Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 392:09:29
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Learning to see life from a spiritual perspective can change the way we think, which changes everything. As we let go of fear, worry, regret, blame, anger, guilt, resentment, jealousy and shame, we can create the loving, joyful, prosperous, healthy life that we want and deserve.brbr The best or worst place to live is in our own mind. You will learn how to weed out the negativity and to be grateful and positive in word, thought and deed, resulting in your ever-increasing happiness. Uplift Your Life: Nourishment of the Spirit is broadcast live every Thursday at 8 AM Pacific Time on the VoiceAmerica Empowerment Channel.


  • Practical and Spiritual Aspects of Creativity: Inner Critic and More

    30/05/2019 Duração: 55min

    Too many people limit or completely deny their creativity. It’s easier to say we’re not creative than to risk someone else telling us we’re not creative or worse, that our painting is ugly or that we’re clumsy on the dance floor. These judgments are hurtful. When we hear enough of them, we close down and choose to ignore that part of ourselves. The truth is, however, that we are all creative. It’s literally part of our brain. The left side of the brain is logical, sequential, conscious and rational. The right side is creative, intuitive, unconscious and spiritual. Because creativity is taught as a logical, conscious process rather than intuitive and unconscious, we are limiting our creativity by using our left brain to teach what the right brain knows. As we learn to tap into the creative side of our brain, we can discover our unique creative abilities and talents. There is no right way to be creative. Please join us Thursday to learn how we can all access our dormant creativity.

  • Making the Best Life Possible for Dogs and Their Humans, Too

    23/05/2019 Duração: 55min

    Dogs didn’t come into my life until they became my first “grandchildren.” I was used to cats, but large dogs were a new experience for me. As I learned more about dogs and started relating to them as individuals, I developed loving and meaningful relationships with each of them. On a recent visit, I was calling for my daughter when their dog came up behind me, gently pushed me to get my attention, then turned around and led me to a closed door. My daughter was behind the door. Before I knew that this dog speaks to me through body language, I might have thought she was pushing me or poking her nose in personal areas. Not now, though. My automatic response was to turn around and follow her. To provide the best life for our dogs, we need to know the truth about their needs and behavior. Here are just a few myths that we will dispel: dogs love us unconditionally; we are dogs’ best friends; and all dogs need is a bed and food. Please join us Thursday to learn the truth about dogs.

  • An Extraordinary Program for Personal and Planetary Evolution

    16/05/2019 Duração: 56min

    Ancient wisdom says the highest spiritual value is the freedom to be one’s True Self. That’s easier said than done in a world that is constantly judging people on the superficial criteria of appearance, job title, and financial standing. These false measures plus the fears about the state of the world and the unrest and divisiveness in the United States of America leaves people in chaos and confusion. Paul Selig’s Guides show humanity the answer is in finding the full expression of the Divine Self within. The path is through surrender and acquiescence to the true nature of one’s being. Deepak Chopra says Paul’s new channeled book is: “Authentic, straightforward truth straight from the source field.” The Book of Freedom has been praised around the world for its depth, intimacy and psychological insight. In these challenging times, humanity needs to know that the world is evolving in a positive direction. Please join us Thursday to hear the wisdom Paul’s Guides have to share.

  • Life Lessons Learned from Gardening

    09/05/2019 Duração: 55min

    The natural world holds wisdom that goes back as far as the history of earth. Research proves that just sitting or walking by trees increases your immune system, decreases stress hormones, lowers blood pressure and more. Water absorbs negative energy and roses vibrate at such a high frequency that they also absorb negative energy. New research shows that walking barefoot on grass reduces stress levels by 62% and raises the level of endorphins, which are our feel-good hormones. Just putting a nature scene on your computer reduces stress levels by 10% and merely looking at the color green relaxes your eyes. Nature calms and heals us and silently shares its wisdom. When working in a garden, it’s easy to tap into this wisdom, as my guest has done. She is spiritually uplifting and wise. Please join us Thursday to hear some of Kathryn’s 52 life lessons and personal stories like: when pulling up weeds, get the root, and resist the temptation to plant more than you can care for.

  • Freedom from Panic, Anxiety and Claustrophobia in Just 10 Days

    02/05/2019 Duração: 52min

    Being panic free in 10 days seems unlikely. Yet, my guest, Tom Bunn, has succeeded in controlling panic and claustrophobia in every client with whom he has used this program. 100% success is hard to achieve in anything, especially something that has previously been treated with limited success. The drugs are highly addictive, and only mildly successful even when combined with the supposed gold standard treatment, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. CBT is only successful with one out of seven people. Tom’s program works without drugs or doctors because by doing the specified exercises, your brain learns to respond without panic when you are in a stressful situation. There are even additional trainings for specific situations like: MRI’s, bridges, airplane travel, and tunnels. Please join us Thursday to learn how to become free of panic, anxiety and claustrophobia.

  • Shift Your Negative Thoughts and Break Free from Yo-Yo Dieting

    25/04/2019 Duração: 55min

    About 91% of women diet because they are unhappy with their bodies and about 70% of women over twenty are obese or overweight, according to the Center for Disease Control. Obviously, diets are not working. My guest, Carly writes: “If we are brave and vulnerable enough to look more deeply at what truly needs to be healed, we will have success eliminating our negative behaviors at their root. It is our minds that drive the eating bus. In fact, our thoughts drive every emotion we feel, and how we feel will dictate how we act.” “As we begin to uncover our negative thoughts and shift them, we realize that boundaries around food create body freedom, not food prison. We start eating in a way that makes us feel free on a much deeper level than ‘free to eat whatever we want.’…We start to find deeper meaning and joy...This foundational mental shift is the only thing that can truly set us free.” Please join us Thursday to become free of yo-yo dieting and filled with a love of life.

  • Messages from Spirit on Living, Loving, and Awakening

    18/04/2019 Duração: 55min

    Lee Harris has been receiving messages from his spiritual guides, the Z’s, for over 20 years. The information was so full of wisdom and compassion that it had to be real. The Z’s shared what became a manual for living consciously, covering topics like: love, sex, money, personal power, self-expression, emotional well-being, fear, judgment, boundaries and forgiveness. The Zs main message is that human beings are never truly alone and never really outsiders. Each person is unique, irreplaceable, and an essential part of something greater than any individual can imagine. There is a profound purpose to every person’s life. In Lee’s words “May Energy Speaks support you and inspire you as you embrace the destiny path that was made only for you. You have absolutely no idea where life can take you or how things can change for the better, so never stop dreaming…and when destiny calls, perhaps in an unexpected way, I implore you to listen.” Join us Thursday to hear the wisdom Lee has gained.

  • A Role Model of Self-Defined Womanhood: Claire Myers Owens

    11/04/2019 Duração: 56min

    Claire Myers Owens left home at 20 to chart her own course, seeking adventure and freedom. With no role models, that was easier said than done. The expectations of her parents, spouses, and society held her back. The banning of her first book embarrassed her. She believed the judgment that it was risqué and apologized saying she was young. Later in life she realized how important her book was and that society’s judgments were the problem. She hoped one day someone would understand and re-publish the book. My guest, Miriam Friedman, did just that. She then became Claire’s biographer, determined that the modern world know about Claire, who persevered despite the constant road blocks. Claire became a key figure in the Human Potential Movement along with founder Abraham Maslow. Toward the end of her life, she found comfort through her spiritual search for meaning, joined the Zen Center, and became a voice for their teachings. Please join us Thursday and let Claire’s life inspire you.

  • Mindful Methods for Staying Calm in the Midst of Chaos

    04/04/2019 Duração: 57min

    Life is full of potential stressors, from strained relationships and communication with family members, to those that appear unexpectedly in our lives like an angry boss or a traffic jam that causes us to be late, to those happening in the world like natural disasters, mass shootings and political doings. We can’t control other people, our surroundings or world events. What we can do is learn to stay calm amidst all the chaos. When my guest had brain tumor symptoms caused by stress, Julie discovered, “what you think changes your brain. And it doesn’t stop until you’re dead.” Research shows that self-compassion enhances emotional well-being. It boosts happiness, reduces anxiety and depression, and helps maintain a healthy lifestyle including diet and exercise. Combining self-compassion and mindfulness helps to create a life with more ease and joy. Please join us Thursday when Julie will share tangible ways we can add the positive effects of mindfulness and self-compassion to our lives.

  • Overcoming Adversity and Learning How to Thrive

    28/03/2019 Duração: 55min

    “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade” guides us to turn adversity into a positive. As well-known as this proverb is, most of us don’t know how to use it. Lakshmi has been given lemons several times beginning with the death of her mother when she was 2 days old. She has chosen to learn how to find or create the positive in each life-altering event, including: cross-cultural adoption; a hysterectomy; and a failed adoption. She has also faced racism and uncomfortable judgments toward her as she lived a life that didn’t match what society thought was right for a woman. All this plus mystical experiences and more than one near-death-experience. Her challenges and blessings led her to deep soul-searching, asking the big questions: Who am I, and why am I here? She discovered that the end of one dream opened the door for a better one and the creation of a life that she never could have imagined possible. Join us Thursday to be inspired by Lakshmi’s courage, strength, and wisdom.

  • 5th Anniversary Guest Show: Choosing the Right Coach for You

    21/03/2019 Duração: 51min

    “No Man is an Island.” John Donne wrote that in 1624. Somehow our society has forgotten that we were never meant to do it alone. We’ve been taught that being strong means being independent and not needing help. The truth is that being strong means knowing when you need help and having the strength and courage to be vulnerable and to ask for help. It is not a sign of strength when the preferred treatment for fear is medication rather than healing. Facing ourselves is a sign of strength. Facing who we truly are and what we truly want in life is a huge risk when it goes against what our families, friends, colleagues and society believe is best for us. The fear of losing their conditional love can overwhelm us and cause us to stay stuck in situations that we don’t have the skills or knowledge to change. We do so at what cost to our self-esteem and our soul? Join us Thursday to learn how important it is to receive the right kind of support.

  • Harness the Heart's Ability to Heal Anxiety, Depression, and Trauma

    14/03/2019 Duração: 56min

    Our heart beat determines life, and the stronger our heart is, the healthier we are. This is true for our physical body and our emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. When we get hurt or traumatized, our learned response is to close off a part of our heart and to put up barriers to shield ourselves from further harm. In doing so, we cut ourselves off from the best parts of ourselves, the parts that allow us to be our authentic self and come into wholeness. We can learn healthy responses and techniques that allow us to reconnect with our heart to heal anxiety, depression, and trauma and to find renewed meaning and purpose. As we allow ourselves to feel and release old wounds, we open ourselves up to more joy and love. In doing so, we remove the underlying causes of disease, become healthier, stronger, happier, and freer to be our true selves. Along the way, our heart comes into balance and harmony with our mind. Please join us Thursday to discover how to reconnect with your heart.

  • Soul Dog: A Journey into the Spiritual Life of Animals

    07/03/2019 Duração: 52min

    People who have had near-death-experiences often describe seeing their dogs waiting for them on the other side. It isn’t a far stretch to imagine after-death-communication with our beloved pets. More and more we are seeing Facebook videos and television documentaries of animals doing things we previously thought to be solely the domain of humans. Those of the same species or different species rescue each other, adopt and raise orphans, hug each other, protect each other and seek out each other’s company for play, comfort, love, and sleep. Researchers, psychics and pet owners are drawing the same conclusions. With all that we now know about animals, it isn’t hard to believe they have souls, meet us in the afterlife, and reincarnate, sometimes to be with us again. Soulmates are not just about people. Animals can be our soulmates, too. Join us Thursday to learn how we are all connected and to see animals as thinking, feeling, spiritual beings who communicate with us even after death.

  • Spirituality to Gain Strength for Coping with Illness

    28/02/2019 Duração: 55min

    Within days of her father-in-law’s death due to leukemia, Israela was diagnosed with cancer and scheduled for emergency surgery. She chose to be an active participant in her healing rather than a victim believing “The healing triangle consists of the patient, the doctor, and God.” Larry Dossey, M.D. said of her book: “Bridge to Healing is one of the most inspiring journeys through personal illness I have read in years. I cannot imagine anyone who will not benefit from the practical methods that psychotherapist Israela Meyerstein devised to survive and thrive following her encounter with cancer. This is a marvelous account of the power of spirituality in and during life’s greatest challenges. It is also a work of great conscious compassion, for it will lighten the burden of illness not only for the sufferer, but also for those who care for them.” Please join us Thursday to learn about developing a Spiritual Treatment Plan to gain strength for coping with serious illness.

  • After Death Communication: A Father's Loss and Reconnection

    21/02/2019 Duração: 56min

    Communicating with those who have transitioned is becoming more normal than you think. This is my fourth show with a father who has lost a son in the physical realm and forged a new relationship with him on the other side. After death communication is no longer the sole realm of mediums. The deep grief and shock of the death of a child has driven ordinary people, with no spiritual beliefs, to seek answers and ultimately find them again after death. Although my guest did not want to delve into spiritual matters, his grief took him there. He now believes that either we grow spiritually or we die. He has chosen to grow, heal, and come to the understanding that death is a transition to another life. As psychic medium Andrew Anderson wrote: “The other side is real and there is no better feeling than going through life with that certainty. This book connects with the reader in a very accurate and truthful manner.” Please join us Thursday for more on after death communication.

  • Using Personal Power Mastery to Eradicate Your Limitations

    14/02/2019 Duração: 55min

    Have you ever fantasized about being in Napoleon Hill’s shoes as he was gathering the wisdom of the world’s leading industrialists for Think and Grow Rich -- but doing it today and getting guidance that is not only ageless, but spot-on for today’s world? Douglas Vermeeren has done just that! This internationally renowned speaker, leader, mentor and filmmaker has interviewed 400 of the world’s business and motivational leaders to glean the wisdom that creates Personal Power Mastery, the skill of leading a life of achievement and success on every level. Personal Power Mastery is a blueprint for honing your success proficiencies while eradicting limitations, bad habits and beliefs so you can ascend to higher levels of mastery, accomplishment and financial attainment. Join us this Thursday to learn how you can implement these Personal Power habits to create a more successful and abundant life.

  • Living as a Spiritual Being Having a Human Experience

    07/02/2019 Duração: 54min

    We often hear spiritual ideas that are hard to grasp, like: we’re spiritual beings having a human experience on earth; we came into this lifetime with a specific purpose; we are co-creators; our true self is hidden beneath societal demands; and we can choose our own destiny. These are all abstract concepts that are difficult to understand and more difficult to put into practice in our busy stress-filled lives. My guest has experienced the metaphysical, studied the common truths of the world’s religions, and created a life full of intention and optimism. Stefania Magidson generously shares her discovery of the essential keys to fashioning a powerful destiny filled with love, compassion and happiness. She sees a richer existence for humanity where intuition is respected as one of our six senses. Making the abstract accessible, my guest inspires both the spiritual expert and novice. Please join us Thursday to learn how to live with more authenticity, ease and joy.

  • Needed Courtroom Reform for Sexually Abused Children

    31/01/2019 Duração: 56min

    Currently, over 58,000 children a year are forced to live with their sexual abuser, their father. In the 1990’s, Judy Woodruff at CNN reported the epidemic of children being court ordered to live with their sexual abusers. The Family Court system is broken and this unconscionable practice continues to this day. Mothers are in a no-win situation. If they stay with the abuser, they are blamed for not protecting their children. If they leave, they are blamed for overreacting or trying to alienate the child from the father. As punishment they can lose custody of their child or be given limited visiting privileges or only supervised visitations. Research shows that at least 60% of men who batter their wives are also abusing their children sexually, physically and/or emotionally. The professionals who advise the courts on custody have little or no formal training on domestic violence and child abuse. Join us Thursday to learn what we must do to protect our children.

  • Finding Prosperity Through The Ancient Wisdom of Yoga

    24/01/2019 Duração: 55min

    According to Ancient Vedic texts, the four goals of human life are: dharma (realizing one’s higher purpose and fulfilling one’s destiny), artha (prosperity), kama (pleasure for the soul’s sake), and moksha (freedom that comes with enlightenment). With this in mind, it’s easy to see the importance of the spiritual value of prosperity. Money provides the resources which give the individual the freedom to accomplish the other three goals. O’Brian’s words are compelling: “From the dark ages to the technological advances of today, we are ready for the greatest evolutionary jump the world has ever known — the awakening of our hearts and our minds to the unity of all life. Awakening, prospering, and fulfilling our potential is inextricably tied to the well-being of all. What we do matters. We are powerful agents, not only of personal prosperity, but of essential social change and planetary healing, so that all may prosper.” Join us Thursday to learn about prosperity in a spiritual context.

  • Choose Words and Actions Carefully to Make 2019 Your Best Year

    17/01/2019 Duração: 56min

    Everything has energy, including numbers. That’s why I’ve had Alice on for several visits now. At the beginning of each year, she gives us valuable information on how to use the dominant energies of the year to our advantage. When we are in sync with the Universal energies, our lives flow with more ease, joy and grace. This year, keeping our words and actions constructive and encouraging rather than critical is especially important in determining the quality of our year. The more we are positive and truthful in a loving way, the better our lives will be. Lapsing into the forces of chaos, gossip and criticism will make our lives especially unpleasant. This doesn’t mean that we should ignore abuse, betrayal or what is wrong in our personal and professional lives and in the world. Speaking up and taking action in positive ways is essential to our well-being and the well-being of the world. Please join us Thursday to learn how to successfully navigate these kinds of situations and more.

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