Redefining Strength Fitness Hacks

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 103:04:29
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The Redefining Strength Podcast brought to you by Cori Lefkowith is here to help you navigate through this crazy world of diet and fitness. Bringing you new workout, diet and fitness hacks every episode.


  • FHP 420 - The Elephant and The Rope - Question Your Boundaries

    16/05/2022 Duração: 10min

    The Elephant and The Rope - Question Your BoundariesQuestion your limitations!I had a woman tell me that she was told women can’t get the ab definition I was showing in my picture.I’ve had people tell me they gave up lifting because they were told they simply shouldn’t after x age…Do not be an Elephant tied up.I found this story the other day and thought it so highlighted how we can all hold ourselves back or even let things others have told us hold us back….A man was walking nearby to a group of elephants that was halted by a small rope tied to their front leg. He was amazed by the fact that the huge elephants are not even making an attempt to break the rope and set themselves free.He saw an elephant trainer standing beside them and he expressed his puzzled state of mind. The trainer said “when they are very young and much smaller we use the same size rope to tie them and, at that age, it’s enough to hold them.As they grow up, they are conditioned to believe they cannot break away. They believe the rope can

  • FHP 419 - 15 Fat Loss Tips To Kickstart Results

    09/05/2022 Duração: 10min

    Struggling to lose weight? Need that little tip to kickstart your results? Well let me save you a lot of wasted time and effort experimenting to find what works and share 15 fat loss tips tips I’ve found to make all the difference in my results.

  • FHP 418 - 3 Reasons Your Progress Has Stalled

    02/05/2022 Duração: 10min

    I focus a ton on mindset on the podcast because I think our mindset behind things ultimately dictates our success or failure.We can have all the right tools and never embrace them or take action if our mindset isn’t there to move us forward.And I think our brain is often partly responsible for our progress stalling.We THINK we are doing all of the right things, but the reality is…We often aren’t.Yes sometimes we just need to stay consistent with everything because results are building and we just need to be patient…our least favorite thing ever…BUT often we’ve also let little things SLIDE that we haven’t even noticed.That’s why I wanted to touch on 3 things you want to assess if you’ve been stuck for awhile or feel like you’re even slowly starting to roll backward in your results…

  • FHP 417 - Q&A With Cori (Plus a Special Guest)

    25/04/2022 Duração: 27min

    Some fun questions to learn everything you want to know about Cori of Redefining Strength

  • FHP 416 - You Don't Have To Deal With...

    19/04/2022 Duração: 08min

    I know I’ve personally been guilty of this even…The comparing where you see someone else’s success in, well, really any aspect of life and you think…“Yea well they didn’t have to deal with (insert thing you think is holding you back).”But that is a self-limiting belief.And honestly not beneficial as a thought in any way, shape or form.It does nothing to move us forward and only reinforces the belief we are somehow unable to find a way forward. But the simple fact of the matter is, life involves sacrifices no matter your situation.And we each have our own priorities and values.If we CHOOSE to bring something into our life, if we CHOOSE to make something a priority, we have to understand how it will impact other things.And this isn’t a bad thing. There is no right or wrong to what we should or shouldn’t value or prioritize.But each time we do put something first, we do automatically push other goals by the wayside.And we can’t BLAME those things.Instead we need to identify what truly matters to us and find ways

  • FHP 415 - Why Change Is Such A Challenge

    12/04/2022 Duração: 10min

    I definitely come at this from a personal perspective and one of a person who really freaking hated change growing up.My mom loves to tell stories about how I wouldn’t sleep like a month before school started because I was so nervous about the new year.And I went from this person who sooooo didn’t like change to a person forced to constantly change it seems like on a daily basis.I still don’t like it. I like routines and consistency and doing things the way I’ve always done them.But I also don’t fight change any more.And I attribute the fact that I have just learned to go with it because I’ve realized why it was such a challenge.I also own up to my own dislike of it vs trying to downplay it.But I’ve realized that change is such a challenge because it isn’t really the actions that have to change but the MINDSETS.And part of making a change is sort of admitting we are currently WRONG in something we are doing even.The more tied to something we are, the more we view things as right and wrong, good or bad, the ha

  • FHP 414 - Do It Anyway

    04/04/2022 Duração: 08min

    Do It ANYWAY!Motivation is fleeting. When we are just motivated other things easily take priority. We do things when they are convenient for us.Now discipline…When we are disciplined, no matter what else is going on in our life…well we do the things we should anyway.But how do you become disciplined?I think there are a few key components to discipline…

  • FHP 413 - You Don't Know Until You Try

    29/03/2022 Duração: 08min

    We all do this…We say “It won’t work.”“I can’t do…”“I’ll never be able to…”“I’ll get turned down….”But we don’t actually “KNOW” what the outcome will be because we’ve never actually done the thing or tried to find a way around the situation.And I do understand we don’t have to try everything to know that some ideas are good or bad…Like jumping off a cliff…BUT I also think too often we write something off before we test it.We think we know the answer BUT we don’t actually know if we haven’t tried something!Sometimes we NEED to try it and fail to truly know whether or not it will work for us!Sometimes you’ve got to test something!It’s so funny how we avoid taking the risk when it feels like there could be embarrassment or failure.So funny how we won’t do that with things that feel too intimidating yet someone will tell us a plate is hot and we’ll touch it to test….don’t know if we don’t try right?! HahaWe draw our own lines.We DECIDE what is or isn’t worth the risk.We decide what we do or do NOT know until we’v

  • FHP 412 - Someone Always Has It Easier

    22/03/2022 Duração: 07min

    Guess what?Someone always has it easier than you. And someone always has it harder than you.But also guess what?It doesn't MATTER IN THE FREAKING SLIGHTEST.All you can ever do is work based on your situation, your needs, your goals, your lucky breaks and horrible setbacks.I don't say this to be uncaring or unfeeling.Life can really push us to our breaking points at times.But the simple fact is, all we can ever do is try to find a way forward if we want results.As harsh as this sounds, sometimes we need to tell ourselves to stop trying to blame our lack of results or progress on our situation.The simple fact is...A. We often don't know what it took for someone else to succeed so trying to "claim" they had it easier is a waste of breath and only holds us back.And B. Ultimately whether we see everything in our life as a reason NOT to move forward or a reason TO move forward is up to us.Maybe it's because I'm openly a control freak, but I love to realize that whether I succeed o

  • FHP 411 - "I Don't Need Accountability"

    14/03/2022 Duração: 10min

    So it’s interesting the words that illicit not so favorable responses from people.Like beginner for instance.No one wants to be called a beginner, which I find amusing as I always want to own up to being a beginner at something. It means I have an excuse to suck at it.Honestly I try to act like a beginner in most things because I feel I can always master something more or better.But beginner is a word I’ve found many see as an insult. And oddly enough, accountability is a word just like that.A few times when messaging with people I’ve asked, “So are you looking for maybe more accountability and coaching?”And I swear I could see their looks through my phone screen as I read their messages back that had some form of this laced in with everything else….“I don’t need any accountability. I’m just not sure what to do but I’m very motivated and dedicated and don’t need someone to hold me accountable.”They never called out the coaching.Just the accountability part.As if wanting outside accountability was a bad thing.

  • FHP 410 - Stop Comparing

    08/03/2022 Duração: 09min

    There is one thing I think really is what success boils down to and I want to share why I think this…It actually came off of seeing a variety of responses to posts over the last week and thinking about the commonality in some of the responses across topics.It’s always interesting to see how people interpret the videos and tips you put out.I find it especially interesting the range of responses I get - from victims to victors.The victors always pat themselves on the back for making changes. Finding a way forward.The victims always use those same life situations to state why they can’t move forward.And then even if they do pull out a positive, it’s linked to a comparison about how something isn’t as good now as it used to be.Life happens.Changes happen.We lose ground. Lose momentum. Things slide.But comparing to what was, does nothing to move you forward.I won’t lie to you even.You may NEVER get back there.But you can still move forward.I think that’s always what I want to focus on.It’s always what the underlyi

  • FHP 409 - Starting From Scratch

    01/03/2022 Duração: 07min

    I’m telling you this as an incredibly stubborn, at times very pigheaded, person that definitely likes to learn by doing…and failing.However, over time, as much as I value those learning experiences, I’ve come to realize it’s ok to want a little “cheat code” to get better results faster and skip over the mess.There will be plenty of ups and downs along the way even having that guide.Honestly, I’ve begun to really question my previous beliefs about starting from scratch and having to make the mistakes myself.I mean, why start from scratch when you can learn from the mistakes of others and leap frog months or even years past where you would be if you had to do it on your own?That isn’t admitting you couldn’t do it on your own. It’s being smart enough not to waste time and even find ways you could improve upon those helpful hints and such to get further than you would have otherwise.And it’s not only about using the experiences of others…it’s using your own previous knowledge to build off of versus feeling like y

  • FHP 408 - How Old Are You?

    21/02/2022 Duração: 12min

    PODCAST: Struggling With Your Age? These 5 Tips Will HelpI’ll admit, there is nothing I hate more than when someone asks my age on a photo…because I know their goal is to give themselves as an excuse as to why they can’t look that way.They’ll say no they’re just curious or whatever, but I know…because I’ve done it myself.And I get it. There are new challenges we face as we get older.Changes we have to make.But these changes don’t have to limit us. They just require us to shift how we are doing things.Never give yourself the excuse to give up.Because guess what? That doesn’t help you ever live your healthiest happiest life!Not to mention, I have to admit that I pride myself on not only achieving something personally. I think what we can personally achieve honestly doesn’t even translate well to how we coach.Now the fact that I can help CLIENTS achieve their goals? Well that is what matters! Being called the menopause whisperer may be one of my proudest life moments ever.!Now what are 5 tips you can use to over

  • FHP 407 - A Lifestyle Isn't Forever

    15/02/2022 Duração: 09min

    Often when we talk about creating a lifestyle with our diet, we act like we’re going to do one thing for the rest of our life.Which is interesting because we don’t just do exactly the same workouts forever.Heck, if you look at your current lifestyle it probably isn’t exactly the same as it was just even last season.I know personally my schedule and even activity level slightly shifts from Summer to Winter.So if our lifestyle is constantly adjusting and flowing, even due to family obligations and work, why would our diet ever stay exactly the same?The thing is it shouldn’t.Your diet should evolve over time as your needs and goals change. Your lifestyle should evolve as you get older.Menopause will change things.Injuries will change things.This doesn’t have to be a bad thing. We just have to be open to the changes.And it’s why creating a lifestyle doesn’t mean you’re doing one thing forever.And honestly, it’s why I love teaching clients about macros.No one macro ratio works for everyone. And even when you find

  • FHP 406 - Stop Fighting The Process

    08/02/2022 Duração: 08min

    So often we are our own worst enemies. Not intentionally but we are.We’ve all been guilty of this…fighting the process.We start a program but we keep trying to do things we’ve always done. We keep fighting against the new changes. We find reasons NOT to do them or to keep doing some of the “safe” things we’ve always done.Why?I’ve asked myself this multiple times.Why do I struggle to embrace certain changes more than others? Why, even when we’ve invested time and energy and money into something do we fight against actually doing it even though the other isn’t working?It’s definitely a weird quirk of us humans… repeating the same thing we’ve always done expecting a different result while KNOWING that is the definition of insanity.But if we want results, we’ve got to STOP fighting the process.I know letting go of control is hard, I know making a change is uncomfortable…But isn’t being stuck and frustrated while working hard worse?Isn’t it better to at least have HOPE and try the suck and pain of change?I think s

  • FHP 405 - There Is No Starting Over

    01/02/2022 Duração: 09min

    It’s a Monday. A new month. A New Year.We tell ourselves we’re “starting over” yet again.But we aren’t starting over.We’re just moving forward.Life doesn’t stop. Doesn’t pause…unless you’re dead….Everything we’ve done prior is still there and still impacts our current situation.Starting over hints at a clean slate.But that isn’t the case.I mention this because so often we sort of dig ourselves a deeper hole over a weekend or a week or an extended prior of time because of plans to “start over,” only to ultimately make it harder and harder on ourselves to move forward.We need to stop this horrible cycle.We need to remind ourselves that life doesn’t pause.That the only way to get results is to find a way forward even when times aren’t ideal.If we aren’t doing something to move forward, we’re losing progress.And the thing is…that only makes where we’re “starting over” from worse.That’s why I wanted to share 3 tips to help you get out of that pause and start over mentality to see that you can do something to keep

  • FHP 404 - Positivity In Pain

    25/01/2022 Duração: 10min

    What drives us to make a change?Pain.Pain is an incredibly powerful motivator.And by pain I mean also often FEAR.It’s an odd thing, but we humans are truly more driven by pain than by gain.We may want a specific outcome, a specific positive…But we are most likely to actually make a change toward that goal when there is pain not just something to be gained.The idea of a six pack, the idea of millions of dollars, the idea of running a PR…well…as weird as it sounds…they aren’t really powerful motivators as much as we think we want them.They only become powerful motivators if there is a great pain with NOT moving forward toward them. Or a great pain in where we are now.Pain is what drives us to make a change.Like think about during the holidays….when we feel…well…out of shape, disgusting, clothing feels uncomfortable and tight…we feel like blobs.We feel “in pain” so to speak.This is when we most often take action.However, in taking action often we lose focus on this pain and start to focus on the gain we want.Whi

  • FHP 403 - The Chicken or the Egg Dilemma...Does it Even Matter?

    17/01/2022 Duração: 05min

    Did the chicken or the egg come first?The question really is…does it ultimately matter?This thought occurred to me because of the cycle I see often going on when it comes to being frustrated by a lack of results from our hard work…Being brutally honest, often we’ve created our current situation, one we don’t like, because of improper dieting and workout practices. You can try to say you’ve worked hard, eaten clean, whatever you want. But honestly, sometimes doing even too much of a good thing can backfire.And then we’ve repeated those improper practices to dig ourselves more and more of a hole to crawl out of.These practices have not only lead to our current situation we don’t like, but often also result in other bodily changes that now make it HARDER to see results.And we blame these changes when we then can’t move forward.But we almost have to recognize that while these changes do make it harder now, they are also something we’ve created that only we can fix.This situation is what leads me to think of the “

  • FHP 402 - Is Obsession a Bad Thing?

    11/01/2022 Duração: 07min

    If you want to reach the highest level, you need to be obsessed.Obsession really just means you’re willing to do what others won’t even when you don’t want to.And yea sure, there is a dark side to obsession…honestly, like most things in life, there is a downside to them.But I truly do believe we feared being called “obsessed” for our actions when those that would call us that are always people BELOW us…not those that have achieved more.Didn’t know you were going to get even more attitude in season 4 did you?!And I don’t mean that to sound as negative as it does.We’ve all been in that place where we say “I can’t believe you do (insert thing here we feel we can’t do or don’t “want” to do).”We do it even unintentionally.But the simple fact is, to achieve “greatness” in any area of our life, we have to be a little unbalanced.We have to sometimes stay up late. Get up early.Skip a drink at happy hour.But the thing is…we aren’t missing out.We’re pursuing what really matters.Life is a constant balancing act. And if w

  • FHP 401- Embrace The Suck

    04/01/2022 Duração: 11min

    So often the easy decision is just repeating the same habits and routines and patterns that haven’t moved us forward.If we’re feeling challenged and uncomfortable often that means we are on the right track. That we are doing what we need to do.If you’ve encountered times recently where you’ve wanted to give up…DON’T!Remind yourself of these things as you move into 2022 and plan to rock those results and move forward in ANY area of your life…

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