Streetwise Hebrew

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 68:06:53
  • Mais informações



A bite-size podcast showcasing modern Hebrew and its slang. Host Guy Sharett explains what we can learn about Israeli psyche, society, and culture through the Hebrew language.


  • #252 Anyone Seen the Remote?

    07/05/2019 Duração: 08min

    Shlita (שליטה) means control. So why do some people graffiti שולט or שולטת on walls? And how do we say, “where's the remote?” in Hebrew? Guy takes control of the situation and explains. Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode   New Words and Expressions: Efo ha-shalat? - Where is the remote? - ?איפה השלט Shalat rachok - Remote control - שלט רחוק Shalit - Ruler, leader - שליט Le-shlita muhletet be-mezeg ha-avir - For complete control of the weather - לשליטה מוחלטת במזג האוויר Lishlot - To control - לשלוט Shlita - Control (n.) - שליטה “Sholtim be-mezeg ha-avir” - “Controlling the weather” - שולטים במזג האוויר Bo ne’abed shlita - Let’s lose control - בוא נאבד שליטה Ha-kol be-shlita means - Everything is under control - הכל בשליטה Hi sholetet ba-pratim - She knows all the details - היא שולטת בפרטים Hi sholetet ba-homer - She knows her stuff inside out - היא שולטת בחומר Hu sholet be-tsarfatit - He’s fluent in French - הוא שולט בצרפתית ‘Adam sholet’ - ‘Adam rules’ - אדם שולט Hishtaltut - Taking over, gaini

  • #251 Drink Up

    30/04/2019 Duração: 08min

    Shtiya means drinking, but it could also means beverages. In the last Israeli elections, political pundits spoke about shtiyat kolot, ‘votes drinking.’ What does it mean, and how did this saying make the jump from army slang to civilian slang? Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode   New Words and Expressions: Shtiya - Drinking, beverages - שתייה Hu shata - He drank - הוא שתה Lishtot - To drink - לשתות Shata-Lishtot; Ratsa-Lirtsot; Bana-Livnot Efo ha-shtiya - Where are the drinks? - ?איפה השתייה Ma lehavi? - What should I bring? - ?מה להביא Falafel plus shtiya 20 shekel - Falafel plus drink for 20 shekel - פלאפל פלוס שתייה 20 שקל Shtiya kala - Soft drinks - שתייה קלה Yesh shtiya kala? - Are there any soft drinks? - ?יש שתייה קלה Mashka’ot, shtiya - Beverages - משקאות, שתייה Shtiya charifa - Alcoholic drinks - שתייה חריפה Mechonat shtiya - Beverage vending machine - מכונת שתייה Kampeyn neged shtiya - A campaign against drinking - קמפיין נגד שתייה Im shotim, lo nohagim - If you drink, you don’t drive

  • #250 Setting a Good Example

    16/04/2019 Duração: 08min

    In Hebrew dugma (דוגמה) is “an example,” and ledugma (לדוגמה) means “for example.” This root, d-g-m, is quite handy and from it we derive words and phrases like fashion model, sample, and the perfect husband. In this episode Guy provides many examples using the root ד.ג.מ. Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode   New Words and Expressions: Ledugma, lemashal - For example - לדוגמה, למשל Dugma, dugma’ot - Example, examples - דוגמה, דוגמאות Notnim lach elef dugma’ot - They give you one thousand examples - נותנים לך אלף דוגמאות Ten/Tni dugma - Give an example - תן/תני דוגמה Ba’al le-dugma - A model husband - בעל לדוגמה Mishpacha ledugma - The perfect family - משפחה לדוגמה Haver ledugma - Model friend, exemplary friend - חבר לדוגמה Dira le-dugma - A sample apartment - דירה לדוגמה Dugma ishit - Personal example - דוגמה אישית Dgima - Sample - דגימה Dgimat rok - Saliva sample - דגימת רוק Dgimat dam - Blood sample - דגימת דם Lidgom - To sample - לדגום “Ani rak dogem/dogemet” - I am just sampling - אני רק דוג

  • #249 High Heels and Social Media Followers

    09/04/2019 Duração: 09min

    How many followers (עוקבים) do you have on Facebook? What about Instoosh? Twitter? And what do high heels (עקבים) have to do with social networks? Well, not much except that they share a common Hebrew root. Follow closely as Guy talks about followers, following, follow up, and so much more. Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode   New Words and Expressions: Hu akav - He followed - הוא עקב Mi lo rotse od okvim ve-od laikim? - Who doesn’t want more followers and more likes? - מי לא רוצה עוד עוקבים ועוד לייקים? Okev, okvim - Follower, followers - עוקב, עוקבים Lo la’akov ahrei me’al 150 anashim - Don’t follow more than 150 people - לא לעקוב אחרי מעל 150 אנשים Kedei she-lo yagidu ‘hu okev aharei male, az okvim aharav male’ - So people won’t say, “he follows many people, so many people follow him” - כדי שלא יגידו ‘הוא עוקב אחרי מלא, אז עוקבים אחריו מלא’ Hem okvim aharav - They follow him - הם עוקבים אחריו Ma’akav - Surveillance, tracking - מעקב Keitsad okvim aharei havilot - How one follows packages - כיצ

  • #248 Tell Me Sweet Little Lies

    02/04/2019 Duração: 07min

    We're getting ever closer to elections day in Israel. So over the past few weeks, every time we turned on the news we would hear politicians calling one another a liar. How do we say liar in Hebrew? How do we say white lies? Guy tells the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth about the root sheker (ש.ק.ר). Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode   New Words and Expressions: Sheker, shkarim - Lie, lies - שקר, שקרים Sheker lavan - White lie - שקר לבן Sheker gas - Blunt lie - שקר גס Sheker ve-kazav - Downright lie - שקר וכזב Shkarim ktanim - Small lies - שקרים קטנים Leshaker le-mishehu - To lie to someone - לשקר למישהו Hu shiker li ba-panim - He lied to my face, bluntly - הוא שיקר לי בפנים Al teshakri oti - Don’t lie to me - אל תשקרי אותי Shakran - Liar - שקרן Eize shakran/shakranit - What a liar - איזה שקרן/שקרנית Dai, ya shakran/shakranit - Stop it, you liar - די, יא שקרן/שקרנית Ata im ha-hamtsa’ot shelcha - You and your inventions - אתה/את עם ההמצאות שלך Ata oved alai/At ovedet alai - You

  • #247 Let's Talk About Our Feelings

    26/03/2019 Duração: 10min

    It's time we talk about our emotions, our feelings. On this episode, Guy sets aside his feelings to talk about the Hebrew root r-g-sh. Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode   New Words and Expressions: Regesh, regashot - Emotion, emotions - רגש, רגשות Regashot me’oravim - Mixed feelings - רגשות מעורבים Rigshot ashma - Guilt - רגשות אשמה Ani be-se’arat regashot - I am on an emotional roller coaster - אני בסערת רגשות Ragish - Sensitive - רגיש Ata pashut ragish midai - You’re just too sensitive - אתה פשוט רגיש מדיי Regishut - Sensitivity - רגישות Regishut le-gluten - Sensitivity to gluten - רגישות לגלוטן Avoda rigshit - Emotional work - עבודה רגשית Rigshi - Emotional - רגשי Inteligentsia rigshit - Emotional intelligence - אינטליגנציה רגשית Hu afilu lo nisa la’asot alenu rigshi - He didn’t even try to manipulate us - הוא אפילו לא ניסה לעשות עלינו ‘רגשי’ La’asot rigshi le/al mishehu - To use emotional manipulation on someone - לעשות ‘רגשי’ על/ל מישהו Dai laasot li/alai rigshi - Enough with this emotiona

  • #246 Pulling It All Together

    19/03/2019 Duração: 10min

    The Hebrew root מ.ש.כ (mashach) pulls together seemingly unrelated matters like gravity, ATMs, and the act of stalling for time. Mashach is highly resourceful and provides plenty of interesting uses and meanings. As always, Guy provides some serious slang insight. Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode   New Words and Expressions: Hu mashach - He pulled - הוא משך Zochrim et ha-tkufa ha-hi - Do you remember back in the day - זוכרים את התקופה ההיא She-ashkara hayinu tsrichim kartis - When we really had to have a card - שאשכרה היינו צריכים כרטיס Kedey limshoch kesef me-ha-caspomat - In order to withdraw money from the ATM - כדי למשוך כסף מהכספומט Limshoch kesef - To withdraw money - למשוך כסף Meshichat mezuman - Cash withdrawal - משיכת מזומן Meshicha minit - Sexual attraction - משיכה מינית Pahot meshichot - Less pulling -פחות משיכות Ko’ach ha-meshicha - Gravity - כוח המשיכה Limshoch zman - To buy time - למשוך זמן Timshoch od ktsat - Hang in there just a little longer - תמשוך עוד קצת Gever moshech - Att

  • #245 Coupons & Cupcakes: Foreign Words in Hebrew

    12/03/2019 Duração: 07min

    How does the Hebrew language integrate foreign words into its vocabulary? And how do we Israelis manipulate English words, like coupons and cupcakes, in order to make them sound natural alongside native Hebrew words? Guy explains. Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode   New Words and Expressions: Shipur dramati - A dramatic improvement - שיפור דרמטי Globalizatsia - Globalization - גלובליזציה Democratizatsia - Democratization - דמוקרטיזציה Interpretatsia - Interpretation - אינטרפרטציה Diktsia - Diction - דיקציה Ha-medina ha-modernit - The modern state - המדינה המודרנית Kayom yesh ba-olam yoter demokratiot ve-pahot diktaturot - Today in the world there are more democracies and less dictatorships - כיום יש בעולם יותר דמוקרטיות ופחות דיקטטורות Milhama klasit - A classic war - מלחמה קלאסית Klasa - ‘Class’ - קלאסה At hevet et ha-klasa - You brought class - את הבאת את הקלאסה Kulam yoshvim kacha be-klasa- Everybody is sitting in style - כולם יושבים ככה בקלאסה Cupcake-im - Cupcakes - קאפקייקים Couponim - Co

  • #244 Shabbat Shalom

    05/03/2019 Duração: 10min

    Shabbat (שבת) in Hebrew means Sabbath. In a religious context, it’s the time span between Friday afternoon and Saturday evening. In secular terms, it's Saturday, the day of the week. So how do we tell them apart? It depends whether you've been invited Le-Shabbat or Be-Shabbat. And let's not forget the words we derive from the same root, like sabbatical, paralyzed, and strike. On this episode, Guy takes a closer look at שבת. Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode   New Words and Expressions: Bo elai le-shabbat - Come to me for a Shabbat - בוא אליי לשבת Bo nipagesh be-shabbat - Let’s meet on Saturday - בוא ניפגש בשבת Motsa’ei shabbat, motsash - Saturday night - מוצאי שבת, מוצ”ש Mahar, omnam, ze nehlash - Indeed, tomorrow it (the rain) will weaken - מחר, אמנם, זה נחלש Aval be-shabat hu shuv mithazek - But on Saturday it will intensify again - אבל בשבת הוא שוב מתחזק Datiyim lo yodu she-hem mehubarim be-shabbat - Religious people will not admit that they are connected on Shabbat - דתיים לא יודו שהם מחובר

  • #243 Together or Separate?

    26/02/2019 Duração: 10min

    Lehipared (להיפרד) means ‘to break up’ but can also be used to say goodbye. The root פרד is your foundation for the words you'll need to request the salad dressing on the side or to explain that you and a friend are paying separately. Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode   New Words and Expressions: Lehipared mi-mishehu - To break up with someone / say goodbye to someone - להיפרד ממישהו Shir preda - Break up song - שיר פרידה Preda, predot - Parting, breaking up - פרידה, פרידות Ani lo tov be-predot - I am not good in goodbyes - אני לא טוב בפרידות Nifradnu - We parted ways, we broke up - נפרדנו Nifradnu kach - This is how we broke up - נפרדנו כך Hem nifredu - They broke up - הם נפרדו Ze lo hegyoni lihyot be-nifrad - It’s not logical to live separately - זה לא הגיוני לחיות בנפרד Efshar et ha-rotev be-nifrad/ba-tsad/leyad? - Could I have the sauce on the side? - אפשר את הרוטב בנפרד/בצד/ליד Be-yahad o be-nifrad? - Together or separately? - ביחד או בנפרד? Ha-hof ha-nifrad - The “separate” beach - החוף ה

  • #242 What a Hunk!

    19/02/2019 Duração: 10min

    Lachtoch (לחתוך) means ‘to cut,’ like when we cut onions. But in slang, this word and its root ח.ת.כ can be used in many ways to mean many different things. From ‘breaking up’ to ‘you clean up nice,’ or ‘a hunk‘ and ‘a hottie.’ Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode   New Words and Expressions: Lachtoch - To cut - לחתוך Eich hotchim batsal? - How do you cut onions? - איך חותכים בצל Eich lachtoch batsal bli dma’ot - How to cut onions without tears - איך לחתוך בצל בלי דמעות Ani hotech la-rochav dak dak dak - I cut it to the width thinly - אני חותך לרוחב דק-דק-דק Ani ose kama hatachim - I make a few cuts - אני עושה כמה חתכים Hatach, hatachim - Cut, cuts - חתך, חתכים Hituch - Cutting - חיתוך Hituchei ets - Wood carving - חיתוכי עץ Oto hituch dibur - We speak the same way - אותו חיתוך דיבור Hatachta mukdam - You left early - חתכת מוקדם Ki avar alecha yom kashu’ach - Because you had a rough day - כי היה לך יום קשוח Hatachti mi-sham - I am out of there - חתכתי משם Nira li ani hotech/hotechet - I am out, I

  • #241 That'll Teach Them a Lesson

    12/02/2019 Duração: 10min

    What’s the difference between lilmod and lelamed? What’s the difference between limud and limudim? And how could we have possibly missed the Hebrew root ל.מ.ד on a podcast meant to teach Hebrew?! Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode   New Words and Expressions: Anahnu lomdim ivrit be-yahad kvar hamesh shanim - We’ve been learning Hebrew together for more than five years now - אנחנו לומדים עברית ביחד כבר חמש שנים Ma lamadeta ba-gan ha-yom - What did you learn in kindergarten today, my little boy? - מה למדת בגן היום, ילד קטן שלי Lamadeta, lamadet - You (m.), (f.) You learned - למדת Lomedet lalechet - Learning to walk - לומדת ללכת Hi lomedet Anglit - She learns English - היא לומדת אנגלית Lomdim lihyot im ze kacha - One learns to live it like that - לומדים לחיות עם זה ככה. Matai ochlim? - When do we eat? - מתי אוכלים? Eich omrim be-ivrit - How do you say it in Hebrew? - איך אומרים בעברית... Lilmod - To learn, to study - ללמוד Lelamed - To teach - ללמד Anachnu nelamed ota eich lehitgalgel - We’re going

  • #240 How Embarrassing!

    22/01/2019 Duração: 10min

    “Eize bushot” (איזה בושות) is what we Israelis say when we witness an embarrassing event. Remember the time your mother commented on a Facebook photo of you? איזה בושות! Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode   New Words and Expressions: Lama ani tsricha lehitbayesh? - Why should I feel ashamed? - למה אני צריכה להתבייש? Ze lo busha lihyot atsuv - One shouldn’t be ashamed for being sad - זה לא בושה להיות עצוב BuSHA! - Shame on him/her/them - בושה! Ha-israeli ha-mecho’ar - The ugly israeli - הישראלי המכוער Ha-im la-orchim ha-ele ein tipat busha? - Don’t these guests have a drop of shame? - האם לאורחים האלה אין טיפת בושה? Hu asa li bushot - He embarrassed me - הוא עשה לי בושות Al ta’ase/ta’asi/ta’asu li bushot - Don’t embarrass me - אל תעשה/תעשי/תעשו לי בושות Hityashavti la ba-makom - I (mistakenly) sat in her place - התיישבתי לה במקום Eize bushot - How embarrassing - איזה בושות Titbayesh lecha - Shame on you - תתבייש לך Titbayshi lach - Shame on you (f.) - תתביישי לך Titbayshu lachem - Shame on you (p

  • #239 It's as Simple as That

    08/01/2019 Duração: 10min

    The word פשוט (pashut) means “simple” in Hebrew. Knowing that, how would you attempt to say “simplify”, “simplicity,” or “simpleton”? Guy explains all the complexities behind the seemingly simple root פשט. Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode   New Words and Expressions: Lamdeni et ha-shir ha-pashut - Teach me the simple song - למדני את השיר הפשוט Ze shir ahava pashut - It’s a simple love song - זה שיר אהבה פשוט Pashut shir ahava - Simply a love song - פשוט שיר אהבה Kacha ani ohevet otcha, pashut - This is simply how I love you/This is how I love you, in a simple way - ככה אני אוהבת אותך, פשוט Pashut bati/Bati, pashut - I just came - פשוט באתי/באתי, פשוט Bayit pashut - A simple house - בית פשוט Pashut bayit - Simply, a house - פשוט בית Pashut, pshuta, pshutim, pshutot - Simple - פשוט, פשוטה, פשוטים, פשוטות Shi’ur moledet - “Homeland class” - שיעור מולדת “Kach ze haya, pashtut raka” - This is how it was, tender simplicity - כך זה היה, פשטות רכה Lefashet - To simplify - לפשט Ten li lefashet lecha et

  • #238 Learning from Israelis' 2018 Music-Listening Habits

    25/12/2018 Duração: 14min

    What can we learn from the music-listening habits of Israelis in 2018? Lots of interesting uses of Hebrew words and phrases! The internet music service Spotify just published data on the most popular music listened to by Israelis in 2018. We take a look at these songs and revisit our archives in order to remind ourselves when and why we used these songs in previous episodes. Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode   Spotify Music Lists: New Words and Expressions: Kmo shnei meshuga’im - Like two crazy people - כמו שני משוגעים Ani mode - I thank - אני מודה (episode #100) Mami ze nigmar - Honey it’s over - מאמי זה נגמר (episode #121) Hu gamar - He finished - הוא גמר Habibi - My darling - חביבי (episode #117) Yesh od anashim ba-reshima - There are more people on the list - יש עו

  • #237 The Fixture Needs Fixing

    11/12/2018 Duração: 07min

    Dropped your phone? Did the screen crack? The phone needs fixing! The Hebrew word you'll need to know is tikun, from the root תקנ. Use it when something needs to be fixed. Tikunim (plural of tikun) also means corrections, amendments, alterations. Not familiar with the תקנ root and its related words? We can fix that! Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode   New Words and Expressions: Tikunchik, hendimen - Handyman - תיקונצ’יק, הנדימן Tikun, tikunim - Repair, repairs, corrections - תיקון, תיקונים Im at margisha mekulkelet, ani ha-tikun shelach - If you feel broken, I am your fix, your repair - אם את מרגישה מקולקלת, אני התיקון שלך Tikun ta’ut - Error correction - תיקון טעות Tikunim - Amendments, alterations - תיקונים Tikkun olam - “Repair of the world” - תיקון עולם Letaken - To repair, to fix - לתקן Ani lo yachol letaken et ha-olam - I cannot repair the world - אני לא יכול לתקן את העולם Tsarich letaken et ha-tanur - We need to fix the oven - צריך לתקן את התנור Mi yachol letaken li et ha-tris - Who coul

  • #236 The Streetwise Center for Hebrew Learners

    04/12/2018 Duração: 09min

    Gather = lerakez. Center = merkaz. Concentrated = merukaz. Coordinator = merakez. All these words share a common Hebrew root: רכז. Put aside all possible distractions because today's episode is laser-focused on the root RKZ. Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode Check out TLV1's WhyWhyWhy! True Stories from Israel podcast  New Words and Expressions: Rikuz - Concentration - ריכוז Yesh yetsirot retsinioyt she-mevakshot rikuz male be-ozniyot - There are serious works (of music), that demand full concentration, with earphones - יש יצירות רציניות שמבקשות ריכוז מלא באוזניות Ehad mi-kol asara yeladim sovel me-hafra’at keshev ve-rikuz - One in every 10 children suffers from ADD Attention deficit disorder - אחד מכל עשרה ילדים סובל מהפרעת קשב וריכוז Mahane rikuz - A concentration camp - מחנה ריכוז Lerakez - To gather, to assemble - לרכז Merakez - He gathers / Coordinator - מרכז Rakaz - Coordinator - רכז Merkaz - Center - מרכז Merukaz - Concentrated - מרוכז Ani be-emtsa mashehu, ani lo merukaz - I am in the m

  • #235 Explaining Common Mistakes in Spoken Hebrew

    20/11/2018 Duração: 08min

    We often hear the same errors made over and over again by those learning to speak Hebrew. Some sound worse than others. But once pointed out, they'll be easy to fix. On this episode, Guy explains some of these common mistakes — why they happen and how to correct them. Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode   New Words and Expressions: Toda al X - Thanks for X - תודה על משהו Toda al ha-prachim - Thanks for the flowers - תודה על הפרחים Toda al ha-shi’ur - Thanks for the lesson - תודה על השיעור Toda al mi she-at - Thanks for being who you are - תודה על מי שאת Toda le-itai shelem, al ha-hafaka - Thanks Itai shelem for the production - תודה לאיתי שלם על ההפקה Toda le-Shai al ha-quiche - Thanks Shai for the quiche - תודה לשי על הקיש Toda al something, toda le someone Toda lach mami al ha-yom she-bo hiskamt lihyot ha-ima li-yeladai - Thank you darling for the day on which you agreed to become the mother of my children - תודה לך מאמי על היום שבו הסכמת להיות האמא לילדיי Toda al ha-cafe - Thanks for the coffe

  • #234 Love Me, Love Me Not

    13/11/2018 Duração: 08min

    Did you know that “I loved her” in Hebrew can be expressed using only a single word? On this episode, Guy talks love. “Loving”, “in love”, “falling in love”, “love me, love me not”... he covers all the bases. We're pretty sure you're going to love this episode. Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode   New Words and Expressions: Ani ohev shokolad - I like chocolate - אני אוהב שוקולד Ohevet lo ohevet - She loves me, she doesn’t love me - אוהבת לא אוהבת “Lo ohev” - I don’t like it - לא אוהב Zachiti le’ehov - I was fortunate to get the opportunity to love someone - זכיתי לאהוב Le’ehov - To love - לאהוב Ani shuv mit’ahev - I am falling in love again - אני שוב מתאהב Lehit’ahev be-mishehu - To fall in love with someone - להתאהב Mitlabesh - I am getting dressed - מתלבש Lehitkatev - To correspond - להתכתב Hit’ahavti ba-ktsina sheli - I fell in love with my officer - התאהבתי בקצינה שלי Yesh la yofi teimani - She’s got a Yemenite beauty - יש לה יופי תימני Hi ve-ani be-tkufat hit-ahavoot - She and I are in a pe

  • #233 Side to Side

    06/11/2018 Duração: 10min

    In Hebrew, צד is side. And what about its plural צדדים, sides? It's a bit of a mouthful. Today Guy explains the different sides of צד, as well as useful expressions like, “fine by me” and “there are two sides to every story.” Listen to the All-Hebrew Version of this Episode   New Words and Expressions: Tsad, tsdadim - Side, sides - צד, צדדים Le-shnei ha-tsdadim - To both sides - לשני הצדדים “Birds-dadim” > (bir)ds-dadim > tsdadim Hatsida - Towards the side - הצידה Mi-tsad el/le tsad - From one side to the other - מצד אל צד, מצד לצד Mi-tsad ehad… Mi-tsad sheni - On one hand, on the other hand - מצד אחד, מצד שני Le-chol matbe’a yesh shnei tsdadim - There are two sides to every story - לכל מטבע יש שני צדדים Le-tsidech - On your (f.) side - לצידך Al tefani li makom le-tsidech - Don’t make room for me by your side - אל תפני לי מקום לצידך Ze lo yafe mi-tsidech - It’s not a nice thing to do by you - זה לא יפה מצידך Mamash lo yafe mi-tisdo/mi-tsida - It’s not a nice thing to do from his/her side - ממש לא יפה מצידו/מצ

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