Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 392:09:29
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Learning to see life from a spiritual perspective can change the way we think, which changes everything. As we let go of fear, worry, regret, blame, anger, guilt, resentment, jealousy and shame, we can create the loving, joyful, prosperous, healthy life that we want and deserve.brbr The best or worst place to live is in our own mind. You will learn how to weed out the negativity and to be grateful and positive in word, thought and deed, resulting in your ever-increasing happiness. Uplift Your Life: Nourishment of the Spirit is broadcast live every Thursday at 8 AM Pacific Time on the VoiceAmerica Empowerment Channel.


  • What Animals Have to Teach Us About Raising Adolescent Children

    24/10/2019 Duração: 54min

    Some adolescents become adults safely, capably, and independently while others do not. Research shows that becoming an adult for humans and animals depends on mastering four critical skills: staying safe from predators and exploiters; finding one’s place in social groups; communicating sexual consent; and living independently. Studying adolescent animals helps us understand human adolescents as a planet-wide tribe, with shared behaviors and conditions such as: Easy Prey if they are seen by predators and exploiters as less aware, weaker, and unprotected, therefore singled out for attack; or Privileged Creatures if they have high-status parents with rank, social networks, territories, and more, giving them an advantage over lower-status adolescent animals. There are counterintuitive insights that can be game changing like: peer pressure and risk-taking improve safety. Please join us Thursday to learn how to maximize the potential and minimize the danger of this developmental stage.

  • Heaven on Earth: Love, Joy, Harmony and Happiness

    17/10/2019 Duração: 56min

    Is heaven on earth possible? My guest says it is and will tell you how to achieve it. The 5th dimension, 5D, is what most religions call heaven. Different dimensions are not just science fiction. They really do exist. Currently earth is in the 3rd dimension, which has a low vibrational frequency where fear dominates our lives, relationships and choices. As we move to higher vibrational fields, we can access the 5th dimension, where love, compassion and empathy are the driving forces in our attitudes, interactions and way of being in the world. Jealousy, karma and fear are replaced with harmony, love, bliss and happiness. Maureen will share eye-opening stories of true 5D experiences and help us understand how to develop a connection with our higher self and consciously choose to have our own 5D experiences with love as the dominating force. Please join us Thursday to learn about the abilities available to us in 5D and how we can move into that energy of joy, love and kindness.

  • Harness the Power of Mindfulness to Alleviate Depression

    10/10/2019 Duração: 55min

    October is Depression Awareness Month. The World Health Organization named depression the number 1 cause of ill health and disability worldwide with more than 300 million people affected. Research shows that depression raises the risk of: Alzheimer’s and other dementias, diabetes, stroke, hypertension, sleep disorders, infection, substance abuse, suicide, and early death from those with heart disease. Based on twenty years of research, there is now a proven, easy to use program that brings relief to chronic sufferers of depression. Instead of working to find the roots of one’s distress, this approach helps one create a new relationship to depression and improve the symptoms and quality of life by changing how one relates to painful thoughts and feelings. This mindfulness-based cognitive therapy approach includes easy breath exercises, meditations, and visualizations to release painful thoughts. Join us Thursday to learn how to harness the power of mindfulness to alleviate depression.

  • Spreading Loving-Kindness for a More Loving Life and World

    03/10/2019 Duração: 55min

    Every problem has a solution, including the chaos and fears we are facing in these challenging times. We cannot change what our leaders do or what a mentally ill person will do. We can, however, be in charge of what we do and say, and that is what will change the world. Lasting social change happens at the level of the individual. We can transform our lives, the lives of others, and ultimately the world through kind words. Robyn writes “… The power of a generous thought and loving-kindness is transformative.… I’ve seen it change lives, build better relationships and make a person smile from the inside out. I’ve watched how parents and children have formed lasting bonds, and friends and family have reunited. By loving out loud and ‘saying’ it forward, we can rest assured we are doing our best to be a blessing to family, friends, and those around us.” Please join us Thursday to learn easy ways you can create a kinder, more loving life and world.

  • 9 Emeralds: Tools to Face Your Fears and Go After What You Want

    26/09/2019 Duração: 55min

    Oprah Magazine named my guest’s book as one of the buzziest books released this May. Peter cured his lifelong anxiety and panic attacks with the tools he gathered from watching The Wizard of Oz. The movie is so well loved because of the essential truths held within it. Peter has taken all of that wisdom and delineated the nine steps necessary to take back your power and live your life feeling centered, clear, joyful, and capable of facing whatever obstacles appear on your path. Carol Burnett said: “Opens your eyes and heart to a new way of being in the world”; and Deepak Chopra said: “The nine Emeralds in this book provide a powerful, near-magical tool for navigating any difficult situation. I have been using them myself, and my life is more effortless, spontaneous, and joyful. Emerald 7 is: Pull back the curtain and see things as they really are. Using the nine Emeralds in order is the key to their magic. Please join us Thursday to learn how these nine Emeralds can change your life.

  • Nepalese Shamanic Practices for Physical and Spiritual Healing

    19/09/2019 Duração: 55min

    We are in a time when the wisdom of the East is becoming recognized, valued, and integrated into our modern day Western culture. We have scientifically proven the value of meditation to the point where doctors are recommending it and it Is even being taught in some of our schools. Now we are learning about the ancient healing techniques from the East including Shamanic practices. The spiritual traditions of Nepal are taking their rightful place among other revered traditions that we have been integrating into our knowledge base. My guest knows the techniques for physical and spiritual healing, shamanic journeying, rituals for removing toxic energies from an individual, exercises to help you meet the ancestors in your shamanic lineage, techniques to use your voice as a shamanic tool, and how to negotiate the spirit world safely. Please join us Thursday to learn more about these practices and how they are relevant in our modern world.

  • The Untold Story of Sita: An Empowering Tale for Our Time

    12/09/2019 Duração: 53min

    Our world is out of balance with hatred, violence, and an unprecedented ecological crisis. Sometimes we have to look to the past before we can create a better future. The story of Sita helps us do that. She is well loved throughout Southeast Asia, and all of us can benefit from understanding her life as an expression of the power of feminine wisdom and leadership. In Mata Sitas and Sri Rams relationship, they each took on roles that were different and of equal importance. They were independent and interdependent. Their lives exemplify a balance of the masculine and feminine qualities and energies. To survive as a human community, we need to recover this balance and their appreciation, respect, and love for the natural world. Remembering the harmony that existed during their time will help us recalibrate our society so that it honors the sacred feminine and the sacred masculine. Please join us Thursday to see how this will help us restore balance to our society and to the earth.

  • From Persecution to Perseverance

    05/09/2019 Duração: 54min

    Immigration is a source of great controversy and outrage in the USA with ramifications worldwide. We have forgotten that everyone, except for Native Americans, were immigrants at one time. Some came looking for a better life, but most of our ancestors came out of desperation. They fled famine, war, prejudice, and the threat of annihilation with the hope of finding freedom in the USA. My guest’s father was one such man. In 1938, at 13, he fled Austria to escape Hitler’s grip. He and his friend walked across Austria, Germany and Holland, mostly at night to avoid detection. They had no food, money or a map. It took them 3 months to walk over 900 miles with only a compass and courage to guide them. They stowed away on a boat to reach England and then he made his way to the USA where he earned money to bring his family over. At 70 he lost all his money and at 82 retired as a millionaire. Please join us Thursday to hear his legacy of courage, inspiration, tenacity, freedom and success.

  • Accessing the Akashic Records

    29/08/2019 Duração: 53min

    The Akashic Records are energetic imprints similar to a movie library, a living vibrational field that stores all possible futures, the present, and the past. As soon as your soul begins its life experience, a field of energy is released that records every thought, word, action, desire, and emotion. You can connect with your personal Record Keepers, gain clear access to the Akashic Records, discover information about you and your loved ones, and learn your souls purpose. The Ascended Masters have given us access to the Akashic Records for the growth of our souls. By seeing your records and working with your Record Keepers, you will learn your souls purpose, help solve the problems in your daily life and relationships, expand your spirituality and begin operating at a higher level of consciousness. In addition, working in the Akashic Records will assist in Earths ascension. Please join us Thursday to learn about opening the Akashic Records.

  • Breathe and Connect with the Calm and Happy You

    22/08/2019 Duração: 54min

    Breath, when used properly, can transform your life. Sophrology is a self-help method that harnesses your breath for stress management and personal development. It is a form of dynamic meditation that enables you to relax and connect with your inner resources quickly and easily, anytime, anywhere. People have used it successfully to overcome fear of failure, manage stress and anxiety, cure insomnia, and reach their true potential. Doctors prescribe it, leading athletes use it, women prepare for childbirth with it, and corporations teach it to enhance employee well-being. Through the practice of Sophrology, people discover strength and power they never knew they had. They feel happier and more balanced. Sophrology is widely practiced in Europe where it is applied in various settings including schools, hospitals, maternity clinics, community centers, corporate environments, and rehabilitation centers. Please join us Thursday to learn how to use your breath to become calm and happy.

  • Techniques to Awaken Higher Consciousness

    15/08/2019 Duração: 53min

    There is a false belief that only a chosen few have super sensory perception, such as seeing into the future or knowing information with our intuition, through visions, clairvoyance or communication with the spiritual realm. Yes, some people are born with these gifts. It is also true that the rest of us can develop super sensible perception and expand our awareness to the point of connecting with cosmic consciousness. Dr. Joye knows how to do this through methods such as: prayer, mantras, meditation, inner guidance, transforming knowledge gained from books into spiritual advancement or imaginative, active, or intuitive thinking. She will share this information with us as well as her own extraordinary experiences with supersensory networks of consciousness. Her work is all the more believable because she started out as an electrical engineer and understands the scientific basis of extraordinary perception. Please join us Thursday to learn how to access the higher worlds.

  • Practical Aspects and Rewards of Meditation in the Classroom

    08/08/2019 Duração: 55min

    Research on the benefits of meditation for students is so strong that meditation should be part of the curriculum in every classroom from kindergarten through graduate school. One school tracked suspensions and showed a 45% decrease after meditation was introduced. Other studies show: increased academic success; improved mental health; increased confidence; better sleep; greater efficiency; improved physical health; heightened focus; reduced stress and anxiety; increased attention span; more positive thinking; and even possible decreases in substance abuse, addictions and eating disorders. When state mandated testing was introduced, our focus shifted away from developing critical thinkers, life-long learners and well-rounded individuals. Join us Thursday to learn how teaching meditation can help reverse this trend with the added benefits of giving students tools for peace, clarity and compassion.

  • Break the Habits and Addictions that Control You

    01/08/2019 Duração: 55min

    After having a heart attack at the age of 26, my guest was determined to regain her health. Her search led her to the realization that the mind is the most important factor in getting healthy. She pursued a higher degree in Bio-Psychology to learn more about the power in our subconscious mind to change our beliefs and therefore, our behaviors and our lives. With her proven methods, we can eliminate our physical, psychological and emotional attachments to unhealthy foods and other addictive substances. We can all benefit from her techniques, which include breath, movement, self-hypnosis, relaxation, imagery and science-based affirmations, to increase self-love, self-care and self-respect. By harnessing the power of the subconscious mind, we can connect to our greatest spiritual strength for life-changing results. Please join us Thursday to learn how to change your subconscious thoughts and become healthier and happier.

  • The Power of Self-Care with the Gentle Touch of Jin Shin

    25/07/2019 Duração: 55min

    Deepak Chopra says of my guest: “Once in a while you come across a person who demonstrates the potential to be extraordinary, and that is Alexis Brink. I have known Alexis for 30 years and have always been impressed with her desire to break new boundaries and think beyond the ordinary paradigm.” She is one of the world’s foremost authorities on Jin Shin, which is based on the ancient Japanese healing art of energy medicine now practiced throughout the world and gaining respect in the United States. Although related to acupressure, acupuncture, and massage therapy, the Art of Jin Shin is not a physical manipulation of tissue and uses only minimal pressure. It uses a gentle touch with the fingers and hands to redirect or unblock the flow of energy that has gotten stuck in the body. This simple, gentle process allows energy to flow smoothly in the correct direction. With balance restored, a sense of well-being and calm emerges. Please join us Thursday to discover the power of self-care.

  • Loving Ways to Train Your Cat and Natural Ways to Heal Them

    18/07/2019 Duração: 55min

    Scientific research proves how important cats are to our overall health. They improve our immune system, lower risk of heart disease and stroke, lower blood pressure, improve sleep, reduce stress, anxiety and loneliness, cheer us up, and their purring helps heal bones, tendons and muscles. With all these benefits, we should all own cats. Many people, however, think cats are too much trouble or they’re aloof and too independent. These myths have kept people from enriching their lives with these wonderful loving beings. My guest, Kac Young, has a deep understanding of the emotional, psychological and behavioral world of cats. Each cat is unique, and with her insights, you will discover who your cat is, how to create the best relationship possible, and how to use natural healing methods to care for your cat in a gentle and more empathetic way. She will even share 60-second techniques to train your cat without punishment. Please join us Thursday to learn about cats from an expert.

  • Discovering the Authentic You

    11/07/2019 Duração: 54min

    “We’ve been sold the idea that certain material success will bring happiness, but in fact, many people end up feeling drained, unfulfilled, and even depressed,” says Lucinda White. She changed her life by reconnecting with her inner wild self, the part that is deeply connected to nature. Lucinda’s journey led her from the life of a successful Silicon Valley socialite to a series of wild adventures, including tracking wolves, coming face to face with a lion, and ultimately collecting animal bones, shaping them into art and adorning her home with them. Her story shows us all how we can discover our own wild nature and by doing so heal and blossom into the fullness of who we are meant to be. Her unconventional journey is an inspiration to women and men who seek to discover what is hidden deep within ourselves that desperately wants to be expressed. Please join us Thursday to learn how to become your authentic self and redefine what it means to be fully alive.

  • Proof of Telepathy, Remote Viewing, Past Lives and More

    27/06/2019 Duração: 56min

    My guest’s awakening came in 2016 when he stumbled upon some podcasts that led him to rethink everything he believed about consciousness. His research provided new answers for the most basic assumptions about who and what we are as human beings. When he began sharing his research with friends, they told him how it changed the way they looked at life and how their lives got better. He wrote his book to share these ideas with everyone to help create a global shift in scientific and existential thinking. He transforms what we thought was in the realm of magic or fantasy into well-researched every day experiences available to all of us. Through well-researched scientific studies he re-examines telepathy, remote viewing, precognition, psychokinesis, near-death experiences and remembrance of past lives. In the end, the statistics are so strong that we are left with little doubt. Please join us Thursday to discover how our future could be expansive, peaceful, multidimensional and unlimited.

  • Learning to Live Together with Integrity, Vitality, and Love

    20/06/2019 Duração: 55min

    Couples want more satisfaction in their marriages. Yet, we are living longer, caring for aging parents, experiencing greater financial concerns and striving for a better work/life balance. The most difficult challenges couples face include children, sex, money, alcohol and drugs, aging, and the empty nest. Few couples can successfully manage all of these stresses without help. The kind of help you receive, however, makes all the difference. According to some research, 28 percent of couples who receive marriage therapy say their relationship is worse two years after therapy and 38 percent get divorced within four years of completing therapy. Some of those marriages should end and the therapy helped give the couples clarity. Some, however, didn’t get the proper help. My guest offers the kind of help you want. She has developed a powerful framework to help couples persevere through the rough patches. Join us Thursday to learn how to live together with integrity, vitality, and love.

  • Mindful Leadership at Work and in Life

    13/06/2019 Duração: 55min

    Having worked in several different organizations, I learned that it is possible to lead from the middle. When I was Director of Organizational Health in a school district near Dallas, I discovered just how difficult it is to change a workplace culture from the middle. To create a healthy environment where the business and the people thrive, the leadership needs to come from the top and run through the entire organization. My guest, Marc Lesser, knows how to develop mindful leaders. The seven key practices he teaches are: love the work; do the work; don’t be an expert; connect to your pain; connect to the pain of others; depend on others; and keep making it simpler. The principles are wise and profound. With commitment and practice, any organization can become a place where people want to go to work, are more creative and productive, feel valued and go home feeling good. Please join us Thursday to learn how to transform a workplace for the benefit of the business and the people.

  • Accidentally on Purpose: Tripping Through Life with Regina

    06/06/2019 Duração: 55min

    Regina experienced censorship as a news anchor years ago. It’s not new. Even UFO’s have been hidden from us. She quotes respected UFO researcher, the late Command Sergeant Major Robert Dean: “The Brookings report is available; you can get a copy of it…(it’s) about the implications of contact with extraterrestrial intelligence....Experts--Margaret Mead was one of them…determined that the…masses of people out there cannot handle this (information).” Regina’s insatiable curiosity about the esoteric, spiritual and inexplicable occurrences in the Universe led her to a wide range of experiences outside the boundaries of what is deemed acceptable and normal. Her courage and willingness to explore areas that most would not, has been fueled by her spiritual guides. With complete trust, she roams into uncharted territory creating a fascinating life that she could not have planned or even imagined. Please join us Thursday to hear eye-opening stories and be inspired to lead your authentic life.

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