Redefining Strength Fitness Hacks

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 103:04:29
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The Redefining Strength Podcast brought to you by Cori Lefkowith is here to help you navigate through this crazy world of diet and fitness. Bringing you new workout, diet and fitness hacks every episode.


  • FHP 351 - New Year, Same Old You?

    28/12/2021 Duração: 08min

    New Year, Same old youWell I’m about to give you a dose of reality.It’s a new year…but it’s still the same old YOU.So often I know we go in feeling like everything is just going to change because it’s this magical new year.And then…well…nothing does.Because we are still us.We’re still looking at the same thing from the same angle. We’re still expecting dramatic results while often falling back into the same old habits we repeat each year…It’s a cycle I’ve seen happen time and time again…it’s one of extreme restriction…followed by rebellion…followed by little habits sliding until we are not only back where we started and frustrated or even worse off than were we were coming into the New Year.It’s why slowly over the years the weight creeps on (or the injuries add up) and we then wonder why it’s so hard to dig ourselves out of the hole.And then we blame our “age” when it really isn’t that number that makes the difference…Let's face it...A. We get less active often as we get older. Desk jobs, car commutes..

  • FHP 350 - I HATE Goal Setting

    21/12/2021 Duração: 10min

    I HATE Goal SettingI’ve honestly never been a huge fan of traditional goal setting as I feel like it can make us very rigid in our thinking.And the second we feel like we won’t hit a goal, we stop trying.Or we realize halfway through our goals aren’t…well, aren’t what we really need or want to accomplish so we give up on doing anything.Or we then don’t hold ourselves accountable toward the goals we should actually be working toward.I remember one year Ryan and I said we would make a new course each month because we thought this would add value.I quickly realized this just led to me rushing through things and didn’t actually help my clients, nor my business, more than slowing down.More than not doing as much.I realized I’d, yes, set a “SMART” (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-Based) goal but it wasn’t very well thought out.  The WHY wasn’t there.It’s why I think it’s key we know the end goal we want to reach, but also find ways to be flexible in how we get there.We need to remember the true

  • FHP 349 - The Definition Of Insanity

    14/12/2021 Duração: 09min

    The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.”We all nod in agreement when we hear this.We all know change requires change.Yet for some reason, all too often we keep doing more of the same.And not only repeating the same habits, but often literally trying to do MORE of them!!!So we are doing the thing that isn’t working and doing more of it, and expecting a different result…should we question our own sanity?!How does it seem so obvious looking in from the outside, yet we all truly do this.I know I’m guilty of it.And I think it is because there are certain habits that just feel safe. They’ve wormed their way into our comfort zone.And they are based on a piece of the puzzle that, yes, is correct.However, they aren’t working.Whether it’s the fully system that is missing, improper implementation…whatever…we are doing something, and keep doing something that isn’t getting us results, especially long term results.And so often, it isn’t only not working now,

  • FHP 348 - How Do You Stay Lean Year Round?

    07/12/2021 Duração: 10min

    There will ALWAYS be ups and downs.That includes cycles in our leanness.I do NOT stay one weight, one exact leanness all year around.Have the ups and downs gotten smaller over the years?YUP!But that is due to constantly learning, creating that new set point and finding a BALANCE aka focusing more on consistency.It’s from the YEARS adding up.The longer we are at the weight we want to be at, the easier it becomes to maintain.It’s why when you first lose it can feel like you gain just looking at a cookie.It takes time to create that new set point, that new normal.But it’s key we even then still realize we will always fluctuate as our motivation and goals shift.I say this because of the lean physiques we see year around.I think instagram and social media can lead us to feeling weird we can’t achieve this ridiculously lean look and not maintain it long term.It’s part of why I try to share photos and videos when I’ve just rolled out of bed, post workout, traveling in random mirrors with not ideal light….Because we

  • FHP 347 - Step Outside Your Comfort Zone

    30/11/2021 Duração: 07min

    We are what we tell ourselves we are.I wrote that line above and sat here for a bit really thinking on that because so much of who and what I've believed I am has changed massively over the years.And much by CHOICE.Many of you have heard me tell the story of starting my first blog and how I refused to take photos of myself or be on video.I wanted to write stuff. Not be a "person."But as I started sharing more and more and really wanting to help more people, Ryan pointed out that the only way to reach more people and actually grow was to suck it up and become the "face" of my own business.That was so against who and what I thought I was.I was a behind the scenes nerd. Not someone in front of the camera.I didn't think I had the skills or personality.But I wanted to help more people and share what I believed was a great perspective on things.So I told myself I could do it. I told myself I could present things in a way that would resonate.I told myself I could become confident and co

  • FHP 346 - Help! I'm Traveling And I Can't Eat Well!

    23/11/2021 Duração: 12min

    I’ve gotten a ton of questions about eating out and traveling and sticking with your macros. It’s funny how much we LOOOOOVE to overcomplicate this situation.That’s why I wanted to chat through some strategies to help you stay on track even when you travel, especially if you’re traveling frequently for work.Because we have to remember that it isn’t necessarily perfection but that accountability and consistency that adds up.Sure, it may mean we aren’t as “perfect” as we would like, but we have to remember those small changes add up.So what are some tips I share with clients who are working to achieve amazing body recomposition results while traveling frequently?rate portions are for you. But the hand portion guide is a great reminder and visual when eating out for you to help estimate your consumption.Sure this may not be as perfect, but something is better than nothing.And this consistency in knowing what you’re eating still gives you more ability to tweak and adjust on subsequent trips!

  • FHP 345 - Be Curious

    16/11/2021 Duração: 09min

    I don’t know about you all, but I love Ted Lasso.In the episode Ryan and I were watching last night, he talked about people underestimating him his entire life.And how he didn’t understand it, but then saw a quote by Walt Whitman “Be curious not judgmental.”After seeing that quote, he realized that everyone was judging and no one was curious and that is why they constantly underestimated him.I won’t spoil the outcome of the scene for those of you who haven’t seen it.But that whole scene I thought was so powerful for so many reasons.Too often we hold ourselves back in our lives because we AREN’T curious.We simply judge.We judge people and situations over wondering why they are occurring.I so often even see it in the troll comments I get.In the way people only accept one “right way” of doing a move or of approaching nutrition. They aren’t curious, they WANT to judge. And because of that, they’ll always stay stuck.We need to be open to opportunities if we want to grow and improve.We need to even recognize that o

  • FHP 344 - The Best Training Schedule In The History Of The World

    08/11/2021 Duração: 10min

    The Best Training Schedule In The History Of The WorldI often get asked what the best training schedule is. And I’m generally getting asked because we are worried we aren’t doing enough.We definitely have the mindset of more is better.If we aren’t spending enough time in the gym, we can’t get results.But often this mindset is what holds us back.We design for the “ideal” over designing for what is realistic for us.But the real secret to results is designing for the time we have.The BEST training schedule is the one focused on a schedule you can actually do consistently.Because if you design with your schedule in mind, you can create an appropriate volume and use the right workout designs and moves to get results in the time you have.You can also stay consistent. And consistency is key.We don’t realize how much actually inconsistency can not only be a results killer but also be what leads to injury.We aren’t doing things consistently to build up and that inconsistency makes us FEEL like we can push harder than

  • FHP 343 - Embrace Your Negative Emotions

    02/11/2021 Duração: 07min

    I’d love to tell you there was a way to be happy 24/7.But that’s just not the reality of being human.Negative emotions are a part of life and a VALUABLE part at that.I think too often we just try to avoid or ignore them, but they are going to be there regardless.And actually often the more we “fight them” over owning up to them, the more they hold us back and drag us down.I saw a great equation that was suffering = pain x resistanceAnd the point of it was the more we resist the negative emotion over embracing it and recognizing it, the more we actually suffer.So how can you start to recognize negative emotions as a good thing?#1: Recognize they’re normal. That you’re GOING to have them no matter how freaking amazing your life is.Life is going to be full of ups and downs.And honestly, you can only truly know the good by having experienced the bad.I love the mindset even of setbacks can only happen BECAUSE there has been progress.Negative feeling and emotions are part of life and they can even be a key componen

  • FHP 342 - It's YOUR Choice

    26/10/2021 Duração: 08min

    It's YOUR ChoiceThings in our life are going to happen. Things outside of our control.There’s no denying that.But we also have to stop blaming these events for our successes or our failures and realize that ultimately we are in control.And this is actually a good thing.Yes, it stinks accepting full control because it also means you’re responsible for your failures, BUT it also gives you the power to make a change at any time.While we can’t control everything that happens in our life, we can control our perspective and how we respond ultimately to events.We have to realize that we always have a CHOICE in what path we take.And this responsibility and power can be scary.It means we ultimately get the blame whether things work out or they don’t.But that acknowledgement of our own control of the ultimate outcome is key if we truly want amazing results.If we don’t believe we are in control of things, if we don’t believe we have a choice in the matter, we are constantly relying on outside things.It means we can

  • FHP 341 - Am I Too Old?

    19/10/2021 Duração: 11min

    Am I Too Old?Are there changes that happen as we get older?100%!But so often we blame our age for things within our power to change.We also blame our age for issues we’ve ALLOWED to actually build up over time.Improper dieting practices. A lack of a proper warm up….Things we thought we could get away with when we were younger. That we thought “worked?”Well…let’s put it this way….just because we could get results at the time, workout without warming up without any immediate consequences doesn’t mean we SHOULD HAVE.And it’s also a big part of why we’re now “feeling our age.”But because this is something we’ve…well…sort of done to ourselves…it also means we have the power to change it.So how can you avoid feeling old? How can you control what you can control to stay lean and strong to your final day on this planet?Here are 5 tips to help…that we need to try to teach people at younger and younger ages!

  • FHP 340 - Do The Minimum

    11/10/2021 Duração: 09min

    So we’re entering the time of year that well…we often slack a bit on those healthy habits. We get busy. There are tons of work things and family events…Let’s face it…often the holidays are when our motivation fades and often our healthy habits fall by the wayside.But I think part of the reason why we ultimately lose progress so we feel we have to start over in the new year is because we’re holding ourselves to too high of standards.Say whaaaat?!Ok don’t get me wrong. I believe 100% in hard work.But I also think we hide behind having to be all in or the “go hard or go home” attitude so much so that we end up doing NOTHING when we can’t do everything and be perfect with our implementation.It’s why I want to prepare you for this time of year by giving you permission to do the minimum.Yup. The minimum.Because sometimes by simply doing as little as we can to MAINTAIN our current results we move ourselves forward.I mean think about it this way even…If you started the New Year even where you are NOW over, say 5lbs h

  • FHP 339 - Progress Brings Setbacks

    05/10/2021 Duração: 06min

    Funny how any time there is a blip or bump in the road toward results we feel like we’re failing.But we often ignore the fact that technically we can only suffer a setback because we’ve moved forward.And trust me…I get it.It’s frustrating when you’re working hard and things don’t work out.It’s hard when you’ve emotionally and physically invested in something for it to not only not move you forward but even cause you to lose some of the progress previously made.But the sucky truth is, sometimes you don’t know until you’ve tried.Progress is never linear.Setbacks come with success.That’s why I did want to share how I approach setbacks to hopefully help you take them in stride as you work toward your goals this week.Because with results, with progress, will come failures.

  • FHP 338 - Are Certain Exercises Bad?

    28/09/2021 Duração: 08min

    If you look at comments on different exercise posts, you can honestly start to believe that EVERY move is bad for you and super dangerous. But I think too often we simply demonize moves over learning how to use them properly.Don’t get me wrong, there is risk with every move we include. But honestly there is risk doing any movement in life. And it really isn’t that moves themselves are bad…it’s that we don’t know how to implement them properly based on our needs and goals.Not every move will be right for you.And if you use it when YOU shouldn’t? It may not result in a great outcome.However, too often we end up injured from a move we SHOULD be including simply because we don’t understand how to create proper recruitment patterns to control it.We also just get stuck going through the motions or trying to mimic proper form.We aren’t conscious of what we feel working or how to tweak form to match our needs and goals and builds.So I wanted to share some tips so you stop avoiding moves and demonizing moves when you

  • FHP 337- How Do You Stop The Spiral?

    21/09/2021 Duração: 07min

    You know that downward spiral of negativity that can happen?Where one bad thing happens, maybe even something minor, and then stuff just seems to be piling on.And yes, while bad things are happening, you let your MINDSET only make things worse?We let ourselves begin to spiral.We begin to mentally tell ourselves…“Life sucks.”“I’m not good at anything.”“I hate everything and it’s a horrible, no good, very bad day.”We let our thoughts make things worse.The question is though…How can we stop this spiral from happening?I think we will always be works in progress, but I wanted to share some tips I feel like have helped me catch myself in the act of spiraling and stop it before I dig myself too deep a hole I then have to crawl out of.So if you’ve found yourself going deeper and deeper into the negativity, try implementing these 3 tips.

  • FHP 336 - Stop Overcorrecting

    14/09/2021 Duração: 07min

    Overcorrecting... You know when you've done too much of something so in an attempt to "correct" the situation you almost go overboard the other way?Yaaaa we've all been guilty of it when it comes to our diet...and even our workouts....We go on vacation. Eat "too much" on a weekend day....So to "make up" for the overindulgence, we seek out a cleanse or try to cut our calories extra low or try to do extra cardio to burn everything off.And I get this logic.Trust me I do...It was my logic for the longest time.Eat too much?Eat less the next day and do extra cardio so the calories average out and you create more of a deficit to make up for the surplus.Because we know that weekly, monthly, yearly averages add up.So in theory, eating too much one day should mean eating less the other day to "make up" for it.But it's not that simple and that binge/restrict mentally becomes a horrible cycle.Honestly the biggest issue is that we are telling ourselves that we are &qu

  • FHP 335 - You Don’t Get Something For Nothing

    06/09/2021 Duração: 07min

    Results aren’t owned. They’re rented. And rent is due every freaking day.It’s due in the form of those habits.Because we can never stop doing what made us “better.”I know we want our cake and to eat it to, but you don’t get something for nothing.Results are truly earned.Earned by those boring, tedious habits you have to do day in and day out.The hard stuff you don’t want to do.I bring this up because I feel like so much in the diet and exercise industry is marketed as being EASY - a quick fix.But nothing is ever easy, especially to start.You don’t get something for nothing - change requires change.So, for instance, as much as I believe tracking macros is the best way and becomes easy to do over time, I also know that NO CHANGE IS EVER FULLY EASY no matter how much it may be “easy” once you’ve done it.That’s why I wanted to share 3 tips to help you embrace those changes and break things down. Because we sometimes have to break down those changes to help allow ourselves to get started!Here are 3 Tips To Help Yo

  • FHP 334 - 4 Tips To Build Muscle Without Gaining Fat

    30/08/2021 Duração: 09min

    Gaining muscle can be HARD. There are also those of us that tend to struggle more than others.And it only gets harder as we get older because we can become anabolic resistant and we don’t utilize protein as efficiently or effectively (just another reason increasing our protein and tracking our macros is key!). That’s why I want to share 4 tips to help you dial in your diet and your training to get the best results as fast as possible.Now note, I didn’t say rush results, because gaining muscle, especially if you don’t want to gain a ton of fat, is a slow process.Because both our diet and our workouts need to work together. While we may be able to lose weight without training, training is KEY to drive muscle hypertrophy.So here are 4 tips to help you dial in your routine to get those muscle gains!

  • FHP 333 - Is It Possible To Find Balance?

    24/08/2021 Duração: 07min

    There never really is “balance.”Life is a constant balancing act.We are always learning how to improve things and I think there will always be times we steer too much in one direction.We’re human after all.But part of mastering “balance” is realizing it will be a continual work in progress.So how can you help yourself strike more of a balance over going to extremes…which…..let’s face it, is far easier especially when it comes to our diet and exercise routines?Well that’s why I want to share these 4 tips to help!

  • FHP 332 - You Are What You Believe

    17/08/2021 Duração: 08min

    I think most often we hold ourselves back.Plain and simple.It’s not that we didn’t have the ability. It’s not that we couldn’t learn the systems. It’s not that we weren’t strong enough, smart enough…insert the “enough” here….Honestly…Most of our limits are truly self imposed.And I think part of that comes out of fear of failure.Out of fear of judgement from others.But if you want to achieve a new and better result, you’ve got to believe in yourself. You’ve got to push past any limits you foresee.You’ve go to stop the self limiting beliefs….The question is HOW?!That’s why I wanted to share 3 “secrets” I think will help you not hold yourself back in the face of something new….that will help you believe in you more.Because you are what you believe you are!

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