Streetwise Hebrew

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 68:06:53
  • Mais informações



A bite-size podcast showcasing modern Hebrew and its slang. Host Guy Sharett explains what we can learn about Israeli psyche, society, and culture through the Hebrew language.


  • #141 The unusual case of the Israeli "resh"

    06/09/2016 Duração: 08min

    The letter "resh" (ר) is one of the most difficult ones to pronounce when you start learning Hebrew, and it can continue to plague you even when you become quite fluent. How did Israelis come to pronounce the letter "r" like this, how do we produce the sound, and is it the "resh" our forefathers had in mind? Today host Guy Sharett answers all these questions and more, with tips, tongue-twisters and a touch of socio-linguistics! Exclusive content for Patrons   New words & expressions: Hamudim – Cute (pl. masc.) – חמודים Achshav – Now – עכשיו Barur – Clear – ברור Baruch – Blessed – ברוך Shney shoshanim – Two roses – שני שושנים Tsarich letsaltsel pa'amayim – You need to ring twice – צריך לצלצל פעמיים Shma Israel (the "Shema" prayer) – שמע ישראל "Resh" tongue twister: Parparim rabim pirperu pirpurei pirpurim me'ever le-harim ha-ramim – פרפרים רבים פרפרו פרפורי פרפורים מעבר להרים הרמים Nirga – Calming down/calmed down (masc.) – נרגע Say while "gargling": Israel. Margish ("he feels"). Robert rotse lir'ot chaver

  • #140 "Kacha": The perfect answer to difficult questions

    30/08/2016 Duração: 07min

    One of the first words Israeli children learn is "kacha" - "like this" - especially when they keep asking "lama?" - "why?" - and their parents don't have the strength to answer. You may even have been told "kacha" by your Hebrew teacher when you asked too many grammar questions. Today host Guy Sharett answers all your questions about "kacha," and gives some examples of how it pops up in Israeli slang. Exclusive Content for Patrons   New words & expressions: Atsuv li she-ze kacha – I am sad it's like this – עצוב לי שזה ככה Lama? Kacha – Why? Just because – למה? ככה Kacha ze ba-chayim – C'est la vie – ככה זה בחיים Ma la'asot? – What can you do? – ?מה לעשות Kmo she-ze haya, kacha she-yihye – As it was, may it be – כמו שזה היה, ככה שיהיה Kacha ze mushlam – Like this, it's perfect – ככה זה מושלם Kacha/lo kacha – Like this/not like this – ככה/לא ככה Titkasher elay ba-boker, kacha nuchal latset mukdam – Call me in the morning, that way we can leave early – תתקשר אליי מוקדם, ככה נוכל לצאת מוקדם Kach osot kulan –

  • #139 Charge up your Hebrew right here

    23/08/2016 Duração: 07min

    "Hu ta'an" means "he loaded" or "charged," like charging a phone. But it can also mean "he claimed" or "complained." If you want to avoid panic-inducing low battery when you're in Israel, you'd better learn how to talk about charging your phone in Hebrew. Host Guy Sharett takes us through the root - .ט.ע.נ - from which we also get baggage, loaded questions and much more. Exclusive content for Patrons   New words & expressions: Rak te'anot ve-drishot – Only complaints and demands – רק טענות ודרישות Ein li te'anot – I don't have any complaints – אין לי טענות Lit'on – To claim, charge, load – לטעון Hu to'en le-aflaya – He claims it is discrimination – הוא טוען לאפליה To'en (verb) – Load, charge – טוען Mat’en – Charger – מטען Yesh lachem be-mikra mat'en le-iphone hamesh? – Do you happen to have an iPhone 5 charger? – ?יש לכם במקרה מטען לאייפון חמש Mit'an – Baggage, luggage – מטען Ta mit'an – Trunk (car) – תא מטען Te’ina (pa'al) – Loading, charging – טעינה Hat’ana (hif'il) – Loading, charging – הטענה Ani tsari

  • #138 Celebrating 3 years of StreetWise Hebrew!

    16/08/2016 Duração: 09min

    "Sha...losh, it's me, Guy, from Streetwise Hebrew." Yes, you read right. Three years ago we aired our first episode of StreetWise Hebrew on TLV1 Radio. So this week, Guy talks about "shalosh" - three - and all its related words and phrases. We cover everything from basketball, to math, beer and music, plus we even get to hear some iconic Israeli poetry. Exclusive content for Patrons   New words & expressions: Shalosh arba ve… –  Ready, steady, go – ...שלוש ארבע ו Shalosh arba la-avoda – Yalla, let's work – שלוש ארבע לעבודה Shloshha hatulim – Three cats (masculine) – שלושה חתולים Shlish – A third (1/3) – שליש Efshar shlish me-ha-chavit? – Could I have a third of a liter of draft beer? – ?אפשר שליש מהחבית Two thirds – Shney-shlish – שני שליש Shlishi – Third (3rd) – שלישי Yom shlishi – Tuesday – יום שלישי Leshalesh – To triple – לשלש Shlasha – Three-pointer (basketball) – שלשה Ha-shilush ha-kadosh – The Holy Trinity – השילוש הקדוש Ha-av, ha-ben ve-ru'ach ha-kodesh – The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit –

  • #137 Al Tagzim! Exaggerate? Moi?

    09/08/2016 Duração: 08min

    In Israel you'll come across plenty of people who get carried away, overreact to things, or go over the top. How do you deal with these people? What should you say to them in Hebrew? Host Guy Sharett explains what you should say when you're overcharged for something that should be really cheap, and what you should do with your hands when someone is saying something totally exaggerated. Exclusive Content for Patrons   New words & expressions: Al tagzim/i/u! – Don't exaggerate! – !אל תגזימ/י/ו At magzima – You exaggerate – את מגזימה Dai, lo tsarich lehagzim –  Come on, it’s not necessary to exaggerate – די, לא צריך להגזים Hagzama – Exaggeration – הגזמה Ani tsarich lomar, ve-im ktsat hagzama – I must say, and with a bit of exaggeration – אני צריך לומר, ועם קצת הגזמה Eize hagzamot! – Such exaggeration! – !איזה הגזמות Mugzam – Exaggerated – מוגזם Ipur mugzam – Exaggerated makeup – איפור מוגזם Ze ma-ze mugzam – This is so exaggerated / over-the-top – זה מה-זה מוגזם Achalti be-keta mugzam – I overate – אכלתי בקט

  • #136 StreetWise Hebrew gets double negative

    02/08/2016 Duração: 07min

    Today we're getting negative. Double negative, in fact. After some Hebrew words like "klum" ("nothing") or "af pa'am" ("never") we also have to use "lo" ("no"). So, unlike in English, we use two negation words. Host Guy Sharett takes us through the rules, mentioning English, French and Portuguese as he goes. Oh, and while we're learning, we also get to listen to some beautiful French and Brazilian songs. Exclusive Content for Patrons   New words & expressions: Je n'ai jamais pu t'oublier – I was never able to forget you Me-olam lo shachati otcha - I (have) never forgot(ten) you – מעולם לא שכחתי אותך Af pa'am lo ted'i – Never will you know (f.) – אף פעם לא תדעי Af pa'am lo hayiti be- – I have never been to – -אף פעם לא הייתי ב Af pa'am lo ahavti kach af achat – I have never loved anyone like this – אף פעם לא אהבתי כך אף אחת Af echad lo yodea, af echad lo mevin – Nobody knows, nobody understands – אף אחד לא יודע, אף אחד לא מבין Achshav lo mitgorer bo af echad – Now nobody lives there – עכשיו לא מתגורר בו אף

  • #135 StreetWise Hebrew gets idiomatic with "latset"

    26/07/2016 Duração: 07min

    Whether it's telling someone they did well, asking the cost, or lashing out at someone, "yatsata" (from "latset" - to "go out"/"come out") plays an important role in everyday Hebrew slang. Host Guy Sharett teaches us a few of these useful idioms, which you won't find in your dictionary. Exclusive Content for Patrons   New words & expressions: Yatsata gadol/anak – You came out great/huge (lit.) You did well (fig.) - יצאת גדול /ענק Yatsata be-zol – You came out of it cheaply (ie. paying a cheap price) – יצאת בזול Od lo yatsa li – It hasn't come out to me yet (lit.) I haven't had the time (to do it) yet (fig.) – עוד לא יצא לי Im yotse lecha – If it comes out to you (lit.) If you get a chance (to do it) (fig.) – אם יוצא לך Ma yatsa lecha mi-ze? – What came out of it for you? (lit.) What did you gain from it? (fig.) – ?מה יצא לך מזה Ma yatsa ba-sof im mashehu/mishehu? – What came out in the end with something/someone (lit.) What happened with something/someone? (fig.) – ?מה יצא בסוף עם משהו/מישהו Kama yatsa ba

  • #134 Dare to be different

    19/07/2016 Duração: 08min

    It's not always easy to be "different" - "shoné" - but host Guy Sharett tackles this word and its offshoots head-on. He explains how we get "change" and "strange" from the same root, and how to say "it's all the same to me." Exclusive Content for Patrons   New words & expressions: Shoné – Different – שונה Ze shoné be-ze she…– It's different in that it…– ...זה שונה בזה ש Be-ma ata shoné mimenu? – How do you differ from him? – ?במה אתה שונה ממנו Hayit shona – You were different – היית שונה At hayom shona – Today you're different – את היום שונה Shinuy, shinuyim – Change, changes – שינוי, שינויים Shinuyey mezeg ha-avir – The weather changes – שינויי מזג האוויר Hevdelim – Differences – הבדלים Ata yachol lehagid li she-ze lo meshané  – You can tell me that it doesn't make a difference – אתה יכול להגיד לי שזה לא משנה Leshanot – To change, to make a difference – לשנות Meshané  – He/it changes/changing, makes a difference – משנה (Ze) Lo meshané (li) – It's all the same to me; it doesn't matter – (זה) לא משנה (לי)

  • Meet the Patrons Part 3: Is Hebrew the hardest language?

    12/07/2016 Duração: 08min

    We're airing pieces of the Skype chat host Guy Sharett had with some of our Patrons in March. In this, "Part 3" of the chat, we hear different ways to say how tired we are in Hebrew, and our Patrons tell us how difficult they think Hebrew is to learn compared to other languages. If you missed the first two parts, go back and have a listen before continuing with today's show: Part 1; Part 2. Exclusive Content for Patrons

  • #133 "A glorious failure is better than dreams in the drawer"

    21/06/2016 Duração: 08min

    In a country where everybody tells you what to do, how to do it, and when, it's only natural the word "adif" - "it's preferable" - would be a word you hear every day. Host Guy Sharett explores the "adif" family, and shows us the link between preference, priority, and pasta. Exclusive Content for Patrons   New words & expressions: Adif – Preferable – עדיף Adif machar – It's better tomorrow – עדיף מחר Az adif lehisha'er – It's better to stay – אז עדיף להישאר Adif lalechet achshav – It's better to go/leave now – עדיף ללכת עכשיו Adif la'asot et ze kacha – It's better to do it this way – עדיף לעשות את זה ככה Adif she… – It's better that... – ...עדיף ש Adif she-telech achshav – You'd better leave now – עדיף שתלך עכשיו Ma adif, ze o ze? – What's better, this or that? –  ?מה עדיף, זה או זה Ha-gvina ha-zo adifa? – Is this cheese better? – ?הגבינה הזו עדיפה Kulam adifim mi-korbanot ha-milchama – They are all better than the victims of war – כולם עדיפים מקורבנות המלחמה Hayiti adifut shniya – I was second priority –

  • #132 Keep the gags coming!

    14/06/2016 Duração: 09min

    "Keta" means "part," "section," "thing" or "gag," but it also appears in lots of really handy Hebrew slang expressions. Host Guy Sharett explains how we use "keta" to say that we're not into something, or to tell our friend how (un)funny they're being. Exclusive Content for Patrons   New words & expressions: Keta, kta'im – Part; section; leg of a trip; thing; gag – קטע/קטעים Yeled shome'a kta'im ba-sicha – A kid hears parts of the conversation – ילד שומע קטעים בשיחה He-keta ba-seret – The part/scene in the movie – הקטע בסרט Ze keta mesukan – It's a dangerous thing – זה קטע מסוכן Lo ahavti et ha-keta – I didn't like this – לא אהבתי את הקטע Lo mevina ta-keta – I don't get it – לא מבינה ת'קטע Makirim et ha-kete she…? – Do you know that thing when…? – ?...מכירים את הקטע ש Haya beynehem keta – There was a thing between them – היה ביניהם קטע At lo mamash ba-kate – You're not really into that – את לא ממש בקטע Hu be-keta shel banim (Hu ba-keta)– He's into guys – הוא בקטע של בנים Ani lo hoshev she-hu ba-keta – I d

  • #131 No jealousy and no grudge, just "firgun" and love

    07/06/2016 Duração: 08min

    "Lefargen" is a rather special word with no simple translation into English. It means to express happiness for someone, to encourage and praise them with full empathy. As host Guy Sharett explains, in some cases it can mean to give something out of the goodness of your heart. Get ready for a feel-good episode! Exclusive Content for Patrons   New words & expressions: Lefargen – To express happiness for someone, to encourage and praise them with full empathy – לפרגן Firgun (verbal noun) – The act of "lefargen" – פרגון Farginen (Yiddish) – "Lefargen" – פֿאַרגינען Farginen sich (Yiddish) –זיך  פֿאַרגינען – Lefargen le-atsmo – לפרגן לעצמו – To allow oneself to do something VergÖnnen (German) – To grant someone something Hu firgen le mishehu – He "firgened" (to) someone – הוא פרגן למישהו Fargen lo (imperative) – "Fargen" (to) him! – פרגן לו Az ten kavod, fargen le'atsmecha - So give respect, "fargen" (to) yourself – אז תן כבוד, פרגן לעצמך Zo she-tsricha lilmod lefargen le-atsma – The one (fem.) who needs to lea

  • #130 StreetWise Hebrew in seventh heaven

    31/05/2016 Duração: 09min

    StreetWise Hebrew has just reached 700,000 downloads, and host Guy Sharett thinks this is a great reason to talk about the root of number seven in Hebrew - shin beit ayin - and get to learn its other meanings. Exclusive Content for Patrons   New words & expressions: Sheva (f.), shiv'ah (m.) – Seven – שבע, שבעה Sheva banot, shiv'aa banim – Seven girls, seven boys – שבע בנות, שבעה בנים Shiv'ah – Seven days of mourning (Judaism) – שבעה Ani holech le-shiv'ah – I am going to a shiv'ah – אני הולך לשבעה Yesh li shivaa shel aba shel haver – I have a shiv'ah for a friend’s father – יש לי שבעה של אבא של חבר Efo ha-shiv'ah? – Where is the shiv'ah? – ?איפה השבעה Lashevet shiv'ah – To sit shiv'ah – לשבת שבעה Efo hem yoshvim shivaa? – Where do they sit shiv'ah? – ?איפה הם יושבים שבעה Shavu’a (m.), shavu'ot – Week/s – שבוע, שבועות Shavu'a tov – (Have a) good week – שבוע טוב Shvu'ayim – Two weeks – שבועיים Shvu’a ha-sefer hitchil – The book week has started – שבוע הספר התחיל Sofshavu'a – Weekend – סופשבוע Shvu'a avoda –

  • #129 Stop, collaborate and listen!

    17/05/2016 Duração: 07min

    Listen up! Today's episode teaches you how to do something very useful on the Israeli streets - to stop someone who's talking at you and tell them "listen!" Pay attention as host Guy Sharett explores this gem of a root. Exclusive Content for Patrons   New words & expressions: Takshiv/Takshivi/Takshivu – Listen! / You will listen – תקשיב/תקשיבי/תקשיבו Im takshiv heytav – If you listen well – אם תקשיב היטב Takshiv li – Listen to me – תקשיב לי Takshiv li ve-takshiv li tov – Listen to me and listen good – תקשיב לי ותקשיב לי טוב Aval takshiv rega / Takshiv shniya – But listen for a sec – אבל תקשיב רגע/תקשיב שנייה Hakshev, hakshivi, hakshivu – Listen! (flowery) – הקשב, הקשיבי, הקשיבו Takshiv ma ta'ase – Listen (here's) what you should do (m.) – תקשיב מה תעשה Takshivi ma ta'asi – Listen (here's) what you should do (f.) – תקשיבי מה תעשי Takshivu ma ta'asu – Listen(here's) what you should do (pl.) – תקשיבו מה תעשו Lo hikshavtem li – You didn't listen to me – לא הקשבתם לי Lehakshiv le-sipur – To listen to a story –

  • #128 Congratulations! "Mazal tov" and more

    10/05/2016 Duração: 07min

    Today's episode is all about "mazal tov." How do we congratulate friends who have a newborn baby? And what do you say when you're not sure if it's a boy or a girl, in a gender-based language like Hebrew? Host Guy Sharett has all the answers. Exclusive Content for Patrons   New words & expressions: Mazal tov – Congratulations – מזל טוב She-yihie be-mazal (tov) – Congratulations – (שיהיה במזל (טוב Mazal tov la-yomuledet – Happy birthday – מזל טוב ליומולדת Mazal tov al ha-herayon – Congratulaions on the pregnancy – מזל טוב על ההריון Mazal tov al hadira – Congratulations on the apartment – מזל טוב על הדירה Magi'a lecha mazal tov, lo? – You deserve a mazal tov, right? – ?מגיע לך מזל טוב, לא Brachot – Blessings, greetings – ברכות Ani me'achelet lecha she… – I wish that you… – ...אני מאחלת לך ש Eize keif lishmo'a – So happy to hear (the news) – איזה כיף לשמוע Eize yoffie – How great – איזה יופי Be-sha'a tova – May all go well/Congratulations – בשעה טובה Bekarov etslecha/etslech/etslachem – (May we celebrate the

  • #127 Highly charged: Settling money matters in Hebrew

    03/05/2016 Duração: 07min

    One of the first things we learn to say in a foreign language is "how much does it cost?" But what if we're the ones who are selling? We have to know how to "charge" as well.  Host Guy Sharett helps us get our heads around all these money matters, including how to tell a shopkeeper that we were mistakenly charged for something. Exclusive Content for Patrons   New words & expressions: Kama ze ole lanu? – How much does it cost us? – ?כמה זה עולה לנו Ha-shura ha-tachtona – The bottom line – השורה התחתונה Kama ze ole li ba-shura ha-tachtona? – How much does it cost me, bottom line? – ?כמה זה עולה לי בשורה התחתונה Kama ze ala lecha/lach/lachem? – How much did it cost you? – ?כמה זה עלה לך/לכם Kama ola/alta ha-arucha? – How much did/does the meal cost? – ?כמה עולה/עלתה הארוחה Kama olot ha-naalayim? – How much do the shoes cost? – ?כמה עולות הנעליים Kama ola ahava avuda? – How much does a lost love cost? – ?כמה עולה אהבה אבודה Kama ze yaale li? – How much will it (m.) cost me? – ?כמה זה יעלה לי Kama ta’ale li ha

  • #126 Use your imagination

    26/04/2016 Duração: 09min

    "You guys look so alike, it's crazy!" The Israeli street is all about exclamations, including strangers telling you how much you resemble someone... or not. It's important to understand what's being said, so today host Guy Sharett focuses on the Hebrew word "domé" and its relatives. And what does this all have to do with virtual reality and imagination? Exclusive Content for Patrons   New words & expressions: Hi lo doma le-af achat acheret - She does not resemble anyone else – היא לא דומה לאף אחת אחרת Hu domé la-ima/la-aba – He looks like his mom/dad – הוא דומה לאמא/לאבא Ata ma-ze domé lo – You look so much like him – אתה מה-זה דומה לו Atem ma-ze domim, mamsh copy – You guys look so much alike, carbon copies – אתם מה-זה דומים, ממש קופי Atem davka lo domim – You actually don't look alike – אתם דווקא לא דומים Hu haya dome le-/hu nir'aa kmo – He looked like – הוא היה דומה ל-/הוא נראה כמו Dmuy or – Leather-like – דמוי עור Ve-ulai ze rak nidme li – And maybe it only seems to me – ואולי זה רק נדמה לי Nidmé li s

  • #125 Bills, bills, bills

    19/04/2016 Duração: 09min

    Asking for the bill is one of the most important things to learn in any language. But "heshbon," in Hebrew, is about much more than just settling the account. On this episode, host Guy Sharett explains how Israelis do self-reflection, how they break even... and how they don't give a damn. Exclusive Content for Patrons   New words & expressions: Heshbon, heshbonot (m.) – Account, bill, arithmetic – חשבון, חשבונות Heshbon bank – Bank account – חשבון בנק Heshbon hotsa'ot – Expense account – חשבון הוצאות Heshbon nefesh - Self-examination – חשבון נפש Lehavi/Lakachat be-heshbon – To take into consideration – להביא/לקחת בחשבון Kach/Kchi/Kchu be-heshbon she… – Take into consideration that…– ...קח/קחי/קחו בחשבון ש Lo ba be-heshbon – No way – לא בא בחשבון Lo la'asot/lidfok heshbon – Not to give a damn – לא לעשות/לדפוק חשבון Ma, ata dofek heshbon le-mishehu? – What, do you care? – ?מה, אתה דופק חשבון למישהו Lisgor heshbon – To get even – לסגור חשבון Hisul heshbonot – Settling accounts – חיסול חשבונות Al heshbon shel

  • #124 Are you playing by the rules?

    12/04/2016 Duração: 09min

    Are you playing by the "klalim"? A "klal" is a rule or regulation, and it's a great Hebrew root to devour together. Host Guy Sharett takes us through all the rules, regulations, generalizations, and exceptions. Exclusive Content for Patrons   New words & expressions: Klal, Klalim – Rule, regulation – כלל, כללים Klalim lechatsiyat kvish – Rules for crossing the road – כללים לחציית כביש Ve-ha-ikar, lo lefahed klal – And the main thing is not to be afraid at all – והעיקר, לא לפחד כלל Be-derkh klal – Usually, in general – בדרך כלל, בד"כ Yotse min ha-klal - Extraordinary, exception (grammar) – יוצא מן הכלל Bli yotse min ha-klal – Without exception – בלי יוצא מן הכלל Kalal – He included – כלל Ma tsarikh likhlol heskem gerushin? – What should a divorce agreement include? – ?מה צריך לכלול הסכם גירושין Ha-mechir lo kolel sherut – The price does not include service fee – המחיר לא כולל שירות Ze kolel/le kolel X – It includes/doesn't include X – X זה כולל/לא כולל Bichlal – At all – בכלל Ma ata bikhlal yodea al ahava?

  • #123 Streetwise Hebrew tomorrow at nine? Kavanu.

    05/04/2016 Duração: 09min

    In Hebrew we like to set meetings, rendezvous, appointments. We use likb'oa, the verb to set, for these actions, plus some interesting nouns coming from this family, ק.ב.ע. Exclusive Content for Patrons   New words & expressions: Eich kov'im ma yihye godel taktsiv ha-medina? – How do they determine the state budget? – ?איך קובעים מה יהיה גודל תקציב המדינה Likbo'a – To set, to determine – לקבוע Misrad ha-otsar – Finance ministry – משרד האוצר Likbo'a pgisha – To schedule an appointment – לקבוע פגישה Likbo'a tor – To set a doctor (or other treatment) appointment – לקבוע תור Az kavanu leyom hamishi – So we scheduled it for Thursday – אז קבענו ליום חמישי Kavati la'asot mashehu im mishehu – I am going to do something with somone – קבעתי לעשות משהו עם מישהו Kavati lir'ot seret im haver – I am going to watch a movie with a friend – קבעתי לראות סרט עם חבר Kavati kvar mashehu / Yesh li kvar mashehu – I've already got something – קבעתי כבר משהו / יש לי כבר משהו Kavati ito le-shmone – I scheduled it for 8 o'clock wit

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