Streetwise Hebrew

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 68:06:53
  • Mais informações



A bite-size podcast showcasing modern Hebrew and its slang. Host Guy Sharett explains what we can learn about Israeli psyche, society, and culture through the Hebrew language.


  • #122 Waiter talk.... Is everything ok?

    29/03/2016 Duração: 09min

    We have already spoken about what you say in a restaurant or at a café, but what would a waiter say to you? Host Guy Sharett prepares us with the lines that will grace our ears as we sit down for a meal or a quick Tel Avivi bite. Exclusive Content for Patrons   New words & expressions: Bifnim o ba-huts? – Inside or outside? – ?בפנים או בחוץ Lashevet o lakachat – For here or to go? – ?לשבת או לקחת Tafrit – Menu – תפריט Muchanim lehazmin? – Ready to order? – ?מוכנים להזמין Rotsim lehazmin? – Would you guys like to order? – ?רוצים להזמין Atem yod'im ma atem rotsim? – Do you guys know what you'd like? – ?אתם יודעים מה אתם רוצים Ma lishtot? – What would you like to drink – מה לשתות? Tirtsu ha-kol beyahad? – Would you like everything at once? – ?תרצו הכל ביחד Ma she-yotse – Whatever comes out – מה שיוצא Miyad – Immediately – מייד Techef – In a second – תיכף Ha-salat ba-derech – The salad is on its way – הסלט בדרך Ha-salat kvar magi'a – The salad is just coming now – הסלט כבר מגיע Od rega – Just a minute – עוד ר

  • #121 How to "finish" in Hebrew... while keeping it clean

    22/03/2016 Duração: 09min

    "Ligmor" means to finish, but also to reach orgasm. So this episode might not be for everybody! Host Guy Sharett explains how to use the root "g.m.r" while playing it safe. Exclusive Content for Patrons   New words & expressions: Ligmor – To finish / reach orgasm – לגמור Lesayem, siyamti – To finish, I finished (not sexual) – לסיים, סיימתי Gamarta (m.), gamart (f.) – You finished / reached orgasm – גמרתָ, גמרתְ Gmira (colloquial), orgazma (formal) – Orgasm – גמירה, אורגזמה Gomrim holchim – "Once we're done, we can go home" – גומרים הולכים Gamar et ha-kariera – Finished his career – גמר את הקריירה Ha-toster haze gamar et ha-kariera shelo – This toaster has reached the end of its life – הטוסטר הזה גמר את הקריירה שלו Zbeng ve-gamarnu – "Bang and we're done" – זבנג וגמרנו Lo gomer ta-chodesh – Does not make ends meet – לא גומר ת'חודש Beseder gamur – Totally fine – בסדר גמור Gamur – Exhausted; crazy – גמור Mami ze nigmar – Darling it's over – מאמי זה נגמר Lehigamer – To be over – להיגמר She-lo yigamer li ha-la

  • #120 Should I stay or should I go?

    15/03/2016 Duração: 11min

    "She'ar" - "the rest," is our week's theme. From the same root we have "lehash'ir" - "to leave," "lehisha'er" - "to stay," and other useful verbs, and of course some spaghetti leftovers from yesterday; host Guy Sharett explains how it's all connected.   Exclusive Content for Patrons   New words & expressions: Ha-she'ar – The rest – השאר She'ar yerakot –  And other things – שאר ירקות Bein ha-sh'ar – Among other things – בין השאר Ve-kol sh'ar ha-dvarim – And all the rest – וכל שאר הדברים Ha-sheket she-nish'ar – The remaining silence – השקט שנשאר Nish'ar spaghetti me-etmol – There's spaghetti left from yesterday – נשאר ספגטי מאתמול Nishar(a) shtiya – There are drinks left – נשאר(ה) שתייה Nish'ar(u) dapim –  There are papers left – נשאר(ו) דפים Nish'ar ba-hayim – He survived – נשאר בחיים Nish'ar kita – He was held back a year – נשאר כיתה Lo nish'ar li koach – I have no energy left – לא נשאר לי כוח Ma nish'ar od laasot – What's still left to do – מה נשאר עוד לעשות Ktsat meshune she-lo nish'art – It's a bit wei

  • #119 Take your Hebrew down a notch

    08/03/2016 Duração: 10min

    Part of learning a new language is knowing when to speak properly and when you’re free to let loose. Today Guy Sharett explains how to downgrade your upmarket Ulpan Hebrew to street level. EXCLUSIVE CONTENT FOR PATRONS   New words & expressions: Haiyten – You were (pl., f.) – הייתן Ma aten rotsot – What you (pl., f.) want – מה אתן רוצות Eich oto aten mevalbelot – How you (pl., f.) confuse him – איך אותו אתן מבלבלות Tir’u misken – Look at this poor guy – תראו מסכן Ma asiten lo – What you (pl., f.) have done to him – מה עשיתן לו Hayiti rotse lihyot melech shelech – I would have liked to be your king – הייתי רוצה להיות מלך שלך Biti, at bocha o tsocheket – My daughter, are you crying or laughing – בתי, את בוכה או צוחקת Netanya (formal) – Natanya (colloquial) – נתניה Nahariya (formal) – Nahariya (colloquial) – נהריה Madu’a – Why – מדוע Madu’a lo bata ata elay – Why didn’t you come to me – מדוע לא באת אתה אליי Heichan – Where – היכן Me’ayin – From where – מאין Ha-im – Question word – האם Ka’asher – When – כאשר

  • #118 How to fall for your Hebrew teacher

    01/03/2016 Duração: 09min

    The root "nun-pei-lamed" is all about falling - "lipol" means "to fall." It's used in so many different expressions it can be easy to forget where it came from. Host Guy Sharett takes us through the most common usages, taking us from meteors to waterfalls to shooting down planes.   Exclusive content     New words & expressions: Nafalta hazak – You went down hard – נפלת חזק Kochav nofel – Falling star; shooting star; meteor – כוכב נופל Lipol – To fall – ליפול Ma nafalt alay? – How did you suddenly come into my life? – ?מה נפלת עליי Nafalti al mis'ada tova – I stumbled upon a good restaurant – נפלתי על מסעדה טובה Ma hu nafal alay achshav? – Why did he come to me with this now? (negative) – ?מה הוא נפל עליי עכשיו Ma nafal aleycha ha-yom? – What's the matter with you today? – ?מה נפל עליך היום Nafalta al ha-sechel/ha-rosh? – Are you out of your mind? – ?נפלת על השכל/הראש Ze/hu yipol – It/he will fall – זה/הוא יפול Im yipol ha-kochav sheli – If my star falls – אם ייפול הכוכב שלי Eize nefila – What a flop – איז

  • #117 Ya habibi! StreetWise Hebrew gets affectionate

    23/02/2016 Duração: 08min

    The root "het-bet-bet," which gives us the word "habibi," is all about affection. Host Guy Sharett explains what it's got to do with gay Tel Avivi speech and Ashdod in the 80's.   Exclusive content   New words & expressions: Ya habibi – Oh my darling – יא חבּיבּי Habibi - Mate, dude (addressing a man) - חביבי Lird – Good looking guy – לירד Habib/a (Arabic) – Darling – חבּיבּ/ה Haviv/a – Pleasant – חביב/ה Haya haviv – It was nice – היה חביב Acharon acharon haviv – Last but not least – אחרון אחרון חביב Hu hovev tango – He likes tango – הוא חובב טנגו Hu hovev mevugarot – He likes older girls – הוא חובב מבוגרות Hi hovevet ktinim – She likes younger guys – היא חובבת קטינים Zamarim hovevim – Amateur singers – זמרים חובבים Ani dvarim ka'ele mehabev – I like these kinds of things – אני דברים כאלה מחבב Lehabev – To like – לחבב Lehithabev al – To become beloved – להתחבב על Hu hithabev al kulam – He became beloved by everybody – הוא התחבב על כולם Tahbiv – Hobby – תחביב Hiba – Affection – חיבה Shem/Kinuy hiba – Pet n

  • #116 Get up close and personal with your Hebrew

    26/01/2016 Duração: 10min

    As soon as you get close to the root קרב ("k.r.b") you realize there's much to learn: From family members to boxing matches to intestines. Host Guy Sharett helps us make sense of it all, including how it relates to the Aussie TV show "Home and Away."   Exclusive content   New words & expressions: Nachon at krova – It's true, you're close – נכון את קרובה Karov, krova, krovim, krovot – Close – קרוב, קרובה, קרובים, קרובות Krov mishpacha (karov) – Family member; relative – קרוב משפחה Ve'ani shoelet oto im hu yachol laazor li limtso et krovey ha-mishpacha shelanu bi-shchem – And I ask him whether he can help me to find our relatives in Nablus – ואני שואלת אותו אם הוא יכול לעזור לי למצוא את קרובי המשפחה שלנו בשכם Kirvat dam – Blood relation – קרבת דם Karov rachok – Distant relative – קרוב רחוק Be-karov – Soon – בקרוב Mi-karov – Closely – מקרוב Lekarev – To bring closer – לקרב Ata yachol lekarev et ha-salat ktsat? – Could you move the salad a bit closer (to me)? – ?אתה יכול לקרב את הסלט קצת Mekoravim – Cronies,

  • #115 You're gonna miss me when I'm gone!

    20/01/2016 Duração: 08min

    The word "miss" has many meanings in English: You can miss a bus, a lesson, miss someone, miss the point, and much more. Hebrew does not use one verb for all of the above, and some acrobatics is needed. Host Guy Sharett explains.   Exclusive content   New words & expressions: I miss you – Ani mitga'a'gea eleycha/elayich – אני מתגעגע אלייך Pashut lehitga'ge'a – Just to miss, to long for – פשוט להתגעגע Hitga'gati az bati – I had a longing, so I came by – התגעגעתי אז באתי Hitga'aganu elayich – We missed you (f.) – התגעגענו אלייך Techsar lanu, techsari lanu, techsaru lanu – We'll miss you – תחסר לנו/תחסרי לנו/תחסרו לנו Chaser – Missing – חסר Ata po chaser li – You're missed by me here – אתה פה חסר לי Lehachsir shi'urim – To miss lessons – להחסיר שיעורים Hichsarta harbe shi'urim – You missed many lessons – החסרת הרבה שיעורים Chisur/im – Absence/s – חיסור/ים Yesh lecha harbe chisurim – You've got many absences – יש לך הרבה חיסורים Fisfasta et ha-otobus - You missed the bus – פספסת את האוטובוס Fisfasta – You mis

  • #114 How to keep your Hebrew kosher

    12/01/2016 Duração: 08min

    You probably know that ochel kasher is "kosher food." But did you know that kasher also means "fit," "valid," "reliable"? And what does the verb lehakhshir mean, and how is it all related to talent? Host Guy Sharett explains all.   Exclusive content   New words & expressions: Kasher – Kosher, fit, valid, reliable – כשר Mashehu po lo kasher – Something is a bit dodgy here – משהו פה לא כשר Kashrut – Kosherness – כשרות Teudat kashrut – Kosher(ness) certificate – תעודת כשרות Mashgiach kashrut – Kosher(ness) inspector – משגיח כשרות Kosher – Fitness, ability, capability – כושר Madrichat kosher – Fitness instructor – מדריכת כושר Chadar/Machon kosher – Fitness center – חדר/מכון כושר Kosher bituy – Articulation – כושר ביטוי Mishehu im kosher bituy – An articulate person – מישהו עם כושר ביטוי Kosher gufani – Fitness – כושר גופני Kosher sichli – Mental ability – כושר שכלי Kashir – Capable – כשיר Kashir la-avoda – Fit to work – כשיר לעבודה Haya li kisharon gadol – I had a big talent – היה לי כישרון גדול Kishurim – Qu

  • #113 Linguistic healing: Welcome to your Hebrew clinic

    05/01/2016 Duração: 06min

    Rofé - "doctor" - actually means "healer." So how do you bless someone to get well soon? And how is the first name Raphael related? In this episode Guy Sharett explains all things medical.   Exclusive content   New words & expressions: Refu'ah – Medicine, cure – רפואה Refu'ah alternativit – Alternative medicine – רפואה אלטרנטיבית Refu'ah shlema – (May you reach) full recovery – רפואה שלמה Baruch rofe holim – Blessed is he who cures the sick – ברוך רופא חולים Ein al pney kadur ha-aretz hesed li-rfuah – Nowhere on the planet can one find a tiny bit of kindness – אין על פני כדור הארץ חסד לרפואה Refu'i/t – Medical – רפואית Tayarut refu'it, tayarut marpe – Medical tourism – תיירות רפואית, תיירות מרפא Cannabis refu'i – Medical cannabis – קנאביס רפואי Rofe – Doctor – רופא Rof'aa, rof'im, rof'ot – Doctor (f.), doctors (m., f.) – רופאה, רופאים, רופאות Nirpa – It was cured – נרפא Lerape ke'eva – To heal her pain – לרפא כאבה Ripuy – Treatment, therapy – ריפוי Ripuy be-isuk – Occupational therapy – ריפוי בעיסוק Ve-ha

  • #112 How to make an impression with your Hebrew

    22/12/2015 Duração: 11min

    The shoresh ר.ש.מ is one of those Hebrew roots with so many different words stemming from it, you could easily get baffled. Whether you want to make an impression, write a list, pick up a prescription, register for an event, or create a flow chart, host Guy Sharett will help you make sense of it all.   Exclusive content   New words & expressions: Im yesh lachen she'elot, aten muzmanot lirshom li – If you've got questions you're invited (f.) to write to me – אם יש לכן שאלות אתן מוזמנות לרשום לי Lirshom – To write down; to list; to sketch – לרשום Reshima - List - רשימה Haya roshem be-milono – He used to note in his dictionary – היה רושם במילונו Rishum – Sketch – רישום Rashum – Noted, registered – רשום Kablan rashum – Registered contractor – קבלן רשום Doar rashum – Registered mail – דואר רשום Ma rashum ba-tofes – What's written in the form – מה רשום בטופס Roshem – Impression – רושם Ha-yom anachnu holchot ledaber al eich laasot roshem rishoni hiuvi – Today we're going (f.) to talk about how to make a first po

  • #111 It's all in the game

    15/12/2015 Duração: 11min

    The word "mischak" can mean so many things in Hebrew - from a game, a match, or a toy, to acting in a movie or a play. Host Guy Sharett explains this root, שֹחק, and teaches us how to thank a good friend who brought coffee to our office desk without even being asked.   Exclusive content   New words & expressions: Lesachek – To play a game; to play with a toy; to act in a movie or play – לשֹחק Lo lesachek im lev shel gever – Don't play with a guy's heart – לא לשֹחק עם לב של גבר Mesachek be-esh – Playing with fire – משׂחק באש Hu mesachek tafkid – He's playing a role – הוא משׂחק תפקיד Hu mesachek et ha-tafkid shel ha-rasha – He plays the part of the villain – הוא משׂחק את התפקיד של הרשע Sichakt/Sichakta/Sichaktem ota (be'emet) – You've (really) nailed it; good on you – שׂיחקת אותה באמת Wow, achi, sichakta ota, toda! - Wow, dude, you nailed it, thanks! – !וואו, אחי, שׂיחקת אותה, תודה Sichakta ota im ha-espresso ha-ze - You nailed it with that espresso – שׂיחקת אותה עם האספרסו הזה Lesachek ota metumtam – To pl

  • #110 Improving your Hebrew is a matter of "inyan"

    08/12/2015 Duração: 09min

    "Inyan" - matter, business, thing - is a word that's had an amazing career in Hebrew. In this episode host Guy Sharett explains some useful slang expressions using "inyan" and "inyanim," and then delves into the verbs derived from this four letter root.   Exclusive content   New words & expressions: Inyan – Matter – עניין Ma ha-inyanim (manyanim)? – How are things? – ?מה העניינים Yesh lach po inyan im po'alei binyan – You've got business here with builders – יש לך פה עניין עם פועלי בניין Ma ha-inyan? – What's the matter? – ?מה העניין Ze lo inyan shel kesef – It's not a matter of money – זה לא עניין של כסף Ze lo inyani – It's none of my business – זה לא ענייני Ze lo inyancha – This is none of your business – זה לא עניינך La'asot inyan – To make a fuss about/a big deal of (something) – לעשות עניין Hi lo osa li inyanim – She doesn't give me hard time – היא לא עושה לי עניינים Daber la-inyan – Get to the point – דבר לעניין Bachur/bachura la-inyan – Great guy/girl – בחור/בחורה לעניין Lichyot be-katan ze lo la-i

  • #109 The art of saying "I don't know"

    01/12/2015 Duração: 08min

    "I don't know" is one of the most important things you need to know how to say in any language. In this episode Guy Sharett explains how to say you don't have a clue in Hebrew, and even suggests what you should do with your shoulders and bottom lip while saying it.   Exclusive content   New words & expressions: Ani lo yodea, ani lo yodaat – I don't know – אני לא יודע, אני לא יודעת (An')lo yode'a – I don't know – אנ')לא יודע) Ani mamash lo yodea (Anmamashlodea) – I really don't know – אנ(י) ממש ל(א י)ודע Kshe'at omeret "lo" – When you say "no" – "כשאת אומרת "לא Ani kvar lo yodea – I don't know any more – אני כבר לא יודע Kshe-isha omeret lo – When a woman says "no" – "כשאישה אומרת "לא Hi mitkavenet le-"lo" – She means no – "היא מתכוונת ל"לא Me-efo ani yodea – How should I know? – ?מאיפה אני יודע Me-efo li lada'at? – How should I know? – ?מאיפה לי לדעת Me-efo ani eda – How would I know? – ?מאיפה אני אדע Ani yodea, ani? – What do I know? – ?אני יודע, אני Ein li musag ma osim – I don't have a clue what to do –

  • #108 Learning Hebrew doesn't have to be a bummer

    24/11/2015 Duração: 08min

    Sometimes we're just "in basa" - in a state of annoyance, not really angry, but just bummed. Host Guy Sharett teaches us verbs derived from "basa," plus more nouns like "hitba'asut," which could be translated as "the process of getting bummed out." Who said Hebrew isn't a rich language?   Exclusive content   New words & expressions: Basa – A bummer – באסה Eize basa – What a bummer – איזה באסה Eize basa ze she… – What a bummer it is that/when... – ...איזה באסה זה ש Be-basa – "in basa" – בבאסה Kuli be-basa – I am totally in basa – כולי בבאסה Ani al ha-panim – I am *not* doing well – אני על הפנים Meva'es (Mva'es) – A bummer; annoying – מבאס Ze ma ze meva-es (Ze ma-ze mva'es) – That's so annoying – זה מה-זה מבאס Mva'es ta'tachat (Meva'es et ha-tachat) – Really annoying – מבאס ת'תחת Mevo'as, Mevo'eset – Bummed; annoyed – מבואס, מבואסת Ze lo meshane she-chavera shelcha mevo'eset – It doesn't make a difference that your girlfriend is bummed – זה לא משנה שחברה שלך מבואסת Kamuvan hitba'asti she… – Of course I was

  • #107 Half a million downloads? Not half bad

    17/11/2015 Duração: 10min

    This week we're celebrating half a million downloads of our podcast, so host Guy Sharett has decided to dedicate this episode to "hatsi/hetsi" - "half" in Hebrew. From telling the time, to sports, to fashion, "hetsi" gets everywhere. But when do we say "hetsi" and when "hatsi"? Listen to find out. Exclusive content New words & expressions: Omrim li she-ani hatsi benadam ve-hi hatsi meshuga'at – They tell me that I am half a person and that she's half crazy – אומרים לי שאני חצי בנאדם והיא חצי משוגעת Hetsi/Hatsi, pl. hatsa'im – Half, halves – חצי, חצאים Hatsi olam sone hatsi – Half the world hates the other half – חצי עולם שונא חצי Tsarat rabim hatsi nechama – Distress of many people is half consolation; "others' troubles are a half-consolation" – צרת רבים חצי נחמה Matsati li heder va-hetsi – I found myself a room-and-a-half – מצאתי לי חדר וָחצי Hamesh va-hetsi – Half past five – חמש וחצי Hatsi daka – Half a minute – חצי דקה Ten li hatsi daka – Give me a second – תן לי חצי דקה Hatsi gmar, hatsi ha-gmar – Se

  • #106 Learning Hebrew? Kol ha-kavod!

    10/11/2015 Duração: 10min

    The Middle East is a place where people swear "on the honor of their mom" without thinking too much. Host Guy Sharett teaches us all the uses of the Hebrew word "kavod" - "honor" - right from the Prime Minister's official title to what you jot on the front of an envelope. Exclusive Content New words & expressions: Kavod – respect, honour – כבוד Kol ha-kavod (lecha, lach, lachem) – Bravo; well done (to you) – (כל הכבוד (לך, לך, לכם Kvodo shachach levarech – Your honor, you forgot to bless – כבודו שכח לברך Ma shlom kvodo? – How are you, your honor? – ?מה שלום כבודו Ze kavod gadol she… – It's a great honor that… – ...זה כבוד גדול ש Ani mitkabed lehazmin – I am honored to invite – אני מתכבד להזמין Ha-rishon she-hevin et godel ha-eru'a – The first to understand the magnitude of what happened – הראשון שהבין את גודל האירוע Kvod rosh memshelet israel – His Excellency, the Prime Minister of Israel – כבוד ראש ממשלת ישראל Kvod ha-shofetet – Your honor (to a female judge) – כבוד השופטת Kvod nesi ha-medina – His Excel

  • #105 Pagash-nifgash: Close encounters of the Hebrew kind

    03/11/2015 Duração: 10min

    Even advanced learners have difficulties with the pagash-nifgash verb forms, both meaning 'he met.' Host Guy Sharett explains the differences between the two, so you know how to meet up with your best friends as well as how to bump into them time and again. New words & expressions: Lo taaminu et mi pagashti – You won't believe whom I bumped into – לא תאמינו את מי פגשתי Eifo nifgashim – Where do we meet – איפה נפגשים Pagashti oto be-lev ha-midbar – I met him in the middle of the desert – פגשתי אותו בלב המדבר Nifgashnu – We met – נפגשנו Lo pogeshet anashim – (You're) not meeting people – לא פוגשת אנשים Nifgashten – You met (fem. Pl.) – נפגשתן Me-az nifgashten? – Have you (ladies) met since then? – מאז נפגשתן? Nifgashnu kan be-cheder ha-ipur – We met here in the make up room – נפגשנו כאן בחדר האיפור Pagashnu achat et ha-shniya – We met one another – פגשנו אחת את השנייה Ve-shuv ani nifgash im rega shel atsvut – And again I am meeting a moment of sadness – ושוב אני נפגש עם רגע של עצבות Az eich ze ba-sof she-ku

  • #104 StreetWise support: Ease the heavy burden of learning Hebrew

    27/10/2015 Duração: 10min

    The word for "support" - "tmicha" - is vastly used in Hebrew, mainly in the context of tech support. The verb is "litmoch." This week, host Guy Sharett has a special message at the end of the show related to this. Curious? Have a listen and click this link:   New words & expressions: Hu tamach be-mishehu/mashehu – He supported someone/something – הוא תמך במשהו Hu dei tamach ba-ra'ayon – He kinda supported the idea – הוא די תמך ברעיון Be-otam mikrim – In those cases – באותם מקרים Dafdefan – Browser – דפדפן Lo tomech be-java script – Does not support java script – לא תומך בג'אווה סקריפט Tomech – He's supporting / support desk agent – תומך Tmicha – Support (noun) – תמיכה Hem natnu lo tmicha – They supported him – הם נתנו לו תמיכה Tmicha mishpachtit – Family support – תמיכה משפחתית Tmicha technit – Technical support – תמיכה טכנית Titkasher la-tmicha – Call the support – תתקשר לתמיכה Tmicha kaspit – Financial support – תמיכה כספית Tmicha me-rachok – Remote support – תמי

  • #103 Knives out: StreetWise Hebrew on the language of stabbing

    20/10/2015 Duração: 09min

    The word "dkira" - "stabbing" - is unfortunately becoming the soundtrack to our lives here in Israel at the moment. StreetWise Hebrew is not shying away from what's going on, so today host Guy Sharett explains the shoresh (root) "DKR." New words & expressions: Pigua – Terror attack – פיגוע Dkira – Stabbing, prick – דקירה Bo nikach dkira ktana – Let's take a little jab – בוא ניקח דקירה קטנה Mashehu mukar et libi dakar – Something familiar stabbed my heart – משהו מוכר את ליבי דקר Lidkor mishehu – To stab someone – לדקור מישהו Ze doker – It  – זה דוקר Dakru oti be-machat – They pricked me with a needle – דקרו אותי במחט Zo rak dkira ktana – It's just a little prick – זו רק דקירה קטנה Mabata ha-chai haya doker oti la-bechi – Her living stare "is pricking me to tears"  – מבטה החי דוקר אותי לבכי Be-afula emesh nidkar chayal – In Afula a soldier was stabbed – בעפולה אמש נדקר חייל Lehidaker – To be stabbed – להידקר Eich le'echol sabres bli lehidaker – How to eat cactus fruits without getting pricked – איך לאכול סב

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