Streetwise Hebrew

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 68:06:53
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A bite-size podcast showcasing modern Hebrew and its slang. Host Guy Sharett explains what we can learn about Israeli psyche, society, and culture through the Hebrew language.


  • #161 Say what?!

    21/03/2017 Duração: 10min

    How do we say "I told you so" in Hebrew? And "Who said?" or "You don't say!" In this episode, host Guy Sharett teaches these useful expressions and more for, well, talking about what people say. They all stem from the root 'amar,' meaning 'he said.' What say you, Guy? Words and expressions discussed: Amar – He said – אמר Amarta – You (m.) said – אמרתָ Amart – You (f.) said – אמרתְ Ma she-ne'emar – What was said – מה שנאמר Amart li etmol – You (f.) told me yesterday – אמרת לי אתמול She-halamt alai ba-laila – That you dreamt about me last night – שחלמת עליי בלילה Kshe'elohim amar – When god said – כשאלוהים אמר Ba-pa'am ha-rishona – In the first time – בפעם הראשונה Mi amar – Who said so? – ?מי אמר Hi amra li – She said to me – היא אמרה לי Az amarti lo – So I told him – אז אמרתי לו Hu amar li – He told me – הוא אמר לי Az ma hu amar – So what did he say? – ?אז מה הוא אמר Ve-ma at amart? – And what did you (f.) say? – ?ומה את אמרת Amarti lecha/lach – I told you so – אמרתי לך Ma amarnu? – What did we say? – ?מה אמרנ

  • #160 Geshem Gone Viral? Eize Kef!

    14/03/2017 Duração: 10min

    The most talked about video in Israel right now is of an Israeli Arab teacher singing a catchy Hebrew lesson to her students. Why did the video become so viral? Guy explains the civic discourse surrounding the famed tune and why this teacher is not alone in pronunciation blunders.  Words and expressions discussed: Geshem Geshem Metaftef – Rain, rain pouring down– גשם גשם מטפטף Eizé kef – How fun – איזה כיף Li kanu me'il hadash – They just bought me a new coat – לי קנו מעיל חדש Ve-hayom oto elbash – And today I will wear it – והיום אותו אלבש Giz'ani – Racist – גזעני Nahut – Inferior – נחות Nesi ha-medina – President – נשיא המדינה Beit ha-nasi – President's Residence – בית הנשיא Tarbuyuot – Cultures – תרבויות Ata tsarich lehakir ota – You need to know her – אתה צריך להכיר אותה Metsuyan – Excellent – מצויין Medaber – Speaking – מדבר Music: Jihan Jaber – Geshem Geshem Metaftef (original clip) Channel 2 TV interview with Jihan Soldiers singing Palestinian Musawa TV Eden Ben Zaken Cover By Yves and Lir Trance Remix

  • #159 Honey, I'm home!

    07/03/2017 Duração: 10min

    Why do we say ‘Ani holech habaita’, I am going home, in Hebrew? What exactly is the funny ending 'habai-ta,' if the word 'bayit' means home? Host Guy Sharett has returned home! On this episode, he explains ‘habaita’ and how to use it. Words and expressions discussed: Lahzor habaita – To come back home – לחזור הביתה Haya mamash keif lifgosh etchem – It was great meeting you – היה ממש כיף לפגוש אתכם Yerushalaima – Towards Jerusalem (biblical) – ירושלימה Le-yerushalaim – Towards Jerusalem (modern) – לירושלים Tsafona – Northbound – צפונה Daroma – Southbound – דרומה Smola – To the left – שמאלה Yamina – To the right – ימינה Kadima – Forward – קדימה Achora – Backword – אחורה Higati habaita – I reached home – הגעתי הביתה Kama tov she-bata habaita – So good that you came back home – כמה טוב שבאת הביתה Israeliyut – Israeliness – ישראליוּת Bo ha-baita – Come home – בוא הביתה Alé habaita – Come up home –עלה הביתה Lech/Lechi/Lechu habaita – Go home – לך/לכי/לכו הביתה Hu halach habaita – He went home – הוא הלך הביתה Nir'eh

  • #158 For the believers and Britney fans

    07/02/2017 Duração: 08min

    If you have ever been to Israel, surely you have heard ‘ta’amin li’, believe me, used by virtually every salesmen who confidently declares that their offered price is the best in the world. The root of the word can be expressed in a plethora of ways, so host Guy Sharett teaches us how. You better believe that Britney makes an appearance. Words and expressions discussed: Ma’azinim yekarim sheli – My dear listeners – מאזינים יקרים שלי Leha’amin – To believe – להאמין Amen – So be it – אמן Halvai amen – May it be like this – הלוואי אמן Tamut halvai amen – May you die! (sl.) – תמות הלוואי אמן Amen she… – I wish that… – אמן ש... Amen she-hakol yistader – May everything turn out fine – אמן שהכל יסתדר Emuna be… – Belief in… – אמונה ב– Ani ma'amin she... – I believe that… – אני מאמין ש... Ani ma'amin ba – I believe in her – אני מאמין בה Achshav kshe-lo notar yoter be-ma le'haamin – Now, when there's nothing left to believe in – עכשיו, כשלא נותר יותר במה להאמין Ta'amin li – Believe me – תאמין לי Leha’amin le – To belie

  • #157 "You want a juice?" "No": Translating Israeli brevity

    31/01/2017 Duração: 08min

    We have all had conversations with Israelis bereft of the common courtesies - thank you, please, or polite excuses. On this episode, host Guy Sharett explains exactly what is going on in the Israeli brain when answering our offers or questions in what seems to be curt, abrupt, and even rude ways. Words and expressions discussed: Sicha menumeset – Polite conversation – שיחה מנומסת Efshar espresso? – May I have an espresso? – ?אפשר אספרסו Nahutz li gever menumas – I need a polite man – נחוץ לי גבר מנומס Rotse kafe? Lo. – Do you want coffee? No. – רוצה קפה? לא Efshar laredet? Ken. – Can I get off? Yes. – אפשר לרדת? כן Ba lecha mitz? Lo. – Do you feel like juice? No. – בא לך מיץ? לא Nifgashim ba-spontani? Lo, asuk – Wanna meet now spontaneously? No, (I am) busy. – נפגשים בספונטני? לא, עסוק Ramkolim menumasim – Polite speakers – רמקולים מנומסים Music: Shlomo Artzi & Astar Shamir - Brit Lo Muteret (lyrics) Yossi Banai & Yona Atari - Rina (lyrics) Meir Ariel - Terminal (lyrics)   The Hebrew Verb Tables app i

  • #156 Just a sec: Hustling patience like an Israeli

    24/01/2017 Duração: 10min

    So you're in Israel. You're chatting away with someone, and then they stop you mid-sentence. Surprise, surprise. How do you tell someone to "wait a minute" or "hold on a second?" Today host Guy Sharett talks about one of the most popular words in Hebrew, rega, moment, but also "just a moment". Words and expressions discussed: Rega, rega’im – Moment/s – רגע, רגעים Rega, nahag – Just a sec., driver – רגע, נהג Efshar rega she'ela? – May I just ask one question? – אפשר רגע שאלה? Rak shniya/daka – Just a second/minute – רק שנייה/דקה Haké , haki, haku – Wait (imperative, m., f., pl.) – חכה, חכי, חכו Haké shniya/rega –  Wait a bit– חכה שנייה/רגע Haké-haké/haki-haki – Just you wait – חכה-חכה/חכי-חכי Tsohek mi she-tsohek aharon – He who laughs last, laughs the best – צוחק מי שצוחק אחרון Ten/tni li daka/shniya – Give me a minute – תן/תני לי דקה/שנייה Ten li daka/rega lir'ot – Give me a moment to see – תן לי דקה/רגע לראות Rak daka/shniya/rega – Just a moment – רק דקה/שנייה/רגע Od rega/shniya/daka – One sec. – עוד רגע/שנ

  • #155 What goes up, must come down

    17/01/2017 Duração: 08min

    Laredet, to go down, is the opposite of La’alot, to go up. But the root ירד has so many other meanings. We use it to talk about the rain, internet downloads, mocking our friends, taking shots of alcohol, and more raunchy terms you should definitely know - which is why this episode isn't suitable for younger listeners. Sorry kids!         Words and expressions discussed: Laredet – To go down – לרדת Ma she-ole, hayav laredet – What goes up, must come down – מה שעולה, חייב לרדת Laredet me-ha-otobus / me-ha-rakevet – To get off the bus/train – לרדת מהאוטובוס/מהרכבת Efshar laredet (bevaksha)? – May I get off please? – אפשר לרדת בבקשה? Ta’atsor li kan bevaksha – Please stop here for me – תעצור לי כאן בבקשה Ole hadash, olim hadashim – New immigrant/s to Israel – עולה חדש, עולים חדשים Yored, yordim – Israelis who left Israel (negative) – יורד, יורדים Yerida – leaving Israel – ירידה Yored al mishehu – He’s mocking someone – יורד על מישהו Dai laredet alai – Stop coming down on me/mocking me – די לרדת עליי Yeridot al mi

  • #154 One million and one ways to celebrate

    10/01/2017 Duração: 08min

    This week we're celebrating 1 million downloads - can you believe it? Let's celebrate together! In Hebrew of course, and talk about the root 'hagag,' חגג, and how we use it. By the way, the cake tasted amazing.     Words and expressions discussed: Anachnu hogegim – We are celebrating – אנחנו חוגגים Lahgog mashehu – To celebrate something – לחגוג משהו Hogegim yomuledet le-mishehu – Celebrating birthday for someone – חוגגים יומולדת למישהו Hagiga – Celebration, party – חגיגה Hagagnu ad or ha-boker – We celebrated until dawn – חגגנו עד אור הבוקר Hagiga Ba-snooker – Party at the snooker – חגיגה בסנוקר Hag – Holiday – חג Hag sameach – Happy holiday – חג שמח Hajj (Arabic) – حج – חג' Nira li mishu hogeg li al ha-kartis – I think that someone is "feasting" on my credit card – נראה לי מישהו חוגג לי על הכרטיס Ani hoshev she-mishehu hogeg li al ha-pelefon – I think that someone is "feasting" on my phone – אני חושב שמישהו חוגג לי על הפלאפון Bon’a, ata hogeg/at hogeget/atem hogegim – Dude, you live the life – בוא'נה, אתה

  • #153 Life's little pleasantries

    03/01/2017 Duração: 07min

    'Nai'm' means pleasant, or nice. Let's learn all about pleasantness - Guy teaches us sentences with this word we use all the time, along with Hebrew names related to its root. Oh, and how do you greet someone who just got a haircut in Arabic? Words and expressions discussed: Kama na'im – How pleasant – כמה נעים Mezeg avir naim – Nice weather – מזג אוויר נעים Naim meod – Very nice (meeting you) – נעים מאוד Na'im lehakir/Na'im li meod – Nice meeting you – נעים להכיר/נעים לי מאוד Ze lo na'im li – I don't like this, I find it awkward – זה לא נעים לי Slicha, mamash lo na'im li, aval… – Excuse me, I feel awful saying this, but… – סליחה, ממש לא נעים לי, אבל... Na'iman (Arabic) – Greeting to someone who finished a shower or got a new haircut – נעימן, نعيماً Ani holem al Naomi – I dream about Naomi – אני חולם על נעמי Names: Na'ama, Naomi (Nomi), Noam – נעמה, נעמי, נועם Ata lo yachol la'asot et ze yoter be-noam? – Can't you do it more pleasantly, quietly? – ?אתה לא יכול לעשות את זה יותר בנועם Noam halichot – Pleasant m

  • #152 Yalla, let’s do it to it

    20/12/2016 Duração: 06min

    Kacha ze, ein ma la’asot, “This is the way it is, there’s nothing you can do about it”, is something you hear a lot in Israel. Today we learn how to use it, and other expressions using the verb la’asot, to do. Make sure you listen well! The episode is short and sweet. Words and expressions discussed: Ma la'asot? – What can you do? – ?מה לעשות Ein ma la'asot – There's nothing you can do about it – אין מה לעשות Kacha ze, ein ma la’asot – This is the way it is, nothing you can do about it – ככה זה, אין מה לעשות Ve-ein li ma la'asot – And I've got nothing to do – ואין לי מה לעשות Ein li ma la'asot im ze – I've got nothing to do with it – אין לי מה לעשות עם זה Mishehu tsarich mechonat kvisa? – Does anyone need a laundry machine? – ?מישהו צריך מכונת כביסה Ein li ma la'asot im ha-mechona ha-yeshana – I've got nothing to do with the old machine – אין לי מה לעשות עם המכונה הישנה Mitsta’arim, ein lanu mamash ma la’asot im ze – Sorry, we don't really have anything we could do with this – מצטערים, אין לנו מה לעשות עם זה

  • #151 Like nothing else: Intensifiers and superlatives

    13/12/2016 Duração: 07min

    So you just saw the coolest concert, and then your friend made you the best soup you've ever tasted. The next day you saw the most wonderful film. It's all so fantastic that you want to yell, this is f****** amazing! Sometimes you just need to tell the world. But how do you do it in Hebrew? For starters, use Guy's toolkit of 'intensifiers.' Exclusive content for patrons Words and expressions discussed: Haverimot (Haverim+haverot) – Friends (m+f) – חברימות Ein dvarim ka-ele – Amazing (Lit: There are no things like it) – אין דברים כאלה Ein yoter yafa mimech – There’s no one prettier than you – אין יותר יפה ממך Ein dvarim ka-ele ba-olam – There are no things like it in the whole world – אין דברים כאלה בעולם Ta’im she-ein dvarim ka-ele – So delicious that there are no things like it – טעים שאין דברים כאלה Eich at matrifa – How terrific you are – איך את מטריפה Metoraf – Crazy – מטורף Lehatrif mishehu – To drive someone crazy – להטריף מישהו Hamud be-teruf – Crazy cute – חמוד בטירוף Ani machur elaich – I am addicted

  • #150 Not too much, just a drop

    06/12/2016 Duração: 09min

    If someone pours milk into your tea or coffee in Hebrew, you need to know how to ask for a bit more, a tiny bit more, a pinch more, okay that’s it. Guy teaches us to use 'tipa,' a drop, and its diminutives for when you need just a tiny bit more milk, ask someone to have a little patience, or even when someone needs help parking the car. Exclusive content for Patrons Words and expressions discussed: Tipa, tipot – Drop, drops – טיפה, טיפות Tiponet – A tiny drop – טיפונת Ve-omeret ha-lvana la-ananim – And the moon says to the clouds – ואומרת הלבנה לעננים Tnu tipa ve-od tiponet la-ganim – Give a drop and another droplet to the gardens – תנו טיפה ועוד טיפונת Efshar od tipa halav? – May I have a bit more milk? – ?אפשר עוד טיפה חלב Efshar od tiponet rotev? – May I have a bit more of the sauce? – ?אפשר עוד טיפונת רוטב Tip tipa – A tiny bit – טיפ טיפה Efshar od tipa? Od tip tipa? Zehu – May I have a bit more? A tad more? That’s it – אפשר עוד טיפה? עוד טיפ טיפה? זהו Tipa'le – A tiny bit – טיפה’לה Ze tipa'le mugzam – It

  • #149 Irony and a watermelon

    29/11/2016 Duração: 07min

    Irony, cynicism, and sarcasm are expressed in all languages, but can sometimes be difficult to learn. How do we say phrases like ‘yeah right’, ‘as if’ or ‘duh’ in Hebrew with friends? Listen to host Guy Sharett explain ways to express these linguistic styles, and even what hand expressions you need to sneer like a smart-alecky teenager.   Words and expressions discussed: Kibalta matana la-chag? - Did you get a present for the holiday? - ?קיבלת מתנה לחג Mamash, bidyuk - Right, exactly - ממש, בדיוק Mamash, hu yiten li matana la-hag - Yeah right, he will give me a present for the holiday (not) - ממש, הוא ייתן לי מתנה לחג Ata amiti? At amitit? - Are you for real? - ?אתה אמיתי? את אמיתית Ei-fo? - Where (Not) - ?איפה Eifo ata hai? Eifo at haya? - “Where do you live?” (You’re way off) - ?איפה אתה חי? איפה את חיה Eize matana? - which gift? - ?איזה מתנה Eize matana eize? - Which gift? - ?איזה מתנה איזה Eize matana ve-eize naalayim? - “Which gift and which shoes?” (Yeah right, he’ll give me a gift) - ?איזה מתנה ואיזה נ

  • #148 Is this on sale? Vernacular of a bargain hunter

    22/11/2016 Duração: 07min

    While shopping about in Israel, have you ever asked for a discount, or 'hanacha,' in Hebrew? On this episode, Guy talks about navigating all kinds of shopping interactions, like bargaining your way through a sale and understanding special promotions - even on items like bras, or 'haziyot.' Be sure to check out a hilarious parody of a quintessential Israeli commercial at the end of the episode. Exclusive content for Patrons Words and expressions discussed:  Pirsomot – Commercials, ads – פרסומות Hanacha, hanachot – Discount, discounts – הנחה, הנחות 20 achuz hanacha – 20 percent discount –  20 אחוז הנחה Efshar hanacha ulay? – Is there a discount, maybe? – יש הנחה אולי? Hagigat mivtsa’im – A celebration of sales – חגיגת מבצעים Yesh eize mivtsaim? – Are there any sales? – יש איזה מבצעים? Konim X umkablim Y – You buy X and get Y – קונים איקס ומקבלים וואי Hanacha la-kniya ha-ba'a – Discount for the next purchase – הנחה לקנייה הבאה Kabli – Get (imperative, feminine) – קבלי Haziyat femina matana – A Femina bra for fre

  • #147 What a life!

    15/11/2016 Duração: 09min

    Today Guy talks about word eizé, "what a," a word we frequently use in various contexts. How do we use it, and what happens when we add it to mashehu, "something," or mishehu, "someone"?  Exclusive content for Patrons   Words and expressions discussed: Eizé yom – What a day – איזה יום Eizo mis'ada (Slang: Eize mis'ada, sssé mis'ada) – What a restaurant! – איזו מסעדה (סלנג: איזה מסעדה) Eizé basa (Sssé basa) – What a bummer – איזה באסה Eizé ben adam – What a person – איזה בן אדם Eizé fashla – What a mess-up – איזה פשלה Eizé hagzamot! – Such exaggeration! – !איזה הגזמות Eizé hisachfut! – That’s so over-the-top! – !איזה היסחפות Eizé keta/kta’im –  How funny/What a surprise – איזה קטע/קטעים Eizé keif lishmo’a – So happy to hear (the news) – איזה כיף לשמוע Eizé yofi– How great – איזה יופי Eizé nefila – What a flop – איזה נפילה Eizé fisfus – What a bummer – איזה פספוס Wow, eizé rishmiyut – Wow, such formality – וואו, איזה רשמיות Eizé yofi – How great – איזה יופי Eizé hultsa lilbosh, zot o zot? – Which shirt should I

  • #146 You can't Google this stuff

    08/11/2016 Duração: 09min

      How do you say words like download, upload, link and password? Although they may seem technical, Hebrew techie terms are crucial to know in this day and age. On this week's episode, Guy teaches the words you need to know when surfing the web. Any guesses of how to say "to google" in Hebrew? Exclusive content for Patrons   Words and expressions discussed: Tikanes – Get in – תיכנס Tikanes le- – Go to – תיכנס ל Tikanes le “linkim”, ze sham – Click on “links”, it's there – תיכנס ל”לינקים”, זה שם Taklik/takliki/takliku al – Click on (imperative) – תקליק/תקליקי/תקליקו Lehaklik al – To click on –  להקליק על Tsor kesher – Contact – צור קשר Yesh lecha/lach/lachem sham – They’ve got there – יש לך/לכם Yesh lecha sham tafrit – You’ve got a menu there – יש לך שם תפריט Hipus – Search – חיפוש Legagel / Lechapes be-google – לגגל / לחפש בגוגל Tegagel/tegagli/tegaglu et ze – Google it! – תגגל/תגגלי/תגגלו Lechapes ba-atar – Search the website – לחפש באתר Techapes/techapsi/techapsu – Search (imperative) – תחפש/תחפשי/תחפשו She'

  • #145 Throw out those old answers to 'eich haya'

    18/10/2016 Duração: 08min

    Now that the holidays are behind us, you will likely get asked 'eich haya,' or 'how was it?' Whether your chagim were fabulous, same ol', or just plain rotten, host Guy Sharett gives you 10 expressions to respond with. He even describes how to use 'pach,' the literal word for trash can. Happy small talking!   Exclusive content for Patrons   New words & expressions: 1. Madhim – Amazing – מדהים 2. Al ha-panim – Really bad – על הפנים La-panim – Great – לפנים 3. Stam – "Nothing to write home about" – סתם 4. Nechmad – Nice – נחמד Haya nechmad – It was nice / ok – היה נחמד 5. Metsuyan / Me'ule – Excellent, great – מצויין / מעולה Letsayen – To note – לציין Haya me’ule / haya mamash metsuyan – It was really great – היה מעולה / היה ממש מצויין 6. Pach – Can (garbage can) – פח Pach ashpa – Garbage can – פח אשפה Ani megia'a la-oto – I'm getting to the car – אני מגיעה לאוטו Ve-ani roa oto pach – And I see a shitty car – ואני רואה אוטו פח Ma ze ha-pach ha-ze? – What is this junk? – ?מה זה הפח הזה Eize pach – What a pac

  • #144 Master of slang you will 'become'

    11/10/2016 Duração: 07min

    Repeat the mantra: I will become a fluent Hebrew speaker. But how do we say 'become' in Hebrew? 'Nihya,' which is passive of Hebrew verb 'lihyot,' or 'to be.' TLV1's language Jedi Guy Sharett explains.    Exclusive content for Patrons   New words & expressions: Pitom nihya kayits – Suddenly it became summer – פתאום נהיה קיץ Nihya – It has become – נהיה Ma nihya (niya)? – What's going on? – ?מה נהיה Shu sar? (Arabic) – What's happened? – شو صار؟ Shu sar ma'ak? (Arabic) – What's happened with you? – شو صار معك؟ Ma nihya im + mishu –  What's with + someone – מה נהיה עם + מישהו Ma nihya?! – What's going on?! – ?!מה נהיה Tagidi, ma nihya itach – Tell me (f.), what's going on with you – תגידי, מה נהיה איתך Ma nihya itcha, itach, itchem, itchen – What's with you (m.), you (f.), you (pl. m), you (pl. f) – מה נהיה איתך, איתך, איתכם, איתכן Ma nihya mimeni? – What has become of me? – ?מה נהיה ממני Ma nihya ita? – What's with her? – ?מה נהיה איתה Ma nihya mimena? – What's happened to her? – ?מה נהיה ממנה Hu nihya me'

  • #143 Don't fear the fashla: How to mess up in Hebrew, perfectly

    04/10/2016 Duração: 08min

    'Fashla' and 'fadiha,' originally Arabic words, are used by Israelis to talk about embarrassing or awkward moments. Host Guy Sharett tells us not only how to avoid awful mess-ups, but also how to fry up the roots of these words in a sizzling Hebrew verb pan. They get juicy - want a bite? Exclusive content for Patrons   New words & expressions: Efshar lishol ma ata ose kan? – May I ask what are you doing here? – ?אפשר לשאול מה אתה עושה כאן Mehake larakevet harishona – Waiting for the first train – מחכה לרכבת הראשונה Efshar lirot teuda mezaha? – May I see an identifying document? – ?אפשר לראות תעודה מזהה Betach –  Sure – בטח Eich kor'im lecha? – What's your name? – ?איך קוראים לך Efo ata gar? – Where do you live? – ?איפה אתה גר Ve-ma ata kotev? – And what are you writing? – ?ומה אתה כותב Ani mechin tochnit la-shavu'a – I am preparing a plan/program for the week – אני מכין תוכנית לשבוע Mamash lo inyancha – Really none of your business – ממש לא עניינך Fashla, fashlot – Mess-up; embarrassing failure; flop – פש

  • #142 WhatsApp with your Hebrew!?

    14/09/2016 Duração: 06min

    Israelis love WhatsApp groups. It's how journalists receive the latest news updates, it's how sports teams arrange lifts for upcoming matches, it's how school parents communicate about homework, and, of course, it's how friends plan their weekend get-together. So this week, host Guy Sharett explains how Israelis communicate in WhatsApp groups. We use a special brand of concise, efficient Hebrew that should be acknowledged and celebrated! Exclusive content for Patrons   New words & expressions: No'ach le- – Convenient for – -נוח ל Lo no'ach li lavo – It's not convenient for me to come – לא נוח לי לבוא Shmone lo no'ach li – Eight is not good for me – שמונה לא נוח לי No'ach lach machar ba-boker? – Is it convenient for you (f.) tomorrow morning? – ?נוח לך מחר בבוקר No'ach lecha shavu'a ha-ba? – Is it convenient for you (m.) next week? – ?נוח לך שבוע הבא No'ach lachem ha-yom me'uchar ba-layla? – Is it convenient for you (pl.) today late at night? – ?נוח לכם היום מאוחר בלילה Le-Eyal lo no'ach ha-yom – For Eyal

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