Streetwise Hebrew

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 68:06:53
  • Mais informações



A bite-size podcast showcasing modern Hebrew and its slang. Host Guy Sharett explains what we can learn about Israeli psyche, society, and culture through the Hebrew language.


  • #213 A Eurovision Victory

    15/05/2018 Duração: 09min

    Israel has just won the Eurovision Song Contest thanks to Netta Barzilai and her incredible song Toy. Guy walks you through parts of the song's Hebrew lyrics and reviews some of Israel's past Eurovision winners. Click Here for the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode   New Words and Expressions: Ero-viz-yon - Eurovision - אירוויזיון Taharut zemer, taharut shirim - Song contest - תחרות זמר Nitsachon - Victory - ניצחון Ani lo buba - I am not a doll - אני לא בובה Biryonut - Bullying - בריונות Ani lo hafachti lihyot yafa - I didn’t become pretty - אני לא הפכתי להיות יפה Ani tamid hayiti - I have always been (pretty) - אני תמיד הייתי Ha-davar ha-yachid she-hishtana - The only thing that has changed - הדבר היחיד שהשתנה Ze ha-yedi’a sheli, ze ha-havana sheli - is my understanding - זה הידיעה שלי, זה ההבנה שלי She-magi’a li - That I deserve it - שמגיע לי Ve-ze tsarich lihyot kacha - And it should be this way - וצריך להיות ככה Hit’hashla - She was toughened up - התחשלה Kirkur tarnegolet - Cluck of a chicken - קרקור תרנג

  • #212 Breaking It Down

    08/05/2018 Duração: 09min

    What's the Hebrew language connection between the following: a book chapter, devouring an entire pizza, and the Soviet Union's breakup? Guy explains it all on today's episode. Click Here for the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode   New Words and Expressions: Perek, prakim - Episode, chapter - פרק Liftoah perek hadash - To start a new chapter - לפתוח פרק חדש Ba-prakim ha-baim - On the next episodes - בפרקים הבאים At Poreket kartonim - You are unloading cardboards - את פורקת קרטונים Lifrok - To unload - לפרוק Porkim mecholot me-oniya - Unloading containers from a ship - פורקים מכולות מאונייה Pakach, ani porek s’hora - Dear inspector, I am unloading merchandise - פקח, אני פורק סחורה Lifrok regashot/ka’as/lahats - Unload emotions/anger/stress - לפרוק רגשות/כעס/לחץ Prika - Unloading - פריקה Lefarek - To disassemble, to dismantle - לפרק Aanahnu mefarkim ta’arucha - We dismantle an exhibition - אנחנו מפרקים תערוכה Lefarek mishehu be-makot - To beat up someone - לפרק מישהו במכות Lefarek of - To devour a chicken - לפר

  • #211 Quiet Please!

    24/04/2018 Duração: 08min

    Imagine this… you’re riding on a bus in Tel Aviv. Next to you is someone talking on their cellphone much too loud. How should you ask them to “keep it down”? Today we’ll talk about those who talk too much and discuss the possible ways to ask them to stop, politely and impolitely. Click here for the all-Hebrew version of this episode   New Words and Expressions: Shotkim – We are silent – שותקים Shatak – He was quiet – שתק Lishtok – To be quiet – לשתוק Shtok/shteki/shteku shniya – Shut up for a sec. – שתוק/שתקי/שתקו שנייה Hu/hi lo shatak/shatka – He/she didn’t shut up – היא/הוא לא שתק/שתקה Stom/Stemi/Stemu – Shut up (imp.) – סתום/סתמי/סתמו Stom/Stemi ta’pe – Shut your mouth – סתום/סתמי ת’פה Bo’na hu lo satam kol ha-nesi’a – He wouldn’t shut up the entire ride – בוא’נה הוא לא סתם כל הנסיעה Bo’na hi lo satma kol ha-nesi’a – She wouldn’t shut up the entire ride – בוא’נה היא לא סתמה כל הנסיעה Sheket – Silence – שקט Sheket bevakasha – Quiet please – שקט בבקשה Slicha, efshar tipa yoter be-sheket? – Is it possible to

  • #210 Snatch Those Snacks!

    17/04/2018 Duração: 09min

    This episode is about the root .ח.ט.פ, which is used in the Hebrew words חטף (snatch), החטיף (beat up), and חטיף (snack). Why is this root used in the word for snacks? Because they're something you can grab and eat on the go. Now grab a seat and enjoy another deliciously appetising episode of Streetwise Hebrew. Listen to the all-Hebrew version here:   New Words and Expressions: Hataf – He grabbed, snatched – הוא חטף Lahtof – To grab, snatch – לחטוף Hatafti pizza – I had some pizza (I grabbed a pizza) – חטפתי פיצה Hatafti mashehu katan – I had (eaten) something small – חטפתי משהו קטן Hatifa – Grabbing, kidnapping, hijacking – חטיפה ​Matos hatuf – Hijacked plane – מטוס חטוף Nehtaf – Was hijacked – נחטף Hatufim – Abductees – חטופים Mabat hatuf – Brief look – מבט חטוף Hotef – Kidnapper – חוטף Awo, hatafti maka – Ouch, I hit (my foot) – אאו, חטפתי מכה Hatafti shok – I was shocked – חטפתי שוק Hatafti janana – I became crazy, angry – חטפתי ג’ננה Hu hataf janana / ta-janana – He got c

  • #209 Check Your Connection

    03/04/2018 Duração: 09min

    The root חב"ר is rich. It's used in the Hebrew words for “composing”, “connecting”, “joining”, “adding”, and many more. In this episode, Guy explains this root and teaches us how to say the ever-important phrase, “I can't connect to the internet.” We also learn the difference between מחברת and חוברת. Looking for the full Hebrew version of this episode? You'll find it on Patreon at  New Words and Expressions: Targilei hibur - Addition exercises - תרגילי חיבור Lehaber - To add, connect, join - לחבר Shtayim ve’od shtayim shave arbe - Two plus two equals four - שתיים ועוד שתיים שווה ארבע Hibur - Essay, composition, connection - חיבור Hibur la-hashmal - Connection to the electricity - חיבור לחשמל Livdok et ha-hiburim - To check the connections - לבדוק את החיבורים Ani ro’a she-at mehuberet - I can see you’re connected - אני רואה שאת מחוברת At yechola lehaber oti le-mishehu be-X? - Could you put me in touch with someone at X? - את יכולה לחבר אותי למישהו ב-איקס? Mamash toda al ha-hibur -

  • #208 What a Pass!

    27/03/2018 Duração: 09min

    Meser is defined as message or theme, as in the meser of a story, or the main idea behind the text. But it also relates to text messages and to tradition. Guy explains this and more on today's episode. Looking for the full Hebrew version of this episode? You'll find it on Patreon at  New Words and Expressions: Ha-hazai moser et ha-tahazit - The weatherman delivers the forecast - החזאי מוסר את התחזית Limsor mismachim - To give documents - למסור מסמכים Tsarich limsor et ha-bakasha - One needs to physically hand over the application. - צריך למסור את הבקשה Hi moseret gura - She gives away a female puppy - היא מוסרת גורה Limsor gur le-imutz - To give away a puppy for adoption - למסור גור לאימוץ Limsor kadur - Pass the ball - למסור כדור Kaduregel - Football, soccer - כדורגל Timsor, timseri, timseru - Pass (the ball) (imp.) - תמסור, תמסרי, תמסרו Lama lo masarta/masart/masartem? - Why didn’t you pass the ball? - למה לא מסרתָ/מסרתְ/מסרתם? Mesira - A pass of the ball - מסירה Eize mesira! -

  • #207 You Turn Me On!

    20/03/2018 Duração: 10min

    The words daluk, nidlak, and lehadlik are all related to turning on electric devices. However, they could also mean ‘turn on’ in the sensual sense. To complicate things further, the word letadlek, from the same root, is to ‘refuel’ as well as slang for ‘to drink alcohol.’ Perhaps this week’s show is not the most kid-friendly of episodes.   Patrons can find the all-Hebrew version of this episode on   New Words and Expressions: Al ha-mahane nidlak yare’ah - Over the camp the moon is lit - על המחנה נדלק ירח Nidlakim ha-orot ba-hadarim - The lights are lit in the rooms - נדלקים האורות בחדרים Ha-oto lo nidlak li - The car wouldn’t start - האוטו לא נדלק לי Ha-mahshev lo nidlak - The computer wouldn’t turn on - המחשב לא נדלק Lehidalek - To be ignited, to be turned on - להידלק Nidlak me’atsmo - Turned on by itself - נדלק מעצמו Ma nidlakta/nidlakt/nidlaktem achshav? - What are you on about now? - מה נדלקת/נדלקתם עכשיו? Daluk - Turned on, switched on - דלוק Oy lo, hish’arti et ha-boi

  • #206 What Do You Think?

    13/03/2018 Duração: 09min

    "Lahshov" means to think, a crucial word and root. From "One could think" to "without thinking twice" and "think about it", this episode teaches all the thought-related expressions you can, well, think of. Pro tip: "Let me think about it" is a perfect phrase to use with pushy marketing people.   Looking for the full Hebrew version of this episode? You'll find it on Patreon at   New words and expressions: Lahshov – To think – לחשוב Lakachat pesek zman ve-lo lahshov – To take some time off and not to think – לקחת פסק זמן ולא לחשוב Ve-hu hoshev she-yeladim ma'aminim la-ze – And he thinks that kids believe in that – והוא חושב שילדים מאמינים לזה Mishehu hoshev aleicha (m.)/alayich (f.) – Someone is thinking about you – מישהו חושב עליךָ/עליךְ Ten/Tni/Tnu li lahshov al ze – Let me think about it – תן/תני/תנו לי לחשוב על זה Lahshov mi-hutz la-kufsa – To think outside of the box – לחשוב מחוץ לקופסה Bli lahshov paamayim – Without thinking twice – בלי לחשוב פעמיים Efshar lahshov – One would

  • #205 Do You Even Care?

    06/03/2018 Duração: 09min

    "Lo ichpat li" -- I don’t care -- is a very useful expression. It is used for all things caring, like: "Do you even care?" and "You don’t care about me?" It is especially useful with drama queens of all sorts. Looking for the full Hebrew version of this episode? You'll find it on Patreon at   New words and expressions: Ichpat - care - אכפת Li ze lo ichpat - I don’t care - לי זה לא אכפת Lo ichpat li ma omrim alai - I don’t care what they say about me - לא אכפת לי מה אומרים עליי Lo ichpat li ma hoshvim alai - I don’t care what they think about me - לא אכפת לי מה חושבים עליי Lo ichpat lecha - You don’t care (m.) - לא אכפת לךָ Lo ichpat lach - You don’t care (f.) - לא אכפת לךְ Ichpat lecha / Ichpat lecha + Inf. - Do you mind / Could you - אכפת לך / אכפת לך + שם פועל Ichpat lecha? Ken, ha-emet ichpat li - Do you mind? Yes, actually I do mind - אכפת לך? כן, האמת אכפת לי Ichpat lecha lifto’ach et ha-halon vaksha - Do you mind opening the window please? - אכפת לך לפתוח את החלון בבקשה? Az

  • #204 Drive My Car

    27/02/2018 Duração: 09min

    "Linhog" means to drive, but when its root nun-hey-gimmel is taken to other verb formats, it takes on new meanings that tell us how to behave, how to lead, and more. This episode is dedicated to our dear listener Naomi Wrubel who passed away last week in NY. Looking for the full Hebrew version of this episode? You'll find it on Patreon at New words and expressions: Anachanu mishtatfim be-tsa’ar ha-mishpacha - We pay our condolences (literally: “We share the grief of the family”) - אנחנו משתתפים בצער המשפחה Nehag - Driver - נהג Nahag hadash - New driver - נהג חדש Naheget - Driver (f.) - נהגת Nahag, ha-delet - נהג, הדלת! - Driver, the door! Nahag shodim - “Robberies driver” - נהג שודים Nahag toran - Driver on duty / designated driver - נהג תורן Nehiga - Driving - נהיגה Nehigat laila - Night driving - נהיגת לילה Nehiga mona’at - Traffic school - נהיגה מונעת Linhog - To drive - לנהוג Mi noheg - Who’s driving? - מי נוהג? Ani enhag - I will drive - אני אנהג Eglatcha - Your carriage - עג

  • #203 Breaking Point

    20/02/2018 Duração: 10min

    Today we are covering the root shavar, which gives Hebrew its words for break, broke, broken. There are plenty of unexpected phrases to learn with this root, one of which is not for kids, so please listen to the episode without them first.   Looking for the full Hebrew version of this episode? You'll find it on Patreon at   New words and expressions: Shavar - He broke - שבר Lishbor - To break - לשבור Shoveret levavot - Heartbreaker (f.) - שוברת לבבות Lishbor et ha-kelim - To break the rules (of a game) - לשבור את הכלים Shavru et ha-kelim ve-lo mesahakim - They broke the rules, we stop playing - שברו את הכלים ולא משחקים Nekudat shvira - Breaking point - נקודת שבירה Shvirat ha-tsom - End of the fast - שבירת הצום Shvirat ha-kos ba-hatuna - Breaking the glass in a wedding - שבירת הכוס בחתונה “Shovrim shtika” - “Breaking the silence” - “שוברים שתיקה” Hevrat Apple shoveret si - The Apple company breaks a record - חברת אפל שוברת שיא Lishbor si Guiness - To break a Guinness record - לשבור

  • #202 Food for Thought

    13/02/2018 Duração: 10min

    How do you say Thai food in Hebrew? How about “I don’t eat coriander?” This episode is a feast of tasty eating-related words and phrases. Looking for the full Hebrew version of this episode? You'll find it on Patreon at New words and expressions: Ochel - Food - אוכל Ochel, kadima, ochel - Food, let’s go for it, food! - אוכל, קדימה, אוכל! Ein ochel ba-bayit - There’s no food at home - אין אוכל בבית Yesh melafefonim - There are cucumbers - יש מלפפונים Yesh agasim metsuyanim - There are great pears - יש אגסים מצויינים Ha-mekarer malé kol tuv - The fridge is full with an abundance of goodies - המקרר מלא כל טוב Ken, aval ze lo ochel - Yes, but it’s not food - כן, אבל זה לא אוכל Ochel mevushal - Cooked food - אוכל מבושל Madaf hatifim - “Snack shelf” - מדף חטיפים Ochel tailandi - Thai food - אוכל תאילנדי Ochel tsimhoni - Vegetarian food - אוכל צמחוני Ochel tiv’oni - Vegan food - אוכל טבעוני Ochel bari - Healthy food - אוכל בריא Ochel rehov - Street food - אוכל רחוב Trendi - Trendy - טר

  • #201 A Matter of Taste

    06/02/2018 Duração: 09min

    We suddenly felt we don’t speak enough about food on our podcast. We learned ‘ta’im’ -- tasty -- but its root, tet-ayin-mem, makes up a whole family of culinary terms aching to be used.   Looking for the full Hebrew version of this episode? You'll find it on Patreon.   New words and expressions: Ta'im lecha, ta'im lach, ta'im lachem – Is it tasty (for you)? – טעים לךָ? טעים לךְ? טעים לכם? Ta’im she-ein dvarim ka-ele – So delicious that there are no things like it – טעים שאין דברים כאלה Ta'am, pl. Te’amim - Taste, flavor, sense, reason - טעם, טעמים Al ta’am ve-al re-ach ein lehitvake’ach - There’s no right or wrong when it comes to taste - על טעם ועל ריח אין להתווכח Ani yoda'at she-yesh be-ze ta'am – I know there's sense in it - אני יודעת שיש בזה טעם Ein ta’am la’asot mashehu - There’s no point to do something - אין טעם לעשות משהו Kshe-at lo iti, ein ta’am kim’at - When you’re not with me, there’s hardly any point (to life) - כשאת לא איתי, אין טעם כמעט Ein ta’am she-evke / Ein ta’am livkot) - There’s no point

  • #200 Giving Two Hundred Percent

    30/01/2018 Duração: 11min

    To mark the 200th episode of Streetwise Hebrew, learn to say matayim, two hundred in Hebrew, and to talk about this special suffix for pairs, ‘ayim’. Looking for the full Hebrew version of this episode? You'll find it on Patreon. New words and expressions: Perek matayim - Episode number 200 - פרק 200 Me’a, meot - Hundred, century/centuries - מאה, מאות Matayim - Two hundred - מאתיים Alpayim - Two thousand - אלפיים Elef - One thousand - אלף Anachnu achshav be-alpayim u-shmone-esre - We’re now in 2018 - אנחנו עכשיו באלפיים וּשמונֶה-עשרֶה Alpayim ve-shmona-esre (coll.) - 2018 - אלפיים וְשמונָה-עשרה Yad, Yadaim - Hand, hands - יד, ידיים Yadaim lemala - Hands up - ידיים למעלה Einayim yafot - Beautiful eyes - עיניים יפות Lehayaim smukot - Blushing cheeks - לחיים סמוקות Sfatayim adumot - Red lips - שפתיים אדומות Oznayim gdolot - Big ears - אוזניים גדולות Raglayim se'irot - Hairy legs - רגליים שעירות Naalayim - Shoes - נעליים Garbayim - Socks - גרביים Magafayim - Boots - מגפיים Michnasayim - Pants - מכנסיים Tsarich Le

  • #199 Dream a Little Dream of Me

    23/01/2018 Duração: 10min

    Halom is a dream in Hebrew, plural, Halomot. There’s lots of songs about halomot. But how is it related to Guy’s grandpa? Looking for the full Hebrew version of this episode? You'll find it on Patreon. New words and expressions: Halom, halomot - Dream - חלום Halomot be-aspamya - Unrealistic dreams - חלומות באספמיה He-hayit o halamti halom - Did you (f.) exist or was I just dreaming? - ההיית או חלמתי חלום? Rachel ha-meshoreret - Rachel the poet - רחל המשוררת Kvutsa - Group - קבוצה Kibbutz - Kibbutz - קיבוץ Ha-halomot she-anahnu holmim - The dreams which we dream - החלומות שאנחנו חולמים Holmim be-hakits - Daydreaming - חולמים בהקיץ Halomot be-hakits - Daydreams - חלומות בהקיץ Lahlom - To dream - לחלום Halomot paz - Sweet dreams - חלומות פז Be-halom ha-laila - In your dreams - בחלום הלילה Tamshich/i lahlom - Keep dreaming - תמשיך/תמשיכי לחלום Lif’amim halomot mitgashmim - Sometimes dreams come true - לפעמים חלומות מתגשמים Halom ratuv - A wet dream - חלום רטוב Playlist & clips: Ruhama Raz - Halomot (lyrics) E

  • #198 Pick Up After Your Dog With "Tarimu"

    16/01/2018 Duração: 09min

    The Tel Aviv municipality launched a new campaign to encourage people to pick up after their dogs. ‘Tarimu’ means ‘pick up’, imperative, plural. But it has another meaning in the Tel Avivi gay lingo. What does it mean? Looking for the full Hebrew version of this episode? You'll find it on Patreon. New words and expressions: Merimim et ha-yadayim gavoha la-shamayim - Raising their hands up to the sky - מרימים את הידיים, גבוה לשמיים Leharim - To pick up, to lift - להרים Tarimu - Pick up (imp., pl.) - תרימו Ya’chti - Hey sister (Ar.) - יא’חתי Im anachnu holchot achshav ba-mits’ad - If we’re walking right now in the parade - אם אנחנו הולכות עכשיו במצעד Ve-yesh eize mishehi kacha yabsha - And there’s this girl who’s a bit ‘dry’, idle - ויש איזה מישהי ככה יאבשה Tagidi la ‘yachti, tarimi’ - Tell her ‘sister, lift it up’ - תגידי לה “יאח’תי, תרימי' Leharim et matsav ha-ruach - To lift up the mood - להרים את מצב הרוח Ucht’ch tarimi - Sister, lift it up - אוחץ’ תרימי Tel Aviv, ir merima - Tel Aviv, a city which picks up

  • #197 Straighten Those Split Ends

    09/01/2018 Duração: 10min

    The root חל”ק has so many meanings. It has to do with separation, borders and partitions, so you can imagine how popular it is here in the Middle East. But it has more meanings, for example at the hair stylist, in a stadium or even on a banana peel. Looking for the full Hebrew version of this episode? You'll find it on Patreon.   New words and expressions:  Tochnit ha-haluka - The partition plan - תכנית החלוקה Halukat itonim - Newspaper distribution - חלוקת עיתונים Mehalek itonim - Newsboy - מחלק עיתונים Shimon Peres yehalek et yeurshalayim - Shimon Peres will divide Jerusalem - שמעון פרס יחלק את ירושלים Lahlok mashehu im mishehu - To share something with someone - לחלוק משהו עם מישהו Anahnu nahlok lasagna - We’ll be sharing a lasagna - אנחנו נחלוק לזניה Mat’im lahlok - Sharable - מתאים לחלוק Lahlok al mishehu - To disagree with someone - לחלוק על מישהו Mahloket - Controversy, disagreement - מחלוקת Mahleket assakim - Business class - מחלקת עסקים Mahlaka - Class, dept., unit, platoon, ward - מחלקה Memshalot ve

  • #196 Got Chutzpah

    02/01/2018 Duração: 10min

    Almost everybody knows the word chutzpah, audacity, brash behaviour. When is it positive and when is it negative? And what’s hutzpah israelit? Looking for the full Hebrew version of this episode? You'll find it on Patreon.  New words and expressions: Hatichat hatsuf - You cheeky bastard - חתיכת חצוף Limhok - to erase - למחוק Titbayesh lecha - Shame on you - תתבייש לך Ata pashut hatsuf - You’re just cheeky - אתה פשוט חצוף Na’ara yechola lihyot hatzufa - A girl can be audacious, brash - נערה יכולה להיות חצופה Hutspan - A rude person - חוצפן Hu ma-ze hutspan, hi ma-ze hutspanit - he’s so brash, she’s so brash - הוא מה-זה חוצפן, היא מה-זה חוצפנית Ha-yeladim mithatsfim elay - The kids “talk back” to me - הילדים מתחצפים אליי Lehithatsef le-mishehu - To be cheeky toward someone - להתחצף למישהו Hayeled hithatsef la-mora - The kid was impolite, cheeky, toward the teacher - הילד התחצף למורה Ha-yeled diber eleha be-hutzpah - The kid talked to her with hutzpah - הילד דיבר אליה בחוצפה Messer kaful - Double message - מסר כ

  • #195 So, then...

    26/12/2017 Duração: 08min

    English has ‘like’ and ‘kinda’. What do Hebrew speakers use as fillers? And what did we borrow from Arabic? Guy explains. Looking to support the show? Learn how on Patreon. Words and expressions discussed: Em - Umm - אֶם Achshav ani margish - Now I feel - עכשיו אני מרגיש Ke’ilu lo yode’a klum - As if I know nothing - כאילו לא יודע כלום Ke’ilu (kilu) - As if - כאילו, כילו Zot omeret (ztomeret, stomeret) - It means - זאת אומרת, זתומרת, סתומרת Az - So, then - אז Ya’ani - Like, As if (arabic) - יעני Ya’ani, yaa’nu - Like - יעני, יענו Be-kitsur, hakitser - To cut a long story short - בקיצור, הקיצר Kiviachol - So to speak, allegedly - כביכול Ani mechabedet ota - I respect her - אני מכבדת אותה  Playlist and clips: Dafni Liff interview (Hinuchit TV) Shlomo Artzi - "Hi Lo Yoda’at Ma Over Alai" (lyrics) X-Factor - Orian Rakia Meir Ariel - "Shoef Le-efes" (lyrics) Shoshana Damari - "Zot Omeret" (lyrics) Idan Amedi - "Az" (lyrics) Ziad Al-Saleh - "Ya’ani" Latifa - "Ya’ani eih" Murat Dalkılıç - "Yani" Rabbi Amnon Yitshak

  • #194 Ummm . . . Uhhh . . . Errr . . .

    19/12/2017 Duração: 09min

    Today, um, Guy talks, um, about fillers like ‘Eh’ in Hebrew and about other things we say when we try to think and talk at the same time. Learn why this is important, especially for people who want to improve their Hebrew. New words and expressions: Eh - Um - אֶה Ve… - And - ו… Ve-tagidi - And tell me (f.)… - ותגידי Ve-tagid li - And tell me (m.) - ותגיד Yoter eh kashim - More, um, difficult - יותר, אֶה, קשים Al mashehu she… - About something that… - על משהו ש... Legamgam - To stutter - לגמגם Gimgum - A stutter - גמגום Lemalmel - To mumble - למלמל   Playlist and clips: Anwar Sadat’s visit Sadat Interview Husni Mubarak interview Jacques Chirac interview MK Shelly Yachimovich interview Eretz Nehederet - Vetagid li Noa Kirel - interview (TV2) Ilan Wierzberg & Shimon Gelbets - "Lo Yacholti Laasot Klum" (lyrics) Ilan & Ilanit - "Tfila shel Yom Atsuv" (lyrics) Efrat Gosh - "Ah Ah Ah" (lyrics)   Want to see more Hebrew gems? Like Streetwise Hebrew on Facebook and Instagram. Want Guy to talk about a pressing

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