth about the range of feelings we experience as a parent that I recommended it to friends. They didn't share my enthusiasm. Most of us enter into parenting with the naive notion that we're going to do it better than our parents. We become the parent we wish we had, which is, of course, not the parent they need. Parenting is hands-down the hardest job on the planet. Each child is different and no manual comes at birth. You learn, if you're lucky, as you go along. Research statistics paint a picture of parental conflict and stress with decreases in happiness due to the ongoing pressure of child rearing. Gratefully, there is much wisdom and practical help available now. In the end, parenting is about building a relationship through compassion, creativity and being fully present in the moment. Please join us Thursday to learn how to build joy as a parent.

  • A Practical Guide to Living A Course in Miracles With Maria Felipe

    20/04/2017 Duração: 56min

    From the outside looking in, Reverend Maria Felipe seemed to have it all. She was an actress, a model and a TV host with an amazing French boyfriend. Her long list of accomplishments included appearing in national commercials, being the first Latina boxing announcer and interviewing World Wrestling Federation competitors before twenty thousand people. Under the façade of success, however, she felt insecure, unworthy and miserable. To her credit, she chose to listen to her heart and find a path to lasting happiness, the kind that stays with you even when you’re experiencing problems. Based on a Course in Miracles, Maria shows you how to apply theoretical beliefs to your daily life. Her teachings are accessible to all of us, regardless of our religious beliefs, because they’re based in universal spiritual truths. Please join us Thursday and learn how to hear your inner teacher and know you are not alone, you are more than you think you are, you are loved and happiness is your birthright.

  • Using Essential Oils to Improve Your Health and Well-Being with Kac Young

    13/04/2017 Duração: 56min

    Essential oils date back at least 5000 years to ancient Egypt, China and India. Doctors and healers used them as medicines. Others used them for spiritual and religious reasons and still others put them in cosmetics. Today their use is growing in popularity as more people want products that are healthy and natural. The oils come from plants, are easy to use, can be more effective than pharmaceuticals and are less expensive. People use them in baths, as we explored recently, as incense or in spray bottles or diffusers. Even though they are widely available, oils need to be used with care, and there are so many kinds that it’s hard to know which ones are best for your needs. My guest will help you make sense of it all with recipes for spiritual, emotional and physical healing, including pain relief, weight loss, stress relief, aphrodisiacs, insect repellants, skin creams and ending addictions. Please join us Thursday to learn how essential oils can improve your health and well-being.

  • Dying As A Sacred Experience with Lisa Smartt

    06/04/2017 Duração: 57min

    I have had many guests on my show who had a near-death experience or who wrote about other's experiences of being on the other side and coming back. No one, however, has focused in on the words of those near death. This is so unique that I want to quote my guest: I listened in stunned silence as my skeptical and rationalist father described seeing angels in his last days of life. Three days before dying, he announced, 'The angels say only three days left now.' He spoke of a 'green dimension' and his room crowded with people who were unseen to me. He also spoke in poetic and metaphoric language, describing the big art show that was approaching and the boxes he had to carry for his ceramicist wife of 54 years. Some might think he was hallucinating. Others might realize that he was seeing the next chapter in his existence and preparing to move forward without fear. Please join us Thursday to learn how to communicate in a meaningful and comforting way with your dying loved ones.

  • Sacred Baths To Improve Your Physical and Spiritual Life With Dr. Paulette Kouffman Sherman

    30/03/2017 Duração: 57min

    Ancient cultures understood the art of bathing. Cleopatra and her contemporaries knew that a bath was an indulgence, a way to nurture the body and spirit. Bathing was an art form, a ritual to be savored. We don't need a fancy marble tub or extravagant wealth to create our own rituals. All we need are a few supplies, the right intentions and any bathroom becomes a Temple. We can nourish our body and soul, our relationship to ourselves, work, health, wealth, the Divine and our love life. With essential oils, crystals, candles, color therapy and visualization, you can create rituals to transform your life. You will release negative energy, raise your vibration and set the energy for what you want. I have been doing this for years and I feel and see the difference in my life. Even the actress, Teri Hatcher, and the Knicks basketball star, Amar'e Stoudemire, use a cup of red wine in their baths. Please join us Thursday to learn how sacred baths can improve your physical and spiritual life.

  • Let Go, Love Yourself, and Find New Love with Tatiana Jerome

    23/03/2017 Duração: 57min

    If an exciting investment is losing money, when do you get out? A bad marriage is a bad investment--only you're investing much more than money. You're investing your self-confidence, happiness, and sometimes, your life. For many years, I prayed for my marriage to be happy. One day I shifted and started asking for my own happiness. That was when I began letting go of what I wanted to be true so I could see what was true and leave. 36 years was a big investment to give up on. I have absolutely no regrets because I saved myself and began creating a life I never imagined possible. I went from being sick and tired most of the time to dancing Argentine Tango around the world, often until sunrise; from being sad to being happy; from being afraid to speak up to having a top-ranked radio show with an international audience and an Ask Dr. Paula column in Dallas Yoga Magazine, in print and at dallasyogamagazine.com. Please join us Thursday to learn how to let go, love yourself and find new love.

  • Ayahuasca Gives New Hope for Depression, Addiction, PTSD, and Anxiety with Rachel Harris

    16/03/2017 Duração: 56min

    Most of us have certain ideas about the 1960's because we lived through it, our parents talked about it or television informed us. A lot of what we think we know, however, is only partially true. For instance, because some people misused marijuana, we decided it is bad for us. Now we are discovering that it has curative properties, relieves chronic pain, stops ticks, quiets anxiety and more. Likewise LSD was often used in an irresponsible manner that, in extreme cases, led to mental illness or death. People didn't understand the potential negative impact that these drugs could have and only saw them as a fun escape from reality into a magical world. They also, however, did not see the healing potential of these kinds of drugs. LSD is now being used by some therapists to treat PTSD. Please join us Thursday to learn how Ayahuasca, a psychedelic tea, used in the Amazon for thousands of years can be a medicine that helps heal depression, addiction, PTSD and anxiety.

  • The Truth About Enlightenment with Jason Gregory

    09/03/2017 Duração: 56min

    Enlightenment is not about meditating, achieving or even following what we believe is limited to Eastern philosophy. Enlightenment is letting go of false beliefs, fears and negative thoughts that weigh you down. It is literally about lightening up. As you release what weighs you down, you become lighter. Whether you call it listening to the still small voice within, connecting with your limitless higher self or becoming one with all that is, enlightenment is within each of us. It is who we are when we strip away everything else. It is us finding the spiritual being that was born into this world: pure, knowing that they were one with God, one with the Universe and one with all that is. The process can be different for each person as long as you release everything that is not you. When you are the same person everywhere you go, no matter who you are with, you are authentically you and enlightenment is yours. Please join us Thursday for insight into the truth about enlightenment.

  • Overcome Emotional Trauma: An Easy Self-Healing Practice with Doug Hilton

    02/03/2017 Duração: 52min

    There's a reason we have expressions like: 2 heads are better than one, and it takes 2 to tango. Doug Hilton and Mantak Chia are the 2 heads who recognized that you could achieve profound healing by pairing EMDR with the Universal Healing Tao. Together these systems create what neither could do alone: fast profound relief from emotional trauma. Although EMDR relieves the symptoms of PTSD, depression, anxiety and addiction, it doesn't cure the physical harm that the stress does to the body. As we've shown often on my show, when negative emotions are not released, they get stored in the body, causing damage to our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health and well-being. By combining their unique skills, Doug and Mantak Chia developed a powerful self-healing practice that you can learn and apply quickly and easily. It even brings added good luck because it changes the energy in your body. Please join us Thursday to learn how to heal your mind, body, emotions and spirit with ease.

  • Create a Happy Life with Carol Merlo

    23/02/2017 Duração: 57min

    Did you know that long term happiness is not the result of how much money you have, what your job title is or if you're in a relationship? In fact, your circumstances can bring you short term happiness but are only responsible for 10% of your long term happiness. Another 50% is due to your genetic makeup. The actual key to your happiness lies in the other 40%, which is the result of the choices you make. Since our choices influence our genes, a full 90% of your happiness is due to the way you think about your circumstances. Nothing can make you happy. Happiness is an inside job. You choose it and then you make it happen by connecting with your soul, following your joy and cleaning out the debris in your thoughts. How you think about your situation and your life determines how you feel. This is not about denying the truth of your life circumstances. It's about how you choose to relate to those circumstances. Please join us Thursday to learn how you can create a happy life.

  • Rolling Thunder: A Respected Shaman with Stanley Krippner

    16/02/2017 Duração: 54min

    What do you imagine when you hear the word shaman? I'm guessing it's a picture from National Geographic Magazine or the old Western movies. Today Shamans are psychologists, graphic designers, film-makers, Ph.D.s, authors and respected members of their communities. Yes, National Geographic is correct and so is the reality that your neighbor, who looks just like you, may be using shamanism in their counseling practice. In the past, shamans had a lot in common with the priests and priestesses as keepers of the sacred knowledge of life. Even today, the shaman's role is to connect the physical and spiritual realms, bringing together the human being, nature and Spirit through ritual. They harness the energies in the Universe to heal all living beings and Mother Earth, and some can even control the weather. Ancient traditions combine with new methods, as each shaman brings their own unique talents to their practice. Please join us Thursday to learn about Rolling Thunder, a respected Shaman.

  • Spirituality is Authentic to Ancient Western Civilization with Linda Johnsen

    09/02/2017 Duração: 56min

    A constant theme in my radio show has been Unity: we are all One, we are all connected, we are more alike than we are different. What we don't know about the history of our Western civilization puts an exclamation point on this theme. We hear a lot about the different beliefs stemming from Western and Eastern thought and religion. As it turns out, we haven't been taught the whole truth. The Greek philosophers, who are considered to be the founders of Western civilization and scientific thought, were also masters of spiritual wisdom. They traveled to India and Egypt to study and brought back spiritual practices like meditation and beliefs including karma, reincarnation and spiritual transcendence. Pythagoras remembered his past lives, founded a successful ashram in Italy in 600 BCE and his followers strove for enlightenment. Maybe there is not a great divide between the East and West as we have been led to believe. Please join me Thursday to learn more about mysticism in ancient Greece.

  • 2017: A Universal New Beginning

    02/02/2017 Duração: 58min

    I have been interested in the meaning of numbers since childhood. My curiosity was aroused when I realized that my family always gave gifts in multiples of $18 regardless of whether it was to honor the memory of someone or to celebrate a happy occasion. I didn't think of it as a superstition. It was just an accepted, unquestioned part of my reality. Eventually I learned that in Hebrew, 18 means life and thus is considered a lucky number. This belief stems from Jewish numerology, called Gematria. Regular numerology, adds the numbers to get a single digit, 9, which is a humanitarian number or the brotherhood of mankind. Because 2017 adds up to the single digit of 1, the universe is at the beginning of a 9-year cycle. This new vibration affects us all, regardless of your own personal year. Please join us Thursday to learn what your personal year is, how the vibration of this universal 1 year will affect you and how President Trump's personal year affects the United States and the world.

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